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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10345248 No.10345248 [Reply] [Original]

itt: your go-to quick dishes

looking for inspiration, pls no bully

>> No.10345263

Rice and gravy

>> No.10345282

Duckleg confit.

>> No.10345288

I'm Rachel Ray, anything can take 30 minutes or less.

>> No.10345291

jambalya with chicken thighs and andouille sausage

>> No.10345301

Chicken bog, it might take a few more minutes but very low effort and good eating

>> No.10345310

Chicken and anything fry up.

Use mexican seasonings on hand, add any veggies that apply, peppers, onions, garlic. Spanish rice on the side.

Chicken and any asian seasonings on hand, I usually throw broccoli in at the end. White rice on the side.

I eat one of those two 5 days a week.

>> No.10345314

>fettuccine aglio y olio
>roasted chicken thighs with broccoli
>egg/cheese/bacon breakfast tacos
>literally any salad
>steak with roasted veggies

>> No.10345329
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Gennaro thought me how to make great pasta in 10 minutes so usually that

>> No.10345357

>pastas quick
it takes like 30 minutes for my stove to boil a gallon of water. How is that fast?

>> No.10345403

I can't be expected to assume your stove is garbage. Also, consider that you can set the pot to boil and go do other things for 30 minutes.

>> No.10345452

I always have some frozen veggie mixes in the freezer. I just throw them in a pan and cook them. Throw some meat or fish on the grill and that's it.

>> No.10345476

what kind of garbage stove do you have?
maybe just use an electric kettle

>> No.10345503
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Start steaming broccoli, carrots, spinach.
Boil water for rice, add rice.
Cook ground beef in cast iron pan with gochujang.

Maybe 15 minutes total.

>> No.10345660

Samsung with a gas 18k btu burner and sitram stock pot. Why? is there a better burner without going commercial or meme 7,000 dollar stove?

>Also, consider that you can set the pot to boil and go do other things for 30 minutes.
Multitasking doesn't make something happen faster.

>> No.10345662

why do famous people dress like they have the gay?

>> No.10345669

>dressing well is gay
stop being a jelly faggot

>> No.10345680

chicken tikka masala, 20-30 mins tops in a pan or 3-6 hours in a slow cooker
>heat spices
>cook chicken
>add tomato and coconut milk

>meat cook
>add butter and flour
>add beef stock infused with caraway seeds and paprika
t. shops at h&m and jean factory

>> No.10345691

>dressing well
lol trash taste, kys.

>> No.10345703
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absolutely soy

>> No.10345714

>/fa/ infographs
so you don't actually know anything about fashion or post on /fa/ or actually have any terrorwave fits, understood

>> No.10345797

>the OP is an example of someone dressing well
t. flyover

>> No.10345810

You're calling gordon ramsay a flyover, lol.

>> No.10345836

Your story doesn't add up. An 18k btu burner will easily boil one gallon of water in less than ten minutes.

>> No.10345865

>Your story doesn't add up.
don't know m8. I do know my tap water is super cold so maybe that is it. But really boiling water is easy, but it's not quick. So I wouldn't consider it a quick meal.

>> No.10345871

>But really boiling water is easy, but it's not quick.
Boiling water is quick. It does not take very long, and only requires you fill a pot and turn the stove on. The benefit here is that you can do any other prep and cooking at the same exact time, and so the total time of the recipe is typical time to boil water + time to cook pasta which is easily under 20 minutes.

A meal that takes less than 20 minutes to cook from start to finish is absolutely quick.

>> No.10345875

>Boiling water is quick. It does not take very long
repeating yourself doesn't make it a fact.

>> No.10345876

stir frys are easy

put rice on to cook, fry whatever meat and veggies you have in the meantime, toss with sauce at the end. Takes 20 minutes. Pasta too.

>> No.10345882

akshually I own BDU bottoms in every base colour, a few casio digis, and some HUF skate shoes and Adidas Sambas.

>> No.10345883

Your opinion that boiling water is not quick is subjective, and I would say that it's in conflict with what most people would consider "quick". With an 18k btu stove and only the amount of water required to boil 1-2 servings of pasta, the total cook time is less than 20 minutes, probably closer to about 12.

Do you consider under 20 minutes to not be quick? I'm only stating the facts; I'm not sure where your opinion lies with the definition of "quick", but you cannot dispute the laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.10345885

His torso looks like a fucking cereal box

>> No.10345892

>With an 18k btu stove and only the amount of water required to boil 1-2 servings of pasta,
You should never use less than a gallon of water to make pasta

>probably closer to about 12 minutes to boil pasta
You water should be rolling boil.

>12 minutes to boil water; no minutes to actually cook the pasta.
inb4 "i make fresh pasta very quickly!"
Just admit you're full of shit.

>> No.10345898

I included 6-7 minutes to get to a rolling boil. Pasta only takes a few minutes to cook, and you'll finish the last minute or two in the pan with your sauce.

>> No.10345910

>With an 18k btu stove and only the amount of water required to boil 1-2 servings of pasta, the total cook time is less than 20 minutes, probably closer to about 12

No you're full of shit.

