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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10395565 No.10395565 [Reply] [Original]

do yall eat the fatty bits off your steaks? i tried to before and the texture made me gag so i always cut them away now.

>> No.10395572

Have you tried growing up?

>> No.10395580

Yes, unless the chunk of fat is huge.

>> No.10395584


>> No.10395603

The fat delicious. Especially when it comes from the edges of the steak and got nice and crisp on the outside.

>> No.10395656 [DELETED] 

You probably had a shit steak and cooked it bad, a great ribeye cooked to perfection, you can eat it all perfectly

>> No.10395845

Get a good sear on the fat. It changes the texture

>> No.10395922

I just suck it then spit it out. I get the fatty juices without having to chew and swallow it.

>> No.10396006

Depends, really.

The fat of a nice rib eye I will eat most of; sometimes the fat around the rim of a NY strip gets too rough so I save that to feed to the dogs. Usually I'll go bone in and then let them chew the meat off the bone. I don't give them the bone itself though, just kinda hold it and let them have at it as cooked bones can be deadly.

>> No.10396864

Don't listen to the retards, op. If it's a big piece of fat it's not appetizing on its own.

>> No.10396871

If the fat is not of an appetizing texture you're either a picky eater or bad at cooking.

>> No.10396882

>the texture made me gag
You're on the high end of the scale aren't you?

>> No.10396895
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I almost always eat it. I love it

>> No.10396912

if you fast for 24 hours before treating yourself to a beautiful, high quality steak dinner, the fat will taste much better to you

>> No.10396974

It really depends on how much there is. There's a reason people trim the fat prior to cooking. It doesn't matter if you do it before or after. There is such a thing as too much fat. If it's just a strip like shoulder or sirloin, then I'll eat it. If there's a lot of fat like on a ribeye or something, then I'll pass on it.

>> No.10397484

Yes, I love the fat. I like to cut little pieces of the fat off and eat it with each bite of meat. The only parts of steaks I don't eat are the bones and cartilage.

>> No.10397506
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Steak fat with a few crystals of finishing salt

>> No.10397531

This. A small bite of fat with some meat is the best part.

>> No.10397534

>There is such a thing as too much fat
Europoors need to stop pretending they know anything about food.

>> No.10397563

>If there's a lot of fat like on a ribeye or something, then I'll pass on it
Why the fuck would you buy and cook a ribeye if you don't like the fatty flavor?

>> No.10397585

Literally this

I used to complain to my mom about "mushy meat" when I was 7, I'm 30 now and devour every freaking ounce of every rib-eye I get.

>> No.10397594

If the steak has too much fat like some rib eyes do, i trim some of it and render it as part of the sauce other wise i eat all the steak except for the inedible parts.

>> No.10398626
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Wtf is wrong with the people in this thread
The fat is why i get fucking ribeyes
Yes that big piece that is literally a bit of just fat
I save it, and chew it as long as I can because it is without a doubt the best part of the steak

>> No.10398634

The problem with chefs is that I need that fat to be salted quite generously and seared until it begins to drip oil. Only then will you truly enjoy the fat.

>> No.10398638

Underrated as well. Fat is a delicacy if you're starving. It almost feels right when you eat pure lard from starving.

>> No.10398809

this, i think its important to sear the edges of the steak after you sear the two sides. otherwise you'll end up with soft, mushy fat globs. if you can at least crisp it up with high enough heat they should be much tastier than straight up fat

>> No.10398814


>> No.10398819


>when you break a two week fast with a ribeye and scrambled eggs

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkking solid

>> No.10398822

Yeah I always do that, I learned it quite early in my cooking adventures, don't see a lot of people do it though.

>> No.10399580

Only some bones shard. You really have to broil the bones first before giving them to a pupper. Any bone that isn't extra well done is dangerous...but, for instance lamb leg bones that have been broiled are fine.

>> No.10399619
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not really true except for small dogs. my family had a brazilian mastiff that was fed one whole chicken a day for it's first year, cooked in a crockpot just a little bit with some water. we'd just put the crock down for her, and she'd eat until it was clean, crunching, slurping, and eating every single bone.

that dog grew to 235 pounds in her prime, she was a absolute monster, though she never hurt a fly her whole life.

>> No.10399642

I like the fat but I can only eat so much before it starts to get disgusting. Like pork rinds.

>> No.10400504
File: 654 KB, 2016x1512, 20170715_152402-2016x1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purposely buy the ribeyes with the biggest globs of fat because I'm a glutton who loves that shit

>> No.10400720

Yes, I love it.
If it's a large chunk I cut off pieces to go along with the lean parts.
Really chewy pieces suck, but I eat them anyway.

>> No.10400751

Would you care for some soy instead?

>> No.10400782
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 12670801_1134511876588525_4696232404669511476_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that's a big fuckin' dog.

I've got a few small dogs, a little Manchester terrier (pic related) and a Chihuahua so I try not to risk giving them cooked bones.

>> No.10400806

No offense, kid, but I'd kick that little shit irl.

>> No.10400819

You will have drawn first blood then, pal.

>> No.10400872

You eat them w/ the steak meat you mong.

>> No.10400875

including the bone?

>> No.10401106

Steaks, usually if it's not too large. When I get done with a pork chop, though, the cat will turn it's nose up at what's left over. Nothing but bone.

>> No.10401482

Sear it, idiot.

>> No.10401883

>OP fell for the ribeye is the best steak meme