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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10380377 No.10380377 [Reply] [Original]

How much do obese people eat? Whenever I see them at restaurants they are'nt eating anything out of the ordinary quantity wise.

>> No.10380381

They snack a lot

>> No.10380403

yea but like how much? ive never been around an obese person that long and im curious just how much they consume

>> No.10380417

Basically they're just eating something at all times all day every day.

>> No.10380426

sounds like me senpai. i still dont get it. they must be eating 10x the amount i do which is hard to believe

>> No.10380429


They probably always have a glass topped off with some sugary beverage, and a nonstop barrage of unfilling/high-calorie shit like chips.

>> No.10380434

460lb big guy here, I overate carbs and bad shit. Probably 3-4k calories a day without exercise.

>> No.10380435

if you eat at a restaurant you are consuming thousands of calories, the amount of butter and oil chefs use is fucking crazy.

>> No.10380438

They drink soda and eat ice cream and chips and other junk food. A bag of chips is 500 calories. One can of coke is 150 calories. That's 1/3 of the daily calories for an adult man and it doesn't make you full at all. They're just mindlessly snacking most of the day. Pretzels, chips, pizza rolls, whatever.

>> No.10380439

Doesn’t that get expensive after a while? All the huge fatasses on tlc at least have a house to rot inside of

>> No.10380448

Yeah but they're too dumb to notice because each individual snack is cheap.

>> No.10380452

ive lived around a few in my life and what ive noticed is the snacking thing. always some candy in the car. candy in the purse. and usually eats 3 meals still but they are a tad bigger than usual. and i think it doesnt seem bad but it adds up after the years

>> No.10380596

This. One of my friends is getting close to this fat and it's not that his meal size or content is bad, it's the fact he's constantly eating between meals.
I don't even play vidya with him anymore because he's constantly crunching potato chips into the mic or going afk to make a fucking sandwich.

>> No.10380662

I used to work with a guy who was that fat. He drank two Monsters a day, always had a bag of chips within reach and didn't like any hobbies that involved standing up or moving around.
It was actually helpful for me, I started putting on weight after college, but after working with this guy I was like "Nuh fuck that noise" and started taking better care of myself.

>> No.10380669

No exercise is a big part of it. I eat almost 4k a day but I'm constantly working a job with heavy lifting so I maintain a steady weight. If I ate that much and was sedentary I'd be a lardass

>> No.10380690

just to beat the dead horse here every fat person Ive been around close enough to know really just never stops eating. they'll eat dinner, comment "lol how are you not fat" because I typically eat large meals, but then I'm done eating. Then they eat an ice cream bar immediately after, 15 minutes I hear the chip bags rustling, half an hour later I hear a bowl and spoon clattering, it just doesn't end

>> No.10380695

You would have to know their weight. After that find how many calories they need to maintain. Then add a couple hundred and that's what they eat minimum.

>> No.10380701

the equivalent of just drinking two sugary drinks beyond your daily caloric intake, and doing that each day is enough to pack on 20lbs a year. Give yourself a decade of not calorie counting ...and bam, you're morbidly obese. When hormonal changes happen, like women in childbearing years, or on birth control, and things that make it hard to drop weight, like an injury to the back or achilles tendon, or hernia or something, it gets worse.

>> No.10380840

They just have big bones. Yeah, that's it.

>> No.10380853

Keep in mind that the average restaurant dish has more calories than you should consume in one meal. Add sugary beverage, complimentary chips or rolls, and desert, and it's easy for someone to eat a full day's worth of calories in one meal. Then there are the other two or more meals during the day, plus the snacking in between that a lot of people do. If you're not counting calories, or sticking to a strict diet, it's easy to go over your recommended daily value.

>> No.10380862

That's why I like getting takeout instead of eating in a restaurant. When I do takeout I can make 3 to 4 meals out of one simple order of chicken parm for instance and most other stuff as well.

>> No.10380868

I know a fat dude that I have cooked for etc. he cant cook at all but because I can on a minor level it was impressive. I made him mushroom alfredo pasta just from scratch, easy shit. So he wants to do it,

>I bought shitake, portuhbelluh, chopped mushrooms
>I bought two jars of different alfredo
>i put in dried parsley
>and I added honey

And anyone who has cooked or eaten italian cringed at each of those comments. But fat people NEED that sweet sugar calorie. They wont be happy with just carbs. They need sugar, the fake, nasty, bad for you corn syrup. They need it more than anything.

(And no his honey was not real, it was the fake budget corn syrup kind.)

>> No.10380873

I really only sitdown in restaurants is if I'm with a girlfriend but then it's better just cook myself, or with other friends or if it's for business. I really dislike being doted over by waiters and eating on their time instead of my own time.

>> No.10381793

It's definitely not 3k, dude. Do you drink a lot of sugary drinkgs, too?

>> No.10381828
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>> No.10381834
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most fat people i know (not all) barely eat any food and barely eat junk food. but i've noticed the way fat people's body looks can tell you whether they're fat from genetics or fat from gluttony. fat from genetics people usually have at least proportional bodies and have healthy skin/hair/big boobs etc and gluttony fat people are.. well.. disgusting

>> No.10381848

>fat people don't eat

This is idiotic. Get off my team.

>> No.10381856

>How much do obese people eat?

too much. they eat too much.

>> No.10381906

>implying he said that they don't eat
American reading comprehension, everyone.

>inb4 you reply to this with "What do you mean that 'no one in the world can read'?"

>> No.10381934

Literally no one is "fat from genetics". If you're overweight it's because you eat more than your body needs. That's it.

>> No.10381940

The biggest problem is they constantly remain in a calorie surplus. Every single day.
This adds up over the years.

>> No.10381960

el demonio gordo...

>> No.10381967

>most fat people i know (not all) barely eat any food

>> No.10381989

If you think about obesity as being a mental illness, why shouldn't some people be genetically predisposed to it? Like schizoprenia, except you get rolls instead of delusions.

>> No.10381999
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>i have a grade school understanding of how weight gain works but i think i'm smart

>> No.10382016

a 350lb man who is 6' needs around 4000 kcal daily to MAINTAIN weight being completely sedentary. An active 350-400lb man @ 6'5 like lots of strongmen usually eat between 8k and 12k calories a day to try and gain. That should give you an idea.

Lots of the calories for fatties is consume in drinks. A beer or a soda is a pork chop.

>> No.10382018

>human bodies are able to break the laws of thermodynamics

>> No.10382023

Why is your ego attached to this subject? It's very simple and straightforward. Are you fat yourself?

>> No.10382033
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oh wow they got the second law of thermodynamics wrong someone call the fuckin nobel prize committee guys this guy has a breakthrough

>> No.10382042

I'm 5'10 165 lbs and I eat ~3k calories a day, but I exercise often.

>> No.10382057

All you have to do is find your maintenance level and eat below it. Maybe some people have certain appetites and cravings, but any predisposition of that kind can be easily overcome. The drastic rise in obesity over the past few decades is not due to genetic factors.

>> No.10382073

problem is not quantity of food but amount of fat and sugar in each of their meals
I saw a semi obese person gulf down 2 oh henrys chocolate bars as dessert after having a cheeseburger and soda for lunch

>> No.10382081

This. Mostly due to the human addiction to calorie dense foods. We love our fucking fat and sugar.

>> No.10382088

>medically proven certain medicines make you gain weight with no lifestyle change
>medically proven thyroid hormone has direct impact on whether atp is used or stored when consumed
>medically proven that stress effects inherent metabolism and glucogenesis
>ignoring that everyone's body produces different amounts of enzymes necessary to break down fats, sugar, and proteins into calories, mostly due to epigenetics

the human body is.. it's so simple right. calories in calories out. it's just a math equation. it's not more complicated than that. i don't know why everyone can't be a doctor.

>> No.10382091

Then they would just be predisposed to the mindset of an addict. There is nothing special about food when looking at it as an addiction, in fact it is made more difficult because of the prevalence and the impossibility of ever completely removing it from your life.

>> No.10382124

You are just smart enough to make a retarded opinion about something while ignoring basic facts of the universe. Congrats.

fuck you got me 4/10 for a response

>> No.10382133
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>> No.10382137

>All you have to do is find your maintenance level and eat below it.
Technically, all you have to do to make a great loaf of bread is to find your ingredient weights and process and refine it. Turns out this is actually hard to do for most people.

