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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 680x510, Candied-Jalapenos-4-680x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10329238 No.10329238 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite type of pepper?
For me, it's the Jalapeno. I like how citrusy and mild it is. Nothing over the top.

>> No.10329240

Black pepper. Jalapenos are to spicy

>> No.10329247


>> No.10329252

Habanero. Easy to find, fruity, good heat, and even grow well out here.

>> No.10329260

Habaneros are for numale betas

>> No.10329265

no u

>> No.10329341
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Yep, jalapeno.

Has a distinct flavor I love.

>> No.10329342

i dont like peppers

>> No.10329378

ma nigga

>> No.10329528

why do you Burgers like this shit so much?

>> No.10329590

Bell pepper :^)

>> No.10329610

Peppers effectively overpowers the aromas in a dish and numb your palette and tastebuds. The attention it gets is laughable. Only a morron would use more than a pinch of pepper- fresh or dry- in any situation.

>> No.10329617

You sound like a big soppy vagina. I bet you buy mild salsa.

>> No.10329626

I don't give a shit how I sound like, it's a fact you can look up. And like any idiot I make my own salsa.

>> No.10329629

Thai Chilies. Easily one of the most flavorful and they grow small so the heat is an easy bang for your buck.

>> No.10329668

Damn straight.

>> No.10329685

Not a burger

>> No.10329773

this, thai chilies are amazong, habaneros are nice too. And the red balkan ones, no idea what they are called my grandma in hungary grows them and sends them to me dried.

>> No.10330237
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I love stuffing poblano peppers.

>> No.10330245

I'm gonna say the humble poblano. Nice and mild with a sweet smokiness. And when they are smoked they become an elixir of the gods

>> No.10330263
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>tfw stuffing these with mozzarella, some diced mushrooms, and Italian sausage

>> No.10330266

I like the consistency of serranos. Jalapenos have a great flavor, but sometimes I’ll get ones that have barely any heat. Doesn’t happen with serranos, I always know how spicy something will turn out when I use them.

>> No.10330271

Sounds good. I stuff them with canned beans and whatever meat I have around that I need to get rid of. Sometimes I line them with cream cheese.

>> No.10330286

I bet you're soft, fat, and/or effeminate

>> No.10330291

Take one whole off the stem and see how beta you are. All hot peppers are alpha approved.

>> No.10330303

Who here enjoys eating peppers whole as a snack? It's probably my favorite veggie to eat plain.

>> No.10330310
File: 141 KB, 640x640, longhots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Italian long-hot.

>> No.10330360

Yeah jalapenos. Great way to wake your ass up and get moving too

>> No.10330387

Store bought jalaps have very little heat or flavor. I grew my own last year and they were real ass burners.

>> No.10330956
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>> No.10330974

I've always been a big fan of serranos. They really have the perfect amount of heat + flavor. But, dried chiles are really my jam, both literally and figuratively. I keep a steady supply of dried chiles of all sorts, from the dark, chocolatey negros to the tiny hot bird chiles, and everything in between.

>> No.10331371

Later, I went to eat a little bit of pizza in my hairy hand. It's my favorite place to go when you can bring your own chili food and put them in pie. That is, I really went to the malls and I had Naga Morichia and Phrik Khi Nun chicken and a couple of bottles of Blairs 2 am-sauce. Well, then, I ordered a pizza and I threw hottest chillies on the table and I said you do not put all pizza but! Right next to the table at the table, a couple of mummies came to you, you "do not give up what your mummies, crazy your own chicks!". I was just cool about it, and I took a lot of time off my Chilihead hood and you did not see the text. The Puppy Translator threw me something "hi, that crazy chili again!" and I did not cool you "baskets but ..." and went to the table.
Well, the pie came in and I clearly noticed that you do not smell the eyes anymore at the other people in the room. I laughed in the loudspeaking, where at the next table some big men coughed from jalapeno in pupa (some of the preserved sliced jalapeno is just a bark, not good chilly stuff) ...

The roof of my pizza was chilly red. She clearly saw respect in their eyes when they realized I did not really chile. I took a crack of pie and it burned godly. I actually went to taste it right away, so I dumped on some Blair's and I said aloud, you do not need more burn! Those big nurses roofed me with a rounded lip and they were plainly afraid of me when I put it on Blair's pizza. At their table was the Tabasco bottle, which I laughed aloud with loud loudness.

I took a sit another piece of pizza in it, and those women was pretty hot for me (with flaming foods, spicy sex - the truth, was sometimes Cosmo which I read in the library by accident) ... I did not feel anything anymore in my mouth, but the chest puff senseless pride about how people honored me .

>> No.10331401

because we actually enjoy food and have good tasting food here.

>> No.10331409

stuff one up your fucking asshole

>> No.10331416

Scotch Bonnet. Datil pepper works in a pinch.

>> No.10331431

New Mexico chiles are what I grew up eating and are overall my favorite.

>> No.10331608

Orange scotch bonnets or gtfo. Best flavor to heat ratio, it's a pity they're so capricious to grow

>> No.10331939

You're shopping at the wrong store.

>> No.10331961
File: 31 KB, 500x500, yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these little pickled yellow chilis
I could sit down with a jar of these vinegary bastards and eat the whole thing to my face

>> No.10331963

Ajies dulces. They look like habaneros, but they're usually a sweet pepper with a very earthy flavor that adds a lot of depth and richness to any food.

For piqance, I tend to use ajies caballeros, habaneros, jalapenos, chipotles, and when I make my dried pepper flake blend I use bhut jolokia as well as a mix of the above to really set it over the top.

>> No.10331968


>> No.10332413

Garden Cherry Bombs.

>> No.10332664

In my experience vegetarians don't tend to like spicy food. Anybody else notice this?

>> No.10332686

It is because the vegetarian brainwashing internet hubs are calling peppers a manmade GMO product that is unnatural and not safe for human or animal consumption. Same with tomatoes because they are part of nightshade family. Once you start reading these sites it goes pretty deep into the rabit hole. Me, I just eat what I like.

>> No.10332698

To heat something up I like serranos. But as a dish I make a weeb batch of sauteed shishitos with mushrooms and green onion in mirin, sake and soy sauce.

>> No.10333619

Shishito peppers

>> No.10333822

sushito peppers are nice and crunchy, with enough kick to make them good on anything without being overpowering

>> No.10334093

Red Savina habanero
Scotch bonnet
Chocolate habanero
Trinidad Scorpion Butch "T"

>> No.10334140

I cook a lot of traditional Mexican regional foods. Really I love cooking with all peppers. My favorite fresh pepper is a Serrano. It has wonderful heat and a really delightful light flavor. If you fire roast them and peel the skin, they get super sweet and smoky. It’s really delightful.

Dried Chile peppers are just my absolute favorite to cook with. Guajillo is easily my favorite. But each holds a special place in my heart. I think I spend about 30$ a month on dried peppers for home, and I’m not even home that often to cook.

>> No.10334150

I prefer habos. I don't know why, but jalas make me poop.

>> No.10334351

agree jalapeno for best taste, habanero coming in close second

>> No.10334505
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Wrong. The correct answer is Thai chilies.

>> No.10336379


>> No.10337479

Faggot !