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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10342845 No.10342845 [Reply] [Original]

Post the best and worst school lunches

>> No.10342846
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>> No.10342847

fucking kids should be grateful they're being fed FOR FREE

>> No.10342851
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>> No.10342852

I don't know where you're from, but school lunches in America aren't free.

>> No.10342858

Lunches cost like 4 bucks unless you were some mexichode poor fag that got it from the state.

>> No.10342863

True since everyones tax dollars are paying for them

>> No.10342875
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>> No.10342884

the best school lunch was the rectangle pizza

>> No.10342898

... no, dipshit? You have to buy your lunches unless enrolled in a Free Lunch program because your family doesn't have enough monetary income. It goes somewhere around $1.55 exact to $4 if you wanted extra, down in Florida.

Italian Dunkers, the grilled chicken wraps, and the chili were the only edible things back when I was in school.

>> No.10342904

I remember when my middle school opened up a salad bar, everyone was hyped as fuck for it. Good times.

>> No.10342911

Do American children really eat this?

>> No.10342964

Love thy neighbor. You wouldn't like it if I called you a dipshit. Anyways, I was talking about the "Free" Lunch program, that shit ain't free. It's taxpayer-funded bruh

>> No.10342970

Fuck yeah. Everyone had to. What do you eat in your damn country?

>> No.10342984

I mean not everyone, but a lot of us had to. You could just bring your lunch if your parents cared enough or if you cared enough

>> No.10342991

My HS lunches were always the same ingredients recycled into some Tex-Mex shit everyday. Generally:
1. Greasy ground meat
2. Some form of corn chip (taco shell, nachos)
3. Some form of cheese (mexican blend, nacho cheese)
4. A veggie or two
So one day we might have tacos, the next wed have nachos, and the next wed have like a chipotle bowl which was essentially the taco without the shell. Utter shit.

>> No.10343035
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>the best

>> No.10343044

Don't forget
>burnt to a fuckin crisp plus you got a side piece so half the cheese is melted and hardened in place, hanging off the slice
Still the fuckin best.

>> No.10343049

My high school prohibited students from bringing their own lunch. Dunno if that's still in place, but at the time it seemed really fucked up.

>> No.10343060

Had to make sure you got the state required dosage of pacification drugs

>> No.10343085

what state are you in buddy? That's a god forsaken school

>> No.10343099


What exactly is the problem, Anon.
Do you not 'want' Children to be fed or what is the issue here, use your words.

>> No.10343123
File: 181 KB, 962x879, 25C3DF1400000578-2957301-Greek_school_lunches_feature_baked_chicken_with_orzo_stuffed_gra-a-10_1424244473761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based greece

>> No.10343126

You're funny

>> No.10343130

This was bumfuck Tennessee, probably to no one's surprise.

>> No.10343152


>> No.10343160

The goddamn south, that's pretty cool. I've only heard bad things about it because people here from the west coast like to joke and shit talk everything related to the south. What's life like in Tennessee btw?

>> No.10343170

Bullshit. This is photography student's set up, this isn't a live school cafeteria in Greece. I can make a photo of "mexican fiestada" look fantastic too if I don't have to use the US cafeteria's output.

>> No.10343185

>burnt to a crisp

Weird, where I grew up it was criminally under cooked.

>> No.10343188

When I went to school in Canadia we brought our own lunches. Once we got to high school there was a cafeteria you could buy stuff from optionally. I don't remember much of the menu besides chicken fingers and burgers and fries and wraps and salads but I don't remember anyone complaining. Every year we had a world hunger day where you could pay 5$ and 9/10 got beans and rice while the other kids got unlimited pizza. Was tight.

>> No.10343193

In germany parents actually care about their kids so they pack them food for school everyday. There is no lunch sold by the school.

>> No.10343199

>they care about their kids so they give them food instead of giving them food

>> No.10343215

Damn leaves. I feel like a lot of American school lunches have been training us to literally eat shit. Because of school lunches that I used to eat, I'm satisfied with just about anything.

>> No.10343218
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Remember this? The "Taco Snack"

Really, seems like shit, but really, tasted good back in the day, not legally a taco, more of a burrito, more of a chimmichanga, but it was a tasty soy filled nacho treat in a generic form

>> No.10343233

I live on the west coast now, and half the stuff people make fun of about the south has some merit to it. My hometown? Get ready.