The question is not "why are fat people bad", it's "how do we fix the fat people epidemic?" If it's genetics, we can use eugenics. If it's culture, we can use plain packaging on sugar water and fatty snack foods. If it's some kind of environmental toxin, we can change our manufacturing processes. If it's lifestyle, we can fix our office environments.

Come up with a society-wide solution, here.

>> No.10382142

probably all the time

>> No.10382156

Just bully all fat people relentlessly and socially ostracize them. If the cause is genetic, the isolation will remove them from the gene pool. If it's cultural, then the bullying will convince to either fix their bad habits or commit suicide. Bullying is unironically the solution.

>> No.10382162

>cant refute a single point


>> No.10382206


>> No.10382211

All you said was that various factors influence a person's caloric needs. Regardless, any individual can lose weight by eating less than they need.

>> No.10382231

"technically" i dropped a big loaf on some useless hollywood vans wearing types.

>> No.10382259

Most restaurant food is calorie dense, especially if we are talking fast, fast casual or chain. And they eat at restaurants every day. I was shocked when I started losing weight and researching calories for restaurant meals, and it's why I didn't eat I one for a year and a half. Then you have to take into account the freezer of ice cream back at home. My fat dad, bless his oversized heart, has at minimum a bowl a night.

>> No.10382263

They don't snack on a mini bag, they eat a budget bag and wash it down with a gallon of stale coke and then wash that down with a fresh can cause it had no fizz.

>> No.10382307

>Die from heart failure
>My family bankrupts themselves purchasing my shipping coffintainer and enough land to bury me
>My genes continue to make me fat after I'm in the ground
>My body remains intact over the ages thanks to a lifetime of eating preservatives and corn syrup
>Even the worms won't touch my carcass
>My genes continue to increase my size faster than mankind can fight back against it
>My body begins to engulf the town, then the county, and finally the planet
>Finally become the ham planet I was always destined to be

>> No.10382336

I fizzed in your mum last night.

>> No.10382358

I'm a bit overweight and I think it's because I drink lots of beer.
My diet otherwise is pretty healthy.

>> No.10382360

I'm eating pretty much constantly. It's the difference between having a slice of pizza and eating a bag of pizza rolls. Also, I drink a lot of booze, and drinking makes me want to eat more, in addition to having more calories than soda.

>> No.10382361

In all honesty, it varies from person to person.
I'm obese, and I eat one regular meal a day, plus one other snacky thing. I don't have much appetite, actually. And by one regular meal, I mean like grilled chicken thigh with veg and rice, or a chef's salad with vinaigrette, or a normal hamburger with a side salad, or a stir fry of tofu, bok choy and scallions. And for snacks, I eat baby carrots, or a boiled egg with hot sauce, or some plain greek or french yogurt with fruit... nothing weird or overly fat. I actually don't like greasy food. HOWEVER, I have some hamcannon friends who eat crazy shit. One of my fat friends eats whole pizzas on the regular, another one eats 2 breakfasts in the morning (1 when he first wakes up, and another before he leaves for work). I'm not trying to pretend I'm virtuous or anything, it's just that I literally can't eat that way or I feel like shit. I do have legit hypothyroidism and take pills for it every day, don't know if that really affects my weight or not, but I guess it's something to add into it. IDK, I think some people are just fucked, and some people choose to be hambeasts. Fuck, whatever, ask me anything.

>> No.10382371

Fat people in this thread should post selfies

>> No.10382391

>live in America
>election season always starts in shithole flyover farm states like Iowa
>candidates want/have to make a good early showing
>do everything they can to suck up to the knuckle dragging sister fuckers all over the mid west so their early numbers are high
>this suck up comes in the form of bribe subsidies for bullshit crops like corn
>now we have all this fucking corn nobody can eat and has a useless short season
>oh shit you can make it into corn syrup praise Christ!
>put that poison in every fucking product sweet or savory it doesn't matter
>our primate brains responded to sweet taste like we got a blowjob from an angel so we crave it more and more
>years and years pass and the cycle continues
>asshole politicians shit talk about the libcuck educated coastal "elites" while dick riding farmers
>brainlet farmers vote for them thinking they'll get subsidies from a politician that finally understands their plight
>subsidies just benefit the super farms and their corporate owners the mom and pop barely scrape by
>that fucking corn gets made into liquid sweetness and put into everything
>like drug addict lab rats people buy up the syrup soaked products over and over feeding those corporate owners
>the voters get fatter, dumber, and more ingrained in the cycle
>four years later it starts all over

Welcome to the machine. Everything in America is too sweet, if you aren't buying raw ingredients and making shit yourself then check those boxes. Chances are a good portion of the products you buy even ones not supposed to be sweet will be packed with fat, sugar, and salt. Those are the things that click in your brain and keep you coming back.

>> No.10382407

>Fix their bad habits or commit suicide

Yeah I guess if you think being an addict is a crime worthy of death then that's a pretty good plan.

Might as well just skip the middle man and murder anyone over a certain bmi after a 3 year warning.

>> No.10382413

A bag of combos is 650-800 calories, and that's a small bag. Really depends on what you eat. A box of oreos? Lmao holy shit say goodbye to your limbs

>> No.10382415

just check out the commercials for my 600 pound life.
it pretty much explains everything.

>> No.10382456

I'm fat because food is comforting and I enjoy cooking. I was raised to eat giant portions and get seconds. I also didn't get enough exercise growing up due to my shitty parents not allowing me to go to parks or visit friends very often.

If my life was stress free and I had more time and budget I could lose weight. I've lost 50lb already by just making healthier choices with my food and trying to watch portion size. But I'm at a platou where I need to make more drastic changes to drop anymore weight.

My biggest problem right now is stress leading to binge eating. If I could stop that, I could probably lose another 70lb.

>> No.10382906

La cerda violeta

>> No.10382912

La cerda violeta...

>> No.10382940

There was a table of 10 dykes at my favorite restaurant last time. They were there so long that their waitress actually got off shift and they had to have the owner of the restaurant take care of them because they had so many special requests and entrees ordered that it was left up to management to decide which ones to take and which not to. They literally took up a booth just so the waiter could set the entire order down and they had to ask the waiter to pick up the other food form the booth and bring it to their table.

>> No.10382944

this u need to capture a fat person to experiment on

>> No.10382958

>When I get my 64oz refill at the corner store I get 3/4 regular coke and 1/4 diet coke
>It's healthier that way

>> No.10383008

I don't know and I have no idea how they do it. Ever since I started counting my calories I realized how hard it actually is to gain weight. My TDEE is about 2200 kcal and even on days when I mess up I have a hard time consuming >2000 kcal. On an ordinary day I consistently eat between 1500 and 1600 kcal. Chubbies only have ignorance as an excuse, fatties have nothing.

>> No.10383294

It literally is 25% healthier. It's stupid to just go 100% unhealthy just because the alternative is only a bit healthier

>> No.10383332


>> No.10383438

How to get Obese;
1)Eat sugary foods as to mess up your insulin, blood sugar, leptin and in general fuck up your brain, pancreas and hormonal system. In effect everything.
2)Eat multiple meals per day.
3)Do almost nothing physically.
4)Eat more calories than you need. Alot more. But remember eating when eating enough sugar you can gain fat even if your calories are not insanely high.

>> No.10383533


Too many carbohydrates.
Too many sweet drinks.
Too little vegetables and fruit that would provide ample fiber.
In general too much of everything.

>> No.10383603

5) try to move as little as you can, furthermore reducing your need for energie

>> No.10383745

god thats pathetic

>> No.10383789

It depends on the person. Some people gorge their meals with large portions, some are constantly snacking, some do have a genetic problem so they just don't burn calories at a reliable rate, what you find in most cases of obesity that aren't genetic is the lack of sufficient exercise to burn the calories they have taken in. If you work in an office don't eat meals like a construction worker.

>> No.10383790

i ate a whole bag of all dressed chips and half a case of beer yesterday

>> No.10383826

Yeah, a ton of overeating. Eating for the sake of eating.

>> No.10383841

I work with a morbidly obese guy and never see him eat. he doesn't even drink soda. just bottles of weeb tea. he must either eat in secret or cram it all in when he gets home.

>> No.10383851
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Every damn time I go to a party all the fatties crowd around the food table and eat way more than their fair share, and half the time they bring nothing to contribute as well. And they have to drink a goddamn shit ton for alcohol to bypass all the fat to actually get into their bloodstream. At the last party I went to, I watched as a hamplanet single-handedly drank HALF the bottle of vodka I brought for everyone. They have no concept of value or how they appear to others.

