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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10325162 No.10325162 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to convince my boo that a stuffed bread is not a sandwich. But in the discussion i felt that he has pretty solid arguments. Nonetheless, stuffed bread is cooked with the filling inside. It's a lot like empanadas, gyosa, pupusas, arepas, dumplings, fatays and maaaybe gorditas are all the same.
Are all those sandwiches too? maybe they are not?

>> No.10325167
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>> No.10325177

sandwich: two pieces of bread and some meat. and it doesn't even have bacon on it. bacon is extra.

>> No.10325184
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>my boo

>> No.10325202

A sandwich definitely doesn't need to be two pieces of bread. A partially sliced baguette with meat and cheese inside is still a sandwich even though it is a single piece a bread.

>> No.10325295

just don't even bother
the world is 98% retards at this point

>> No.10325309

If something is put between two things or is otherwise enveloped, it's a sandwich. Unless somebody has autism. In which case you should just ignore them because they have autism, after stating your perspective.

>> No.10325311

You deserve life in the shame cube.

>> No.10325674

this thread is boo-shit.

>> No.10325690

>If something is put between two things or is otherwise enveloped, it's a sandwich.
An eggroll is a sandwich?
Beef wellington is a sandwich?
Your definition isn't wrong, but it needs some work.

>> No.10325700

it plainly is wrong.

>> No.10325713

That's a sub though.

>> No.10325736

Of course it's a sandwich.
Why do all you faggots argue about this, of course it's a sandwich

>> No.10325738

>what are open-faced sandwiches

>> No.10325795

sandwiching is a spectrum. you could sit on a slice of bread and boom, open-faced anon sandwich

>> No.10326019

It's not a true sandwich unless the bread is uncooked. Fight me.

>> No.10326151

Oh shit, does that mean raw cookie dough is a sandwich then?

>> No.10326158

pizzas obviously

>> No.10326637

no to be a sandwich it has to have slices of bred

>> No.10327774

People are saying this is a sandwich so its probably a sandwich but no one ever calls it that so it seems wrong

>> No.10327784

someone post the chart

>> No.10329733

it isn't

>> No.10330241

It's more of a sandwich than open faced sandwiches.

>> No.10330258

But open-faced sandwiches are also that too, it's literally in the name. And the definition of the word 'sandwich' covers it too. Why aren't open-faced sandwiches sandwiches suddenly? Or is this one of those "Well, it's just my opinion but I'll treat it as fact" posts?

>> No.10330274

To me a sandwich is handheld. Open faced sandwiches are a piece of bread with toppings. Like a soggy pizza.

>> No.10330302

Hot dogs ain’t sandwiches. They’re on one piece of bread. Not two.

>> No.10330304

>eating with your hands
fucking murricans I bet you ear burgers with your hands too

>> No.10330314

I mean, the buns are literally there to keep your hands from getting all gross and shit. Same with rolls and stuff.

>> No.10330331

>To me a sandwich is handheld.
Well guess what, you "feeling" like an open-faced sandwich isn't a sandwich doesn't mean shit.

>> No.10330334

Tits or GTFO

>> No.10330335

What makes pizzza, bread with toppings, not an open faced sandwich? Where do we draw the sandwich line?

>> No.10330371

A sandwich is a a layered construct, doesn't even have to be food

>> No.10330396

Ok, since I have to spoonfeed the retard...
>Sandwich definition
>a : two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between
>b : one slice of bread covered with food
>something resembling a sandwich; especially : composite structural material consisting of layers often of high-strength facings bonded to a low strength central core

And now the definition for a pizza.
>a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked — called also pizza pie

>> No.10330446
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>> No.10330554

Sub is short for submarine sandwich

>> No.10330565

Uncooked bread is bread that isnt toast. Anon is claiming that a toasted sandwich is not a sandwich.

>> No.10330570

>taking bait

>> No.10330594
File: 390 KB, 1200x825, Sandwich alignment chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10330837

>my boo
Drink bleach

>> No.10331331

A sandwich is an assembled hand food, consisting of food supported or contained by an edible structural element, such that you can eat it without utensils or outside containment, without getting very messy.

So a hot dog is a sandwich, but stuffed bread is not. Because stuffed bread is not food until you cook it, making it a pastry.

If you had a big loaf of bread and then LITERALLY stuffed it with ham or something by shoving it in there, that would be a sandwich though. A shitty one, probably.

>> No.10332468

Americans want this https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>> No.10332561

Wow r9k, always lurkin never workin huh.