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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10363732 No.10363732 [Reply] [Original]

>create the most delicious candy to ever exist
>it can fucking kill you if you eat too many
What did they mean by this?

>> No.10363742

Nah you can eat the whole bottle it won't kill you, it'll just be a waste of money when you piss it all out.

>> No.10363754

Just eat gummy candy then you fucking sped and maybe learn how to swallow something that's not covered in sugar

>> No.10363765

Vitamin A overdose is a real possibility

>> No.10363772


>> No.10363773

I drunken ate a bottle of vitamin c chews one night. I lived.

>> No.10364053
File: 183 KB, 1500x1500, vitamins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these better

>> No.10364059

No it's not

>> No.10364112

People can take grams of vitamin C daily and be fine. The worst it can do to you is give you watery shits.

>> No.10364387

are you faggots so infantilized that you can't even swallow a fucking pill, it has to be some nod back to your third grade sack lunch

>> No.10364612
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>paying more for less nutrition, just because you can't handle swallowing one regular pill

How sad.

>> No.10364673
File: 56 KB, 490x341, 84845cf01e9caa2ef6dcee4bdad63541_-a-good-fking-idea-memes-idea_490-341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10364693

I have a very well-developed gag reflex. I've tried practiced with M&Ms before but I will catch them midway down my throat and bring them back up.

>> No.10364697

I can help you fix that reflex

>> No.10364710

You only think it tastes so good because it's forbidden.

>> No.10364713

Stupid cunt. Just eat fruits and vegetables like a normal well adjusted person.

I can imagine anything more embarrassing than being seen buying these synthetic gummy candy things at the supermarket.
It screams "manchild" louder than wearing a hat indoors screams "balding".

>> No.10364745

As a diabetic, gummy vitamins are actually better for me than eating fruit because it's less sugar.

>> No.10364887

describe how you take pills

>> No.10364938

ya but niacin od is annoying

>> No.10364946

You could do some nice magic tricks if you can do that.

>> No.10365494

I grew up on fucking chalk flavored flinstone chewables, now adults get candy for breakfast. JUST

>> No.10366056

imagine being this angry about multi vitamins

>> No.10366081

Well, that was going to happen to him anyways if he drank enough alcohol to eat a bottle of vitamin C tabs.

>> No.10366085

Like, make the pills disappear up his ass instead?

>> No.10366109

Those flintstone chewables were delicious you cunt.

>> No.10366145

Gummy or Softgel vitamins are vastly superior because the body can efficiently digest them. Solid pills often times pass right through and you get no benefit.

Saw it once in a show where they were replacing a septic tank. In the old tank was hundreds of undigested vitamins just sitting around.

>> No.10366222

That's rubbish. The ones in the sewage are from people flushing them down.

>> No.10366237

>Take mouthful of water without swallowing.
>Drop pill into mouth.

Guaranteed to work.

>> No.10366260

Multivitamins are terrible for you unless you have a diagnosed vitamin deficiency. They can actually increase your risk of cancer.

I take a Vitamin D supplement because I'm a Northern fag and it's below zero four months a year. All the other vitamins you can get from a healthy balanced diet.

>> No.10366474

Yes it is. Unlike vitamin B or C which are water soluble and thereby can excreted through urine when present in excess, vitamin A is fat soluble, meaning that stores of it will only build up until depleted.


>> No.10366528
File: 64 KB, 800x450, tobefair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do nutrition topics always draw out the most loud, opinionated asshats who think some blurb they read in Men's Fitness gives them free license to get angry and screech their loud opinions as if they're the first person ever to read about the topic for 10 minutes?

>> No.10366589

It's "sciencey" enough to draw out the lukewarms(90-115iq) but not enough to overwhelm them on the surface