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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 640x640, Peanut-Butter-Banana-Chia-Oatmeal-5-640x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10396157 No.10396157 [Reply] [Original]

Is oatmeal really super good for you or is that just a meme?

I usually have a bowl with a scoop of ground flaxseed every morning because I don't have a lot of time to make breakfast in the morning.

How do you eat your oatmeal /ck/?

>> No.10396185

Plain or with some kind of fruit. Usually 1 cup. It's pretty boring, but I am not very well off and it's cheap.

>> No.10396224

Oatmeal with nutmeg and cinnamon has been my standard breakfast for years
You get used to the plain-ness

>> No.10396230

There's nothing particularly wrong with it. Obviously don't eat huge bowls with loads of toppings and sugar hundreds and hundreds of calories.

All carbs, though.

>> No.10396239

Similar to >>10396224 but i add clove and allspice and use black/English tea instead of water. Usually honey as sweetener but brown sugar/maple syrup isn't bad. As a topping I use any kind of berries and crushed graham crackers/peanuts for texture.

>> No.10396246

Steel cut wont jack your blood sugar as high as rolled

>> No.10397140

Yes, oats are good for you in general.

>> No.10397164

that doesn't make sense.

>> No.10397172

I love Oats, but it makes me bloat and gives me crazy acne.

I have to settle for Ground Flax/Linseed and Chia Seeds like a faggot.

>> No.10397180

Rolling doesn't rupture the cell wall like cutting does, this means the sugar can stay inside the cells, rather than leak out in to the water and be evaporated away during cooking.

>> No.10397198

eh yeah, the GI loads are different. I guess your explanation is as good as any. thanks.

>> No.10397205

Just a meme. Like the holocaust.

>> No.10397937

I bought a bunch of oatmeal for emergency supplies in case of a major earthquake here. Then I developed diabetes.


>> No.10398145

whenever i make oatmeal it tastes kind of soapy

am i retarded

>> No.10398162

Oatmeal and fruit, delicious stool softening fiber

>> No.10398172
File: 168 KB, 901x676, 171191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get stomach aches and fluid painful shits from eating oats. Don't know if you can call that "healthy"

>> No.10398190


>oats gave me acne

You're retarded

>> No.10398550

its because of all the neutriants and vitamins detoxing your body :)

>> No.10398562

me too, oats give me the fucking farts and rectal soup ejection

>> No.10399095

uncle Toby's cause I'm a lazy fag and can't afford all the fancy spices

>> No.10399160

A lot of phytic acid which can be rectified if one soaks it with wheat in an acidic medium, insanely bad omega 3:6 ratio. They are cheap though.

>> No.10399171

Calling him retarded because he thinks oats gave him acne? Food and diet play an extremely important part in acne and oats are full with omega 6 which can really aggravate acne of some people, also could be other stuff, such that grains (and pseudograins) are full of anti-nutritions and can easily irritate the intestinal lining.

>> No.10399602

You’re a pseudograin and you’re irritating everyone here

>> No.10399928

I had exactly that (fluid, oily shits and flatulence so bad I thought somehing would rupture) for a few months and I don't know why it started or stopped. Maybe a fungi / bacteria imbalance in my gut.
Anyway, I loved it before and still love it after.

>> No.10399942

wheat is far better than oats. oats always make me feel sick.

>> No.10399984

I have the best 2' long shits when I eat oatmeal, what is wrong with you?

>> No.10400028

Same for me. Oat meal makes my shit plain perfect.
Standard cornflakes, who are also high in fiber, on the other hand, turn my shit into bricks. Bricks so hard, that they end up bloody bricks because they destroy my asshole.
Its always like that. Eat oat meal for months. Everything is fine. Replace oat meal with cornflakes for 3 or 4 days - shit bricks, get my ass raped.
Why is that?
And do you eat your oat meal with water or milk?
I usually eat it with walnuts and milk, but sometimes I replace the walnuts with cocoa powder which adds a lot of sugar but make the oat meal so much more eatable.

>> No.10400099

I'll cook in water, then splash in some milk, let it reduce a bit to finish it. All milk just burns too easy and makes it too thick for me.

