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10388333 No.10388333 [Reply] [Original]

Can you sear beef and then grind it for an extra rare burger? They say that eating rare ground beef is dangerous because it all gets mixed up but steak is ok if you sear it. So why not sear it and then grind it?

>> No.10388343


>the absolute state of creme retardation

>> No.10388367

I've seen places do it with crispy bacon.

>> No.10388392

assuming that your grinder is sterile, yeah you can do it.

>> No.10388400

If you have access to a grinder and can grind fresh cuts of beef just prior to cooking, you don't need to worry about rare ground beef.

>> No.10388418


In fact if you trust your meat provider you could always just chuck your steak in the freezer for a week at -4 or under to kill of any parasites (this will not get rid of bacteria), and then cook the steak any way you want it or just eat it raw. The worst that can happen is a really bad cause of the shits.

>> No.10388430

We got a real idea man here, folks

>> No.10388511
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What can I say, I can really make you think

>> No.10388517

E Coli poisoning is a little worse than just a really bad case of the shits my bud

>> No.10388678
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>> No.10388691

I've had it. 5 days of the shits and misery, and some vomiting. Still I've been through worse.

>> No.10388737
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Steak is still dangerous if left uncooked on the inside

Bacterial infections and parasites are nothing compared to the viral risks seen in all countries.

Cook your beef well done and check with a thermometer.

It doesn't matter how 'safe' you perceive your beef source to be, no beef is safe.

>> No.10388780

ah bloo bloo

>> No.10388783

A really bad hangover will do that too, shits, pukes, can't hold down any food except maybe a saltine and sipping a coke.

>> No.10388813

Why are you even grinding it up

>> No.10388936

if you sear it then grind then it wouldnt form a patty it would just crumble when you cook it again

>> No.10388956

this isn't true. you just need a good binding mix

>> No.10388969

There's nothing wrong with rare ground beef

>> No.10389021

>everyone lives in the third world

>> No.10389023

Do you want salmonela, because that's how you get salmonela.

>> No.10389032


You can eat mince tartare wtf are you idiots going on about. Provided you aren't buying your beef from some idiot who lets it sit in the sun for 2 weeks you aren't going to get poisoning from fresh ground beef.

>> No.10389035


Better stop eating tomatoes and peanut butter if you're worried about your beef having salmonella

>> No.10389050

now you're making meatloaf

>> No.10389657

What “””>>10389032
developing”””” shithole do you people come from?

>> No.10389662

Meant to read:
What “””developing”””” shithole do you people come from?
Excuse sausage fingers.

>> No.10389723
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>his country doesn't have parasite and ecoli free sushi grade meat

>> No.10390051

Yeah but there's no fucking point.

Once you've minced the beef, you might as well cook it through, since there's no reason to leave it rare anymore.

>> No.10390299

here's a meatball recipe where the meat is seared and then ground after. The meatballs are cooked through though.

>> No.10390638
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>> No.10390667



Of course,

Some simps crawl out of the woodwork

ALL beef populations have many calves contaminated with Toxoplasmosis

Rates are also higher in countries where more tartare is eaten (France, Germany, etc.)

Let's not forget prion diseases which are similar to viral such as mad cow in Britain

>> No.10390701

not harmful to most people
>prion diseases
well cooking isn't going to do shit about that

>> No.10390717

>Can you sear beef and then grind it for an extra rare burger
Yes. But:

> So why not sear it and then grind it?
The resulting "burger" won't stick together. You'd have meat mush, not an actual burger patty.

>> No.10390721

....not to mention that "Rare" burgers have an awful pasty texture anyway. Medium rare is perfect for a burger.

Just use good meat--ideally something you grind yourself right before you form the patty. At that point the risk is insignificant.

>> No.10390726


Temperature denatures the prions

>> No.10390746

absolute b8

>> No.10390764

Prions can survive several hundred degrees C. Your food will be charcoal long before the prions are denatured.

>> No.10390795

You clearly don't know shit if you think mad cow disease is caused by a virus.
Even steam autoclave doesn't destroy prions. The accepted method of sterilization isn't enough to destroy prions. Do you think cooking on your shitty electric stove in your one bedroom apartment is going to do shit?
Read a fucking book.

>> No.10390931

For real though, any grocery store-bought ground beef, purchased in the US, no matter the “quality” I.e. organic, grass fed, hormone free, is all going to contain traces of feces. Which is what causes things like hemorrhagic e. Coli and other G.I sicknesses that aren’t as severe.

>> No.10390939
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>thick cut of meat
>light sear on outside
>cut off the outside cooked layer
>grind raw inside
>safe to eat raw burgers
where's my nobel prize

>> No.10390944
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These look bomb as fuck

>> No.10390980

they are, cookinginrussia is based

>> No.10391007

Undercooked meat always carries some health risks. It's just more with ground beef because it all gets mixed together, all you need is a tiny bit of pathogen here or there and it gets spread throughout the entire batch

>> No.10391020

you can just cut with fat as the binding agent

>> No.10391038

I have to agree with this anon.
at work we grind our burgers with brisket+shoulder, and mid rare is probably the second most popular temp ordered with medium being the first. when I have to cook them well done it makes me sad, but to each his own. there is one lady who comes in once a week and orders a rare burger, I will never understand that shit. no texture at all

>> No.10391058

>overlooks the stupid part
>enabling OP's stupidity

you don't need to sear it in the first place. you either butcher from a larger cut and only grind the inside or you cut the outside (presumably 'contaminated) portion of your meat before grinding.

>> No.10391465

Answer the question please, smelly. Where are you from? I’m betting on Afghanistan or worse.

>> No.10391467

>there's another way to accomplish the same thing, so your way is stupid

>> No.10391475

Lmfao what? Nigga

>> No.10391502
File: 54 KB, 640x480, Desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks you can cook out prions disease
>he's not aware that nearly one-fifth of the US population has toxoplasmosis thanks in part not only due to meat, but contamination from house-pets; it's just not dangerous without a compromised immune system

>> No.10391633


Prion behavior is very similar to viral and was so similar infact that when they were discovered with Kuru they were thought to be a new kind of virus. That's why I said similar to in my post. Lrn2read

>> No.10391645

Missing a week of work will land many people on the streets.

>> No.10391648
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Cats are harmful. Less harmful alternative: dogs


Boston, Massachusetts

>> No.10391690

If that's true you need to fix your finances.

>not having a six month emergency fund, or at least a fucking month for christ's sake