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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10326122 No.10326122 [Reply] [Original]

>pissing your bed and leaving all the lights on edition

>> No.10326144

I got thrown out of my favorite strip club Friday night, They told me I'm banned for 1 year for throwing quarters when I was blackout drunk.

I only know this happened because my buddy told me when I brought up going back next Friday.

Going to try to go back on Saturday with my brother and see if they remember banning me or not.

>> No.10326162

>strip club
>sounds like he attends regularly
you rich or something? Even if I had the cash to spare to go regularly strip clubs don't appeal to me at all. What do you find so fun about them? Is it actually just for the naked girls?

>> No.10326170

I'm not rich, Comfortable is a more acceptable answer.

I'm an alcoholic but I'm able to hold down a very well paying job. I like strip clubs because It's fun to me, Idk why....I still fuck hookers though.

>> No.10326173

paying to watch whores you don't fuck

ridiculous desu

>> No.10326175

They'll fuck you if you have money, Where do you live that the strippers don't fuck the clients lol

>> No.10326181

somewhere with legal prostitutes so people don't bother with the bullshit i guess

>> No.10326189

I live in the U.S. but the city I live in is very liberal, It's literally a 25 dollar fine for having marijuana under 1oz and It's not even a legal state.

They know where the hookers are and that people pay them, As long as It's out of sight It's out of mind here.

Backpage, TER, even street hookers are so out in the open no one gives a fuck.

Legal hookers are expensive, I was going to go to the bunny ranch in NV when I was visiting LV and It was going to be fucking 5-10k.

I pay A or B qualities here 300/hr MAX. Usually 100-180/hr

>> No.10326194

Haven't pissed the bed yet, but I sweat so much I've sometimes woken up thinking I had

>> No.10326208

sounds like a waste of money desu. might as well jerk off for free.

>> No.10326212

You've still managed it mate. 1 day is better than 0 days. It's tough, really tough... But you'll get there. I really like you already, I frequent pol, I'm used to you shit posting.

>> No.10326217

Thanks op, just turned the lights off as I saw this. All that's left is to piss the bed I guess, which should be hard on 700ml of whisky.

>> No.10326219

I jerk off, But 2-3 times a month I like to fuck a real woman.

I'm a drunk, I'm not going to live long. I want to experience pussy and have a good time every so often without a woman nagging me 24/7 and pissing away more money I blow on hookers and strippers.

I think It's actually a pretty low expense considering a relationship and/or marriage.

>> No.10326223

I wish I was attractive enough for that lifestyle lad.

>> No.10326230

You don't need to be attractive man, You need to have cash.

I'm pretty fuckin ugly, Realistically like a 5/10. But I make a comfortable amount of money so I can pay for pussy

>> No.10326238

Went from 1 liter of wine or day to a glass a day and a proper sleep schedule after doing acid with a bro

>> No.10326245

>I think It's actually a pretty low expense considering a relationship and/or marriage.
that's a good point.

i've learned to appreciate the celibate life though. lowest drama level of all options.

>> No.10326274

no real drama with higher class hookers, Most aren't even drug addicts. Just don't want to work a real job or have kids to support or just like the lifestyle and extra money.

Most even don't have drivers so no drivers/pimps parked in your driveway for 2 hours at night playing games on their phone.

I have girls over to my house about 2 or 3 times a month. Sometimes more if my brother is over because he's like a whore aficionado

>> No.10326283
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disregard females completely and there are levels of peace and happiness you wouldn't believe exist

>> No.10326334

You got lucky my man. My bro got his ass stomped by bouncers for doing that because the dancer he was throwing at was one of the bouncer's gf.

>> No.10326337

Enjoy it. Just don't knock one of them up or get infected.

>> No.10326383

What's a nice mixed drink that doesn't have much sugar or any vodka? Currently drinking rye and ginger ale but they're a bit sweet.

>> No.10326454

Do you find peace while drinking or so you find peace in ceasing drinking? I tell you it does not matter, what matters is that you find peace at all in this world

>> No.10326470



>> No.10326475
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where are my Herrenrassler?

>> No.10326519

>parents dont want alcohol in the house
end me

>> No.10326538

do they know you are drinking already?

>> No.10326552


>> No.10326554 [DELETED] 

I've never pissed myself but my bed smells like vomit for sure. My chair is located right next to my bed so its pretty easy to just get up and vomit on it by accident. Also who would have their lights on while drinking?

>> No.10326564 [DELETED] 

its pretty easy to hide as long as you are not drinking beer or something from a can, right?
i wish someone would've stopped me back then desu

>> No.10326699

>low alcohol cheap wine

not worth the acidity and stomach murder desu, better off with bum beer

>> No.10326764

Felt good drinking and watching one of my favourite films but now the film has ended and I feel terrible but not srunk neough to pass out yet.
Does anyone here do xanax? from what I've read it seems like a nice downer and it could be an alternative to alcohol but I've never done it myself. Would like too though

>> No.10326807

Does Vodka really have a neutral smell? Whenever I'm drinking it and have it near me I can smell it really strongly so I don't get why people say that.

>> No.10326844

It's supposed to be Gin that you can't smell, you dumb children.

>> No.10326869

it is neutral in the sense that it smells like water and alcohol as opposed to other beverages which have smells in addition to that.

of course alcohol smells like alcohol still.

>> No.10326884

>almost as bad to come off of as booze
>tolerance builds up quick
>for some reason most difficult to score when you need them the most
>on a positive note they go for cheap
>even if you manage to get a script, it won't last long enough

Yeah, if you have the al/ck/ personality, I would not opt for those.

>> No.10326911

ask lil peep

>> No.10326930

Mommy made a lot of Gammon. So good waffling down when drunk.

>> No.10326943

His situation just made me want to try them more

>> No.10326957

been out working the past while lads. think it'll be like 4 weeks come this weeekend i haven't drank, and gonna be away from it for at least another couple months.

>> No.10326965 [DELETED] 
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Hi /r9k/ losers.

Whoever that's trying to shut down the alternative al/ck/ thread-Happy edition by spamming copypasta depression stories should stop immediately. Probably OP of this thread that felt threatened by competition.


>> No.10326967

Fentanyl got him, you've got to be really trying hard to fatally OD on just Xanax. Can't tell you how many dipshits I've heard at NA meetings talk about how God saved them from an OD after they took a whole bottle.

>> No.10326969

>being this mad

>> No.10326971

Alcohol saps me of energy. I'm good to drink alone but especially around other people I feel on shut down, like I can't speak.

Is it just genetics?

>> No.10326974

pfft. fine

>> No.10326989

Kek, weed gets me that way. Was always sociable even when a handle-per-day drinker, but dro takes my ability to articulate a single thought.

>> No.10327091

Same. Weed gets met anti-social if i'm with people that i don't really trust showing my "weird" side. I never know if i'm saying something deep and clever or utterly stupid.

Alcohol depends on the mood.

>> No.10327238

>I'm not rich, Comfortable is a more acceptable answer.

Whatever you say Richie Rich.

>> No.10327300

>leaving all the lights on
fuck this hit home

>> No.10327305

Ya, weed makes me withdrawl while alcohol makes me chatty.

Doing both at once makes me too open and gives makes me believe my idiotic stoner thoughts are some kind of philosophical wisdom.

There is a very fine between being drunk and high and saying semi-insightful shit and just rambling like a retard.

>> No.10327387

>you've got to be really trying hard to fatally OD on just Xanax
Not really that true, Xanax tolerance messes with your perception of how fucked up you really are, plus throw alcohol into the mix and you're playing with fire.

>> No.10327556
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I only drink beer at the moment, because Whiskey gave me Heartburn
>Be me
>realize I only have 1.5 Liters of beer for the entire day
>think "okay I'll just drink less today"
>Drink ally my beer and drive to the nearest supermarket to buy 4 more liters
>Drink 5.5 liters tonight.

Repeat tomorrow

>> No.10327645

Is it possible to bulk order alcohol online?
I'd like to build up a stock for medicinal and recreational purposes. Its a long drive to town and the prices suck.

>> No.10327660


>> No.10327674

Bulk nigga! I want to buy it by the gallon or the crate.

>> No.10327692

Where are you from?
I'm from Germany and I can buy multiple liters of Whiskey on Amazon...

>> No.10327697

US, west virginia.

>> No.10327715

>no buzz from nictone
>only disgust for porn
>vidya and animu no longer entertaining
What's the best kind of drink for growing up?

