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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10335332 No.10335332 [Reply] [Original]

lets take these lovely blueberries and turn them into soda

>> No.10335337
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we're gonna add 2 cups of water, 160g of sugar and a pinch of salt to the blueberries

>> No.10335350

>160g of sugar
I think that you forgot a comma there, mate

>> No.10335353
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bring to a boil, then simmer at low heat for 15-20 minutes

>> No.10335362
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they will start to soften

sor, ry, sug, ar

>> No.10335371

all that blueberry goodness is in the syrup now

feel free to strain the solids out if you prefer a smooth soda or leavei t in like me if you like bits

>> No.10335376
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>> No.10335413
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here comes the hardest part, letting the syrup cool

>> No.10335440

The wait

>> No.10335445

OH MY GOD you know what would be so good? using this to make a mojito! fuckkk i wish we were friends right now so i could make one. Refreshing af.

>> No.10335488

Sup Borneo. Been awhile.

>> No.10335509

FUCK YOU for wasting all those blueberries on your liquid candy bullshit, fatass

>> No.10336003

FUCK YOU for wasting all that oxygen on your dumb shitpost, retard

>> No.10336013

How long does it need to cool?

>> No.10336031
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Whoops I forgot to update

It's very refreshingu

Now there's an idea!

Hey anon

>> No.10336035

looks good, lad
too bad that you being a namefig kind of ruins the thread, but let's look past that this time

>> No.10336054

I'm actually gonna be out of town for the next few days and I don't want these berries to go to waste, so blueberry syrup.

>> No.10336057


Cut your nails and stop drinking out of jars, what are you a 13 year old girl?

>> No.10336067

I mean
That does sound about right

>> No.10336076

show boobs!

>> No.10336087

Wait wait wait how did you get it to carbonate? I though fruit sodas carbonate thanks to natural yeasts eating the sugars/farting out CO2 inside a closed bottle.

>> No.10336097

Borneo in America was a mistake.

>> No.10336099

I assume he just added the syrup to some soda water

>> No.10336101

that's a female look at them nails, also drinking fruity beverage

>> No.10336200

It's just soda water added to the syrup.


>> No.10336415

Smelly, dumb, hipster scum

>> No.10336428

this is nice i will do this on my next shopping trip
thanks borneo

>> No.10336620

Post feet.

>> No.10336628

Nigger or urbanite (whats the difference) detected

>> No.10336630

As someone who has experimented with using yeast, even wine yeast gives it a pretty fucking yeasty flavor. I was never successful with fruity natural sodas being anything but grody

>> No.10336699

I took this recipe from "The Art Of Fermentation" and had good results from it.
Dissolve 1 cup honey into 3 quarts water, then add 1 quart fresh picked raspberries. Ferment for ~3 days and refrigerate.

>> No.10336715


I homebrew beer and cider but have never even looked up how to make my own soda before. How do you possibly use yeast to naturally ferment soda and not have it alcoholic? Alcohol forms quicker than co2.

>> No.10336733

Just don't ferment too long
Check out water kefir, tepache, aluá, and kvass

>> No.10336735


That's probably why it still tastes like yeast.

>> No.10336793

I heard about yeast making the sody grody, but ill try that honey recipe next time. Cheers.

>> No.10336895

looks tasty. might make this myself.

>> No.10336984

i'd rather make a pie or a compote that i could mix with yoghurt or "oatmeal"

>> No.10337024

Yeah, probably so. It also carbonates EXTREMELY quickly with how much sugar is in fruit. >>10336699 uses a method that relies on natural yeasts forming. I assume that ends up being very little yeast.

>> No.10337052

Yes you're right but I recommend raw honey because its yeasts are intact- they die during pasteurization. Organic fruits are the best bet when buying from the supermarket, but only because they haven't been sprayed (the best option is of course to pick your own from the side of a country road).

>> No.10337223

Skip the bulk fermentation stage. Pitch the yeast, then go straight to bottle conditioning before the fermentation really kicks in.

Wyeast 1272 works really well for this.

You'll want to bottle in PET or very thick glass bottles.

>> No.10337324

That's interesting, I'll keep it in mind.

I made a big thing of syrup, gonna use some waffles this weekend

>> No.10338096

That looks good

>> No.10338825

Fentiman's use pear juice concentrate and ginger. That seems like a viable route.

>> No.10338881

I don't know if it's anyone else but these things enrage me. Why would you take fresh berries and just turn them into something unhealthy? I suppose I just rarely have them. Good luck on that Soda, though.

>> No.10338939


You do realize that she isn't turning fresh berries into the hfcs soda you're used to drinking, right?

>> No.10338992

honestly, with the way this place is going, its probably a tranny from reddit

>> No.10339011

She's an asian chick. Look for the egg drinking gif from some time ago if you care to see what she looks like.

>> No.10339218

She has a good reason to

>> No.10339540
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>fruity beverages mean you're female
Sorry sweetie, but it's 2018. There are these things called gay men and transsexuals... Mind your pronouns next time, 'kay honey?

>> No.10339545
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Are you from Maine? They're crazy for their blueberry pop.

>> No.10339572

pls suicide.

