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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10366223 No.10366223 [Reply] [Original]

Can I make stock just fine with the bones alone? I don't wanna go crazy with flavor mixing.

>> No.10366226

It really depends on why you want to make the stock

>> No.10366227

that’s called bone water my dude

>> No.10366230

Max nutrients nut without adding in other foods because I would eat those seperately.

>> No.10366235

It'll come out better if there's a little bit of meat left on the bones, but yeah, sure.
Say you had JUST bones, completely stripped clean somehow. The gelatin/marrow inside, that good shit, is going to be pretty lightly flavored. Not flavorless, but it's not going to taste very much like chicken.

>> No.10366254 [DELETED] 


>> No.10366273

Well that's fine. As long as it's good enough. Gelatin and marrow were what I was going for.

>> No.10366286

Just add some extra onions, carrots, and celery to it to boost up the flavor a little. Maybe a teaspoon of MSG if you have it.

>> No.10366297

No friggin' way. Especially to the MSG. Himalayan or bust.

>> No.10366300

Is there a difference between bone broth and broth? Or did someone just add an extra word to sound fancy and it caught on?

>> No.10366302

...But I might throw in the garlic/onions eventually.

>> No.10366304

>Especially to the MSG
Can you tell me why?
I'd prefer to know if you're just ignorant or an actual racist.

>> No.10366305

Bone broth would have all the gelatin and marrow stuff from the bones.

>> No.10366309

But so does broth. Thats what makes it broth.

>> No.10366308

Oh gosh is that an acronym for something political now? I'm just trying to have a simple recovery in life.

>> No.10366315

I dunno. You can synthetically replace most food items now because that is how America primarily does it. I'm just trying to make a simple meal addition without any of that.

>> No.10366322

Broth is not particularly gelatinous. You're thinking of stock. This distinction is exactly why the term "bone broth" is so stupid - because the word "stock" already exists.

>> No.10366338

I got stock and broth confused.

>> No.10366563

>Bone Broth
>Himalayan pink salt
I cant tell if youre an avant garde shitposter or a Karen from accounting

>> No.10366583
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What is this "bone broth" shit? It makes my skin crawl, it's like those people from Wisconsin who say "real cheese" because to them, food is just assumed to be fake by default. Or flyovers who say "craft beer" or "specialty bread".

You think you're saying your food is high quality but what you're really doing is announcing what a disgusting trash person you are and what kinds of abominations you take for granted.

>> No.10366605

American Gen X and Boomers saw a ton of common cooking practices fall out of the collective knowledge base due to having the instant version on hand. Millenials currently have aging hipsters and starving STEM failures relearning this stuff either because it tastes better or because the extra $3 for a package of stock can be made with the chicken carcass and the parts of vegetables you cut off. Stock is having its misnomer because the caveman diet, paleo, is getting big with retards who think milk is what ruined their atkins diet. A major part of it is making stock out of the bones of the excessive amounts of fresh meat the diet calls for, and some quack somewhere called it bome broth.

>> No.10366610

I saw that syria bullshit, well have this.
Benjamin Netanyahu Speech to Congress 2015 [FULL]

>> No.10366648 [DELETED] 

Have you ever considered that you're so full of shit and buzzwords that you don't that you're full of shit and buzzwords?
When you take a shit do you poop out buzzwords and bullshit?

>> No.10366662 [DELETED] 


>> No.10367486

Stock is made from bones, broth is mostly meat.

>> No.10367528

Wisconsin should be banned from the internet

>> No.10367565
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The next time you buy one of those grocery store or (almighty Costco) rotisserie chicken, keep what you would throw away, and dump it all into a pot.

Boil and simmer it low heat for 4-6 hours, remove chicken, begin making your soup.

>> No.10368820

I blew my grandmother's mind the other day by telling her she can make beef stroganoff with sour cream.
She just always made it from a mix.
I wish I was one of those kids whose grandma cooked well and I had a lot of nostalgia for it. But I've been a better cook than her since I was 14.

>> No.10368850

Yeah, but please add at least an onion and some salt

>> No.10368863

>bone broth
Yeah, if you count a faint bitterness as flavour. Otherwise there's fuck all. Healthy as tits, but it offers nothing.

>> No.10369588
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This, I'm currently discovering home baking and gardening from other faggots on an outer mongolian dentistry enthusiast forum because my parents had nothing to hand down to me apart from very basic cooking.

>tfw in another time your dad would have taught you how to hunt, fish, and what good soil should look like
>tfw you are now getting your dad into all this stuff yourself
>tfw you have become more of a dad to your dad than he was to you

>> No.10369600

So what we learned here is that /ck/ is full of people who had horrible childhoods and blame "the boomers" when it's specifically their own parents' fault they never had real food until they were 25

>> No.10369635

>t. baby boomer who is up past his bedtime of 8pm
NCIS is on in 30 minutes, shouldn't you be in front of the television?

>> No.10369677

I don't own a television, and I'm not a boomer

Also, I go to bed at 10

>> No.10369688
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The bone broth

>> No.10369692

That's not really a /ck/ exclusive thing, people love blaming things on other generations.

>> No.10369727

My parents are boomers. Well, not exactly, being from a different country, but they're in that age range and their cooking could be pretty bad. Canned and frozen food everywhere, microwaved 'poached' eggs, leather steak, pressure cooked soups with rubbery meat, etc. Oh, and margarine was king and if you ate more than an egg a week you'd get a heart attack.