>> No.10327724

Can't you buy alcohol on amazon?
inb4 muh freedoms

>> No.10327750

Yes but the prices suck. I mean bad, 40-80% markup. I might need to check my state laws. Not sure if i can get them shipped to my state.

>> No.10327766

holy shit
The prices I get are the same or even lower than the supermarket I usually buy my alcohol

>> No.10327844

Nothing is going right.

>girl I was hooking up with is now ghosting me
>graduated from college with a degree in a field I despise
>trying to get myself in shape but alcohol is killing that
>probably becoming addicted to kratom now that I stopped smoking
>started doing phenibut

whew lad
What is a good career path to take? Basically my only skills are I am hella good at customer service. I sell paint right now and that isn't too bad.

Considering being a librarian or some shit idk that sounds comfy

>> No.10327848

How do you get in contact with these girls? Strip clubs or...?
Also how much do they usually run a guy

>> No.10327858

>I never know if i'm saying something deep and clever or utterly stupid.
Holy shit, this
It's such a curse. I "feel" more talkative, creative, and interesting but I have a sinking suspicion that I just sound like a fool

>> No.10328018


>> No.10328024

>on the path to being well off in sales of some sort
>wants an old lady job instead because comfy

>> No.10328034


>> No.10328043


>> No.10328047

HALVE the soda and replace with club soda

>> No.10328049

After 14 days today I'm through withdrawals. Everything from puking up blood, massive headaches, talking to myself, depression and anxiety are all gone. I feel good, but I hate not drinking.

>> No.10328059


>> No.10328070

good luck is all i can say. its hard for all of us.

>> No.10328075

>tfw 6 liters of beer aren't enough anymore
I need a bottle of wine to finish me I guess

>> No.10328113


Mother-to-daughter: No one will buy the cow if they get the milk for free.

Father-to-son: But it's cheaper to buy the milk than to keep the cow.

>> No.10328144

>>on the path to being well off in sales of some sort
Not even lol

>> No.10328149
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What do yall niggas eat for dinner if you're trying to get drunk after?

>> No.10328156

How strong? 6l of 5% is usually enough to get me pretty plastered, but I guess if you're drinking every single night you might get to that point. When I used to have week-long benders I'd reach 10l a day by the end, of course passing out several times throughout the day, but only for a couple of hours before waking up and drinking some more.

>> No.10328163

Sometimes I remember to eat.

>> No.10328177

I had two cans of steel reserve and it out me on my ass for the night. How much of a lightweight am I
I threw up 3 times as well

>> No.10328194

12oz cans of 6%?

>> No.10328196

never drank steel reserve before, but it sounds like you're indeed a lightweight

>> No.10328203

post titties

>> No.10328213

There's a line in one of the last stories in The Big Book that really resonates with me (paraphrase): It's no great feat to quit drinking. The real trick is to stay quit.

Good luck! (Sincerely, not in a snarky "you'll-be-back" way)

>> No.10328223

Steel Reserve is 8%, so if he drank two 24 oz. cans, then it's not too embarrassing, especially if he drank them really quickly. Then again, if he's talking about 12 oz. cans, he's quite a lightweight indeed.

>> No.10328236

There's a drunk, albeit ugly 40 odd year old woman outside my house, complaining at the top of her lungs she has no place to stay. Do I let her in mine? It's covered in cans from the other days session.

>> No.10328243

steel reserve in the south is limited to 6% on 12oz cans and 8% on the 25oz cans.

The big cans wouldnt be too embarrassing indeed..

>> No.10328245

eating pressed pills with fent is exactly the type of thing i imagine one of us al/ck/olero stumblecunts to get up to though

>> No.10328270

That's weird. It would make sense doing it the other way around, I would think.

>> No.10328280

Yes, it'll be interesting. And tell us about it.

>> No.10328290

Not sure man thats just how it goes here now.

>> No.10328317

I've been pretty good until yesterday. I got some a half-pint of Sailor Jerry and a pint of Jager and drank that and made some Jager bombs. I ate some greasy ass cheap pizza that I added a crap ton of pepper-jack cheese to. All of that shit just didn't agree with me because I woke up this morning at like 4 AM and since I was downstairs where there was no bathroom, I just opened the window and puked. Felt like shit for most of the day, but I feel fine now.

Why the fuck do I do this to myself. At least I don't drink myself stupid everyday like I used to. I just need to quit binge drinking at all, but I'm at least getting better I guess.

>> No.10328328

>talking to myself
Errr is this an alc thing?

>> No.10328334

sippin on bourbon. feelin fine
I have a problem and it is affecting my work and relationships, LOL

>> No.10328335

You're at less than beginner level, you must be really small.

>> No.10328347

>get wasted and throw up
>getting better
>at least I'm not doing it everyday
Oh boy

>> No.10328363

Well it was the first time I've gotten fucked up, or even had a drink in over a month. Just a few months ago, I was getting plastered almost every day.

I know it's not ideal, but to me it's progress, and if I can continue to go longer each time before relapsing, I think that's something to aim for. Maybe next time not drink as much as well.

>> No.10328364

people like that don't respond well to kindness i think

>> No.10328379

>The 40-ounce, 8.1% ABV variety is widely available throughout the US; however, some states require the beverage to be sold as a diluted 6.0% ABV and in Utah 3.0% ABV within accordance of state law.

>3.0% ABV Steel Reserve

utah seems like a great place to stop drinking

>> No.10328380

Never ever. Unless you plan on murdering her and eating her flesh

>> No.10328385

maybe next time don't drink horrible sugary trash as well.

try to stick to beer or something, or at least clean liquor

>> No.10328399
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>3.0% ABV in Utah

fucking kek those mormons

>> No.10328404

Yeah, usually I just drink vodka, but I was craving Jager since I haven't had it in a long time. Fuck that though, I'm not touching that shit again.

>> No.10328412

>3.0% steel reserve
What in tarnation.

>> No.10328485

>to me it's progress
You're being too easy on yourself. Throwing up is really bad no matter how you frame it. I know, I've been there.

>> No.10328539

Yeah, you're right. It does worry me how much damage binge drinking does to your body, especially considering how much I used to binge drink. I should stick to weed if I'm going to get inebriated, although I need to quit depending on substances to make me feel happy.

>> No.10328637

For sure, I used to love the holy trinity as I call it, nicotine, alc and thc. A night of all three used to be my idea of perfection. I stopped being fulfilled by it though and started having issues with my heart which are ongoing even now, been burning the candle for too many years I guess. But I know one day when the time is right I'll have another holy trinity night. For now though I have to think of my heart. I have enough indications that my liver is hurting too. God be with us.

>> No.10328680

tfw started pouring whiskey in my morning coffee

>> No.10328731

i'm broke as shit. i need $600 in the next ten days and i don't have a job. i need to pawn off everything i have. i'm not homeless yet, but i'm afraid i'm fast approaching rock bottom. i just bought a sixer. i hope it's my last for a long time.

i'm really afraid for how my life might end up. i'm thousands in debt and struggling to even make rent. i'm afraid of burning all bridges i have, ending up homeless, friendless, going to in-patient, i don't know. i have a couple unenviable options to keep going, but i feel so lost. sorry for the blogpost, i just have to whine a bit. i am a complete fucking failure hanging by a thread of opportunities granted to me by people who care about me and whom i have taken for granted. i'd buy a gun and aim it through my nostrils if i could afford it.

>> No.10328740

utah is actually retarded. anything north of 4% ABV is considered liquor. not kidding. bud light is liquor in utah and must be purchased from a state-run store.

>> No.10328741

Ive been there or close to it but I had family to fall back on, I just really didn't want to admit to them how bad I had become. Anyway, maybe you need to consider praying or ask someone to pray for you, you can find people online who do it. Even if you don't believe in it it will help you feel better that someone gives a shit about you. Either way I will pray for you right now, you seem like a faggot in need.

>> No.10328752

Mormon girls are wild. That's the real reason.

>> No.10328790

Rich people always say they're "well off" or "comfortable".

If tomorrow you could put a down payment on a car with no reservations, you're rich.

>> No.10328811

My best friend is a recovering Mormon. Yeah, the girls are fucking wild. Lesbianism, rough stuff, they're up for just about anything. As a lapsed Catholic turned lapsed Presbyterian, the best I could hope for was a handjob or a blowjob with the promise of more if I could impress her father. Mormon girls will do fucking anything to get their pent up sexual energy out.

