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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10380466 No.10380466 [Reply] [Original]

Is Canadian food as tasty as American food? Canada is pretty much America but snowy, right?

>> No.10380503

American food isn't pretty much American food the country is so fucking big and spread out, unless you're referring to fast-food and large chain restaurants.

>> No.10380511

>to fast-food and large chain restaurants.

>> No.10380516

Oh and candy too! I like poptarts but they're like £4 here :(

>> No.10380592

American food is more adventurous. In Canada we have great meat, seafood, and grains, but other than that it’s pretty much just maple syrup.

>> No.10380601

Canada has some really hot chicks.

>> No.10380604


>> No.10380625

>Canada is pretty much America but snowy, right?
I mean we tell ourselves we're not but we basically are. It's why when in America we always point out how things are done differently here.

>> No.10380627

canada is nothing like america

>> No.10380633

Yeah if the only part of Canda that exists to you is Quebec.

>> No.10380639

Canada is like America but muted in every aspect.

>> No.10380652

Poutine too, I've never had that before but want to try it sometime.

>> No.10380655

I mean you can buy all the ingredients yourself, it's very easy to make.

>> No.10380661

It's not the same just buying the ingredients and making it myself. Trying it when it's done right gives me a baseline for doing it later myself.

>> No.10380775

What the Jesus H Christ is that wierd symbol.

>> No.10382060

It's literally the same in most respects. Even the most of quintessential Canadian foods have an American counterpart.

>> No.10382094

Fuck off nigger. Canadian food is infinitely better than Amerimutt food.

>> No.10382121

No, it isn't. It's pretty self explanatory why.

>> No.10382138
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Ever had A&W in the states? It's shit tier.

>> No.10382153

Yes. There really isn't much of a difference. Meme away though if it makes you feel better.

>> No.10382154
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Shut the fuck up, snowniggers. You maplefaggots are absolute leaches off of us, and no different than the niggers down here.

>> No.10382172
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>> No.10382185

Americans literally use the cheapest quality of ingredients possible. It's like when Timmies went to shit after being bought by Burger King.

>> No.10382187

You mad, maplenigger?

>> No.10382201

If you can make good beef gravy then you have all the tools you need. Thats pretty much what makes a good poutine, most restsursnts can make fries and put cheese curds on top.

>> No.10382208
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>The irony of an Amerimutt calling anyone else 'nigger'

>> No.10382214

The cheapness is why Canadians flood US Costcos even though they have their own.

>> No.10382232

It's the British Pound.

>> No.10382252
File: 94 KB, 1122x756, Meanwhile from Caniggerstan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the irony of a snownigger calling anybody else a mutt

>> No.10382276

Tims went to hell well before the BK buyout with the frozen donuts and them losing their coffee roaster.

>> No.10382305
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>t. le 56% face

>> No.10382424
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>this butthurt maplenigger

>> No.10382437
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>> No.10382440

I don't understand this meme and I don't think I ever will. Are people that thin-skinned that pointing out they aren't 100% racially pure will trigger them? As if that shit really matters?

>> No.10382451

That's the face of who fucks you in the ass, maplenigger.

>> No.10382455
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It works every time.

>> No.10382459


Peanut Butter was invented in Canada, and it's one of the best foods around.

>> No.10382478
File: 6 KB, 305x165, Meanwhile in Canuckistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this cognitive dissonance

>> No.10382482

Alberta Beef is the motherfuckin' shit, and the Chink food in Vancouver is top drawer.

I would also imagine those crazy Newfies can make some good seafood, never been out there.

Montreal just has good stuff in general, but you'll want to buy a McDouble and spend your money at the strip clubs.

Toronto is all but literally an American city, just with most of the niggers palette swapped to Indians.

From what I've noticed eating in both countries there's just a few food items that are everywhere in Canada that you don't really see or are different in America. Donairs, Poutine Ceasars and some of the candy. Nothing too crazy.

>> No.10382555

I thought it was invented by a gay nigger

>> No.10382561


Marcellus Gilmore Edson,
Filed a patent for Peanut Butter 10 years before Mr. Black Peanutman did.
Peanut-Nigger popularized it in the U.S. though.

>> No.10382566

You're right, I'm not white, and it doesn't borther me.

>> No.10382646
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For the most part they are very similar, I personally find Ontario the land of inconvenience. Stuff seems to be just a little expensive, Places seem to close sooner then normal and, don't even get me started on the LCBO and the beer store.

t. Someone who lives a 45 minuet drive to the border

>> No.10382728

Why would the english make such a large poptart, why?

>> No.10382873

Quebec has its own cuisine that is distinct from both the rest of Canada and France. The Atlantic provinces have some seafood dishes. The rest of Canada is basically the American Midwest food with slightly less sugar and slightly smaller portions.