>nothing to do unless you have ATVs and land or somewhere to fish
>teenagers hang out at the outer edge of Walmart parking lot for fun
>they get wound up and get into shove matches but never fight
>at least three guys from my school have been investigated for incest
>several are registered sex offenders (usually statutory rape)
>police officers enable dope dealers who rat other dope dealers
>COs at the jail routinely get caught having relationships with inmates
>meth everywhere, many try it before they leave middle school

>> No.10343237

Best was the McRib knockoff. Hands down.
Runner-up: Fuck whatever's on the menu and just order a soft pretzel with cheese.

>> No.10343261


How is that a school lunch? Were you home schooled by white trash?

>> No.10343262

I work in an industrial camp kitchen, we get those knockoff mcribs from sysco. Definetly a guilty treat.

>> No.10343267

Not that anon but back in my schools we always had shit like straight up Jose Ole burritos from a grocery.

>> No.10343279

All school lunch in the US is the same kind of food you can get from a gas station prepackaged and frozen, they order it from generic companies who sell that kind of shit from warehouses. The only difference is you've never heard of the "brands" and they take it out of the packaging before they serve it (usually, lots of schools serve hamburgers still in plastic bags and speghetti cooked in vaccum sealed containers.

>> No.10343281

red baron pizza fucking inedible i was always glad when chimichanga day came back around

>> No.10343286
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In Spain we had pretty great cafeteria food. The best was this two-course meal. First course was chicken noodle soup, but the noodles were little stars that had a very satisfying texture to shove into your mouth. The main course was the real deal though, swedish meatballs and baked fries with the skin on. Later on in highschool (the school had all levels) I would head home to eat, but would get the cafeteria food every time the meatballs were on the menu. Good times.

>> No.10343298

>going to public school

>> No.10343316

The only school lunch I remember fondly is shepherd's pie. There's something about those box mashed potatoes that I just can't get enough of.
Man I love swedish meatballs. That's a school lunch you can get excited about.

>> No.10343319

In reality it probably looks a lot worse but it likely includes all the same stuff which is fucking yum and healthy to boot. Love wild rice.

>> No.10343324

Normal lunch was shit but there was a taco truck in the back that served pretty good food for cheap.

>> No.10343332

You guys should tell your governments to stop wasting money on school lunches. Funding education is hard enough without having to pay for the kids' food as well.

>> No.10343367

I guess stereotypes aren't created for no reason. Do you like it here in the west coast? Things changed here a bit throughout the years. I bet you noticed.
>more people have that new urban look with the dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, etc.
>big spike in left wing politics
>more white people are popping up
>more weed than crack now
>everyone in public is focused on their phones

>> No.10343391
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>mmmmm, i sure love the taste of plastic overprocessed food!
>wtf, other countries make real food?
>they must be lying
>i live in 'the worlds richest country' and eat slop
>therefore those yuropoors and chinks must eat mud!
the absolute state of amerimutts

>> No.10343455

Stop baiting you foreign shit pie. I know you don't gain true happiness out of this. You manipulate my fellow Americans patriotism into anger since you like controlling us. You like controlling us because you are compensating for something that is not within your control. Which is your garbage ass country.

>> No.10343457

>plain white porridge and barley soup isn't peasant food
They do

>> No.10343460

*rice porridge

>> No.10343463


>i know you don't gain true happiness out of this

Obsession isn't just a meme, anon.

>> No.10343579

that's not even true

>> No.10343586

>garbage ass country
>higher percentage of whites
>more developed according to U.N.
>better food
>dont get shot while walking down the street
>free healthcare if i get sick
>dont get sick as often as less obese
ok anon, keep larping as the greatest nation on earth

>> No.10343609
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We always got soup and 'second dish'
idk how Americans can fathom feeding children hamburgers

>> No.10343627

Kek I remember my school did this and kids would sneak food on campus and be forced to eat in the office

>> No.10343639

btw, it depends mostly of the region you're living, when I was a kid and lived in Mazuria my schools used to serve a lot of semolino meals with jam, and a lot of sandwiches with meat and vegetables + a fruit, it was in the 2000-2001

>> No.10343640

That looks legitimately good anon, i'd be a much better person now if i grew up eating that

