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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10371785 No.10371785 [Reply] [Original]

New to plant-based diet here, what are some really lazy vegan foods?

>> No.10371790


Taco Bell 5 layer burrito and a bullet.

>> No.10371795

Just like a bigass handful of nuts

>> No.10371799


>> No.10371826

>comparing 13 USD/lb ribeye, which is a complete protein, to partial amino acid
Holy cherry picking.

I can get ground sirloin for 2.50/lb. Again, a complete protein. Whereas your beans you will have to mix with other grains and squash to get the amino acids required for a balance. Not to mention some gummy shits if you eat them alone.

>> No.10371832

Take a tub of bone glue, a piece of wood with a rusty nail sticking out of it and a chunk of chalk and get absolutely fantastic "nutritional value"

>> No.10371834

bullet to the brain

>> No.10371836

>New to plant-based diet here, what are some really lazy vegan foods?

>I have picked a supremely inconvenient diet that people only adapt to signal how much they are just in charge of their lives

>What's a convenient way to follow it?

Spoiler warning: You're gonna be disappointed.

>> No.10371838

>complete protein
One of my favourite memes, good post sir

>> No.10371844

Try /fit/ they might welcome you there.

>> No.10371850

yeah /fit/ is full of aids riddled faggots

>> No.10371859

You need a balanced diet. And forget about the veganism and other bullshit.

>> No.10371882
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>> No.10371899

>22g of protien in 100g of beans

I'm sorry but what fucking magic bean is this?

>> No.10371924

Dried beans.

Once cooked it would be more like 300g.

>> No.10371937

>a /pol/dditor soyboy made this pic

>> No.10371959
File: 6 KB, 500x200, Kidney Beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm. Depending on the Kidney Bean, your mileage may vary.

So 100g of kidney beans may yield less than 10g of essential amino acids, and not all the amino acids you need to boot. Whereas 100g gives you all the amino acids you need as an adult, plus that bonus you should get for optimal growth as a child, guaranteed.

>> No.10371962

Whereas 100g of beef gives you I mean, obviously. Apologies, I'm up at 5AM for some awful reason.

>> No.10371977


>> No.10371985

>still seething mad


>> No.10371988

a bigass handful of nuts

>> No.10371989

Yes and you're a welcome member of society

>> No.10371994

not being a faggot

>> No.10372223

You'll be back on the meat in the no time. Please try not to be a pretentious cunt and burn half of your bridges during your two week meme phase

>> No.10372228

>continues to insult potential voters

What is her problem?

>> No.10372229

I have heard the complete protein meme, as you call it, during lectures from two different Nutrition PhDs. They might be retarded when it comes to things like saturated fats but they definitely know what will happen if your diet becomes deficient in a critical nutrient.

That being said, I am eating peanut butter on toast this morning because the wheat corrects the critical lysine deficiency in beans. Beans and grains go well together anyways, what's the problem?

>> No.10372247
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>> No.10372250

>the lysine retardation strikes again
Yikes. Same guy as always?

>> No.10372255

Then you were lied to. I'm sorry, anon.
>You must consume meat, if you don't eat meat you will die of incomplete protein syndrome
This is carnist propaganda.

The idea of a "complete protein" comes from Peace Corps workers in sub-saharan Africa. It was started because delivering a complex message to an illiterate public is prone to distortion and misunderstanding. So rather than giving a list of essential amino acids and which foods contain them, the message was shortened to "you need a COMPLETE PROTEIN HURRRR" which makes no sense from a biological point of view but it's easy to say and conveys the notion that "protein" comes in different forms and you need to pay some attention.

You don't even need to consume the so-called "complete protein" aminos in one sitting as some vegetarians (who have also been lied to) believe. You simply need to ensure that your diet has sufficient quantities of all the essential amino acids, even if half of them come with breakfast and the other half at dinner. They do not assemble like Voltron in your stomach. That is pseudoscientific bullshit.

>> No.10372262

>You simply need to ensure that your diet has sufficient quantities of all the essential amino acids
All that just to say he was right. Why did you even bother?

>> No.10372264

But he wasn't right. Do you enjoy filling out captchas?