>> No.10328816

Stupid question: Where does this al/ck/ thing come from? This thread is omnipresent here, and people are really hard into it...you have to be fast and aware/sober, for the day it would seem. So is it an after party thing or a constant thing, and why? You don't see these threads on /g/ as a staple, is all I'm sayin'...please elaborate.

It would seem like cocaine would be the preferred drug in the kitchen, and we'd see a dedicated coke thread on /ck/, but that's not the case. Assuming you want to be faster, more alert and ready to keep shit moving Why slow down? Or why smash so hard in the first place?

>> No.10328819

Alcohol is a drink and this is a cooking board so it's related. No deep reasoning behind it.

>> No.10328833

Yeah, but...C'mon...Anyone whose ever posted anything in this direction is like "take that shit to /ck/" or something equivalent. Like stormfront is to /pol/ as a response. There must be a connection.

>> No.10328841
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>tfw you literally just have to pick up your phone, open an app, and click a few buttons to have large bottles of spirits and crates of beer delivered to your house within an hour, all at a cost so low it's almost meaningless

>> No.10328845

It's been a thing for a while. It's allowed, as long as we're not spamming threads. Also, a lot of people in the restaurant industry are alcoholics. This is the best place to talk about it without stupid /pol/ shit or /r9k/ bullshit.

I'm kind of a square so I've only done cocaine a couple of times, but one of my most memorable drug experiences is when a friend of mine came into the Italian kitchen I worked in as a dishwasher. She was wearing a skimpy outfit and fairy wings, and she shoved something in my mouth and said, "The body of Christ keep you in eternal life." Turns out it was a tab of LSD. The head chef saw it, told me to hurry the fuck up and finish washing up. I remember cringing up with my head in a huge stockpot, and he told me to go the fuck home.

I'd still take that over alcoholism any time.

>> No.10328847

I guess maybe people who are interesting in food tend to be hedonistic in some way and that kind of person also tends to like drinking

>> No.10328870

What utopia do you live in? I have to have the shame of dragging my quaking ass over to the gas station or liquor store and I can't do it between 1am and 5am and everyone at every store in my town knows me. They know where I work. They know how much I drink. They can see my slow, painful death, and they only became friendly to me because they feel like they're just comforting a terminal cancer patient or something.

>> No.10328898

Thanks and no disrespect; I'm just curious. I like to get fucked up myself (workin on it right now), but I leave this shit to my down time. Don't fuck with coke either, but these threads made me infer that it's an industry thing...there's sloshed in all sectors, but I mainly see it here.

Pausing for a drink

>> No.10328911



>> No.10328912
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When does it get better? I turned 21 seven or so months ago and I still can't swig fucking vodka straight without a bit of sweet tea afterwards. I thought of taking sips but it's still too harsh for me, and I'd rather just get it out of the way quick. I'm tired of being a pussy when it comes to this and I just want to get drunk every night.

>> No.10328916

>ask to work late shifts so I get home late and don't have time to drink
>end up drinking because I don't have to work until the afternoon the next day
>ask for morning shifts so I have to get up early meaning I can't drink
>get home early so I just start day drinking and go to bed early
Damned if I do damned if I dont.

>> No.10328929
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Lads, this is not fun. Hovered over the toilet, puking up mostly stomach acid. I can't wait to finish, so that I can down another beer.

How's your night going?

>> No.10328934

Does anyone else have a paradoxical effect with alcohol? I can be tired and on the verge of sleep but if I have one drink its like I just drank a monster or something.

>> No.10328952

Could be worse. I puke up blood and have horrible nosebleeds a lot. I also shit what looks basically like coffee grounds, and occasionally puke pretty much the same thing too.

I really want to quit, but I feel so sick if I don't have at least a few drinks after waking up that I end up vomiting, but if I drink too much I vomit too. I can't bend over or twist my torso without hurting my insides half the time. It's like a weird painful cramp. It's gotta be hepatitis or pancreatitis or something, but whatever it is, I have to be extremely careful how I move or I will cramp up and hurt real bad. I spend a lot of time in the bathroom at work and I told my boss it's digestive issues. But I think they know. I have pretty much zero appetite, and have to force myself to eat, and when I do it's mostly either crackers or really brothy soup.

I'm extremely tired when I'm not drinking, but when I do drink there's a window where I feel really energetic and normal. But eventually I'll feel tired again. I really mostly feel tired, but I do get those energy bursts. It's pretty much like I can feel every cell in my body rebelling against me but if I swig half a pint of vodka or whisky I'm like a normal person again for a little while.

>> No.10328985
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I can't even take a few gulps without this happening now. I'm getting fucking angry. Pic unfortunately related. 4th bowl I've filled. 2nd since last post

Anon I'm not at that level but I think I'm heading there. You should really go get checked out. My money is pancreatitis. Gotta be careful bro. Even more so with the job. Can't buy drinks if no job. If your coworkers know, then fuck it. If anything they might even be sympathetic and overlook the fact that you come into work drunk/craving

>> No.10328987

>I just want to get drunk every night
get out while you still can. seriously, a lot of us lead miserable lives that revolve completely around alcohol. You don't want this.

>> No.10328988


It's not paradoxical at all. What most people fail to appreciate about our bodies is that have evolved to respond to patterns extremely effectively. If you force yourself to wake up at the same time every day with 3 alarms, after a month you'll be unable to go back to sleep after waking up at that time without an alarm at all. If you drink a lot and usually party/are active when you drink then your body will associate alcohol with activity and respond accordingly when you drink.

That's why habits are so important, it's how we can trick our bodies into making things easier or harder for us. When our body falls into a habit it goes into automatic as soon as the appropriate signal is hit. If you're drinking daily it may be the hour you start drinking (e.g, 6pm). If you stick to a strict sleep schedule you may pass out every day at 10pm and be fully alert at 6am every day without an alarm.

Our bodies crave regular patterns and powerfully adapt to what they perceive as habits/patterns, so be smart about what you regularly do.

>> No.10328989

Please. Please go to the hospital. Anon, I am pleading with you. Your organs are failing and you are going to die a very painful death soon. I am not exaggerating. Please. Go to the hospital. Life is horrible but it is not so bad that you should do this to yourself and die like an animal. You are dying. Please save yourself. Choose life. Go to the hospital. Call an ambulance. It is that serious. Please. You deserve better than what you have done to yourself.

>> No.10328993

That sucks man. You should get checked out too. I think I'm reaching the point where I'll be a goner. I'm scared because I used to be able to go a day or two without drinking but I can no longer function without booze. If your body is rejecting the sauce, you probably have some hope. Go to the ER, stay hydrated, sleep as much as you can, keep a bucket nearby, do whatever.

>> No.10328999

I already know what I'm in for. I wanted to stop real bad, but it was too hard, and now I'm at this point. I pretty much know I'm going to die horribly, and probably soon. The only thing a hospital will do for me is keep the stuff I need to keep myself from horrible shakes and pain and misery, and I'll still die. I'd rather die drunk than sober.

>> No.10329004
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I don't even care at this point. It's probably from the 2 percocet 30's I bought earlier. Even still. I passed out while drinking one, and then woke up and cracked another one, without hesitation. So now I *have* to finish the 2.

I'll go to the Dr when you do, or you go when I do. Deal? Haha. But when there is blood involved it's a tad more serious. Don't be scared. It'll make it worse. At least you realize that at this point you absolutely need a drink to get through the day /night. From here it's a matter of tapering, and setting a goal

>> No.10329014
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Here's a small look into hell for those ITT that are asking advice on what to drink.


>> No.10329018

You shouldn't mix percocet with alcohol, but then again, I have done the same so there's my hypocrisy. At an earlier time in my life, I would have called you a faggot for drinking Bud Lite, but at this point, I will pound any amount of 5% ABV drinks to make the suffering stop. I still won't go to the doctor, so it's up to you what you want to do, but it sounds to me like you definitely still have a chance. You DO have a chance, and I believe in you. That might not mean much from a piece of shit like me, and you can do whatever you like, but yeah: I shit and puke old dark blood. You don't. You have a much better chance than I do. Taper. Set a goal. Survive me. Honestly, I might not even be as bad off as I think. I could make it too. Let's do it together. Or some shit. Sorry for sounding like a fag.