>> No.10343665


>> No.10343739
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My schools had pretty decent amounts of food and a lot of the times it was very fresh and quite tasty. I did eat pizza three out of the five days though, but some days when they had chicken and taters or whatever else I'd even get extra. I was never on reduced or free lunch, since my parents gave a shit about me and about not getting arrested for neglect. I even helped buy food for my friends, or I'd share because, despite you whiny fags complaining about food, the real niggas know they gotta eat to fucking survive. And not everybody has parents who give a shit.
>tfw the lunch ladies and janitors are the coolest school employees next to the hot teachers and nurse
>fuck high school

>> No.10343740

>That fucking disclaimer

The absolute state of American food

>> No.10343746
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Kentucky btw, and when school lunches suck, they fucking suck.... Cat food always sucked, but you get used to the plain, cold veggie burgers, but man when the cheese doesn't melt....

>> No.10343772

Parents who love their children make lunch for their children, at least until middle school, then they at the bare minimum provide their kids with the means to make lunch.
But, if your parents were poor and stupid or didn't love you, you ate at the cafeteria.

They had pretty good meatball subs, though.

>> No.10343800

Soup is a peasants meal, first of all. Secondly, that looks like a shit, a piece of fried meat with potatoes? A hamburger is better than that basic shit, I bet you don't even have seasonings in Poland.

If your parents loved you, they let you do what you want. I had the personal choice of what I wanted for lunch, I could demand my mother make me what I wanted or I could receive money from her, I usually opted for that because as a kid I would usually rather have whatever the cafeteria was serving than what my mother would make, which is food I could fucking eat at home anyway and likely did already since it would usually just be leftover meat sandwiches on bread, fruits, vegetables put into ziplock bags, etc. Yeah.....maybe if it's fucking spaghetti day I would opt for that, but I'd much rather a hot hamburger and french fries, chicken nuggets, tacos, burritos, pizza etc....you know , food kids actually like to eat. Hell the best days I would get my mother to bring me a McDonalds Happy Meal, then I'd get to play with a toy too and other kids would be jealous.

>> No.10343820

Kek I bet you're the kind of kid that would swear at your parents

>> No.10343821

nice bait larping yuropoor.

>> No.10343822
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>openly celebrating textured vegetable protein

>> No.10343825

>If your parents loved you, they let you do what you want
If your parents didn't give a shit about you, they let you do what you want.

>> No.10343827


>he doesn't enjoy taco bell ground beef

>> No.10343832

>wild rice
It's kριθαράkι (a pasta)

>> No.10343875

>I would get my mother to bring me a McDonalds Happy Meal, then I'd get to play with a toy too and other kids would be jealous.
life goals right there. i'm gonna do this when i'm old and have a career.
if only you knew bros

>> No.10343876

teenagers were fucking their sisters?

>> No.10343879

>Unlike those in the United States, Greek schools do not offer subsidized school lunches
I like how anti-american faggots used this photo as a battering ram for awhile when if you're poor in greece tough shit for you dig out of the trash can lmao

>> No.10343886
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>> No.10343907

No they just throw it in the trash and eat chips

>> No.10343910
File: 492 KB, 590x447, Screen-Shot-2015-02-26-at-6.23.33-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costs $7 per meal too lol

>> No.10343936

Getting a real depressing vibe from your post.

>> No.10343986

These look fine.

>> No.10343997


That's like a university cafeteria meal, though. When I was eating those 5 or 6 years ago it was half the price, and you also apparently took that pic on "American fast food" day.

>> No.10344011

I feel like who ever makes the US military MRE's should also make cafeteria lunches.

This is just another reason why all American public schools should just be turned into military academies.

>> No.10344040

Don't expect these cold sandwich boys to understand why buying a warm meal is always better than their moms shitty sandwich and lukewarm aluminum foil wrapped cans.

>> No.10344061

>Soup is a peasants meal, first of all.

You're clearly a fucking peasant, so slurp it up.

>> No.10344069

Children are not going to want to eat this.

>> No.10344075

>American children are not going to want to eat this.


Also who gives a fuck what children *want*? They're children: the entire point is they have poor or no impulse control and don't know what they need. That's why they're not capable of looking after themselves.