>> No.10372272

"Complete protein" means getting all the essential amino acids you dolt. Try eating some meat. Youre probably developing brain disease as we speak

>> No.10372275

There's literally no "incomplete protein" you retard.

>> No.10372288

but anon you just posted an essay about how there was

>> No.10372292

Lentil salad on baked potatoes.
Boil lentils mix with onion and tomato. Make a vinaigrette, and put chopped parsley and dried oregano on top
Can add humous or spinach

>> No.10372294

Buy my mom is an incomplete protein

>> No.10372295

You're arguing with multiple people, silly goose.

Additionally, you're wrong. About the protein, about me being a vegetarian, about how many people think you're dumb, and clearly many other things in life.

>> No.10372303

I'm not that anon and the other guy didn't agree with you, your reading comprehension is just shitty.

Anyway going back to your main point.
>lysine deficiency
Doesn't exist. Also I was curious and looked up the amino profile of some beans and guess what, they're perfectly fine in beans. Whatever bullshit you read was just that, bullshit.

>> No.10372315

Or you could eat 11g of each. Enjoy the variety.

>> No.10372320

>thinking all protein is equal.
Sorry but your beans don't contain all essential amino acids. They're also high in lectins, which aren't so great for you.

>> No.10372323

post the rest of the chili recipe OP

>> No.10372326

Meat doesn't contain vitamin C. Bananas don't contain any fat. Rice contains arsenic. Clearly we should just stop eating anything other than chicken tenders, because I eat 'em every day and nothing else, and I feel fine.

>> No.10372327

>muh water
I get that vegans are brainlets due to the lack of meat in their diets, but do they really think water disappears when used in agriculture? Do they not know of the water cycle?

>> No.10372328
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That meme is fad vegan, don't listen to it
That being said,
>frozen strawberries
>maybe oreos
>soy protein shakes

>> No.10372341
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>the water cycle
That's cute that you picked up a new phrase from wikipedia. Now explain how you think that prevents CAFOs from contaminating groundwater. Oh wait you can't, lol.

>> No.10372347

According to (((experts))) we should've ran out of water in 2005.

>> No.10372360
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Ethics-based vegans get the bullet. Environment vegans are my friends.

Nutrition vegans are "whatever man do your thing if you really want to live 1 to 3 years longer I don't give a shit, just know that your slightly shorter life with meats was probably more worthwhile than a slightly longer life without the joys of meat one in a while. You don't have to eat meat everyday, obviously, but you should learn enjoy yourself one in a while"

>> No.10372431
File: 615 KB, 2448x2267, 1521507764926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the symbolism of the image:

Vegans are the 5'13". They are usually correct in their logic and arguments ("muh environment" "muh plant production efficiency"), so technically they are actually taller than omnivores.

Omnivores are the 6-foot masterrace. In reality, 6 foot is shorter than 5 foot 13 inches TECHNICALLY, but meat eaters still get to eat anything they want and enjoy the joys of animal flesh and fats, thus they still "win" (as in "getting the last laugh") and get to become something "higher" (the venerable "6 feet") in an intangible sense. Meanwhile Vegans will never get to the symbolically/spiritually superior "6 feet" even if technically they are right.

I cri everytiem :,)

>> No.10372459

>I have heard the complete protein meme, as you call it, during lectures from two different Nutrition PhDs
Nice I have a youtube account as well

>> No.10372480

>Blatantly ignoring OPs original post, which specifically compares the protein content of beef and beans, and implies that they're the same
Sorry but if you're going to falsely mislead, you're going to get called out about it.

>> No.10372493

>You don't even need to consume the so-called "complete protein" aminos in one sitting as some vegetarians (who have also been lied to) believe. You simply need to ensure that your diet has sufficient quantities of all the essential amino acids, even if half of them come with breakfast and the other half at dinner.
This is literally what I just said anon, good to know you agree with me

>> No.10372501

I eat vegan because I'm poor desu.

>> No.10372540

Trump is a fag and a terrible presidente, but I'm glad this cunt didn't win.

>> No.10372573

>I can get ground sirloin for 2.50/lb.
Not any good sirloin, and not without it being on sale.