>> No.10383858

i work with a morbidly obese guy and every time i pass his office, he's eating something. mostly chips and dr. pepper. he calls me into his office to show me fast food coupons. he's addicted to food i think

>> No.10383861
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>Maintaining 460 pounds on 3-4k a day

>> No.10384032

When i weighed 150plus kilo at 190 cm i was sitting at the computer 24 hours a day and ate only white bread sandwiches with butter and ham, chocolate treats and greasy meals consisting of potatoes/pasta and meat with sauces. It was because i did that every single day and had did no exercise i ballooned 60kg in one year

>> No.10384594
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>> No.10384623


Don't speak for me. I do not love either of those shits.

>> No.10384657

mirin dem forearms

>> No.10384676

I know a fat fuck that doesn't eat a lot in public but fucking gorges at home. He's picky too. Witnessed him eat spaghetti out of a mixing bowl once and then eat a whole box of cereal. He also sits on his fat ass all day

>> No.10384741

>scary contrails meme
>thinks other people are stupid

>> No.10384762

online calculators are accurate within +/-5%
studies show that fatties drastically cheat on self-reported calorie intake and physical activity
we just have to relentlessly shame them and slap the excess food out of their hands

>> No.10384770

really makes me think

>> No.10384809

the shame is probably why they cheat those report to begin with.

>> No.10384819

>being a fat, disgusting hog is nothing to be ashamed of!

>> No.10384847

>can't read

>> No.10385012

>doesn't eat a lot in public but fucking gorges at home
AKA exhibition eating. Some fats are mortified to eat like they want to around people, so they do shit like make a big deal out of having a salad when the office is having pizza. They have to know they aren't fooling anyone, but they still do it. Can't even be a proper fat and just enjoy themselves.

When fit people do this in reverse, meaning they eat way more when people are watching and less when alone, it drives the fats nuts. You can catfish them into believing all that genetics bullshit.

>> No.10385035

After they leave they move on to the next restaurant.

>> No.10385158

Are you trying to tell me boogie is bluepilled, he's having that op in Mexico or is that wings, fuck knows but all I know is that YouTube has rotted my brain and anyone who thinks different can tell eight thoughts

>> No.10385192

It doesn't need to be a lot.
Just constantly eating 1-200 calories more than needed everyday.

>> No.10385231

How did you get obese? What’s your weight timeline?

>> No.10385244


W-what's the gender?

>> No.10385250

It's not that they eat a lot it's more that they eat very frequently. After a big meal someone over a 40 BMI might want to eat something after two hours whereas most people wouldn't get very hungry until maybe 5-6 hours afterwards if they eat more than one or two meals a day.

>> No.10385267


This. Even Chinese takeout is an absurd amount of food in a typical order. Divide that stuff up as part of several meals.

>> No.10385277

This. Doing travel simi regularly as a burger. You don't realize how much corn syrup we pack into everything and easy access to sweets we have until you go somewhere else. It also helps though that most western places tend to nanny state their citizens from making too many bad choices.

>> No.10385300

I was an overweight kid, even though I played sports (mainly basketball and track and field), and then I got pretty skinny in high school for a couple of years, but in college I started gaining again, and basically just went up incrementally from there. No matter how much I work out, or how clean I eat, or how little I eat, my weight never goes down more than between 10 to 20 pounds. Like I said before, I do have hypothyroidism and have been on steriod regimens for autoimmune issues, so I don't know how much that's affected it. But my doctor did basically tell me that I was going to have to work twice as hard as most people to lose weight. Fuck...Anyway, like I said before, I don't eat a lot, and I eat pretty clean, I fucking hate greasy or super rich/fatty foods. They've never sat well with me. The fattiest foods I eat usually involve meat, because I do like a good ribeye once in awhile, or some crispy pork belly, and I do like roasted bone marrow, which is super fatty, but it has that nice parsley salad to cut it. But yeah, that's about as fatty as my food gets, and I don't eat that stuff regularly. I don't even eat snack foods like chips and shit either.

>> No.10385303


Now we have a president who almost always eats fast food every day.

>> No.10385316
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>almost always eats fast food every day

>> No.10385325

She's a big beautiful woman

>> No.10385332


Buckets of chicken on air force one. Eats cheeseburgers in bed almost every night. According to leaks from Whitehouse aides.

>> No.10385359
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>almost always eats fast food every day
>almost always every day
>almost always
>every day

>> No.10385364


Yeah. 12 diet-cokes a day too.

>> No.10385365
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>> No.10385377


But lead is heavier than feathers...

>> No.10385501

Are you talking about Ronald McDonald in the Oval Office?

>> No.10385508

morbids tend to eat a lot of fast foods and have no portion control
most of the people i know who are overweight are just middle aged drinkers who take in 1k plus cals of booze a day and are sedentary. you can tell them because they store most of the fat right around their gut(PARTLY DUE TO SWOLLEN INTERNAL ORGANS ALSO)

>> No.10386231
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Hey I thought I should let you know that you misspelled plateau.

>> No.10386286


Basically this. I used to be fairly obese, not quite as much as OP's pic put still pretty fat. Cut 70 pounds by limiting myself to one reasonable snack and cutting my meals from 4 a day to 3.

My meal sizes haven't really changed, although I do try to have a more balanced diet now. I was just snacking almost constantly. My "usual" daily snacks were like 2 sandwiches, an ice cream, chips, and usually other odds and ends through-out the day.

>> No.10386303

carbs are what is important, they spike insulin and lock away energy in fat. if you have carbs every meal, and some sugary or starchy snaks in between, your insulin never goes back to resting level until a few hours after you are asleep

when your insulin is high you get hungry, since you can not access the stored energy

also, when your insulin is constantly/mostly high your body starts to become insulin resistant, so you end up with a higher resting insulin level. many fat people have higher resting insulin than thin people have at peak

cutting out carbs(or most carbs) means that your stored fat can be used, so you don't feel hungry as often


the only problem is that you have to replace bread and cakes with butter, cream and cheese. it's pure torture to have to eat a nice steak cooked in butter with some mushrooms and a salad, or having to make a creamy peppercorn sauce for your steak or other meat

>> No.10386319

What kills me is how picky this guy is.

>Complained about the noodles being to thick.
>Complained about the sauce being to thin
>Complained about there not being enough sauce
>Complains about crust on bread

>> No.10386328

From what I see it’s not really the constant snacking and shitty diet that seems to be the biggest problem but it’s the constant consumption of soda and drinks loaded with sugar, I’ve had obese roomates in the past and honestly they barely ate but the fridge was constantly filled with soda and they would drink it non stop. It’s pretty sickening

>> No.10386348


>> No.10386349


>> No.10386350

Person of Obesity talking. Just got out of a Chinese buffet, they are fucking lucky I let them stay in business! If every restaurant operated like a buffet, you would get why people are so fat.

>> No.10386356
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carbs are the key, this guy ate fast food for every meal for a month, but kept carbs below 100g per day, best scene is his doctor after the final weigh in

sugar and starch, not fat. insulin being high makes you hungry since fat is locked away

it's carbs, we spent thousands of years mostly eating animal fat and protein, then suddenly the gov advises us to eat a lot of carbs, and suddenly lots of people are fat!

and guess who was behind this push, fucking vegetarians, watch fat head. that's right, most people who are fat are fat because of vegetarians, most people with disbetes are because of fucking vegetarians

god I hate vegetarians so fucking much!

>> No.10386423
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it's a shame I can but post one laughing yellow man in response to this

switch to wine(lowish carbs), or spirits(no carbs, and even kickstarts ketosis(fast mode))

drop the carbs, be shocked about how often you are hungry. lost 30lbs so far, since october or so, usually eat only once a day. I spend much less on food, but I have steak, or lamb chops, or pork. with onions and mushrooms and cream. officially no longer obese, just fat

just try cutting out the carbs for a week and see how that affects you and your appetite, carbs cause hunger and lock away energy so you can't use it

lel, I'm like some religios person now, spreading the good word of low carbs

this is true, good post, but other carbs are also bad

calories are fine, carbs make you hungry

50lb, well done man, cut out the carbs

why do dykes let themselves go so bad?

this anon understands, even if he is some chocolate nagger

sweet drinks ARE carbs

>> No.10386472

didnt read the thread but watch that TLC show, my 600 pound life. they usually eat a TON (restaurant portions in the US are pretty big fyi) per sitting and are constantly sitting.

plus they tend to dual wield frappuccinos

>> No.10386517

Fat people are eating fat and sugar. They are cheap and satisfying.