>> No.10344082

Is that tea? Fucking based

>> No.10344083

MREs are a lot more expensive than school dinners

>> No.10344087

>textured vegetable protIen

how did this pass QA

>> No.10345944

Baiting ain't getting you nowhere. Jealous Europeeing

>> No.10345971

In my school in southern california the food was pretty decent but I always just walked to the local pizza or soup place down the street or over to the college across the street since it was always better. Fuck California though because it's still a hellhole.

>> No.10345974
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>If your parents loved you, they let you do what you want


Your parents literally didn't give a shit about you. You're only kidding yourself. Honestly this is probably the most depressing thing I've read on /ck/

>> No.10346247

I went to a Catholic school for grade school, and we got sent the same food as the local public grade/high school. Half the time it was cold or soggy by the time it made the trip across town.

I went to the public high school and lunches were way better by then. We were getting tax money from a local casino at that point so everything improved including the lunches. There were always two lunch lines, one for pizza and the other for lunch of the day. It was always entree + a side (usually potato-based), a salad or other veggie like canned green beans, a fruit, and a roll.

It doesn't sound great, but the ingredient quality was good. We had a spicy chicken sandwich that rivaled Wendy's. Just a solid chicken breast, no fillers or whatever.

>> No.10348035
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I don't have any images, but Finnish anon here. I don't get what's the deal with US and UK school lunches which seems to me like it's mostly junk and garbage. Yeah, I get that it appeals to kids because of our primitive need for carbs, fats and salts. I could imagine myself getting those chicken nuggets, fries, slice of pizza, handful of corn, mushy carrots and chocolate milk for free, but I wouldn't want to pay for it as a parent if I had even a slightest chance of giving home cooked meal with my kids to school. It's completely shit food and probably won't be beneficial as kids grow up accustomed to that. I know that there is huge money and politics running in those school lunches.

Here is a weeks menu of what I had in school as a kid. Every meal included a plain selection of salads which you are usually free to pass if you don't like it along with bread. Salads usually had a choice from iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, shredded carrot, canned tangerine wedges and sometimes something else aswell. You could choose all of them or none.
Many schools also had a choice between water, milk, sour milk or juice.
>Chicken fricassee, rice and black currant jam

>Potatoes, meatballs and gravy

>Cabbage casserole and lingonberry jam (lingonberry is almost like cranberry)

>Pea soup with ham. Mustard and diced raw onion as condiments.
>Often pancake with strawberry or raspberry jam for dessert.

>Spaghetti bolognese and shredded cheese as a condiment

Kids at school has heavy influence over what kind of food is served.
For example, if too much food is left after day again and again it strongly implies, that the kids don't like it. So they do what is logical and drops it off the menu and comes up with something else instead. Sometimes and perodically we had these short questions about food and what new we should get to replace the ones removed.

Liver dishes for example lessened in popularity and was replaced.

>> No.10348098
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It's called orzo here. Wild rice is an American grain, which is wonderful, but expensive. I have some in my freezer.

>> No.10348117

They get better free food at home. Have you ever seen a sheboon at the store when foodstamps come in? Lobster and steak for days.

>> No.10348157

>Went to highschool in an area where most people paid for their school lunch
>food was high quality shit, even if it was fatty as fuck it was delicious

>Volunteering at a local highschool because they are offering $100 a day to proctor tests
>offered free school lunch
>every student has free lunch
>It's frozen cancer that tastes like burnt asshole

When people stop having to pay for stuff, the quality drops immensely

>> No.10348174

I was a big fan of these Veal Parm sandwiches we had. Toss some Parmesan Cheese and Pepper on it and it was good. The meat was cheap as fuck but it was nice

I was also a big fan of the Chicken Cheesesteaks we had. God I wish I knew how they got the chicken like that.

>> No.10348858

>kids have heavy influence over food served
the American school lunch dream

>> No.10348864

jesus you sound spoiled as fuck

>> No.10350796

the school lunch program was started because during WW2 the military found that a large portion of the population was to malnourished to be seen as effective soldiers during the draft

>> No.10350806

that is a cheap meal the thing that makes it to expensive to serve in the USA is the cost of hiring people that can use cooking utensils

>> No.10350811

Working in a grocery store changes a man. It should be mandatory for teens, to counteract the conditioning.

>> No.10350813

Only milk proudly displaying "hormone free" need the disclaimer, captain obsessed.

>> No.10350817

The spicy chicken sandwiches were actually pretty good.