>> No.10372598

>rich people voted for me to fuck everyone else

>> No.10372603

what is with all these fucking faggots going vegan instead of just vegetarian

>> No.10372618

Op I’m gonna be straight with you: your entire way of life, the modern human way of life, is detrimental to the environment and ecosystems in ways you would never even consider and likely even understand. You can stop eating and using animal products consciously (asking for lazy recipes doesn’t show much hope desu), but if you really want to make a difference, consider the suggestion I give all plant based dieters: KILL YOUR FUCKIN SELVES

>> No.10372710

lol okay way to miss the point of plant based diets but okay

>> No.10372722
File: 30 KB, 598x597, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these hedonistic, nature and animal hating meat eaters in this thread pretending the "complete amino acid" profile of meat i the reason they tolerate what is done to nature and animals so they can get their "healthy" food. implying they wouldnt eat meat if it hadnt a "complete amino acid" profile but soybeans or other plants with a "complete profile" instead because you know, you only can eat one thing. fucking retarded shitters just admit youre hooked on the taste like a heroin addict that cant lay it off no matter how much it destroys you and the world around you. youre weak sociopaths and your time will come soon enough when meat is no longer sustainable. if the plant you eat lacks some amino acid to "complete" the daily need, well guess what retard, you can eat something else which has it. save the world and kill yourself you monsters.

>> No.10372765

Eternally bootyblasted at the flyovers who voted for Bubba in '92 for "betraying" the DNC after the the Assault Weapons Ban and NAFTA went into effect and a legit Red Wave from that area decimated the Dems in '96.
She still hasn't forgiven them and will remain a petty, vile cunt for the... what? 10 years she has left?

>> No.10372774

>tastes good
pick three. If you're gonna go vegan, just go full insufferable orthorexic asshole and lose a bunch of weight really fast and always comment on what your friends eat as you bite down on an avocado. The only real benefit to a vegan lifestyle are the social gains that come with being pretentious as fuck and taking up the bourgeois tradition of obsessing about your "nutrition."

>> No.10372810
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You're free to sell all your possessions and live in the woods if you truly wish to sacrifice worldly pleasures in order to leave zero pollution and environmental footprint.

Food is only a token of activism and it's a popular form of virtue signaling. Computers, electricity, transportation are equally, if not more, harmful to the environment.

>> No.10372821
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>even good-tasting food is a sinful addiction

How far will a vegan religion fanatic go to justify their dumb self-flagellation?

>> No.10372830

>Computers, electricity, transportation are equally, if not more, harmful to the environment.
More. MOAR! Fuckin self righteous piecees of vegan shit can shove it. How many Dinosaurs died for your plant matter?

>> No.10372846

Humans require many thousands of liters of water in their lives. Why don't we just end the human race?

>> No.10372875
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I admire a vegan's dedication to better our world and environment, but Vegans such as >>10372722 who has a totalitarian black/white view of the world and views non-Vegans as absolute evils should do their part of the deal and go all-in in their convictions and beliefs or else they are open to being called a hypocrite. They should leave their homes (the biggest source of pollution) and live off the land.

For normal Vegans who doesn't have such a religious fanaticism and admit to moderation and minor hypocrisy, they are free to use electronics and other polluting appliances.

>> No.10372877
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a whole watermelon

>> No.10372885


>> No.10372892

90% of /ck/ needs to migrate to /fit/
nice dubs

>> No.10372899

Tuna beans venison and tuna is all I eat you fucking beta

>> No.10372907

but its full of closet homosexual

>> No.10372911

Nice glutes bro :)
We should work out together next time bro I will spot for you :)

>> No.10372921
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/fit/ is still much better than those cancerous workout/fitness forums online filled with insecure hyper-machismo men, where they have literal testicle and penis measuring threads every other day.

Most threads devolve into "haha your balls r smol" too..

>> No.10372962

>t. You

>> No.10372971

TVP in anything really. I fucking love that shit and it's cheap. Most fake meats don't really need to be cooked. I often make a few kg of seitan and defrost it as a snack when I'm a bit peckish.

