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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 999 KB, 1212x421, Screenshot_71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10357203 No.10357203 [Reply] [Original]

KFC, with no regard for human life, drops the mic.

>> No.10357226

>let’s call this flavoured mayo ‘aioli’
every restaurant ever

>> No.10357232

I will never understand this meme, chicken and waffles don't even go well together

>> No.10357282
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>> No.10357287


>> No.10357289
File: 57 KB, 557x415, 4UTVrki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFC is so based helping the white race succeed better than the klan

>> No.10357293

btw this is canada only

>> No.10357361

sweet and salty/savoury you dumb pleb. its a classic combo.

>> No.10357367

Daily reminder that "based" is nigger vernacular, coined by a nigger.

>> No.10357371


>> No.10357377


>> No.10357379
File: 63 KB, 600x448, Tyson-Chicken_Box-0031000116110_CL_default_default_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10357406

yeah and peanut butter is a negroe invention but that doesn’t stop me from fucking with reese’s

>> No.10357421

Why not eat pancakes and fries then you retarded nigger? It's just as dumb a combo and has the same terrible mouthfeel

>> No.10357425

George Washington Carver didn't invent peanut butter just a few varietals of peanuts, peanut butter has been around for centuries before black ever came to America.
Who coined it?

>> No.10357428

>nigs invented peanut butter instead of the natives that had been using it for centuries
>fucking with
Fuck off, normalfag

>> No.10357431

only available in canadia. that means it sucks.

>> No.10357435
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>> No.10357447

no,pancakes and fries would just be mushy carb city, crispy fried chicken, succulent and juicy and some sweet waffles and syrup,GATDAMN that's some good stuff, you are just being a dork.

>> No.10357455

your fault for living around pinkoid-americans

>> No.10357466

I feel like it should be a chicken piece sandwiched between two waffles instead of this.

>> No.10357480

needs more bacon, peanut butter and chocolate

>> No.10357729
File: 52 KB, 1100x750, DZPdivYUMAA-zK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who coined it?
This guy

>> No.10357837

basedgod fucked your bitch

>> No.10357860


>> No.10357863

Who gives a fuck? This isn't /pol/ where we reeee if anything relating to niggers is spoken.

>> No.10357869

because it's two mushy textures lmao you're stupid. go back to /pol/

>> No.10357915
