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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10386800 No.10386800 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else having a rather devastating Easter? I'm hungry and nauseous all at the same time. Just found out my uncle died yesterday and a different aunt bought my super Catholic grandma who has Alzheimers a Happy Meal instead of a real Easter dinner and it made me sad that I'm out of state and couldn't be there for her
Any sad lonely anons are welcome ITT regardless of team faction

>> No.10386945

I ate sugar and I feel bad

>> No.10386957

She won't even remember. Why should you?

>> No.10386969

I just feel sad is all

>> No.10386979

>aunt bought my super Catholic grandma who has Alzheimers a Happy Meal instead of a real Easter dinner

thats sad, poor grandma

>> No.10386989

I pulled a muscle in my back and moving is extremely painful. I'm getting really hungry.

>> No.10387011

Damn, I'm crying uncontrollably over this.

>> No.10387039

My wife told me she wanted a divorce last night. So that's made for a pretty shitty Easter.

>> No.10387047

You got lucky. Women are useless.

>> No.10387059

serves you and your gay uncle and your dumb bitch of a grandmother right you disgusting team mini scum.

>> No.10387066

You're not wrong there. Part of me is pretty relieved. Just a big change after 10 years

>> No.10387077

I am not enjoying mine because I am probably going to jail tomorrow. Being a marijuana smoker in America is getting easier but it's still a bitch. Most people still go to doctor so they can be poisoned like the normalfag retarded cattle that they are.

>> No.10387109

>Getting cucked by a bitch.
When will normalfags learn?

>> No.10387634

Fuck dude that sucks

>> No.10387661

fuck, that sounds depressing. i'll pray for ya, and im not even religious. hang in there bud

>> No.10387668

i hate blacks

>> No.10387765

Easter is the day my wife's brother called to tell me she was in a coma and I needed to come to the hospital so they could remove life support.

>> No.10387796
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Alzheimers is a fate worse than death. I'm going to write somewhere to my relatives to euthanize me if I have Alzheimers

>> No.10387805

That was a bad move on your aunt’s part. I have a secret catholic family and super old/ill relatives too and keeping traditions helps take some of the sadness off. I’ll pray for you and your family.

>> No.10387871
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>10 years
how young were you when you got married? and how many did you date before hand?

>> No.10389172

Whereabouts and is she hot? She must need some decent cock by now.

>> No.10389566
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I'm so sorry anon

just refrain from it from now on, don't give up m8

>> No.10389591

Me weekend was a fucking dumpster fire. I literally could not stop stuffing my mouth. Gained 4 pounds.

>> No.10389621

My step mom caught my dad looking at orgy porn on the living room computer around 3:45pm yesterday. They then both proceeded to drink until blind drunk (normal) and fight and scream until they passed out (normal). Whatever they put in the crockpot lost all of it's liquid and was a lump of shit this morning when I turned it off (normal). My crackhead step brother stole my brand new jab saw, utility knife, vice grips, and my sweet 2foot magnetic level to pawn for crack (normal). The dog was shaking and so scared from the screaming and banging upstairs she pissed on my flood (normal). I had to replace the faucet set on the bathroom sink yesterday while I was berated by my step mom the entire time (normal). Oh, and on Friday I had to put my other dog down.

>> No.10389628

Kill your family

>> No.10389629

I also played Path of Exile all day on my single day off and about every 30 mins, step mom would bang on my door and scream at me to come hang out and stop wasting my time on video games (normal). I need to stop at home depot this morning before work to get some new tools so I can work today.

>> No.10389671

Duude, it's alright bro. Just toke some more and it'll be all good.

>> No.10389875

Holy shit man. I'm sorry your family is like that. I can't imagine having utterly non functional people as parents.

>> No.10389916

When you're euthanized you'll forget you had asked for it. Your last moments will be filled with a sense of betrayal.

>> No.10389923

My cousin accused my grandfather of sexually molesting her when she was little.
Lots of yelling and crying, threats exchanged.
My mother slapped her a few times, called her a whore.
My grandmother announced that it was all true and that my grandfather had molested a lot of children and she would no longer "help" him.
More yelling, lots and lots of crying.
Grandma tells everyone that my sister, she is away in the Navy, is really my grandfathers daughter not my dad's, my parents a divorced, that my mother still has sex with her father for money.
More yelling, more crying.
Grandfather just sits there and continues to eat, asks my aunt to heat up his apple pie.
Grandpa, maybe father, leans over to me and my brother, well maybe half brother, and tells us not to let the "worked up" females get to us, says statues of limitations are long past, winks at me and says my mother has a real nice ass.
Went for a walk with my brother after brunch, he is still in HS, he is really upset, I tell him it's ok, he says it's not, I ask if he was molested, no it's not that, he is mad because he was going to announce that he is Trans and our grandfather/father? just ruined his coming out.
I am still not sure what to think, but the Honey Bake Ham we had was really good and I am looking forward to having some in a sandwich for lunch, along with a bunch of the mustard potato salad my other grandmother made.

>> No.10390111

Completely true and not gay

>> No.10390211
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Went to meet my slim, qt3.14 gf's family for Easter. They were all morbidly obese rednecks who spilled food all over themselves while they ate. She and I were the only people there without double / triple chins. It was like watching animals at the zoo.
Then they handed out Easter eggs that contained $1 scratchers.
Not devastating but still disappointing, and now I don't find her as attractive as I did two days ago.

>> No.10390248
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That was fucking good ham, mom

>> No.10390254

she's got the genes. eject sooner rather than later

>> No.10390297

Grandma died last year in late March and was buried on April 1st which also happens to be her birthday. I spent Easter travelling so I spent most of the day drinking alone in airport bars. Good times

>> No.10390336

Mine wasn't too bad, met my girlfriend's father side of her family. Confirmed by suspicion that the right hair cut and a little make up would make her a million times hotter when I met her cunt of a sister. Her grandmother put out a nice spread, and her aunt's boyfriend brought nice beer. Her dad liked me. I still have no real job and I'm running out of money to live on.

>> No.10390344

Make your poor Grandma a proper Easter dinner next week or whenever you can visit her

>> No.10390398

You've never been around anyone with Alzheimer's.

>> No.10390520
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>> No.10391387

says the guy who brought her nothing

>> No.10391449

At least you have good taste in vidya.

>> No.10391712

I had planned a nice meal for Easter, but my husband and adult son spent so much time fighting with each other all day, I refused to spend that much time cooking a meal they were just going to fight over while we ate. So, we ended up going out for delicious lebanese food. On the bright side, I think they worked out at least some of their issues, and so I'm cooking our Easter dinner tonight instead. I have to go outside or to another part of the house when they fight, because otherwise they try and drag me into it.

>> No.10391722

Why are they immune to feeling hurt?

>> No.10391767

Delicious lesbian food like pink tacos and panty oysters?

>> No.10391813
