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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, bt_2014-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10345134 No.10345134 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Buffalo Trace, the best bourbon

>> No.10345137

drinking is degenerate

>> No.10345151


>> No.10345172
File: 20 KB, 400x600, willett-family-estate-bottled-single-barrel-4-year-old-straight-rye-whiskey-kentucky-usa-10870296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

willet rye or die plebs

>> No.10345203

There's drinking and then there's drinking. Which do you refer to as degenerate?

>> No.10345206
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I love whiskey it makes me feel like a man!

>> No.10345215
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Exquisite taste, gentlemen.

>> No.10345491

ah yes, willet rye
a bourbon

>> No.10345501

I used to be a drunk. Quit because I'm not a pleasant drinker.

am slavic so it's a drag :(

>> No.10345506
File: 189 KB, 596x1500, 81rp56wQOyL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably the best bourbon i've ever had

>> No.10345511
File: 108 KB, 1248x832, 6927-3-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite bourbon currently

>> No.10345923

>blended malt scotch
>best bourbon
I think you need to find out what those words mean.

>> No.10346037

I’m not really a bourbon drinker but I like makers mark

>> No.10347928


Grabbed a bottle of Gibson's Finest Rare 12 today, heard good things about it.
And a tiny 100ml of Grant's Family Reserve, just in case I get lucky and have a cheap scotch I can buy by the bucket and enjoy.

>> No.10347932

this. fucking soyboys and their whisky.

>> No.10347969


Now, whisky is definitely making a comeback, and soyboys trying to be tough and fratfags trying be sophisticated is definitely part of and a growing part of the whisky consumers, but it's a bit silly to assume everyone is doing that.
You can't assume everyone that drinks wine just wants to feel artistocratic, or that everyone who drinks gin is a wannabe "mixologist".

Everyone who drinks Jack is a fag though, leaving that there.

Just let us like what we like, we'll let you like what you like, and we'll keep to our own threads, yeah?

>> No.10348228

I'm like whiskey to sip but I just dislike bourbon unless it's mixed. Not a fan of the sweetness.

>> No.10348897

Lots of butter out of the grant's, never had that before.
Gibson's needs more time, I don't really know my way around rye yet.

>> No.10349342

I prefer Few but Buffalo is also very good.

>> No.10349343


nice northernlion gif

>> No.10349376

is whiskey too manly for a girl?

>> No.10349383


>> No.10349738
File: 151 KB, 730x1600, Four Roses SB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BT is good but 4RSiB is where it's at

>> No.10350139


Does it matter?

>> No.10350170

Lil pricey but sure

>> No.10350478
File: 76 KB, 776x1176, woodford-reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your liver*

>> No.10350991
File: 121 KB, 1200x1960, ten high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drain a few liters of this shit per week

>> No.10351057

my dude
you too

>> No.10351113

Meh. Its overrated. Plenty of better bourbons out there for much cheaper.

>> No.10351281

$30-35 isn't too bad for the OBSV single barrel. It's cheap enough to always have stocked.

>> No.10351288

I'm aware I posted a private select bottle which I would agree does get expensive

>> No.10351429
File: 231 KB, 1200x1620, old_overdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my #1 is pic related, for us boozers on a budget

>> No.10351438

Is it weird if I like Jim Bean more than the two more expensive/higher rated bottles I got?

>> No.10351439

who /gin/ here

>> No.10351508

Black version is damn good

>> No.10351872
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These ones.

>> No.10351879
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>> No.10351995
File: 87 KB, 600x600, old-crow-kentucky-straight-bourbon-whiskey-reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here was my go to until it just disappeared. 14$ for a handle that tasted like a better Jack Daniels

>> No.10352346
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Enjoy dying of dehydration, moralfag.

>> No.10352399

Alcohol is sort of icky but it's nice to have bourbon with ginger ale added.

>> No.10352427

I like this sentiment. It's getting old how some asshole always has to bust in here and be a downer in an on-topic thread with interested folks. there's entire fucking boards dedicated to shitposting, why bother us?

fuck I can't stand beer, but I don't go shit up the beer threads. good on them I say. I can talk about all the other stuff I like here

>> No.10352554


Slowly but surely developing a love for gin.
Had a G&T once, then tried martinis, now Negronis, probably aviation next.

Don't seem to enjoy it much straight though, but that's probably just me not having the palate for it yet.

>> No.10353130

Drinking this now, it was a gift from a friend visiting me from North Carolina. It's pretty good.

>> No.10353878
File: 201 KB, 500x373, 1464717675273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to start drinking whiskey
>do some reading and decide to start with Irish whiskey
>get to try some Jameson at a friends house
>it's fucking awful
>not much of an alcohol burn just shit taste
>get turned off the entire thing
>fast forward a couple of months
>regain interest in it
>read some more differences between whiskey styles
>decide on bourbon (I like sweet and spicy alcohol in general)
>want something cheap so I don't regret it if I end up hating it
>buy a 35cl bottle of white label Jim Beam
>try it neat first
>taste is nice, if a bit simple
>but oh the fucking alcohol burn
>not a hard liquor drinker in general
>aftertaste is very nice, warm, sweet, with a little bit of spice
>again, not the most complex drink but I'm a babby anyway
>next day
>try another glass
>this time I water it down a bit (about a tablespoon) to help with the alcohol burn
>smooths out the drink considerably
>also removes all the flavor

I can't decide if I like it more neat or with some water. Diluting it really helps since the alcohol burn is pretty harsh to me since I'm not used to it, but the "reward" of the flavor is also gone meaning what little alcohol burn is left just feels pointless now.