I changed my diet so I I eat a lot, but little or no fat or processed sugar. Carbs are find, but don't cook them with any fat. I dropped 30 pounds over 4 months.

>> No.10386548
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I love you obese guys and girls, there is a way out

>dual wield frappuccinos

>he calls me into his office to show me fast food coupons


>then eat a whole box of cereal.
all my wats, jesus

if you were brainwashed, would you know you were?

cut out carbs, hunger drops within 3 days, magic


poop pee poopself

that's carbs

so drop the carbs and eat protein and fat(20:80%) no more hunger at least try it for a week

carbs are the problem, not fat, try cutting them out for a week and see how you feel

he is on a regemin created by his doctor, imperch bluurmp

>According to leaks
totally trustworthy, thses anon leaks huh?

I don't get it

>Carbs are find
no, they aren't. they put your body into storage mode. fat is fine(natural fats). when you eat carbs your insulin spikes causing you to feel hungry again, even though you have thousands of calories already stored

>> No.10386627
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I am obese and there is 100% truth in the idea that fat people have food everywhere.

Just for the purpose of this thread I went and had a look around. Ignoring the fridge, freezer and cupboards, where most food is stored, I found food in the following places

I had several bits of candy in my blazer and shirt pockets and a bag of opened doritos hanging up like a formal shirt

>Sock and underpant draw
I had a few sleeves of oreos hiding underneath my pants haha

My desk is covered in chips and I had some dip pots sitting balanced on my computer tower to keep them warm

I have a pile of candy in the back seat that I treat like a child

>Under the bed
I have a bunch of monster themed snacks under my bed. If I wake up in the night I pretend there is a monster under there and eat them like I am eating the monster

>Tarantula Enclosure
I keep a few peeps and stuff in here, he won't eat them and the warm heat mats keep them nice and soft

>Window ledges
I keep lots of chocolate here because the cold winds at night chill them for a morning snack

I keep lollipops under the seat

I am obese because fof this

>> No.10386636

They go to mcdonalds after going to a normal restaurant

>> No.10386637

>I have a bunch of monster themed snacks under my bed. If I wake up in the night I pretend there is a monster under there and eat them like I am eating the monster

>> No.10386666

>I have a bunch of monster themed snacks under my bed. If I wake up in the night I pretend there is a monster under there and eat them like I am eating the monster

Fucking kek.

>> No.10386764
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>and a bag of opened doritos hanging up like a formal shirt

>> No.10386790

>mass reply
gay as fuck bro.

>> No.10386795

says team chocolate

why are you so upset?

>> No.10386801

fatty here. i am highly sedentary and alcoholic. my diet is probably better than your average thin person though.

>> No.10386822

>Probably 3-4k calories a day without exercise.
I love when fat people tell me they count their calories cause you'll always hear shit like this.

>> No.10386824

I'm sedentary and an alcoholic but i'm on the verge of being underweight. just eat less.

>> No.10386876

cut out the carbs, eat as much fat and protein as you like, give it one week, see if ithelps bro

>> No.10386884


How old are you? Metalbolism tends to shit itself in the mid 20's coupled with a general loss of physical activity, many people dont tweak their diets to cope and gain weight

>> No.10386895

you only lose like 50 calories do to metabolism during your 20s.

>> No.10386906

i've lost large amounts of weight before. i know how to portion control and i have no intention to do any meme dieting. what i need to do is stop drinking and become more active - responsible portion control is hard to do when you're sleep deprived and inebriated half the week

>> No.10386920

just replace high carb drinking and eating with low carb version, i.e. neat spirits, protein and fats. as much cream and butter as you like, not much sugars or starches

>> No.10386932


Does the US have shittier honey regulation than otger countries? In canada the only scandal I've heard of is chinese honey

>> No.10386971

I didn't even knew that fake honey was a thing, wtf

>> No.10386988

they also eat in secret

>> No.10387003

They have big ass portions for every meal, they full their plates with everything they can, like they were in a all-you-can-eat restaurant.

>> No.10387009

the problem with this is that when you're in ketosis your alcohol tolerance drops sharply. combine that with pounding vodka drinks and you can really spiral out of control quickly.

t. ketogenic alcoholic

>> No.10387017

yeah, but tat is good for weight loss

I thought the reason most alkys were thin was because keto

>> No.10387042

in the same sense that drinking poison or getting sick is good for weight loss, that's true. i don't think most alcoholics are thin, but even then it wouldn't be from keto.

>> No.10387043
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all you fatties should just binge on some crystal. the pounds will fall right off.

>> No.10387045

>even then it wouldn't be from keto
then you do not understand the processes involved in ketosis and glucosis, do some reasearch fren

>> No.10387064

why do you think that being an alcoholic that drinks neutral spirits would somehow put you in ketosis? just by virtue of not being beer? you can eat like shit and drink vodka, too.

>> No.10387083
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>fat from genetics

there were no fat people at Auschwitz

>> No.10387098

that was genetics

>> No.10387106

because spirits have no carbs

>> No.10387114

we always say that the human body is an amazing thing here at /ck/ when we look at these turbo fatties, but here is one thing you are forgetting,

when we say the body is an amazing thing, we aren't just talking about its physical adaptability.

Mentally the body, most noticeably the stomach, are able to expand in sizes much greater than needed and still keep the person comfortable and not what you think would be total physical AND mental suffocation. The brain is stuck on a reward based feedback loop. They never had a chance from the start. That was just the ignition though. What is actually amazing, and what I'm actually talking about is how they are 'okay' and not in absolute agony. Their comfort, that in it in itself is amazing and tells you everything about the type of problem these people have with food.

>> No.10387150
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>medically proven certain medicines make you gain weight with no lifestyle change
that's because they were gaining weight to begin with

>medically proven thyroid hormone has direct impact on whether atp is used or stored when consumed
>whether atp is used or stored when consumed
>atp is used or stored when consumed
>atp stored
>atp is consumed

there is no stored form of atp. there are no atp transport proteins, therefore dietary atp is useless as an energy source

>medically proven that stress effects inherent metabolism and glucogenesis
the fuckshit does gluconeogenesis have to do with energy storage in humans? excess calories are stored as fatty acids in adipocytes and muscle cells will store glucose as glycogen in the short term. gluconeogenesis isn't even the method by which glycogen is synthesized

>ignoring that everyone's body produces different amounts of enzymes necessary to break down fats, sugar, and proteins into calories, mostly due to epigenetics
but they're still going to be very close. that just means each person's daily caloric requirements to maintain homeostasis will be different. that should be obvious

>carbohydrates are bad

explain glycolysis then. it is arguably the most important biochemical pathway in life alongside the citric acid cycle and photosynthesis+calvin benson cycle. I can't tell if you're a troll or you actually believe all the shit you read in magazines in the check out aisle

if you maintain a caloric surplus then you will gain weight. many things contribute to whether or not you are in a caloric surplus, but the one thing you can control for sure is how many calories you are eating. you must monitor caloric intake closely. you must record how much of aevery single thing you eat and drink and when. if you wish to lose weight you must maintain a caloric deficit. 50kcal/day is reasonable, as you won't feel hungry like with extreme fad diets

people are so ignorant it is amazing

>> No.10387158

yes, it's carbs, they can enjoy unlimited steaks and eggs, butter and cream, but carbs are what makes them fat

>explain glycolysis then. it is arguably the most important biochemical pathway in life alongside the citric acid cycle and photosynthesis+calvin benson cycle.
if you understand glycolysis, do you also understand ketosis?

you know that in the past we never really ate much carbs, except maybe in sumer to store calories for winter? right?

what is your understanding of ketosis?

>> No.10387159

>50kcal/day is reasonable
you'd only lose a few pounds a year

>> No.10387162

do carbs lock away energy in fat cells and make it unavailable for use, this causing hunger?

>> No.10387168

even if all that were true, what kind of idiot doesn't notice and make a change after the first 10lbs

>> No.10387170

the body metabolizes ethanol for energy just like the 3 big macromolecules. per unit mass, ethanol has more usable energy than carbs. ~7kj vs 4.5kj, respectively. please get a clue
to clarify, the reward loop is that our bodies are primed to lust after tastes that were until recently rarely encountered in nature. these tastes are associated with rare, calorically dense foods. now, we make many salty, sweet, and meaty foods cheaply and widely available. evolution hasn't had time to adjust

>> No.10387174

I agree with you I just wanted to offer an alternative viewpoint

>> No.10387176


You meant 500, right?