Fruit and veg are excellent snacks, ideally the ones you don't need to cook, like carrots, capsicums (I eat them like apples), nectarines, bananas, cucumbers, celery, spinach, tomatoes, snow peas, etc.

Ideally you would get an instant pot or rice cooker and just toss shit in it. I've really taken to lentils and millet personally. Season well.

>> No.10372976

meat is boring you idiot. why not eat some delicious cruciferous vegetables?

>> No.10373311

>vegetables are tastier than meats!

If believing that helps you sleep at night, be my guest

>> No.10373353

>meat is boring
This is the dumbest thing vegetarians and meat eaters who want to suck up to them trot out

It is not more of an ‘interesting challenge’ to make vegetables taste good you pompous ass. Every ingredient needs to be prepared and seasoned with care in order to taste good. This whole argument implicitly says that meat just tastes better than vegetables out of the box. It’s like saying that the piano is a less interesting instrument because you can produce notes easily at the touch of a button. Sure it’s easy. So people do way more interesting shit on it

>> No.10373364

Beans have anti nutrients. Also cholesterol is a vital part of T production.


>> No.10373388

I love beans so fucking much.

You can take a can of red beans and throw pretty much anything in a pan with them, cook it down a bit and you've got an incredible chili/soup/godly meal that's nutritious, inexpensive, easy, and actually good.

Can't fucking wait to eat some beans today.

>> No.10373399

>Beans have anti nutrients.
you wot m8

>> No.10373413

Keep in mind that all proteins are not equal. For example chicken protein is way inferior to beef protein.

>> No.10373592

Compounds that inhibit your body's ability to absorb nutrients.

>> No.10373601

new meme?

>> No.10373604


>> No.10373637

>contaminating groundwater.
>Drinking dirt water.

>> No.10373886

Onions and lentils

>> No.10373940
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>> No.10373948


>> No.10373983

Wait, what if you're both?
Nutrition vegans are the worst easily. No convictions, mostly just misinformed. Some people may have dietary needs that involve avoiding eating meats, but categorically avoiding any and every animal product doesn't serve a health purpose.

>> No.10373996

If you're vegetarian for animal cruelty reasons, it seems odd to be okay with the abhorrent conditions of most dairy cows and egg laying chickens (which nearly all of end up being slaughtered for meat anyways). If you're vegetarian for environmental concerns, dairy cows and egg laying chickens also are massively resource inefficient and damaging to the environment.

>> No.10374028

If you are going to avoid animal products, don't be lazy. Make Indian and Mediterranean food. They make the best vegetarian/vegan dishes.
Don't resort to meat substitutes because you will only be disappointed.

>> No.10374070

body can't use gelatin for muscle growth tho

>> No.10374558


>lazy vegan food

yeah if you want to fucking die of malnutrition. vegetarians can eat lazy cause milk and eggs but vegans have to chart what they eat for dem proteins.

>> No.10374596


but idiot, YOU are the one pushing the idea of limiting one's diet to specific food.

>> No.10374637

Exactly, and meat based products contain these acids which our bodies cannot produce. These acids however are typically not present in plant based products. Therefore it is wise for a human to eat meat based products, as he would have a very hard time consuming the needed acids through other means.

>> No.10374780

When did I ever do that?

>> No.10374832

Actually it compares a broad spectrum of macro and micrunutrients as well as environmental impact, and implies one is better. Which, of course, it is.

>> No.10374854
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>These acids however are typically not present in plant based products
Except they are. There are even a few that contain all of them in the same plant, quinoa for instance. However, most people with a shred of common sense would eat a broad spectrum of foods, so this isn't an issue. Even if you abstain from animal protein (which most people don't), you've got the protein part covered with beans and rice.

The reason this seems totally crazy to 4chan is the same reason it seems totally crazy that some people actually make stock from meat scraps and bones as opposed to buying the boxed stuff. Or how it seems totally crazy that sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France might actually taste different from carbonated white Zinfandel from Lodi and that it's not actually some kind of reptoid hoax designed to make you feel dumb. Or that some people eat salads because they taste good and not because they're "on a diet" or some such thing.

