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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 293 KB, 1600x1200, matzo ball soup bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10395590 No.10395590 [Reply] [Original]

What are my fellow chosen people eating for passover? Going to try out a banana bread recipe, hope to G-d it turns out okay.
no goyim allowed

>> No.10395658

Fuck off JICF

>> No.10395668
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I'm looking forward to learning about the cuisine of the nation USA serves.

>> No.10395673

Im just in this thread for the innevitable shitposting

>> No.10395690

Been eating a lot of pork sausages

>> No.10395697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10395791

I usually have matza pizza for lunch or a snack. I always thought it was a common thing but nobody i talk to has ever done it. It's pretty good but it gets soggy quickly. I've found that toasting it beforehand and brushing a little bit of oil on it before putting the sauce on helps a little bit but sometimes it's not worth the effort. Cold marinara sauce on matza makes a pretty good snack too while I'm waiting for it to cook.

>> No.10395821
File: 190 KB, 800x1200, President_Trump_visit_to_Israel_May_22-23,_2017_DSC_3922F_(34847751295).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I love me some Matzo ball soup

>> No.10395882

My friend isn't religious at all so we had homemade tacos and motza ball soub

>> No.10395911

I never had matzo ball soup.

>> No.10395916 [DELETED] 


Fuck those jews. All they do is murder innocent Muslim children.

I can understand why some people felt the need to gass them.

>> No.10395980

I initially read this as flyover general and was fucking confused as to why a jew was away from the coast.

>> No.10395984

Lots of Jews in Chicago. Evanston's basically a North American Israel from what I can tell

>> No.10396046
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Nice, I just made some last night.

Made with pesto sauce, mozzarella and fresh garlic.

>> No.10396058

You can find it at your local diner or deli. It's pretty good. A matzo ball is pretty much a doughball soaked in salty chicken or beef soup.

>> No.10396066

/ck/ isn't as degenerate as /pol/.

>> No.10396104

Honestly just a lot of matzah with butter, cream cheese is good too

>> No.10396141

How strict are you guys on Passover?

Besides not eating wheat, oats, rye, etc. Ashkenazi Jews are also not supposed to eat corn, beans, rice, lentils, and peas, while Sephardic Jews are permitted to eat those.

I'm of Ashkenazi descent, but I still eat corn, beans, rice, etc. I think allowing one group to eat certain foods, but forbidding another solely based on regional origin is stupid.

>> No.10396197

My parents would make this for me all the time. While its not the best, it's the only way to survive.

>> No.10396211 [DELETED] 
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Just preheating my oven...

>> No.10396231

There is plenty of /pol/ creeping around here.

>> No.10396249

I actually wanted to make it myself, but I'm confused by "Matze meal". Can't find it in the store, but matzes are basically just unrisen flat breads, so I wonder if matze meal isn't just plain old regular flour?

>> No.10396257

The banana bread turned out pretty good. I used this recipe but I used a little more butter and mixed the cinnamon in instead of only putting it on top. I also added some allspice and nutmeg.
I've never heard of beans, lentils and peas being forbidden.

>> No.10396262

Matzo meal is ground up matzo, not flour.

>> No.10396281
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Matzo meal is essential just crumbs made from ground matzo. You know how there's breadcrumbs and panko? Matzo meal is basically that.

You can find cans of matzo meal at any grocery store. You can also find pre-made jars of matzo ball soup.

>> No.10396293

This post is a shitpost
You will find shitposters here

Nice dubs

>> No.10396296

>I've never heard of beans, lentils and peas being forbidden.

It's called beans, rice, corn, lentils, peanuts, peas are all considered "Kitniyot".

>"Among Orthodox Ashkenazi Jews, the custom (minhag) during Passover is to refrain from not only products of the five grains but also other grains and legumes. Traditions of what is considered kitniyot vary from community to community but generally include maize (American corn), as well as rice, peas, lentils, and beans."

I know a few Conservation and Reformed families that follow it too. Sephardic Jews are allowed to eat kitniyot though. What's even dumber, is if you're an Ashkenazi Jew who never ate kitniyot on Passover, and if you marry a Sephardic Jew, you're suddenly allowed to eat kitniyot on Passover.

>> No.10396326

Now that I think about it I don't remember eating beans, lentils, or peas at any passover gathering. It could just be a coincidence though and the traditions my family follows doesn't include those as kitniyot.

>> No.10396382

I think it just varies among families based on customs and upbringing. I have a friend who won't eat corn, rice and beans, but he never heard of not being allowed to eat peanuts on Passover, so he always ate peanut butter on matzo.