>> No.10387177

>you know that in the past we never really ate much carbs, except maybe in sumer to store calories for winter? right?
if you want to make a historical argument like that you really need to be more clear than just saying 'the past'. high carb diets have existed at least as long as agriculture and probably even before that in some areas of the world.

in any case it's really not a useful argument, going back to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle is not actually feasible for that many people even if we could establish that it was optimal.

>> No.10387178

is it true that carbs cause insulin spikes and that locks away energy, thus leading to hunger?


>> No.10387180
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Obese people usually don't eat too far beyond the normal people diet, the issue is that they eat the wrong things...

>> No.10387188

you don't have to go back to any diet, just stop shovelling sugars and starches into you fat fucking pie hole

jesus, at least give it a try

it's totally a useful argument, don't want to eat too much because you are always hungry? stop eting carbs that MAKE you hungry al the time,andlock up energy so you can't use it

>> No.10387192

ketosis is when there are many ketone bodies in the bloodstream. this may be due to eating too much protein or when your body is utilizing stored fatty acids as an energy source, for example. in the past, we ate many carbs. when we were hunting and gathering, what do you think we were gathering? fucking meat apples? plants store energy as starch. starch is a carbohydrate. when people eat plants for sustenance, they are getting energy from carbs
you'd lose 10s of pounds a year, approximately one pound per week. rapid weight loss isn't healthy. unsurprisingly, neither is rapid weight gain. its not like people get obese in a year or two, it creeps

>> No.10387203

so you meant 500, right.
>it's totally a useful argument, don't want to eat too much because you are always hungry? stop eting carbs that MAKE you hungry
that's not the argument i was commenting on you dumb cunt.

>> No.10387220

>ketosis is when there are many ketone bodies in the bloodstream. this may be due to eating too much protein or when your body is utilizing stored fatty acids as an energy source, for example. in the past, we ate many carbs. when we were hunting and gathering, what do you think we were gathering? fucking meat apples? plants store energy as starch. starch is a carbohydrate. when people eat plants for sustenance, they are getting energy from carbs
do you agree ther eis feed mode, glycolysis, and fast mode, ketosis?

so high insulin doesn't drive blood sugar into fat? can fat return to the bloodstream to be used as fuel whilst blood insulin is high?

>that's not the argument i was commenting on you dumb cunt.
oh wow, I am so embarrassed

>> No.10387223

insulin spikes are caused by spikes in blood glucose. spikes in blood glucose are caused by eating carbs. insulin instructs cells to suck up the glucose, causing blood glucose to eventually return to normal. insulin does not cause hunger
going back to hunter gatherer diets would also cause us to be less physically fit. we'd be shorter and not as strong. agriculture is a boon for humanity
they also eat too much. too much of the right and/or wrong things

>> No.10387230

>insulin spikes are caused by spikes in blood glucose. spikes in blood glucose are caused by eating carbs. insulin instructs cells to suck up the glucose, causing blood glucose to eventually return to normal. insulin does not cause hunger
that's my only point

you can't use up fat when insulin is high due to eating too many carbs

>> No.10387247
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>do you agree ther eis feed mode, glycolysis, and fast mode, ketosis?
please clarify
>so high insulin doesn't drive blood sugar into fat? can fat return to the bloodstream to be used as fuel whilst blood insulin is high?
no. I doubt the body would use fat as energy while there is excess glucose in the blood. glucose is the ideal fuel for cellular metabolism. when you are exercising for extended periods of time, the body starts burning fat to save glucose for neurons because neruons require glucose. the rest of the body's cells can make do with the ketone bodies from beta oxidation

but then, maybe the body can. it just doesn't make sense to me based on what I have learned

>so you meant 500, right.
what a great idea. lets have people cut out an entire meal per day so that they can hate themselves even more as opposed to an amount they will hardly notice but still requires tapping into fat stores

>> No.10387258

a 50 calorie deficit will not result in a pound a week of weight loss, that's all i'm saying. by your math it would be 10 weeks.

>> No.10387265

fatties, cut out the carbs, instead only eat fat and protein, then you blood insulin will not spike as high, and gradually your resting insulin levels will lower, resulting in being able to use your stored energy, and not being hungry all the time

>please clarify
just look up ketosis on the inernetwebses

>no. I doubt the body would use fat as energy while there is excess glucose in the blood. glucose is the ideal fuel for cellular metabolism. when you are exercising for extended periods of time, the body starts burning fat to save glucose for neurons because neruons require glucose. the rest of the body's cells can make do with the ketone bodies from beta oxidation
you say no, then agree with me, wut?

>but then, maybe the body can. it just doesn't make sense to me based on what I have learned
that high insulin due to carbs locks away energy and makes people hungry again?

just try a week with low carbs, fellow fattis. one week. all the steak and eggs and butter and cream that you desire, just no bread, cakes, fries or chips. ONE FUCKING WEEK

jesus, you stupid chocolate fuck, did you even try keto diet?

>> No.10387274

ayy they dont eat peanut butter

>> No.10387316

they were not kangs

>> No.10387324

that's not how hunger works you dumbass. blood glucose is not the only thing that contributes to hunger jesus christ
>keto diet
my whole life the majority of my calories have come from carbs. starch to be precise. I'm not fat. I will never be fat until maybe I'm really old and I need the mechanical and thermal insulation for my deteriorating body. cutting carbs won't make your body think you're hungry all the time. you don't just do glycolysis when you're full and you don't just do beta oxidation when you're hungry. its way more complicated than you realize

I will never try a keto diet. its fucking stupid
and 500 is unsafe. when I mean deficit, I mean you're at a point where your weight is stable. if your weight is stable, then consuming 500kcal/day less would be terrible. 50-100kcal/day won't make you feel very hungry, if at all. if you're gaining a pound or 2 a week, you might have to cut 500kcal/day just to level off and reach homeostasis again

>> No.10387346

>blood glucose is not the only thing that contributes to hunger jesus christ
but it is a major factor?

>my whole life the majority of my calories have come from carbs. starch to be precise. I'm not fat.
not fat, so what gives ou th authority to comment on why so many are?

>cutting carbs won't make your body think you're hungry all the time
no, the opposite, you tard. when blood insulin is low, fat can be used as energy

> its way more complicated than you realize
so attempt to educate me

you did agree earlier that carbs spike insulin, and high insulin locks up energy

>> No.10387390

>I will never try a keto diet. its fucking stupid
why so? because you are not fat?

>> No.10387421

Nice digits, bro

>> No.10387441

>not fat, so what gives ou th authority to comment on why so many are?
no one breaks the laws of thermodynamics. it takes energy to be alive. for most of humanity's existence, finding that energy was hard, therefore we evolved mechanisms to store excess energy for later. if you are fat, it is almost certainly because you are taking up more energy than is required for you to do all the things that you do. very few people have legitimate genetic or metabolic disorders that cause them to easily gain weight. the main reasons as to why people are so fat these days has to do with cheap, widely available, tasty, calorically dense food colliding with an increasingly sedentary lifestyle

>and high insulin locks up energy
high insulin does not lock up energy. insulin's main function is telling cells to take up blood glucose by increasing the amount of glucose transport proteins on their cell membranes. locking up energy implies that it is put away for storage, whereas insulin helps to put the body's ideal catabolite right where it needs to be: in the cells of the body

that should help explain why hunger is more complicated than glycolysis and beta oxidation

>> No.10387458


>> No.10387459

>high insulin does not lock up energy. insulin's main function is telling cells to take up blood glucose by increasing the amount of glucose transport proteins on their cell membranes. locking up energy implies that it is put away for storage, whereas insulin helps to put the body's ideal catabolite right where it needs to be: in the cells of the body
you are seriously pushing this bullshit?

what heppens when insulin spikes? blood glucose is driven out into fat cells? can the reverse happen in the same condition at the same time? no

>more complicated than glycolysis and beta oxidation
you don't even mention ketosis, what is your understanding of this?

>> No.10387478

I will sum up what causes hunger:
Blood triglyceride levels. Avoid fat and fructose. These substances create an insatiable hunger in people. it's the reason why Doritos, pizza, and a coke are so irresistible.

Carbs spike blood glucose, which spikes insulin which decreases hunger. That is why eating carb rich, low fat, low fructose (fructose is processed into triglycerides in the liver) will satiate hunger quickly.