>> No.10329043

I know I shouldn't have mixed. It was just too easy to pass those up. I used to love heroin. So I wanted to remanisce(?). And of course you have a chance man. There's alw a chance as l as you are still breathing and typing.
Bud light platinum, this shit is 6.9 abv. Drop an email dude. All I do is drink, work, and sleep. Pathetic for a 27yo.

Why they fuxk not trade war stories and help each other with words?

>> No.10329078

thanks anon. i don't know whatever the fuck higher power out there may exist, but i guess it couldn't hurt to try myself. thanks for being the person to reply to me.

>> No.10329092

Anon, this is
What state are your in?

>> No.10329093

bud light platinum is 6% and is honest to goodness the second worst beer i've ever tasted. do yourself a favor and get some icehouse or something instead.

p.s. not a grammar nazi in the least, but since you asked, it's "reminisce"

>> No.10329100

i'm in WA. hope your night is going better than the last check-up you posted.

>> No.10329117

Shit, I thought it was like 5-6% That's about Beast Ice level. I'd drop an email but I'd have to start a burner email because I'm just fucking paranoid that way. Also, that's how I spent my 20s, although occasionally I fucked girls. Not so much now I'm in my 30s. I'm pretty unsocial and paranoid, so don't take offense. I don't mean anything by it.

>> No.10329121

Eh. Ice house gives me horrible heartburn. I should have just got some natty. But that extra point 1% is apparently worth the extra $.
I actually enjoy the taste tho. Goes down like water. Thanks for the spell correction also.

Ah ok. Well that sucks. I figured what are the odds we might be same state. I'd definitely give you a room and help you back on your feet. But I's be in Virginia. Pawn what you can, craigslist sell what you can't. If it comes to it, sell your ass, literally. Or set up a ps4 deal and rob Tyrone. You'll be OK, might have to do some desperate shit. But you will be ok.

>> No.10329126

I don't take any offense bro. But the offer is out there if you ever decide to do it. I lurk and post in every one of these threads.

>> No.10329134

lol, you were actually replying to the same dude in both those posts. i appreciate the housing offer, but yeah, i'm going to have to cash in on my net worth assets to have a chance of keeping a roof over my head. i've still got about 10 days to make rent, so at least there's that.

>> No.10329144

Fuck lol. Dude why not just do what you said, and hit up the local assistance programs. Where there's a will, there's a way. And you definitely seem like you have a will.

>> No.10329167

stop drinking alcohol

>> No.10329180
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Who /stout/ or /porter/ here?

Stuff reminds me of something from LOTR.

>> No.10329213

well, once youre disappointed in yourself enough, yeah you start questioning "why the fuck am i doing this"

>> No.10329350

Strip clubs, And TER mostly. My brother uses backpage FSM because he's too cheap to buy a subscription to the erotic review.

The erotic review is the safest bet, Reviews of hookers so you know exactly what your getting and you know it's not a cop.

Also most cops aren't strippers but strippers are more expensive.

I've paid as little as 40 dollars, All the way up to 600/hr

Average is about 150/hr

>> No.10329356

This guy isn't a moron.

Smart man...

>> No.10329363

I don't see it that way.

Rich is having billions. It's easy to make a million and be a multimillionaire.

My mom easily is worth 600 million, But even she doesn't consider that rich. Rich is Donald Trump....

>> No.10329376

>have to help rebuild my buddies deck today after drunkenly promising him I'll help
>pounding headache
>pounding vodka and water getting ready for him to pick me up

I'm hoping I'm drunk and hydrated enough when the saws start getting plugged in that I don't have a splitting headache anymore

>> No.10329481

this is bait. Nobody besides me needs to reply to identify it for what it is. Carry on

>> No.10329495

fuck no...
but I do like glühwein...
lots of it...

>> No.10329530

let her in, get her drunk, and fuck her.
or just tell her she can stay at your place in exchange for sex...

>> No.10329543

whats a good drunk snack? i'm starting to get a beer gut from drinking and snacking on fat rich food while drunk.

>> No.10329569

dried fruit

>> No.10329594


>> No.10329608

dried fruits sounds alright although i don't like sweet snacks. any specific fruits that aren't too sweet?
cashews have tons of fat, don't they?

>> No.10329763

>theres a al/ck/ - "happy" drinkers thread

you'll be back
you'll all be back

>> No.10329782

I dreamt I went to Finland last night. It was awesome. They gave me a tour of the power plant then a cutie gave me some wine. Then they showed me to a room full of retarded people filled with video games. One of them spazzed out so I didn't get to play any.

>> No.10329873

I woke up covered in my own vomit. Not surprised. So fresh out of the shower I'm going to try and sleep more. I have to be at work in 3 hours.
Kill me.

>> No.10329878

You don't have to throw dollars at them. Whenever I go, I'll get a beer, sit at the stage long enough to toss out 5-10$. Then the rest of the time I'll sit at a table, a good 10 ft from stage. The hardest part is denying those bitches that come around asking if you want a private dance.

>> No.10329888

I woke up this morning on the bathroom floor in a puddle of my own piss, I suppose I passed out halfway through and it had a fountain effect since I was covered head to toe. Oh well, I guess I'll probably do something similar in 3 or 4 days time.

>> No.10329904

Better that, than the bed, amirite? I know we all hate dealing with a pissy mattress.

>> No.10329905

Beef Jerky

>> No.10329935

dried salted fish

tastes great with beer

>> No.10329940

True, cashews do have a bunch of fat, it's just my goto snack, and I always think they're healthy. Maybe rice or crab chips?
also this>>10329935

>> No.10330011
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What's the most expensive bottle you own? Assuming you fags can keep a bottle unopened.

This is mine. Goes for 500/700 eurobucks on ebay right now. Bought it back in 2011 for 50 eurobucks. Best investment I've ever done.

>> No.10330015

Yes, 5% too
I've been drinking this much every night for about a month now.
Before that it was around 4L every night.

>> No.10330070

Fuck that’s crazy expensive. Definitely couldn’t justify $300 to stick my dick in vagina for an hour.
Thailand is alc heaven... cheap beer and I can pay $60-80 for a sexy little jungle monkey to come back to my apartment for the whole night and then some.

>> No.10330073

No prob faggot, I'm on day 5 myself so I'll be around, this thread helps me

>> No.10330111
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I sell paint too. Pretty comfy job ţbh. Good luck anon.

>> No.10330130

>probably becoming addicted to kratom
Heard about it before but completely forgot it existed, and it's legal in california. did it help you to quit smoking? Is it fun? Do you pair it with alcohol? Also how do you get it? Just order online?

>> No.10330229
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Will have 1 month clean next week. It's alright, just boring. Better than WD's and diarrhea all the time.

I go to meetings a few times a week but it's all real weird. There was some kid that was 23 that was Cory ordered there for a DUI that is still drinking. Was annoying to hear him talk for whatever reason.

Everything women say in meetings seems pretty smelly as well. My sponsor says the discussion meetings are usually a pity party and are a waste of time. Id tend to agree.

Work is better and I've been reading a lot of Nietzsche lately. Dunno if it's making me more depressed or happier. My therapist is kind of a waste and I think I'm going to stop going once my insurance changes up next week. The guy told me that "Nelson Mandela is a modern day mystic". Lol okay.

Thanks for the blogpost guys. Y'all were the only people I was honest with for years.

>> No.10330232

Fucking phone. I am apparently also retarded in sobriety.

>> No.10330238

Are you planning on selling it or drinking it at some point?

>> No.10330242

Unforunately I don't have a job there.

I've watched the documentaries about sex tourism there, Looks comfy as fuck with a bar on ever corner, whores everywhere, no risk of being arrested for whores, and no timeframe on when they serve alcohol.

Literally nirvana. I'd live there if I could afford it

>> No.10330243

Id sell that shit asap

>> No.10330254

Why do y'all put sex on such a high plane? It's literally just okay most of the time and certainly normally not worth the effort.

Note: this could also just be me, recently sober and my sex drive is through the floor. My gf is mad that we don't have as much sex anymore but I'm just not interested in anything sexual most of the time these days. I do it for her most of the time.

>> No.10330264

I personally enjoy sex when I'm drunk, And I'm drunk everyday. So I like sex or jerking off at least once a day, Usually twice.

To me....Sex feels better than jerking off, An if I only have to spend 150 bucks for an hour of sex with a 8-9/10 once a week. It's money well spent.

I do enjoy jerking off though, Just not 24/7. I need sex too, It feel better and makes me feel better about myself in an odd way.

