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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10339399 No.10339399 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most autistic thing you do in the kitchen?

>> No.10339401

cried while making dinner for two because she texted me saying she wasn't coming to dinner and wanted to take a break from dating

>> No.10339446
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Pretend I have my own cooking show.

>> No.10339461

She's fucking someone else

>> No.10339469
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I eat alone but I set two place settings and pretend I have a friend. I don't talk to an imaginary friend or anything while I eat, but while I'm setting the table and prepping things I like to pretend I'm making it for a friend. It used to be for a girlfriend but now it varies from some fantasy of someone that was going hungry that I had the courage to invite in or to a neighbor or something. Sometimes it is for a girlfriend but I think sometimes the girlfriend fantasy causes more pain than comfort.

>> No.10339560

I spank myself on the ass whenever I finish a step. Repeat after finishing other steps.

>> No.10339565

I sit or lay on the floor in between steps. Don't know why.

>> No.10339575


>> No.10339578

i talk to myself, out loud, a lot.
i do this but pretend i'm preparing everything for a group of friends coming over for a fun dinner party
i don't really have friends yet but it'll be a fun time when i do

>> No.10339591

That's when you eat both

>> No.10339618

More like JUSTin.

>> No.10339658

dude that's code for she's cheating on you

>> No.10339689
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Every time my knife's blade touches the table I clean it.

>> No.10339800

I eat my meals standing. I don't like sitting with food, except lurking snacks. Also while prepping I'm usually washing my hands and knife between cutting two different things.

>> No.10339982
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I do this aswell.

>> No.10340036
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>start to dance around with my plate of spaghetti while singing dunno funnicula (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PG4SbelgIFk)) and pretending I'm am Italian pizza chef
>trip while dancing and drop my spaghetti all over the floor

I still ate the spaghetti.

>> No.10340146
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I narrate everything I'm doing, but only when I'm alone.

I also have a weird thing with potatoes and apples where I need to obsessively dig out brown spots while leaving as much of the rest of the flesh intact as possible, so I'll be there for like ten minutes with a scalpel carving a potato up like I'm playing fucking operation. Then when I'm done, I peel it and dice it anyway, so it's like what the fuck was even the point, but if I don't do it then it makes my skin crawl and destroys my ability to enjoy the end result.

>> No.10340226

>every time I cook
>pretend I'm showing my 6 year old daughter how to cook
>taste things to see if they are fresh or not
>explain the flavor profile and what's good and not for the ingredient
>explain why the flavors are good together
>explain what flavors clash and why
>explain how to tell when it's cooked through and how people normally mess it up
>she gets so excited and is so captivated by the information
>eats it and loves it every time, even if I fuck up the seasonings
>tells me how great I'm doing even though everything is falling apart day after day
I just want her back lads, cooking is the only thing that distracts me from the pain. Help

>> No.10340239

Making food. It is autistic enough.

>> No.10340526

This is normal, provided you actually had a 6 year old daughter at one point and arent just pretending to have an anime girl as your daughter
Grief is a weird emotion and no one should fault you for it.

>> No.10340564

I believe you've brought up your daughter on here before. Hang in there man. We're here for you.

>> No.10340586

Wholly fuck that potato story is some extreme as fuck autismo right there.

>> No.10340591


yeah no shit you think i dont know this?

>> No.10340597

>activity done throughout human history
ok the word has lost all meaning. kys faggot

>> No.10340609

i do this too, my catch phrase is kablam

>> No.10340679

I don't usually rally a mob but everybody point and laugh at this bitch. Quickly, while he's down.

>> No.10340690
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My cat is my lovely assistant.

>> No.10340699

I bake with only an apron, wig and makeup on, I sell the pics later on. I don't do this when cooking anything else.

>> No.10340726

Sometimes I just let my cat cook dinner

>> No.10340938


>> No.10341029

Pissing in the sink

>> No.10341243

When I make my own Pico, I chop the tomatoes, onion and jalapeno in the same exact sized chunks. It might seem lame compared to some of you other pathetic motherfucks in this thread, but it not only produces a better product it also allows me to spend a good 45 minutes of pure zen while suppressing the rage of interacting with the public.

>> No.10342296

I do this... No memeing

Sometimes ill make a whip sound when I do it

>> No.10342312

What happened?

>> No.10342364
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>i don't really have friends yet but it'll be a fun time when i do

>> No.10342993
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I cook things that are good for me but don't like to eat and eat it pretending someone else is forcefeeding me it.