>> No.10387491

telll u smore about triglycerides, how do they occur? how are they used?

>> No.10387497

triglycerides are like fat in the blood. They are transported to fat cells and stored.

>> No.10387503

why should I? I have no major health issues. I'm neither overweight, fat, or obese. I have never been diagnosed with a nutritional deficiency. compared to the average american, I am in way more fit. there's nothing wrong with me so why would I change my diet?

I think the keto diet is stupid because after taking different biology classes, I've learned that cellular metabolism is structured around glucose. many, many metabolic pathways branch off of the central glycolytic pathway. it is called glycolysis because it literally splits a molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate or lactate, depending on oxygen levels. where does the glucose come from? photosynthesis. plants make glucose from CO2, H2O, and energy from sunlight. that glucose is then used to power the plant's metabolism and provide its structure. every organism that has had its genome sequenced has the "machinery" necessary for glycolysis. that's how important glucose is. the citric acid cycle is probably just as important as glycolysis, but I think every cellular/molecular biologist would agree that glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and photosynthesis are life's most important metabolic pathways, and they revolve around glucose

there are many people I'm sure who are doing great with a keto diet, however I have no need or want to try

>> No.10387531

or the other way round

and they are centered around a glucose molecuse, and 3 fatty acids

so even in ketosis the barin can still get some glucose, whilst the rest ofthe body runs on ketones

>I'm neither overweight, fat, or obese. I have never been diagnosed with a nutritional deficiency. compared to the average american, I am in way more fit. there's nothing wrong with me so why would I change my diet?
ok, so why do you object to fatties trying it? what even is your experience withit? surely you agree that too many people are too fat

>there are many people I'm sure who are doing great with a keto diet, however I have no need or want to try
ok, but there are also many who would benefit

>I think the keto diet is stupid
losing weight is stupid?

>> No.10387532

would you please shut the fuck up? i'm not >>10387503, but you're making the rest of us who use keto diets for weight loss look retarded. i'm happy that you've discovered this very simple method for weight loss, but please calm down, you really don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.10387534

>you are seriously pushing this bullshit?
but that is the truth. in what class at what school were you taught otherwise?

ketosis is literally high concentrations of ketone bodies in blood. the big cause of ketosis these days is diabetes

triglycerides are literally fat everywhere

>> No.10387542

top lel

>> No.10387545

Like someone said, it's an addiction and addictions should be dealt with. Mental illness is rarely an excuse. If you have limb autonomy, you can control what goes in your mouth.

>> No.10387549

I am certain.

>> No.10387554

After losing half my body weight after high school(was 280lb at 5'11, dad's a chef), my father started wanting help losing weight. Biggest thing, as most everyone else here has said, is the snacking. He's snacking up until dinner, immediately after dinner, an hour after dinner, right before bed, midnight snack, etc. Shit's insane, though he just tries to hide it from me like I even care now that he's asked for advice. Manchildren are the worst.

>> No.10387556

>i'm happy that you've discovered this very simple method for weight loss, but please calm down, you really don't know what you're talking about.
thanks, I must spread this info

>but that is the truth. in what class at what school were you taught otherwise?
you can only be taught stuff in school?

>ketosis is literally high concentrations of ketone bodies in blood. the big cause of ketosis these days is diabetes
the big cause of diabetes is lack of ketosis

check your insulin resting level, insulin resistance is very real and a big problem

yet you don't need to stuff your face to solve hunger if you cut out carbs, try it for a week

>> No.10387568
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>keeps spongy sticky candy in the spider cage
how are you not choking on tarantula hairs by now?

>> No.10387579

>you can only be taught stuff in school?
I just now learned the earth is flat. that isn't in school. therefore its just as valid as those dumbass astrophysicists
>insulin resistance
literally type 2 diabetes

>> No.10387585

you aren't spreading any information, you're arguing against people for no reason at all and making people who adhere to a ketogenic diet seem like evangelical spastics. the guy you're ranting at is right (he doesn't even seem to disagree with you), and i was right about drinking not being "good for weight loss." calm down and eat a stick of butter or something, god damn.

>> No.10387590

>>insulin resistance
>literally type 2 diabetes
avoidable by not eating too many crabs

>is right (he doesn't even seem to disagree with you),

>> No.10387594

Calories in calories out is enough for most people to maintain a BMI below 25 should they choose to.
If anything, medications and genetics determine how the body uses food (where fat is stored, etc) but not mass. And body fat can be manipulated effectively through resistance training

>> No.10387604

carbs/sugars spike insulin which locks away energy as fat and makes people hungry again

>> No.10387606

Since we can't kill them or put them in concentration camps, I propose we find a method of preventing normal speech other than "moo" and "oink" until they drop to a BMI of 24.5

>> No.10387607

i didn't see anywhere where he said keto diets don't work. just that he doesn't do it and a bunch of unrelated shit he just recently learned in bio 202 or whatever class he just finished. still don't know what you are arguing about.

>> No.10387614

>How much do obese people eat? Whenever I see them at restaurants they are'nt eating anything out of the ordinary quantity wise.
It's because their metabolism is screwed up from eating to many carbs. Only way to fix it is to eat only protein & fat for 6 weeks and then cut back your meals until your eating just one big meal a day. The weight will just fall off like crazy. It's not as hard as you think, it's actually easy because eating plenty of fat like butter takes your appetite away. , I know because I did it in one year and now I'm thin, been that way for 3 years now.


>> No.10387618

don't argue with it. don't make the same mistake I did

>> No.10387620
File: 118 KB, 854x494, comfort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hovering around 230 pounds. I'm fat because I eat lots of junk food and don't exercise. I've been skinny and fit before, but lately I just don't care.

>> No.10387622

i read everything and value your opinions.

>> No.10387625

I do this. Fat people are more defensive than anyone. They claim "fat" is subjective and that normal weight looks malnourished and they don't truly believe what they say. I sing "Mr Personality" by Gillette to my fat coworker. Fatties need to understand that fat=ugly

>> No.10387628


ok, good observation. just saying fatties should stop carbs since they spike insulin and lock away energy, thus making you hungry again

>> No.10387639

this fag know of what he speaks

this da trutru

thanks man, nice doubles

>Fatties need to understand that fat=ugly
yes, and stop carbs

>> No.10387644

You got fat somehow

>> No.10387651

But anon, if I do that I'll end up looking exactly like that guy in the pictures. I don't turn into him!

>> No.10387653

I support killing both addicts (including weed smokers) and individuals with a BMI over 25

>> No.10387684

They do this out of shame. Bully him and maybe he'll quit (the one who pretends to eat like a gentle angel and sneaks food out of sight)

>> No.10387702

HA! Well played cremebro.

>> No.10387704

Screenshotted. That's hilarious

>> No.10387706

Not true. It's the carbs, sugar that screws up your metabolism. Human Biology 101, the human body does not need carbs to survive but without protein & fat you will die. Fact.

>> No.10387718
File: 109 KB, 269x336, y3GD3mD7R_kxn_4xAdT2hkPI6ILrvOEbYbfnWhZi0AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a bunch of monster themed snacks under my bed. If I wake up in the night I pretend there is a monster under there and eat them like I am eating the monster

>> No.10387719


>> No.10387736

10/10 for keks

>> No.10387743

True. Have witnessed a few times

>> No.10387757

Their discomfort is society hating them

>> No.10387771

>460 lbs
You didnt just overeat you always overeat you fat piggy

>> No.10387778

One meal a day


>> No.10387818


>> No.10387846

Were fatties always fatties? I went from 70kg to 85kg at around age 30 without changing my diet or exercise. So I reckon metabolism may be taken for granted in youth and adjustment should be made accordingly.

>> No.10387896

whenever i watch my 600lb life or shows like that the fatty always says "i wasn't big as a child but by the time i was ten i started to gain" or something asinine like that.

also metabolism doesn't work like that. you on oly require 50-75 less calories from age 20 to 30, stop deluding yourself.

>> No.10387930

1) Drink 2 liters of pop a day
2) Overeat at every meal
3) Sugary/fatty/starchy diet
4) Too many snacks
5) Never intentionally exercise

>> No.10387959

neck yourself

>> No.10387992

that's not even 1/3 you fucking degenerate kys

>> No.10388008

>And they have to drink a goddamn shit ton for alcohol to bypass all the fat to actually get into their bloodstream

Not entirely true. More likely they have developed a high tolerance and the amount they have to drink contributes to the fatness.