>inb4 some SJW says prostitution is wrong/bad for some reason

>> No.10330272
File: 20 KB, 700x355, 1429082964502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What time is it anons? What's the weather like?
Let's do a little check-in.

>Vancouver Island
>Grey and rainy, 6 degrees

>> No.10330278

>Ann Arbor, Michigan

>> No.10330281

>1:11 pm
>Richmond, Virginia
>clear skies. About 50°F

Crazy how it snowed its ass off yesterday, now there is nothing on the ground.

>> No.10330290

A safe space for babies. Let them have their gay little offshoot threads.

>> No.10330292

3 weeks sober but I just bought a fifth of wild turkey 101. Fuck.

>> No.10330298

Sex is great but intimacy is where it's at. That's what I miss the most about being close with someone, the intimacy and the connection and the warmth and the closeness. That's something you can't buy.

most 'sjw's are pro-sex work. Many modern feminists actually hate feminists who talk shit about hookers and strippers, they call them SWERFs (Sex worker exclusionary radical feminists).

>> No.10330299

what do you do for work?

>> No.10330342

Alcks that work? What do you do?

>> No.10330352

nice data mining operation you got here

>> No.10330359


He's probably just looking for some inspiration. I could use it too.

>> No.10330367

I'm the guy that asked about the time, different person than >>10330342
I'm just curious about what time of day different parts of the world come on

>> No.10330373

Just genuinely curious. I did sales for a long time and in that line of work lots of people are alcoholics.

I'm in the medical device industry now and everyone is a sperg. I don't drink anymore so it's not so bad but when I was work was such an endeavor.

>> No.10330375

Manager at pizza hut

>> No.10330376


Accounting credit control but ive handed in my notice
done it for 20 years and i cant stand it anymore
gonna google/hunt out a place that does personality aptitude tests and see what turns up that im interested in
>tests say best suited for accounting / credit control
>yeah, no. Im going to work on an oil rig or something. Or travel round the country in a van and repair telephone lines.

>> No.10330377

>I'm in the medical device industry now and everyone is a sperg.

Sounds good. What exactly is it that you do and how did you get into it?

>> No.10330404
File: 33 KB, 650x650, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a pizza so I can throw a bunch of empty bottles into the recycling bin and cover them up with the pizza box so my mom doesn't see them

>> No.10330408


>I'm so smort :)

>> No.10330424

I remember those days. Moving out made life a lot easier even if I have to pay bills.

>> No.10330542
File: 33 KB, 420x443, 1520357188914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What whiskey is best for Whiskey Gingers?

>> No.10330548

cheap whiskey

>> No.10330564

Damn, I wish you the best. Yeah, alcohol and nicotine is pretty rough on your heart. I had pretty healthy blood pressure until lately when I was doing coke and drinking a lot. I'm due for another checkup soon, so I hope my bp has gone back down a little since it's been like half a year since I did coke and besides that shitty binge I had the other night, I've been clean.

I wish you the best anon, hopefully staying clean will help with your health issues.

>> No.10330586


yeah this
one time when i was living with parwnts came back drunk and my dad was up with some of his mates playing cards and boozing
i sat in a few hands and eventually his mates all left so it was just me and him
was getting each other drinks and he started on a few whiskeys
i asked about them and he gave me few pointers
theres a world of difference between cheap whiskey and half decent stuff
decent whiskey you dont need anything with it
its smoother and tastes ok
cheaper shite tastes crap and feel free to mix with something else

>dear diary, that was a good day, i love you old man ;_;

>> No.10330592

I'm a security guard at a gas refinery

>> No.10330612

Lmao your boss should kill you. Not that I haven't done similar.

>> No.10330618


>nervous about having done damage to heart through lifestyle
>went to docs when i was sick as a dog last xmas, lost half a stone in weight, collapsed at home, all sorts of stuff
>chest x-ray, blood tests, ecg all in normal parameters
>pulse 60-70, bp 110/70 - 120/75 at various tests when checked
>you're fine mr anon.

huh. seriously? even the liver? wow

>> No.10330642

>You don't see these threads on /g/ as a staple
cmon man
>/dpt/-daily programming thread
>/fglt/-friendly GNU/Linux thread
>/cyb/-cybersecurity general
>/wt/-watch thread
>/hpg/-headphone general
>/bst/-battlestation thread

thats all i remember for now and i havent even checked yet but go to /g/ right now and see how many of those are there. every board has some kind of perpetual general

>> No.10330652
File: 86 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheapest whiskey available.

>> No.10330672
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With the cheapest beer available

>> No.10330689

JR isn't that cheap.

>> No.10330700

I did the math and it had great value

Better than lakeport like I've been drinking.

>> No.10330708

Neither is Wisers, but I figured it was cheapest in his area, or cheapest he would drink.

>> No.10330710

Thanks broseph good talking to ya. Day 5 going smoothly so far. If I didn't have a job I would be so fucked.

>> No.10330714

I think we feel bad and scared long before our body starts really getting fucked. Our feelings are the natural warning.

>> No.10330733

>cheapest he would drink.

Anything cheaper isn't worth drinking.

>> No.10330739

Side question: What IS cheaper? I get almost all my stuff at the LCBO until its time to return bottles to the Beer Store

>> No.10330745

How do I hide the smell of vodka/grain alcohol on my breath?

Do mints work?

I never drink and drive but when I'm going somewhere via uber or relative, I drink to "maintain". So like 8 or 9 shots of vodka before I leave within an hour so It hits hard.

I usually have about 3 mints after that, Just one after another.

Can people smell the alcohol on me and are just not saying anything, Or can no one in my family smell it with this method?

>> No.10330748

You can't hide it because it's not coming from your mouth. It's diffusing out of your blood and into the air in your lungs, like CO2.

>> No.10330750


>> No.10330792

>Can people smell the alcohol on me and are just not saying anything
most likely this, out of politeness of course
you should really stop if you have to worry that much about hiding it

>> No.10330809

>How many drinks in a night to get properly hammered?

>> No.10330819

1 more

>> No.10330843

R&R comes to mind, besides yummy favorites such as ten high or heaven hill.

>> No.10330878

Takes me about 15 beers. Partially why I'm on a break.

>> No.10330915

Don't cry for me I'm already dead


>> No.10331123


Varies person to person
i used to pace myself at 8-10 after work everynight and i wasnt hammered but i had a glow on. I could still get train and transport home.
id go out with friends on random nights and couldnt manage the same amount of booze in same amount of time without getting spasticated
funny thing alcohol

>> No.10331285
File: 63 KB, 540x540, goon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 units for a fiver? Why the FUCK did I never bother to glance at this stuff before?

>> No.10331309

yeah that is cheap. 1p less per unit than frosty jacks even. i suspect new, sneaky methods of supplying hyper-cheap booze are emerging now that cheap ciders are being clamped down on.

>> No.10331318

At my height 20 beers or more sometimes. A 12 pack for a little buzz

>> No.10331320

If this is going to replace horrific battery acid cider then fine with me, this actually tastes like it was intended for human consumption.

>> No.10331340

12 tall cans gets me pretty rekt

>> No.10331380

i like it but dont ever mix it with alcohol, not even a little. thats how you die.

>> No.10331390

your thoughts might be more interesting than you think

>> No.10331396

being a librarian is a good job and its easy. in the city i live in they pay for you to get your masters. and a lot of young people are librarians here too. its a very comfy job.

>> No.10331398
File: 82 KB, 446x451, 1444291312468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four shots of 80 proof.

>> No.10331410

Shit, that's just what I take to stop the shakes when I wake up. As in, I literally cannot function as a human being without at least that. Please stop drinking, or this will be you.

>> No.10331433

Tell us your story. How did you progress?

>> No.10331438

I would have got a master's degree in library science if it weren't for the fact that I am being crushed by student loan debt and I have to wait for some old fart to die in order to have a chance at competing for a librarian job with all the other underemployed library science nerds. Women usually get those jobs anyway. I fucking love the girls working at libraries these days. They're always low self-esteem, repressed, desperate girls who are hot as fuck because they were the ones who looked good enough to actually get the job. They know a lot about books and trivia but have no confidence and they feel like outsiders and they're easy if you play your cards right.

I work in a bookstore with a couple of ex-librarian girls, but I sure do wish I had a library job. Plus, interlibrary loan, access to research materials, etc.