>> No.10396395
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>corn is forbidden during Passover

No wonder my Coca-Cola obsessed friend would get excited about Passover. Because the Coke hacd real sugar instead of corn syrup

>> No.10396715


So actually in 2015 there were some rulings made formally allowing Conservative Ashkenazis to eat Kitniyot. Sephardic and Reformed Ashkenazi Jews have been able to do so "officially" for some time.

From Wiki:
While most Conservative Jews observe the tradition of avoiding kitniyot during Passover, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, an authoritative body in Conservative Judaism, issued two responsa in December 2015 that said it was now permissible to eat these previously prohibited foods throughout the world.[19][20][21] These responsa were based on a 1989 responsa by the Responsa Committee of the Israeli Conservative Movement that permitted Conservative Jews in Israel to eat kitniyot.[14] While eating kitniyot has become more common in Israel, due in large part to the influence of Sephardic Jewish food customs, it is not yet clear whether Conservative Jews in other parts of the world will embrace the new rulings or continue to refrain from kitniyot.[22][23]

Ruling Text:

>> No.10396731

Such a strange thing that otherwise complete atheists still are willing to keep dietary traditions. Diet and dick cutting can keep a culture alive even when actual faith dies.

>> No.10396759

I find that Judaism is a very community and tradition oriented religion. Personally, I believe in God, but that belief diverges pretty heavily with what is classically taught in the Torah. That said, I feel deeply Jewish because my family and I do Jewish stuff. We fast on Yom Kippur, we give presents on the nights of Hannukah, we eat matzah and not bread on Passover. It gets a lot of flak because muh conspirasee, but I think Judaism is a really positive and happy religion in a lot of ways. So much of the Torah and our traditions are about happiness and light and togetherness, and it's a really warm fuzzy thing to be with your family, doing something traditional and drinking and laughing together.

Also, my dick is cut and I'm paid by the Israeli army to sow disharmony among you filthy goyim faggots, so that helps.

>> No.10396769

Chosen for what? To fuck over everyone and themselves?

>> No.10396837

I have a friend who's agnostic but keeps kosher and observes the main important holidays. Like not eating bread on Passover and fasting on Yom Kippur. He said he just does it because he's been used to it his whole life due to family upbringing.

>> No.10397102

>Also, my dick is cut and I'm paid by the Israeli army to sow disharmony among you filthy goyim faggots, so that helps.

No need to be sarcastic, I wasn't even singling out jews. Muslims are the same, drink beer, don't say prayers, refuse to touch pork.

But now we are on the subject, my main problem with jews is not even nepotism. It's the sneaky ways they will avoid giving due recognition to gentiles, especially in the sciences it's just obnoxious. Just like good old Rambam taught you, never praise a non jew. Also let them drown if you can get away with it. Really nice guy Rambam, (((history))) has whitewashed him just a tiny bit. This is why we don't belong together, you're too sneaky and since WW2 most of us can no longer call you out on it.

>> No.10397161

I wasn't being sarcastic, just making a joke at the end of the post there.

I've never understood the nepotism complaints, as though they were somehow Jew-specific. Fuckin Bushes, and Clintons have run politics like a dynasty for decades, and before them you had the Great Kennedy Empire for a fucking century. It's the same everywhere. The head of Samsung (I think he's officially chair of Samsung Group, but whatever he is he's directly in charge of all of Samsung's operations) is the grandson of the guy who founded Samsung. It's like 20% of South Korea's GDP, functionally in the hands of a single family, being handed down father to son. Did the Koreans learn from us Jews??

That all said, Jews who undermine other races of normal people are retarded. There is no functional difference between an Ashkenazi Jewish family and a white one, and either treating the other like some kind of "other" is fucking nonsense. And Jews who don't give due recognition to gentiles are even more retarded. European gentiles were responsible for so much of the development of the world. I'd say that the Jews have also played a part, and the Asians, but I think there's no force as dominant as Europe's in the shaping of the modern world.

Not sure who Rambam is, either, but he sounds like one of those "old scholars" whose viewpoints are nonsense in the modern world.

>> No.10397281

THE Rambam. Maimonides, compiler of the Misneh Torah. After the last great sages of Israel probably the most influential jewish writer in history. We have so much shit named after that racist anti-Christianite in my country it's hard to believe.

>> No.10397335
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>> No.10397353
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I made you some cookies
weird, they screamed a lot at first, lol