>> No.10343001

Ouch, sorry bro.

>> No.10343011
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>this thread
didnt need this today bros

>> No.10344163

I used to like to cook for my friends but, ever since they started to get into drugs we’ve grown apart. Now i just go to work, gym and sleep. Then drink on the week ends. It does not feel bad most of the time but sometimes it bothers me.

>> No.10344299

I split my english muffins with the sharpest chef's knife I own

>> No.10344501
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Whenever I turn the stove on "HI" I wave "Hi" back to it

>> No.10344507

I do this but I also suffer from severe mental health issues and for some reason sitting on the floor between steps calms down the crushing fear of failure

>> No.10344578
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I have to constantly wash my hands and dishes in between every step when I cook.

>> No.10344584


>> No.10344588


>> No.10344590

Yeah, but it's like I would have touched chicken, then grabbed a bowl, then have the urge to wash my hands to touch the same chicken.

>> No.10344635

I wash my hand quite often in the kitchen. It makes me feel safer and cleaner.

>> No.10344654

With you there.

That's cute.

I leave the fridge door open all the time if I know I will need something else and it sometimes stays open as I'm prepping. I forget because of my initial urge to keep it open to retrieve and return things. People yell at me, I see my faults though so it's okay.

>> No.10344658
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>I pretend im an iron chef competing against a challenger, and i'll sometimes even do some field reporting on the dishes I am making when no one is around and commentate.
>"Fukui San!"
>"Yes, Shinichiro Ohta, go!"

>> No.10345504
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>> No.10345887

Eat the leftover ends of garlic cloves after peeling them

>> No.10345904

I have this fucking stupid cat named Patti and I always post gay threads about how "dickered" I am getting

>> No.10345906

Type in 130 on the microwave instead of 90.

>> No.10345916

That's pretty autistic, I bet you let the cat wave her balloon knot all around the food too.

>> No.10346038
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>put on some random youtube video on and pretend I'm cooking with my friends over
I only cooked with friends for a grand total of two (2) times and they were some of the best meals I ever had. I feel a crushing loneliness whenever I cook and eat without RLM in the background now.

>> No.10347222

4chan, autists, the thread.

>> No.10347234

I often look in the fridge when I'm not even hungry just to confirm that my food is still there

>> No.10349370

animals live outside

>> No.10349377


>> No.10349379

she tasted his slop o shit and died

>> No.10349391

sorry, my friends gf has cats and the whole house smells just pisses me off

>> No.10349394


>> No.10349407

You sound unironically fun to hang out with

>> No.10349415

piss and shit doesnt belong on a carpet animals live outside

>> No.10349430


Cats that live outside are called strays, and people who keep their dogs outside should be locked up.

>> No.10349575


>> No.10349586

Dogs don't belong in the house. They're filthy

>> No.10349589

Be myself

>> No.10350424

Found the muslim

>> No.10350433


>> No.10350459
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I have genuine non meme autism and everytime I'm frying something I cusp my two hands together and start blowing into the gap between my two thumbs and start imagining the food frying really intensely.

>> No.10350486

What you have is nothing, my autism twice as strong

>> No.10350506

I have a small basically chemistry set in my kitchen, and use the stuff unnecessarily while pretending to be Bill Nye

> flasks and graduated beakers
> milligram and gram/kilo scalez
> 12 rack dehydrator, vitamix, convection oven, instantpot, immersion blender, the usual
> Digital pH meter, laser thermometer
> Kappa, iota, lambda carrageenan; xanthan gum; agar; tapioca and arrowroot starch; different powdered mushrooms; several types of artificial sweeteners bought in bulk; lactic and citric acid powder; sodium citrate; beet powder; kala namak; vegetable glycerin


>> No.10350578

The table, or the knife?

>> No.10350660

That's pretty autistic.

>> No.10350681

Wish I could have dinner with you anon and have some drinks

>> No.10352055

I individually count the pasta or noodle pieces to make sure I'm using the right amount. It can't be an odd number.

>> No.10353375

i read all food labels, and selectively eliminate many foods with ingredients i have somewhat arbitrarily decided are beneath me. the goal is health, taste, and nutrition, but jesus im ocd about it, and not consistent. its a long complicated process whenshopping, but once home i dont worry.

>> No.10353458

I constantly fuck up and burn everything I cook.

>> No.10353464

it is a 'how autistic' thread not 'how retarded'.

>> No.10353470
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I pretend my waifu just walked in and I drop my spaghetti