>> No.10331465

Not much story to tell. Started drinking at 21 like a good boy. Was deeply religious, was in college and drowning under my responsibilities so I partied hard and eventually it just became a habit. Graduated, held a bunch of shitty odd jobs as a painter, truck washer, printer, and data entry drone. Drinking was my only social outlet. Eventually I decided it was too expensive to drink at bars all the time so I drank at home. Got laid off, was NEET for 2 years, drank even heavier. Tried to kill myself, woke up in the ER, tried really hard to reform myself. Got a fulltime job, worked my way up to management, but the stress is so much that I kept drinking. Eventually I found out that I literally couldn't stop drinking, or every cell of my body would rebel against me. So here I am. Wanna quit but can't.

>> No.10331471

one of these days I'm going to stop being such a piece of shit and a burden to those around me. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon for sure

>> No.10331490

>Got laid off, was NEET for 2 years, drank even heavier.
That's what I was looking for. I smoked for 7 years only a couple a day, but then I went to the crazy house for 6 months and ended up smoking a pack a day.

>> No.10331536

What sent you to the crazy house?

>> No.10331551

schizo+too much weed

>> No.10331565

Shit dude, that sucks. I got diagnosed with major depression and I always feel like that's a bullshit "illness" compared to real shit like schizophrenia. Hope you're doing okay. Share your story if you want.

>> No.10331576

DESU I was with someone with major depression and she was crazier than me

>> No.10331599

I asked for an update on an application a week ago. I really expected to hear something back. Today for sure. It's been a week.
I had told myself I better stock up on booze because if it's good news, I need to celebrate. If it's bad news, I need to be calmed down.

Now that's it's either news... I'm going to drink because I'm stressed about the lack of response.

>> No.10331606

honeslty you may as well skip the justification and just get on it

>> No.10331614

Yeah, but I still tell myself I'm not an alcoholic.

>> No.10331615

The lack of response IS the response. It sucks man, I've been there. The constant not-quite-rejection-but-we'll-never-call-you-back shit drove me nuts and I eventually just stopped leaving my room except to buy booze late night. Occasionally I'd walk in the woods late night too. But the vast majority of my time was spent huddling under my covers and staring at nothing all day, punctuated by internet when I could work up the will.

>> No.10331626

lol, good luck with that

>> No.10331630


I was concerned about heart in my heavy drinking days and it was 100/min
now i drink once/twice a week (today is one of those days) and im at 60/min
im either healthy(ish) or my heart is throwing in the towel after 20 odd years of booze and smoking abuse

>Either way im ehh. I never wanted kids, ive had a laugh im 40 now so whathave i to look forward to? 30 years more work then retirement? fuck that

>> No.10331645

You know what sucks?

Knowing I'm going to die an alcoholic and I'll die alone because no woman could stand me. Plus the one woman I'm deeply in love and would do anything to be with is married to my best friend

Fuck......I need a drink

>> No.10331651

>I'll die alone because no woman could stand me.
I got over that a few years ago.
You kinda just realize one day that you don't care anymore.

>> No.10331665

Dude I wish I could stop caring, The constant reminder is my other 4 siblings are happily married.

It starts to get weird when your in you 30's your alone.

I think half my family thinks I'm a faggot

I wish I could get over that woman and just forget she ever existed, Taht would be easier

>> No.10331666

a time will come in a few years when you just feel like a retard for worshipping her so much. I'm not saying she isn't great but nobody is that great

>> No.10331677

Idk about that man....

I've been in love with her for 5 years, I couldn't FATHOM how great life would be with her...Especially as her spouse.

I think about her almost 24/7

>> No.10331682

I don't know your family but statistically it's very unlikely that all 4 of them are really happily married. I usually find that if I talk to married men, it turns out they're putting up with some major bullshit in their marriage because their only other option is to divorce them. Usually women don't talk to me about it (I'm a guy) but they're often unsatisfied, after all most divorces are initiated by women.

>> No.10331683

My best friend got married a year and a half ago.
Kinda out of the blue too.
Thought it'd upset me more than it did, which wasn't that much at all.

Yeah, I'm like 90% both my parents think I'm gay.
Like, I lived with my best friend for like 5 years. If this were the 80s, that'd be straight up code for "We're gay!" but we were just a pair of cool dudes living up our cool bachelor dude lives.

>> No.10331691

>after all most divorces are initiated by women.
Because the manly thing to do is drink to stuff down your feelings.

>> No.10331693

I've been totally transfixed by women for similar amounts of time, genuinely believed I was putr on rthe earth to have them. In the end you always end up looking back feeling slightly silly and wondering what the fuss was about

>> No.10331701

Anons I'm on day one again wish me luck. Everyday this week straight after work I've gone to the liquor store except today. This morning i poured the the rest of the 1/5 I bought last night down the sink. Do any other anons have problems with booze and porn? I've tried no fap and no booze the past 4 months but haven't had more than a 2.5 week streak. My brain really likes to get drunk and beat off apparently. As soon as I finish, I always think to myself how terrible it is and how I shouldn't of got drunk yet I do it again and drink even more after an hour or 2....

>> No.10331704

I genuinely hope you are right, I've never been so fixated on woman before in my life.

>> No.10331711

I get drunk everyday and beat off twice a day, It's just something the body needs. It's like oxygen

>> No.10331714

It's fucking brutal and I don't mean to belittle what you're going through at all. Just try to keep in mind that many, many people have done it before and come out ok

>> No.10331717

Thanks man

>> No.10331723

Yep, you're pretty much describing the rest of us. Drinking and jerking.
Good luck to you, mate
Try to find something to fill every hour of your time.
Once you feel bored, the bottle calls

>> No.10331749

holy shit this boxwine is deadly. It's like drinking pints of cordial but you get fucked up

>> No.10331754

so a woman could accept you if you weren't alcoholic?
i mean if it is not too late why not go for it?
after i wen't full alch i have not even thought about dating someone.

>> No.10331759

This. No woman is that great, and there's always another woman out there. I have shit luck with women. I can get them attracted to me but I can't hold onto them. I thought I lost my one true love twice in my life. That's utter bullshit. There's always another great woman out there, and in the meantime you can distract yourself with lesser women, or hell, even porn and imagination. No one has a soulmate. No one.

>> No.10331760

For me man, It's too late

My teeth look like shit from alcoholism, I'm 36 years old and have been drinking daily for 11 years, I also have severe scarring on my liver and severe stomach pain daily.

Too late

>> No.10331769

Same. I never smile anymore and I mutter a lot because I don't want people to see my teeth. 34 here. Same symptoms. Dunno what I can do to help or encourage you, but hey, I'm still here.

>> No.10331773

this was a horrible lesson for me to learn and I don't know if I'll ever be happy with anyone again. but I can accept that even the Big One I lost and never really recovered from was just another grill, the magnitude of her is entirely in my head and not real life

>> No.10331784

I have a gap in my teeth ever since childhood so welcome to my life since like 10 years of age

Plus side is that I never grew any wisdom teeth

>> No.10331789


Fuck it right?

We'll at least die happily drunk. At least we have that

Fuck life.

>> No.10331797

There is no "Big One". You're mourning the loss of an ideal. The hypothetical "Woman that I have decided represents the Platonic ideal of romantic bliss" doesn't exist.

Everyone is deep and complex and therefore shitty and never really able to be understood.
We're all alone, mateys. Except for the bros your meet while drunk. Because then we really are as shallow as we are able to express.

>> No.10331801

you're just repeating what I said m8- I know perfectly well I'm talking about an ideal and not who she actually was

>> No.10331802

if your teeth aren't black and crooked you probably can find someone. you just need to sober up somewhat.
its all good unless you are fucked mentally.
i think even that could be solved someday

>> No.10331808

Mine grew in but I never got them removed. My mouth is overcrowded, misshapen, and years of grinding them down or sleeping with my mouth open and dry, and tons of vomiting, has worn them down badly and made them yellow. So many broken or worn down teeth now. I figure the cheapest option is to let them rot to the point that I have no choice but just have the remaining ones pulled and maybe scrounge enough cash to get shitty dentures. Actually a part of me just wants to die before I have to worry about that.

>> No.10331816

Oh shit you're right. I should really finish reading the entirety of a post before I reply.

>> No.10331821

s'alright m90

>> No.10331898

i have two macbooks, one brand new, the other four years old. was planning on selling the latter to make rent this month.

guess whose drunk ass left their laptop open, face down on the floor, and now has a broken hinge guard?

fuck it. guess i'm selling the newer one.