In short, most of you had a rough childhood and you take it out on what you perceive to be an oppressive "foodie culture" where eating different stuff, and liking it, isn't a sort of white guilt or an act of treason against America Hot Dog #1.

>> No.10375136

>you take it out on what you perceive to be an oppressive "foodie culture" where eating different stuff, and liking it, isn't a sort of white guilt or an act of treason against America Hot Dog #1.
Holy kek!

>> No.10375188

Not having Y chromosomes

>> No.10375201

I don't eat much meat, drink tons of milk, and eat a bussload of beans. am I doin good?

>> No.10375216

i ate two pizzas from pizza hut tonight because i wanted to, not because I needed to

>> No.10375224

pork is top tier meat. the fat is so tasty.

>> No.10375430

key word to google is 'phytates' but they're easily negated by soaking your bean/grains and avoiding gmo produce

>> No.10376009
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The Mesoamerican staple food triad worked pretty well.
Corn + beans + squash
Corn gives energy, beans give protein and iron, squash give fiber. Corn + beans give a complete aminoacid profile but you can add amaranth to be sure.

>> No.10376225

Marinated tofu is fuckeasy, and you can throw it on salads, in stir fries, on vegetable sandwiches, etc. I'm not even vegan and I eat it all the time.

>> No.10376913

No it didn't, they died very early of preventable diseases. Corn in particular is actually hell on your teeth for a number of specific reasons that wheat isn't and for this reason most of them were completely edentulous by the time they were 30

>> No.10376930

Someone post the wolfram alpha screenshot where is shows that this image is just flat out lies.

>> No.10376951

The data is accurate. Just that it's dry beans not cooked which is kinda bullshit. It's like a fifth of most nutrients cooked. Beans are still a good source of protein and contain a ton of other nutrients.

>> No.10376963

Would be interesting to compare dried beans with 100g beef jerky

>> No.10376989

You can always just put food + nutrition in google and look at the data, I do that all the time because I find it interesting. Meat will always win in terms of caloric density and usually lose in terms of nutrition (and price/ecology if you care about that).

>> No.10377028

available for free at every truck stop

>> No.10377175


Even the vegan meal replacements almost always leave out a ton of beneficial stuff which is readily available in meat/eggs/dairy though. Carnitine, creatine, Taurine, Carnosine, D3, coenzyme Q10 etc etc.

You'll live, but there is still no vegan diet known which doesn't turn most people into lanky faggots.

>> No.10377201

I love how on 4chan eating a bean makes you a vegan

>> No.10377210

It's /fit/ shitposting about veganism on both sides. I hate that it spread to /ck/. They have massive copypastas about their retarded stances. Also Huel is shit like any other "complete nutrition drink/powder".

>> No.10377253

I assume OP was not an Eskimo who ate plants for the first time in his life, so I read "New to plant-based diet" as new to pure plant based diet.

>> No.10377418

>There are even a few that contain all of them in the same plant, quinoa for instance.
Technically you're right, but plant/vegetable sources that contain all amino acids, contain certain amino acids in such lowly quantities that they're an unrealistic dietary source, for the sheer amount you'd have to consume to meet your dietary needs. It's why world health organizations don't recognise plant sources as complete proteins.

>> No.10377434

>why world health organizations don't recognise plant sources as complete proteins
actually monocropping is why

the solution to a bad diet is not another bad diet but with more meat this time

>> No.10377610

Nobody eats only beans retard, any normal vegan diet will cover all your precious amino acids, it's a non issue. Literally every food has some sort of protein in it (with some exceptions like water, etc), even vegetables.

>> No.10377629

LMAO your just talking out of your ass.
EVERYONE died of ONLY NOW "preventable" diseases. Do you think the spanish lived until old age? Europeans thought that people got ill because they had excess blodd.

>> No.10377634


Fuck me that's a lot of sugar.

>> No.10377660
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Arakas Latheros is a pretty tasty and easy to make greek dish.

>> No.10377669

fuck you

>> No.10377691

just eat fish

>> No.10377719

I dislike fish killing monsters

>> No.10377722
File: 46 KB, 680x455, xwoosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the infertility, shit hair, brit tier teeth and lack of A and D vitamins my dude

>> No.10378566

sorry you bean boys are so poor. Like anything variety is the spice of life, you can have both.