I get that whiskey is an acquired taste, kind of like coffee, but holy shit does it have to be this hard. I just want something spicy, warm, and flavorful without feeling like my mouth is on fire. Do they make 30% whiskeys or should I just keep going until I get used to the burn? I used to drink straight vodka when I was a freshman, and after about a month I could barely taste the alcohol anymore. Will it be the same here?

>> No.10355298

aviations are overrated, but do try a holland gin cocktail

>> No.10355311

>Babby couldn't handle drinking because he is isn't a very nice person deep down inside and the alcohol pulls away the mask
Maybe you should spend more time self reflecting and improving yourself instead of being a contrarian on an anonymous internet imageboard.

>> No.10355321

Why do trenchcoat warriors never buy appropriate footwear? Its almost always light colored payless sneakers.

>> No.10355330

Grants is okay. They sell big bottles at Costco Liquor for cheap.

Teachers Highland Cream and Famous Grouse are some other decent, inexpensive blends to try.

>> No.10355341

Yeah, gin is good. I usually go for Bombay Sapphire or Tanqueray since they're good, readily available and not super expensive.

>> No.10355347

>tablespoon worth
Try adding just a few drops of water next time and try and find a balance between smoothness and flavour.

>> No.10355357

>whisky is definitely making a comeback
i fucking hate statements like this. whiskey never fucking "left", you 'tards, it's as popular as it ever has been, and i've been hearing about this "comeback" for like 15 years now

>> No.10355757


"Comeback" is the wrong word, I was wrong to use it.
It's popularity is growing. Soyboys who want to be manly are buying it now, and new drinkers who try it to be as manly as the soyboys are trying it and turning out to actually like it.

From what I hear, it's mostly this "cocktail revolution" that's apparently going on, faggot mixologists trying to pretend that pouring liquids over ice and stirring it is an art.

These two things is why it's as popular as it ever has been.

I like a good cocktail, but any schlomo can doll up a cocktail.

Though for all I know "comeback" might be appropriate in some places, I've heard brandy went from an aristocratic drink, to a drink for niggers, and now it's just a spirit like everything else, so many in some areas whisky was a hick drink and now people are moving away from that.

>> No.10355764


I get a lot of buttery popcorn out of it.
It's not "good", but it's scotch. Might be the sort of thing I buy a stupid huge bottle of just to have around to make my good shit last longer.

>> No.10355774


You get used to it. You might also be adding too much water.
When I started drinking whisky that wasn't bourbon, I got absolutely nothing out of it. Even bourbon was mostly more burn than flavour.

Keep drinking it, try different things with it, just go back to the bottle every so often.
The bottle of Gibson's 12 I got the other day is my first 100% rye (I think, at least), and I got nothing out of it for two days, but now I'm picking up what it's putting down.

>> No.10355783


The correct answer.

>> No.10355797
File: 881 KB, 4032x2625, gw4wb16xcr101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been really enjoying Distillers Cut. For the price it's really good.

I rate it at 4.3 out of 5

>> No.10355853


Now that sounds like a treat.
Thanks, Anon.

>> No.10355914
File: 67 KB, 610x458, christianbrothersbrandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of brandy, this stuff is $14 and tastes like a $30 bourbon. Great if you like vanilla notes.

>> No.10355921

Anyone who drinks a specific alcohol for the image is a soyboy, plain and simple. Just drink what you actually like you faggots.

>> No.10355928

Only brandy I've had is the St.Remy VSOP, nice enough for the pricetag, but if I can get brandy that tastes like bourbon I'll have to try it.

>> No.10356000

You've tried 2 of the cheapest thus more burn of the bigger brands.

Buy something nicer or learn to drink.

>> No.10356013

It's aged in bourbon barrels, at least all the ones I've seen at the stores. I just noticed the image I posted doesn't say that on the label, so it may not all be done that way and the others probably taste more like a regular brandy.

>> No.10356062


fuck off back to /pol/eddit you underage idiot

>> No.10356069

Implying willett rye can even be found lol.

Rittenhouse rye is gr8. For bourbon I like willett pot still reserve

>> No.10358011

I had a lot of orange bulleit the other day

>> No.10358031
File: 105 KB, 200x500, 001214-BTT-BTDcom Web Maintenance-ER-200x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10358047
File: 65 KB, 575x651, Kino!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love whiskey!!

>> No.10358224

Wait, what?
Orange Bulleit?
I thought there was just regular Bulleit and the Bulleit rye.

>> No.10358344


You know, if you had a criticism of whisky and the people who drink it, you would have shared it. Frogposting is not an opinion.

>> No.10358375

he means the bourbon (the orange bottle)
if trolling then 4/10 for making me reply

>> No.10358540


Nope, actually figured maybe there was some orange bulleit somewhere. Might've made for neat Boulevardiers if it existed.