>> No.10331902

>buying a macbook in the first place

>> No.10331911

how is that a problem if you can afford a brand new mac book?
also you can fix a broken "hinge guard" on your own, right?

>> No.10331928
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You found the problem, doctor

>> No.10331934

the brand new macbook was a very unexpected gift from my mom last christmas lol, i have <$50 in my bank account.

you can fix a broken hinge guard, but i'm concerned potentially fucking up the laptop in the process. i don't want to being the market value from $300 to $0 just because i'm a dumbass.

OSX is basically the work environment de jure for people in the industry i work in. don't care about PC shitters and >>muh gaming<<, enjoy playing fortnite at 300 FPS i guess

>> No.10331943

whoops, drunk typos
>*concerned about
>don't want to *bring

>> No.10331945

I have no use for a Mac book, but it is fairly standard in a lot of workplaces. I just use home-built PCs and my phone, though sometimes I wish I had a tablet.

>> No.10331947

how about you go to /g/ with your bait?
you would get more upvotes for sure

>> No.10331949

>OSX is basically the work environment de jure for people in the industry i work in. don't care about PC shitters and >>muh gaming<<, enjoy playing fortnite at 300 FPS i guess
It's not about gaming, it's about paying 2000 dollars for a computer that is worth 750 if it's just running anything other than OSX

There is no software exclusive to OSX that doesn't have a cheaper alternative on Windows or Linux

>> No.10332012

lol shut the fuck up dude

>> No.10332026

shall we share some tunes? this has been getting my blood pumping lately


>> No.10332043

I hate that Easter is coming up. I'll have to go see my family, particularly my grandmother. She loves me so fucking much that I can't stand to be around her because I feel unworthy and a constant disappointment.

And I'll have to shave

>> No.10332059

sure, man. have a good evening.

no argument there, but again, it is industry standard and was also a gift from my mother.


>> No.10332069

I'd probably quit drinking to see my grandma again.

>> No.10332084

this kind of stuff mystifies me, I don't dislike it but I don't know enough about it to hear it as anything but 'some guy fucking around with samples'. It's not a criticism though, just my ignorance


>> No.10332087

>one of these days

AKA probably never

>> No.10332103

I know what you mean. I love my family very much. Which is precisely why I don't want to see them. They always believed in me and thought I was going to be someone. I was the one who went to college and had high grades and shit.

I don't want to see them until I've done something worthwhile so I can feel worthy of their love. I know that it doesn't matter and that they love me regardless. But I want to repay them for such unconditional support.

>> No.10332106

the realism goblin is in town

>> No.10332147

>I love my family very much. Which is precisely why I don't want to see them.
iktf. i was the child that was "supposed" to have a successful future. now, i lie to my mother almost every time we speak. she thinks i'm mostly sober, employed, and getting back on my feet to finish my college education. in reality, i'm barely keeping it together and will probably be homeless after my lease ends.

as awful and naive as it probably is to say, i sometimes wish my mom weren't so caring and helpful. i wish she had the capacity to tell me that i'm a man now and that i have to help myself, not just seek help from others. the more she helps me, the more i feel indebted to live the sort of life she wants me to live... and simultaneously, i feel like it also enables me to continue this purgatorial existence. neither feels like a desirable choice. but i also feel like i can't spurn her, she's done too much for me. i dunno, just rambling.

>> No.10332182

meh. my mom kicked me out on my ass when I was 17 and I'm still a degenerate alcoholic.

>> No.10332196

That's one thing I've learned from threads like these. No matter who you are, no matter where you're from. Some of us just find away to the gutter regardless

>> No.10332197



>> No.10332202


This has been stuck in my head since Annihilation

>> No.10332208

Being broke, feeling guilty and like you're letting down your parents and your potential, being scared about your health, feeling hopeless not being able to control yourself. I know all of these things, even though I have a job again, am coming up on one week sober for the first time in what may be year(? I never even kept track), even though I feel maybe i can be proud of myself next time i see my family, I still want to say i understand you guys, I have been there, I still am there, the shadow looms at all times. Even now I feel it, telling me to drink a few beers tonight. But I wont, because my liver won't recover and I will die young if i give in before the two months to really heal.

God save us, day by day

>> No.10332210


>tfw this was literally the first band I was ever aware of

>> No.10332224

These are the realest threads on 4chan.

>> No.10332232

fair enough. i just feel like i've been a terrible person to those who care about me, and i'm not sure i've yet received my commensurate karmic punishment.

wish my mom didn't have to go off and fuck an alchie piece of shit like my father. now i have to exist!

>> No.10332240

i drink 3-4 glasses of scotch a night to get a good tipsy going, then i rub one out and go to sleep

>> No.10332242

Lads I've already had a pretty fullfilling drunk night without doing anything grim and I could probably go to bed now and be satisfied. But I have a lot more booze and eeeeh should I keep going or what

>> No.10332246


nice song choice there
if you're in england id have a drink with you
except that would be a bad idea

>> No.10332249

north wales nugga

>> No.10332251

Go to sleep, forget about it, then have that awesome moment when you're hungover/going through withdrawal the next morning and you realize you still have some left

>> No.10332255

i tend to drink throughout the day. if i can hold off til 6 or so (normal drinking hours), like 8-14 for me.

>> No.10332261

Listen to music for the next hour. Music while drunk is fucking elevating.

Leave this thread, we're just gonna bum you out. You got a good thing going, mate. Ride it till morning

>> No.10332262

Guys I have a whole bunch of cans of meat (roast beef, salmon, albacore, chicken), leftover spaghetti sauce, and your basic hotdog condiments.
What should I make?

>> No.10332267

I'll do that before long, but for now I feel like a kid in a sweet shop

>> No.10332273


my liver is unclenching

>> No.10332274

Hey look, it's all my feelings.

I am going to break out of this shitty cycle. I am going to be worth something. I am going to be proud of myself one day.
I'm just in stasis now. I have applications out there. Real life changing shit. They're going to call back. I have a university degree with higher than average grades. I'm smart, I'm attentive, I pay attention to details, I have a great work ethic.
Being passed up time and time and time and time again is just a fluke. I will be worth something.

>> No.10332275


>> No.10332279

This thread doesn't have to be so depressing. We tend to get overrun by the 'OH NO I JUST DRANK A LITRE OF BATTERY ACID AND MY EX WIFE SAYS SHE'S SUING' guys but really. Most of us are just normal alcys. still not great but not that bad

>> No.10332281

Sammies with the beef and mustard.

I also have left over spaghetti sauce. It's real good, but it's such a small portion that doesn't warrant making pasta for.
Guess I'll just eat it when I get hungry in an hour or so

>> No.10332287

Happy well balanced people don't drink.
It's inevitable that a "People who drink too much" threat devolves to a bunch of sad sacks feeling sorry for themselves

>> No.10332289


roast beef, salmon, albacore, chicken, leftover spaghetti sauce, and hotdog casserole

>> No.10332297

Getting a job really can be the catalyst. At first I continued to drink because I wanted to unwind after work but then I accepted the nightly drinking was what was really stressing me more than anything. To have money to spend and being proud of your work is a huge positive. I can eat whatever I want, every night, feels good.

>> No.10332310

You sound like a child. Men can speak frankly about life without "feeling sorry" or saying "oh no". You want fairytales and lala safe space? Go to the baby's first beer thread.

>> No.10332316

in my experience, happy, well-balanced people normally do drink, just irregularly and have no issue stopping themselves. of course, some do completely abstain

meh. to each their own. i'm not about to die and my alcoholism has been worse, but i'm also on the verge of homelessness and can't afford another fifth. so i'm gonna bitch no matter what. you're free to stay and free to go

>> No.10332325


al/ck/ posts everybody

>> No.10332330


lads I wasn't trying to lay down the law or puyt anyone down, settle down. We're all on the same page one way or another. No fights in al/ck/

>> No.10332342

I don't think that I was trying to start a fight, but I'm with you on the peace deal.
We're all brothers in booze.

Getting another drink now.

I'm trying to watch Ghost in the Shell (American movie). It's been hard to care about it.

>> No.10332365


oh dear, sounds like punishment in movie form

>> No.10332372

It really is.
I mentally tuned out in the first fucking 5 minutes when there was a lines saying "Your soul. Your ghost. Is in this shell" or something.
You cant' fucking name drop the movie's title in such an awkward fucking way that fucking fast into the movie.