>> No.10339756

Naw I'm just trying to cut down on commercial sody. My other favourite is honey soda. Get the raw local honey from the farmers market, mix it with a little hot water to loosen it up and add soda water.

>> No.10339767

keep in mind that honey is almost exactly the same as HFCS

>> No.10339773

What if he plays finger style guitar, faggot?

>> No.10339789
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>> No.10340156
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>take awesome ingredient
>make shitty food out if it


>> No.10340161

Xir (he) will eventually. That is the only end, to that path, as has been historically proven time and again.

>> No.10340911

No way, honey is way more delicious. I get this raw unfiltered stuff and it's got such amazing subtle flavours. I mix it with hot water or soda water so I can taste the pure honey flavours.

>> No.10340937

it's so much better to eat the comb the larva are the swetetest part!!


>> No.10340950
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>all these newf*gs not recognizing borneo
>they still have the audacity to imply others are from r*ddit

>> No.10341171

There's an old Swedish recipe for making blueberry soda, it's pretty nice. It's commonly known as window wine or sun wine. Fill half a large swingtop bottle with blueberries, add a small lump of sugar, a pinch of baker's yeast and top up with water (with some headspace of course). Ferment them on the windowsill for a couple of months (if freshly picked berries in late summer it's perfect for Christmas) turning them once a week. These are famous for being bottle grenades and if they blow they stain EVERYTHING in the room and it's impossible to get rid of. I recommend inside a plastic bag in a bathroom or boiler room instead.

>> No.10341178

>not knowing who namefags are makes you a newfag
>he doesn't force anonymity in settings
I shiggy.

>> No.10341200

Shit thread.
Filled with shit people

>> No.10341863

That sounds hella cool. When I can afford my own place I'll have a food fermenting room and I'll make that.

>> No.10341917

Seems like you skipped a few steps. You just mix it with carbonated water?
Wonder what it would be like if you carbonated some of the whole berries and added that to the drink. With mint. And vodka.

>> No.10341988

>You just mix it with carbonated water?

I've heard of carbonating fruit. Sounds like it'd be fun

>> No.10342046

It's a little gimmicky once you've had it a few times, but kids really freak out on it.
I have 2 isi siphons and I could give you one so you could do it yourself if you'll be my girlfriend. I mean, unless you already have an internet boyfriend.

>> No.10342843


She actually moved half way around the world to live with her internet boyfriend.

>> No.10343268

Meh, was meant as a joke, didn't nkow,
Do you want to be my internet GF?

>> No.10343280

Cool thread Borneo, I've been meaning to do this sort of thing myself to make some interesting cocktails.

>> No.10344119


The blueberries become little sugar bombs, so you can leave them as is or mash them up if you want more flavour in the syrup

>> No.10344128

should've added a bit of lemon juice

>> No.10345937

Yeah, I'll do that next time. Didn't have any this round

>> No.10347536

Want someone to watch over your panty drawer, er, I mean your apartment?

>> No.10347548

borneo has been around for years m8
she posts decent enough content

>> No.10347550

All sugars are basically identical. Your body metabolizes any and all of them, as well as all starches, into plain ol' glucose. This is, like, fifth-grade biology class stuff.

>> No.10347557

Not really sure why I haven't tried to do this. Back when I lived in the US I went to some grossly expensive natural foods store to buy Hot Lips Soda which is made up in Portland using local berries and other fruit.

I can't get it in England but it's not like it's exactly hard to make.

>> No.10347658

Hey Borneo, come to Taiwan, Michelin just added some restaurants here to its food guide.

>> No.10347661

>All immigrants are basically identical. Your country metabolizes any and all of them, as well as all religions, into plain ol' culture. This is, like, fifth-grade biology class stuff
Do Europoors really

>> No.10348729

You can make a surprising number of things at home. I tried a homemade cola recipe a while ago which turned out real tasty.

I want

>> No.10349002

>Hot Lips Soda

Pretty sure I got that a few times at a pizza place when I went to undergrad in Portland. Their blueberry soda was the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread.

>i want

Different anon, but if you hike up to I-80 and then drive 16 hours West I'll meet up with you and take you out to some places I think you'd like.

>> No.10350166

I'll take "Really Shitty Analogies" for $2000, Alex.

Also, as a diabetic, this is why I do keto, and this:
> 160g sugar
is why this thread is evil and sucks. :-(

>> No.10351487

Maybe once I get those self driving cars. I can't believe the distances you guys have to travel to get anywhere.

I'm sorry to hear that anon.

>> No.10351526


>can't believe the distances you guys have to travel to get anywhere

How long was the drive between the UK and Malaysia?

>> No.10351904

About 3 days, the car broke down in the sea and had to be towed

>> No.10352020
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Damn, you made really good time.

>> No.10352985


Saying you do keto should get you banned. Might as well be literal aids.

>> No.10353704

Ah yes, the cult of retards who give a fuck about something that is literally inconsequential.

>> No.10353724
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>> No.10353748
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there's a name i havent seen in ages
soda looks good, did it turn out well?
nice thread

>> No.10355213

Yeah it's pretty tasty. Using half of it for the bfs oatmeal and he seems to like it

>> No.10356459

How do you even get hair like that?