>> No.10400137

Good source of fiber, great source of iron, high in Vitamin A, B-6, magnesium and calcium. Also complex carbs in moderate amounts are good for brain function, just don't hog out on it.
Personally I like either sweet with peanut butter, cinnamon and berries or savory with pinto beans.
Seriously, if you never tried savory oats you're missing out.

>> No.10400158



>> No.10400184

>quality post


>> No.10400220

Water, hot right from the tap like the lazy fuck I am.

>> No.10400230

>cocoa powder which adds a lot of sugar
Just use the adult version, no suger at all and still adds taste.

My top tier combo: cocoa, blueberries, cinnamon, coconut and banana.

>> No.10400285

>Crush banana
>Add buttermilk/sourmilk like kefir
>Add topped teaspoon of baking cocoa
>Add some cinnamon
>Make into a mess and try not to spill cocoa all over the place
>Add oats
>Mix and eat

Can add other shit instead, or switch cocoa for blueberries or what you want. Raspberries probably fit well with the cocoa.

>> No.10400333
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>tfw mummy bought cranberries for your oatmeal

>> No.10400343

keeps the plumbing in working order. i usually add a bit of honey for flavor

>> No.10400349

It's meme. It's still mostly carbohydrates. Doesn't help any fattys, it's more beneficial to the gym rats.

>> No.10400434

What IS good for fatsos?

>> No.10400442

Meat, leafy vegetables, and time-restricted consumption.

>> No.10400450

So a breakfast including veggies wouldn't be out of the question?

>> No.10400455

Time-restricted consumption means intermittent fasting, so it's probably best to skip breakfast. Or, if you really want to eat 3 meals a day, do a 5:2 diet, with <500 kcal 2 days out of the week.

I find it way easier to just skip breakfast, eat lunch and dinner, and do a 16 hour fast though.

>> No.10400456

Why would it be? It's not like food magically changes properties in the morning

>> No.10400459

Regular exercise.

>> No.10400463

It's a step in the right direction however

>> No.10400470

A half cup serving of oatmeal 3-4 times a week isn't going to make you fat unless you're completely immobile.

>> No.10400492

I'd skip breakfast since I'm never hungry in the morning, but I work a factory job and I'm scared of becoming hungry and performing worse before my lunch break
Really I eat breakfast out of fear at this point

>> No.10400496

fasting is not going to make you sluggish or perform worse. read up on it and you'll see.

>> No.10400503

It might make you feel like shit at first, but after a few days you'll be fine. Research suggests you might even have improved cognitive performance.

>> No.10400514

this is what I was trying to convey but when I was trying to decide if I should start intermittent fasting, I had to do the research myself instead of listening to anon. to be fair, it goes against what we've been taught our whole lives, and it feels wrong, but there is significant research backing it at this point.

funny how generally accepted knowledge can change so drastically.

>> No.10400525

>I'd skip breakfast since I'm never hungry in the morning,
if you're never hungry in the morning, then you are eating too much dinner or eating it too late in the day. skip dinner then see if you are hungry in the morning.

>> No.10400531

>funny how generally accepted knowledge can change so drastically.
Make sense when you realize nutritional research was done by the food industry and sugar industry for the last century. They ain't gonna make money from you not eating breakfast. Hell, breakfast in general was an Eddie Bernays psy-op. Shit's fucked up.

Or just skip breakfast and instead have a nice dinner with your friends/family you NEET.

>> No.10401007


>> No.10401014

First of all it's beneficial to poorfags.

>> No.10401030

I like mine with plain water and a bit of peanut butter cooked in. I occasionally use milk, but not that often since I aim for ~1200 cal a day.

>> No.10401324




>> No.10401754
File: 67 KB, 500x300, ant-silica-gel-ow-awa-do-not-eat-desiccant-silica-18743650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat every day for breakfast, how can I replace it?

>> No.10403590

i use steel cut oats from bobs red mill. they are award winning in scotland. add butter, stevia liquid, vanilla extract, a few raisins, and of course salt. divine.

>> No.10403697

Oatmeal, depending on the kind, is often considered good for diabetics. See stuff like

>> No.10403700

Same here. I was eating Cheerios for a week last month and was shitting like a pressure washer every day. It took a while to narrow it down because I've been eating more diverse meals lately (not just pizza, ravioli, and ramen every single day like last June until this January). Might do a test with oatmeal creme pies after work on Saturday so I'll have ~36 hours to deal with possible diarrhea at home.