>> No.10332381


you should watch 12 Monkeys, it's the only time hollyweird has made a good remake of a foreign sci fi property

>> No.10332386

Wait 12 Monkeys is a remake? The one with Bruce Willis?

>> No.10332392


it was originally a french short called 'La Jetee'. The original was ok but very much an art project and not a fully formed movie

>> No.10332397


without going all /tv/ the general rule is just watch the original, fuck remakes

>> No.10332400

The Tossed?
I'll look it up. I'm a bit of a movie nerd and I'm really surprised I didn't know this. I'm glad you taught me something new.
See? Al/ck/ isn't all just doom and gloom

>> No.10332426

is anyone else in al/ck/ into old fashioned death metal?


>> No.10332431

Not me. I don't like metal. It's too discordant. Not enough harmony
The only metal band is Sabaton. I'm sure you will tell me how they're not metal at all

>> No.10332440

Sabaton are fine, they get people into historically aware music so good for them.

>> No.10332446

It's the opposite direction for me. I'm a historyfag and it got me into "metal" which I normally do not like.

Don't study history, kids

>> No.10332464

People who don't think they have a problem don't feel the need to try to stop.Because they never question their 'habit' they avoid labeling it as anything.

>> No.10332465

metal is the most obvious path for people who start to care about history. Obviously it would be better if they could all get into classical but class barriers exist and something is better than nothing. we should be making the best of it, not getting snobby

>> No.10332483

this isn't the kind of music I listen to but this is pretty sick.

I'm listening to a different kind of death music right now. switching between goth and pop and punk.

no I"m not gay but yes I am a faggot

>> No.10332492

I think we should get kids to listen to classical at an earlier age.
My nephew is 4. Just starting to realize that music is more than nice sounding noise.
He loves loud and complicated things. The other day, I was channel surfing on the music stations.
He wanted to listen to Palestrina. Palestrina!
I said it was very old music for churches. He liked it. And when I asked if he wanted to change it, he said, no he wanted more.

I think that as little kids we like the confusing complexity of classical music. As we get too old, we find it offputting and foreign.
But there's an age, a very young age, where we love learning new and complex things.

>> No.10332508

I grew up listening to Tom Waits, Talking Heads, Tragically Hip, K.D. Lang, Gram Parsons, The Cure, and Spirit of the West and I turned out alright

>> No.10332538

I ain't talking shit, no way
My pop used to play music every weekend in the early morning.
Sting, the Beatles, Cat Stevens, Beck, Rolling Stones

I'm just saying that as just learning kids like under 6, we like complex crazy shit. Because everything we encounter is complex crazy shit, to them.
Lil Nephew of mine is asking me to define everyone other word, which I'm glad to do.

I'm not sure what I'm getting at. Like, before we have our real memories we're just learning machines. We want to learn everyone. We're not solidified into being a certain way yet.

>> No.10332540

any Carly Rae fans here tonight? The Medium is The Message.

>> No.10332552

That background beat sounds like something from Drive

>> No.10332557

I grew up listening to simiar shit. My dad always played guitar when I was a kid and I just kinda picked it up and music is one of the few things in my life that I still get pleasure from. Learning to appreciate music and love it and get into it is so fucking important. Same with making sure the family eats together every night when you're a kid. THose little things are so important.

>> No.10332572


this beautiful song was released sixteen years ago. does that trigger you?

>> No.10332575

Jesus Christ, mate, are you me?
My pop played the guitar all the time. He just used to improvise and never played anything "real". But Jesus, his improv patterns are ingrained in my bran.
Same thing with the meals.
We used to sit down every night around 6. My pop, again, was usually the cook. We'd all sit around the table. Then we'd wait until we were served. We'd only start eating once everyone was served.
Then when I or my sibling were done, we'd ask "May we leave the table?"

Fuck, in many ways, I think I had a terrific childhood.

The little things are so important. It sucks that I fucked it all up

>> No.10332579

>16 years
Yeah that does trigger
I also used to be best friends with a girl who looked just like Avril.
Then we hit puberty and she became hot and I became a loser.

Funny how life works out

>> No.10332582



this was the time

>> No.10332595
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holy shit, my dad loved cooking and cooked most of our meals and was great at it. My mom was good at baking and I love her for other reasons but my dad always made the most amazing meals.

here's to parents who did their best, may they never know how bad it's gotten

>> No.10332625

I could totally do with a friend right now, being le clever drunk guy isn't enough. I miss actuak human contact

>> No.10332634

new thread?

>> No.10332645

Not for a couple more pages

Also, have you watched the Elephant Man?
I think we can all relate

>> No.10332654


>> No.10332665
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>> No.10332671


>> No.10332745

Going on a hard bender with my brother on Saturday night. He's going through a divorce and is a higher functioning a/ck/ than I.

He said he bought 6 handles and 300 beers a few minutes ago on the phone. When we both get off on Saturday It's going to be drunk city until Thursday.

Already got hooker money set aside

>> No.10332753

Is this MEGAREDDIT spacing?
What's above reddit?

>> No.10332769

I can't help but go hard on this song


>> No.10332783

I like this version more

>> No.10332828


Am I the last one left tonight? where sre my buddies

>> No.10332905

I'm still here.
More Irish music please I grew up in an Irish colony in Canada. We had "Irish Fest' every Saint Patricks.

I was supposed to take over the technical aspect of Irish Fest. They were grooming me. But I left for college.

I always wanted to play the Bodhran
In another life I never left there...

>> No.10333126

well guys, this is it
i'm out of money and am leaving for the woods
i backpack a lot already so i'll be pretty comfortable for a while with a lot of nice gear
eventually i'll run out of food and i'm okay with that

>> No.10333143

I've dreampt of doing this

>> No.10333153

Good luck stay safe. You going think stay connected? Got a phone? You can get a phone with one month unlimited data and internet for 100 dollars at Wal-Mart. Consider begging if you need the money.

>> No.10333178

More than anything else in the world, I want to be someone. I want people to look at me and say "Yeah, that guy did something with his life"

>> No.10333185

too socially anxious (fuck off it's real i've had it for 30 years before it was a thing) to beg
i have a phone but it will be turned off at the end of the month, i'm considering bringing it to use wifi but it will probably just be a hassle and extra weight
i've said since i was 7 or so i just wanted to go live in the woods away from everybody, i'm pretty excited but i know it will in actual fact suck.
someone make a new thread.

>> No.10333196

Two more pages, mate

In the mean time, who wants to cry?

This song kills me.I'm not gonna watch it.
Ok, I'm going to watch it. But I'm going to cry.
I've fucked up, lads

>> No.10333202

What have you done mate?

>> No.10333216

The worst thing a son can do to father.
I am nothing. I am unemployed.
I've been trying to join the military but it's been 2 years and they still haven't taken me.

The saddest thing is that my dad still tells me every week that he loves me.
I don't deserve that.
I want more than anything to be someone. To do something.

>> No.10333224

The military might not be for you then mate. Is there no other job you can take on? My dad's dead, and when he died I was practically a homeless, jobless neet.

>> No.10333226

my dad drives 2 hours every week to come hang out and watch a movie with me, he says he wants to but i know it's just to make sure i'm not dead.
i don't deserve him.
he brings me food because he knows i can't afford it anymore and plays it off like "oh we just had extra"

>> No.10333240

I will force them to take me. I will wait this out. I will sit here and god damned call their bluff.
Fucking try to out do me. You fucking military sons of bitches don't know what kind of iron they are dealing with.
I will take it all.
I will wear a uniform.
I will make them salute me.

My dad will be proud of me. No matter fucking god damned what

>> No.10333255

He doesn't drive 2 hours to see if you're not dead.
He does it because he loves you. More than anything in his life.

I didn't fully recognize how much my dad loved me till I met my lil nephew. Son of my sister. He was 2 when I met him and now he's 4.
I love him so fucking much. All your preconceptions about family goes out the window when you have a kid like that in your life.
He loves me, his uncle, so very much.
Being a dad is 10X that.

If I were a proper father, there is literally nothing I wouldn't' do for my boy.

>> No.10333491

I hope the end comes soon
I'll see you lads then

>> No.10333549

I'm going to be better.
I'm going to be better

>> No.10333721
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>being a degenerate alcohol trailer trash
>not being a /sip/ gentleman
>productive, cheerful, and drowns your sorrows better than alcohol

>> No.10333725

Hey we had a nice thing going for this thread to die on.
Now you ruined it.

>> No.10333733
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>> No.10333980

God music from that era sucked ass