>> No.10378676

yes, you can
you just can't use it as the only source as protein, just like with beans

>> No.10378832

gelatin by itself cannot grow or repair muscles

>> No.10379002

I mean, a really quick google states that 100g of kidney beans (pictured in OP) is only 9g of protein.

Dunno man. Beans are fine and all but beef's pretty sick.

>> No.10379021

The graphic is misleading because it's assuming 100g of DRY beans. Of course once the beans are cooked you'd end up with a lot more than 100g and at that point the comparison is no longer equal.

>> No.10379024

Looks like a slop o shit.

>> No.10379058


>> No.10379096
File: 393 KB, 2000x1027, circumcision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually the literal Aryan diet right there.

Can't do much better than that. Large amounts of meat/fish are for paleolithic slaves.

>> No.10379099

And I stress GOOD sirloin.
>not without it being on sale
First off I live nowhere near a capital city, and secondly I own a freezer. Places that grind their own meat can afford to put ground sirloin on sale anytime they have more beef than they can keep on hand and get rid of.

Prices are low when you don't live in the decaying world of human wreckage, human meat stacked with broken concrete like some demonic jenga puzzle. You couldn't even get me to visit the East Coast again, let alone move back. Based on California's bullshit I'll gladly avoid the West Coast too.

>> No.10379381

Sorry you failed at life, but at least you saved $1 on beef!

>> No.10379519
File: 52 KB, 895x653, 2ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no, I was in a lecture at dental school last year where they laid out the link between certain diets and a lack of dentinal tubule fluid. You didn't even know what dentinal tubule fluid was until just now because you're a fucking know-nothing and I autistically obsess over teeth all day every day.

They noted that corn-fed rats in particular had a complete cessation of all dentinal tubule fluid secretion. From the lecture: "“The first step in the caries process is the reversal of dentinal fluid flow, rather than acid attack from the oral environment.”, citing this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22313822

Pretty interesting stuff, desu, maybe you should read a book sometime instead of being a stupid nigger.

>> No.10380145

>0mg cholesterol

>> No.10380170

I have never seen body builder or basketball player eat beans but lots of meat. Somethings not right

>> No.10380201

Yo I'm.new to beans.

So assume I have a lot of chili thats dome cooking and I want to add beans. Do I open the can bean and wash them before putting into my chili? I hate those slimmy water that comes with the can

>> No.10380208

>lmao if you dont know this totally not ultra-particular data from my totallt not-particular trade you are dumb!

>corn fed rats
kill yourself my man

>> No.10380220

You can use the water or not its your choice.

>> No.10380247

why not eat both?

>> No.10381932

Dems have never quite figured out that all the rural guys who liked Bill's personality and speaking style absolutely fucking hated and distrusted her at the same time, I'm just glad that they didn't figure it out until after blowing a Presidential Election that should have been the easiest win ever in doing so

>> No.10382238

Giant handful of apple seeds

>> No.10382369

Just google "one pot vegan meals." You'll find an endless supply of delicious meals that are piss easy to make, cheap, and pretty damn good. I'm not even vegan but do this all the time and haven't had a bad one yet

>> No.10382410

Actually europeans lived pretty much to the same age as know. The 30yo-meme comes from counting in infant mortality. If you survived your first 5 years, your probability of dying of old age at 70 was jsut as high as today. The 10 years we have gotten more out of it are mostly vegetable stages. Men were not supposed to live as long to outlive their brains with shit like Alzheimers.

>> No.10382438

You can barely even exist in this world without using something with animal products regularly; particularly in your computer. Just say you eat a vegetarian diet and stop sucking nigger cocks 24/7.

>> No.10382724

Honestly, I don't even know how the fuck Bill has spent nearly 40 years with her. Guy comes off as a bachelor to me.

>> No.10382995

political marriage for the most part, after she lost all her looks, he just moved into fucking younger people, and if she divorced him she would be done politically.

>> No.10383013

I eat meat every day in some form... there is very little that actually makes me excited to eat it, thinking what new flavors will this bring.