>> No.10388065
File: 322 KB, 320x280, F34B0553-BF64-4CF3-8F0A-E7CCDF6D1C1D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gross. Fat people are unaesthetic af.

>> No.10388097

What is with you faggots and caring so much about that?

>> No.10388879

>my diet is probably better than your average thin person though, except for the ridiculously poisonous amounts of alcohol in my diet, which renders my diet considerably worse than theirs and my body is proof of this.

>> No.10389079

I think it’s reasonable to distinguish between diet and drinking for the purpose of explaining where the issue comes from.

>> No.10389360

That would be arousing.

>> No.10389361

That word doesn't mean what you think it does, anon.

>> No.10389461

>The American lifestyle
>Everyone from where I am who goes there complains that everything has too much sugar in it
>Bread has sugar in it
>Desserts are practically just piles of sugar
>Secret loads of sugar in all the "savory" foods
>Milk that has cream at the top
>What the fuck
Amerifats can you confirm this? I can understand why you're all so obese if this is the case. Why is everything you eat made out of sugar?

>> No.10389646

What kind of low calorie snacks do you eat /ck/?

I know you have one you think is healthy.

>> No.10389727

>milk that has cream on the top
Are you a retard?

>> No.10389738

How do these people even manage to eat that much? I'm lucky if I manage to eat over 1,000 calories a day. How the fuck do people manage 3,000?

>> No.10389790


>> No.10389865

There are 487,8 kcal in a single 100g Snickers bar. A big person could easily eat 10 or more of these over the course of an entire day. Most people don't but it's the sort of calorie density that A LOT of food and snacks can have or exceed. Just replace it with something like deep fried chicken and you got a ton of calories from relatively small portions.

I assume you mean 1000 calories over your daily recommended?

>> No.10389955

Lol, no. Like literally roughly 1,000 calories.

>> No.10389967

no one either cares or believes you unless you spend all day eating tree bark or some shit

>> No.10390023

If it is true, it probably isn't marketed as honey. We have laws against false advertising.

>> No.10390042

They do mostly eat the wrong things, but weight itself is based on calories in/calories out. You don't get that big without a massive surplus of food going in that isn't exercised out.

I think the issue is that oversized portions have become the new normal, so people don't even realize that they're over eating. I've recently started losing weight, and tracking everything that you actually eat throughout the day can be eye-opening.

>> No.10390059

It's called coke, you queer.

>> No.10390061

Recently had to go to business lunch at Applebee's. Big guy was part of my table, probably weighs in around 450. We get a big plate of variety appetizers and people kind of pick at it. Lunch arrives we all start eating. He's done before anyone else has taken three bites. His plate is clean. Says, anyone want any more appetizers? We're like no go ahead. He drags the whole plate of appetizers in front of him and hoovered the whole thing. There wasn't a crumb left. He even cleaned the artichoke dip bowl. What a fucking pig.

>> No.10390094

No, I'm just very underweight. I'm 6'0 115 lbs. In the last 24 hours, I've eaten a couple hundred calories worth of rice and beans and some guacamole.

>> No.10390172

There's also a snowball effect by which fat people burn less calories by simple being. Combination of shifts in glucose chains and general insulation against heat loss.

>> No.10390175

>There's also a snowball effect by which fat people burn less calories by simple being.
lol what


>> No.10390196

Normal people eat, get full, then not eat again til they're hungry

Obese people eat, get full, get not full, then eat.
They don't wait til they're hungry to eat again, they eat when they don't feel full anymore

>> No.10390201

You’re a stupid person

>> No.10390241

This is a gross oversimplification of the hormonal fat storage and burning process.

>> No.10390245

No you retard, counting calories is the key.

>> No.10390249

You’re retarded

>> No.10390252

It's time to stop posting.

>> No.10390260

how can fat be released to use as energy when insulin is high?

what is the mechanism of how fat becomes energy?

I am willing to be educated by someone witth superior knowledge


>> No.10390265

You’re literally retarded. Calories are the measure of energy your body can use, carbs are just one form of energy. Like you are so wrong about such a basic concept that you must not be capable of understanding anything and just parrot what you hear. If you had any capability for critics thought and had any idea what a carb or calorie were Then you couldn’t possibly hold that opinion.

>> No.10390271

I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear you explaining how fat gets turned back into energy

>> No.10390277

This is wrong, you’re an idiot

>> No.10390284

have you tried it? I did and I lost 30lbs in a few months

>> No.10390287

I get you
You have to train yourself to maintain on such low caloric intake

>> No.10390290

Its hard and requires math and deprival, so people will deny, argue, and stay fat

>> No.10390298

Yes, fat cells are constantly burning and storing energy in a catabolic or anabolic state.

>> No.10390307

Thank you for the monumental task of talking to retards about topic, it’s greatly appreciated

>> No.10390322

is insulin the substance that forces blood sugar into becoming fat cells?

>> No.10390334

I’ve lost 80 lbs in 3 months before, ending at 25 BMI and doubling all my lifts. I drank alcohol and regularly ate most of my calories in carbs. In my life I’ve lost that much weight many times while on medicines that sped up my metabolism, on no medicine, and medicines that slowed my metabolism. I’m an expert of losing weight and can assure you that controlling carbs serves no purpose other than to make controlling calories easier. Keto does not speed up weight loss, it just makes restricting calories easier.

>> No.10390340

Insulin isn’t the only hormone in your body dipshit

>> No.10390345

that's great, well done

do you happen to know if you were suffering from insulin resistance? do you agree that this is a real thing that happens to some people?


>Insulin resistance (IR) is a pathological condition in which cells fail to respond normally to the hormone insulin. The body produces insulin when glucose starts to be released into the bloodstream from the digestion of carbohydrates (primarily) in the diet. Normally this insulin response triggers glucose being taken into body cells, to be used for energy, and inhibits the body from using fat for energy. The concentration of glucose in the blood decreases as a result, staying within the normal range even when a large amount of carbohydrates is consumed. When the body produces insulin under conditions of insulin resistance, the cells are resistant to the insulin and are unable to use it as effectively, leading to high blood sugar

true, what do you make of the insulin resistance page on wiki above?

>> No.10390360

No, my fasted and non fasted blood sugar have always been excellent. I just ate very little and exercised a lot.

>> No.10390369

if you weren't suffering from insulin resistance, you probably had a fairly normal insulin response. people who do suffer from it can have higher RESTING levels than normal people have PEAKS!

and as the wiki says,
> The body produces insulin when glucose starts to be released into the bloodstream from the digestion of carbohydrates (primarily) in the diet.

and also:
> Normally this insulin response triggers glucose being taken into body cells, to be used for energy, and inhibits the body from using fat for energy

one of the ways you get to be insulin resistant is to eat a lot of carbs, as this triggers a lot of insulin, and extended periods of high insulin cause the resistance

>> No.10390375

I should add that if someone is insulin resistant, extended periods of low carbs, and therefore insulin spikes(for the most part) result in a lowering of the resistance

>> No.10390380

And people who are insulin resistant have trouble gaining weight, and will lose weight even if they overeat. So dieting should be trivially easy if you have the beetus

>> No.10390394

there is a difference between pre-diabeetus(insulin resistance), and actual diabeetus. I presume you'd prefer if people were able to stop diabeetus and return to normal?

do you have a source on pre-diabetic people not being able to put on weight?

I assume you are one of the ones saying it's just calories in - calories out? would you admit that carbs seem to have some role in locking away energy, and therefore making people(who suffer from insulin resistance) feel hungrier sooner and more often? since they can't access their stored energy reserves whilst insulin is high?

>> No.10390430

>carbs are what is important, they spike insulin and lock away energy in fat. if you have carbs every meal, and some sugary or starchy snaks in between, your insulin never goes back to resting level until a few hours after you are asleep
>when your insulin is high you get hungry, since you can not access the stored energy
>also, when your insulin is constantly/mostly high your body starts to become insulin resistant, so you end up with a higher resting insulin level. many fat people have higher resting insulin than thin people have at peak
>cutting out carbs(or most carbs) means that your stored fat can be used, so you don't feel hungry as often
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6aMN6NLOTQ [Embed]
>the only problem is that you have to replace bread and cakes with butter, cream and cheese. it's pure torture to have to eat a nice steak cooked in butter with some mushrooms and a salad, or having to make a creamy peppercorn sauce for your steak or other meat

HALLELUJAH! This man gets it!