>Pasta only takes a few minutes to cook
not dried pasta.

>> No.10345922

I'm not reading these replies, but I will say it doesn't take 30 minutes to bring a gallon of water to boil. You are doing something wrong or your stove doesn't go above medium.

>> No.10345930

Fridge cleaner omelette

>> No.10345932


>Doesn't know the difference between a simmer and a boil

>> No.10345940

Neither takes 30 minutes, or even 20.

>> No.10345957

30 minutes to boil water, why on earth would it take 20 minutes to boil water when it takes 5 minutes to boil water, goy!

>> No.10345970

Neices secretions.

>> No.10345991

Take some steak and cook it rare, take some spinach and throw it in with the steak. Done in about 5 minutes or so not counting letting the steak come to room temp.

>> No.10346013

Then finish cooking it until it's done and wait till room temperature?

>> No.10346027

Just admit you are White Trash and can't afford a real stove

>> No.10346035

Already spoken about it. It's samsung with 18k burner and a french stainless cookware (sitram).
Don't turn simple cooking into class warfare because you know very little about cooking.

Just freeze your steak properly and cook it from frozen.

>> No.10346060

Shilling, my dog food is better than blue buffalo.

>> No.10346074

I always freeze my steak/ground beef before I cook it. I've always thought it was funny how Wendy's advertises that fresh is better than flash frozen from McDonalds. Like I want all the bacteria and harmful shit to continue to grow on it and I want it to be less fresh when I eat it vs. McDonalds frozen. Silly Wendy's. Anywho, i always freeze not just for that reason, but freezing helps break down fibers and make it more tender.

>> No.10346090

low quality.

>> No.10346125

I know it doesn't take 20 mins to boil water.
Buy a fucking electric kettle

>> No.10346143
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Whatever you say, kid.
I should have bought induction. Gas is a meme.

>> No.10346147

I'm sorry :(

>> No.10346172

That's true

>> No.10346184

I had to replace my new s9 because I thought those induction things charged phones too.

>> No.10346210
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favorite easy dish is fettuccine alfredo with chicken and zucchini

butter, cream cheese, and heavy cream in a saucepan, heat and whisk until they combine, and then toss in spices, parmesan, pre-cooked chicken, and quartered zucchini

toss over pasta and wa la

>> No.10346215

pb&j on white bread

>> No.10346229

Egg and mayo sandwich on white bread with a glass of whole milk.

Don't even use a plate; just eat it over the sink.

>> No.10346273

Melted butter and mayo inside pankake mix then grilled on a skillet with bits of scrapple, flipped and eaten.

>> No.10346285

that jumper costs more than you make in a year, cuck.

>> No.10346310

He is right, prep in the time it takes to come up but if you can turn your water heater temp up than it's quicker.

>> No.10346320

>prep in the time it takes to come up
Still doesn't make it a quick meal, retard.

>> No.10346381

if you're smart enough to buy a working stove it does

>> No.10346388

like induction?

>> No.10347882
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i doubt she's waited 30 minutes for a meal for a long while

>> No.10347923

He's a big guy

>> No.10348012

I guess her cooking has improved

>> No.10348039

Start Rice in a rice cooker

Brown 1 lb of beef in a pan with whatever oil and a medium sized dollop of garlic

Beef will secrete a ton of fat, depending on your lean %, dump that fat into the trash (or coffee can, then to the trash)

Lower heat on beef

Second, smaller pan, start cooking broccoli and mushrooms with ginger (who cares if it's ginger powder)

When broccoli and mushrooms are cooked, combine into larger pan

Shit ton of Brown Sugar, plus a good amount of Soy sauce, then a couple pumps of ginger, onion powder, and red pepper flakes

Take this beef, broccoli mushroom combo and add it to the rice

Americanized random Asian beef combo

>> No.10348044

3 dishes and like 1 tupperware if you can store it right

>> No.10348059
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for you

>> No.10348064
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>> No.10348099

Stir fry, fried chicken, beans rice and mixed vegetables, a quick tomato vegetable sauce and pasta.

>> No.10348290

a pumpkin pasta sauce usually with oven baked chicken as the main dish. most recipes for the pasta sauce are cheap and dont take too long either

>> No.10349851

money does not equal to good taste retard

>> No.10349869

Retard, learn to cook or shut up and stick with your instant meals nuking in less than 5.

>> No.10349937

Tell me about Gordon, why did he turn into a faggot?

>> No.10350057

>30 minutes to boil water
>11 minutes to cook the pasta
>almost a 45 minute meal
It's so quick!

>> No.10350064

beer battered chicken tenders and soup, usually instant or canned just because i like potato soup with the tenders

>> No.10350065

That's nothing unless you are a bug and your life span is less than 180 years.

>> No.10350072

>That's nothing
If you're a NEET.
An egg sandwich takes 3 minutes.

>> No.10350603

poach a couple of eggs with whatever vegetables I have, tomatoes, bell peppers or so

fucking delicious if you season them well

>> No.10351159

Hey rachel used to watch your show when I was a kid