I can't say vegetables and greens fair much better in that regard but still.

>> No.10383020


How the fuck does 100g of beef contain 1,480 liters of water?

>> No.10383028


How are the 100g of beans considered dried if they contain over 100 liters of water?

>> No.10383151

Samefagging there newfriend?

The water is required to produce the edible end product, not what is contained within said product. Cows are remarkably water-inefficient per calorie.

>> No.10383335

>claims I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass
>gets BTFO by someone with actual knowledge on the subject we're talking about
>Doesn't even know about real-world examples supporting the fact that a corn-based diet is absolutely trash, like Cahokia mounds.
Holy shit do a 360 and leave this thread now, your argument is fuckin dead, kiddo

>> No.10383352

They're probably using magical vegan statistics and assuming the cows are fed on alfalfa.

>> No.10383448

>that pic
where the fuck do vegans get their cholesterol from? is this why they are so low test?

>> No.10383508

Mini is taking over. All other teams are not welcome.

>> No.10383529


>> No.10383736


Is that the only reason?

>> No.10383753


I’m considering going vegan and it’s not the taste. It’s more the convenience of the caloric density of meat and cheese.

>> No.10383759


That’s more sugar than drinking 100 oz of soda.

>> No.10383795

You forgot the part where it cures my hangovers

>> No.10384315
File: 745 KB, 743x693, vitaminplantfood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oatmeal. put rolled oats in a bowl, boil water, pour water on oats, stir. add whatever. oatmeal can be savory too, try adding tomatoes and black pepper. try adding coffee instead of water. try adding peanut butter and jelly.

canned beans. (use can opener around the bottom of the can but leave two spots so it doesn't come off, remove top of can, use sink to let water drain out through the can.) boil water, add water to beans, let sit, drain water, add whatever.

put a bunch of chopped up vegetables (use your teeth instead of knife if you're really lazy) on foil, maybe add some oil, wrap the foil up, stick it in the oven or on hot coals if you're camping.

if I cook, mostly I just pour hot water on shit or stick shit in the oven to make it hot. If I don't cook, I eat just straight up eat raw fruit and vegs. I don't fuck with frying shit on stoves. I like tempeh better than tofu, seitan, tvp, and other meat subs because it can be eaten raw. Being vegan is great because I don't have to worry about cross contamination and dishes clean so easy by hand.

>> No.10384411

>Just like a bigass handful of nuts
Why don't we count the fucking factory and the aluminium and the electricity whilst we're at it

>> No.10384429

Some people likefood that tastes nice though

>> No.10384443

Beans are remarkably taste-inefficient per calorie too

>> No.10384453

add sauce and spices and herbs

>> No.10384489
File: 145 KB, 960x850, ! 1512818234633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans natural food enjoy

>> No.10384508

I feel like you are an extermely lazy cunt and have become vegan to justify not cooking

>> No.10384579

its also more vitamins mineral fiber fat protein
it also tastes better
and you can burn it off by cardio

>> No.10384584

>what is american fast food
I feel like you are an extermely lazy cunt and have become fat to justify not having willpower

>> No.10384604

I'm not American and I don't eat fast food. There is some leeway between eating raw vegetables and McDonald's dipshit

>> No.10384624

nah I'm vegan for ethics. before that I would eat spaghettios straight from the can.

>> No.10384656

Fair enough

>> No.10384668

Just supplement with whey protein and stop being a retard.

>> No.10384706

Drink that estrogen up soyboy

>> No.10384960

I wouldn't say that meat tastes better unprepared. Most vegetables taste fine without any seasoning and can be eaten raw but meat pretty much needs it. Not to mention most seasoning (especially western) does little to improve the flavour.

>> No.10384986
File: 613 KB, 886x589, Prato Feito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best of two worlds

>> No.10385179

Crack on with your cauliflower tartare then mush, just dont try and convince me of your mental retardation

>> No.10385234

>he buys normie vegetables
there's your problem

>> No.10385600


That isn't samefagging, I was asking two separate questions, not pretending to be two different people.

>> No.10385779


ah yes, this erroneous copypasta image. More abject faggotry by ignorant sanitarium-escaped retards.