>> No.10390445
File: 6 KB, 210x138, African American Obesity Epidemic - out of control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually an informative thread and decent discussion on on /ck/.

This shows that whites & others actually have some awareness about diet and health. This type of awareness and open discussion is exactly what the Black Community needs right now. We're in the middle of an historical Epidemic for obesity in the black community and nobody seems to care. It's so sad...

>> No.10390454

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evcNPfZlrZs [Embed]
>carbs are the key, this guy ate fast food for every meal for a month, but kept carbs below 100g per day, best scene is his doctor after the final weigh in
>sugar and starch, not fat. insulin being high makes you hungry since fat is locked away
>it's carbs, we spent thousands of years mostly eating animal fat and protein, then suddenly the gov advises us to eat a lot of carbs, and suddenly lots of people are fat!
>and guess who was behind this push, fucking vegetarians, watch fat head. that's right, most people who are fat are fat because of vegetarians, most people with disbetes are because of fucking vegetarians

>> No.10390457

thanks man

even as an avowed WN, I don't want blacks to be obese either. if only there was some way of getting them to work? ;^)

no, seriously, too many carbs is making us all sick

>> No.10390464

>switch to wine(lowish carbs), or spirits(no carbs, and even kickstarts ketosis(fast mode))
>drop the carbs, be shocked about how often you are hungry. lost 30lbs so far, since october or so, usually eat only once a day. I spend much less on food, but I have steak, or lamb chops, or pork. with onions and mushrooms and cream. officially no longer obese, just fat
>just try cutting out the carbs for a week and see how that affects you and your appetite, carbs cause hunger and lock away energy so you can't use it
>lel, I'm like some religios person now, spreading the good word of low carbs
>this is true, good post, but other carbs are also bad
>calories are fine, carbs make you hungry
>50lb, well done man, cut out the carbs
>why do dykes let themselves go so bad?
>this anon understands, even if he is some chocolate nagger
>sweet drinks ARE carbs

>> No.10390470

>This type of awareness and open discussion is exactly what the Black Community needs right now. We're in the middle of an historical Epidemic for obesity in the black community and nobody seems to care. It's so sad...

But that would mean that blacks would have to take personal responsibility for their own decisions on what they eat. Naw. It's much easier just to blame white people for black obesity.

>> No.10390476

>and nobody seems to care

I see plenty of blacks blaming their health problems on "the man", white people, asians, etc. They do care to blame others. They just don't care to do anything themselves to change their own lives.

>> No.10390494

I think it’s actually incredible, with the type of food available 24/7 and our sedentary lifestyle, that we’re not seeing an almost 100% obesity rate in western societies.
Don’t forget that something like 99% of people don’t count calories or pay special attention to what they eat at any level of detail.
For some reason, a majority of people actually end up eating and drinking the “correct” amount of calories day in and day out over their lifetime.

>> No.10390524

>just try a week with low carbs, fellow fattis. one week. all the steak and eggs and butter and cream that you desire, just no bread, cakes, fries or chips. ONE FUCKING WEEK

>> No.10390645


70% of black males & 82% of black females are all "obese." wtf? what happened to all those fit black athletes you see on tv?

>> No.10390734

thats the 30%

>> No.10390838

because the gov has been pushing a high carb diet for decades

but some people seem to be immune to the effects of insulin redsistance, the rest of us need to wake up and take responsibility, and limit carbs, even though they are nice

>> No.10391074

>i'm anorexic and unfit
>how do people eat food

>> No.10391077
File: 28 KB, 619x357, chortle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When fit people do this in reverse, meaning they eat way more when people are watching and less when alone, it drives the fats nuts. You can catfish them into believing all that genetics bullshit.

I found their least favorite youtuber then...


>> No.10391222

but anon if the earth was a circle, how can anyone living in it not be a circle too

>> No.10391504

why is the retarded trap eating so much food?

>> No.10391928

>tfw i start counting calories
>myfitnesspal gives me nearly 3k calories a day
>try to keep it at 2k a day

I weigh 300 though, I was at 295, and then ate junk food for a week.

>> No.10391952


what is it like lying to yourself?

>> No.10391995

I don't think it is. Ethanol is a source of calories, just like sugary drinks are a source of calories. Take an overweight person who eats food with more or less balanced nutrients in adequate portions. He claims his diet is very healthy, omitting the 2 liters of sugary drinks he consumes daily. Would this not also be part of his diet? Would this not change the averages of the overall nutritional balance? The reasonable answer is yes. The delusional answer is no. Your diet is everything you consume. There are no magical loopholes. This is the alcoholic's equivalent of "muh genetics".

>> No.10392029


So we remember her I'd assume, the 'eats 4 whole buckets of chicken' lady.


>> No.10392034

Anyway, my point isn't to start shit with obese people or alcoholics. My point is that you can't tell me that my logic is flawed, that I am wrong, that society is wrong, that science is wrong, and that I have to play along with someone else blaming me or some other external factors for a person's poor diet and poor health. I call bullshit.

>> No.10392040

I'm too full to watch this right now, will check it out otmorrow

>> No.10392047

>but anon if the earth was a circle, how can anyone living in it not be a circle too
traps confirm, most profoundestist've comment so far. I will ponder you're words pham

>> No.10392050
File: 593 KB, 1273x1600, b1d218b89c4ed5bae56bafabb259fb5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairly orange drumpfish, so what, fat and hfcs are the proof I'm an amerilard.

>> No.10392357

La carbtura

>> No.10392396

If I fill my car with petrol, and half the petrol leaks out over time, is my car breaking the law of thermodynamics by only going half the distance it should for the amount of fuel I put into it?

>> No.10392464

I've tried keto and ended up losing about 40 pounds over the period of 3-4 months with a tiny bit of exercise.
I was heavily overweight at 180lbs at at 5'7"

Keto works great, but really you end up naturally just consuming less calories because meals high in fiber + fat + protein helps you keep fuller longer on a smaller amount of food.
It also greatly improved my skin.

The only gripe I have about the diet is that it's hard to sustain over your lifetime because the meals are boring as fuck/

>> No.10392487

It's not what they eat at public that tells the tale of the landwhale, it's what they eat at home. A whole family size bag of chips or two heaping pb&j sandwiches could be considered a "snack." Also, soda. Lots of soda.

>> No.10392568

she has a disorder that doesn't digest food properly, so she's always hungry and needs to eat a lot to get any type of nutrients/energy from any food.

and it's a female. why are people always hostile to skinny people who eat lots of food?

>> No.10392581

>The only gripe I have about the diet is that it's hard to sustain over your lifetime because the meals are boring as fuck/

steak and onions and mshrooms with a cream sauce?

salmon cooked in butter, and mushrooms and salad?

40 pounds is great shit, well done. oh it was just a gripe. you can go back to normal eating when you get back to normal weight

>she has a disorder that doesn't digest food properly, so she's always hungry
I would like proof of this

Mostly just hostile to some asian, I'm not a skinny shamer, just a racist

>> No.10392666
File: 102 KB, 971x576, 1486932608295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high level trolling or retarded individual?

>> No.10392782

Has some to do with eating alot, and alot to do with after you turn 30.

>> No.10393179

Most people moderate 'treats' (a burrito, an ice cream sundae, a cheeseburger with fries, etc) to a couple times a week. Obese people have 'treats' for every meal. There's absolutely no sense of moderation. You have to eat like crazy in order to sustain that kind of size, let alone get bigger.

Put any 300 lb man on a 2k cal diet and he'll melt like butter.

>> No.10393428

this dude i lived with would make dinner:

1 ham sandwich with mayo, 400 calories or so
1 family sized bag of potato chips, 2600 calories

it was fucking crazy watching him wreck that bag in a sitting.

>> No.10393829


You need carbs man, going without carbs is not healthy. Eat vegetables.

>> No.10393898

Bullshit, none of this fucking matters, you always need to watch what you eat, "hormonal changes", "condishuns" are just and excuse.

>> No.10394004

There was this fairly obese kid in my church youth group, at every lock-in event we had (all night party) he would almost constantly be eating or consuming some form of calories, throughout the entire night and there was a ton of junk food at those things.

>> No.10394455

the OP is asking about why people seem to be obese despite not eating larger portions. i'm an example of one of those people and alcohol is at least partly an explanation. i have no problem with acknowledging that it's dietary consumption, it's just not the same as eating pies.