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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 382 KB, 541x537, f02f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10321783 No.10321783 [Reply] [Original]

>extremely comfy
>rock solid results
>easy to prepare
>delivers superior cup
>hand grinder ready
>lasts for decades
>500 years old method

>> No.10321790
File: 471 KB, 2379x2379, 5-Cup-Mini-Drip-Coffee-Maker-426.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>automatic drip
>it's in my kitchen right now
>it works

>> No.10321805

Edgy hipsters just want to look cool with their obscure apparatuses

>> No.10321815

>lasts for decades
looks fragile as fuck desu.

>> No.10321822

flyover detected

>> No.10321831

and it tastes like rainwater as well

>> No.10321841
File: 191 KB, 960x960, KB952AOPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i make weak coffee so the method is bad

there is literally nothing wrong with auto drip

>> No.10321850
File: 673 KB, 1963x1571, Chemex_Coffeemaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but does james bond canonically use one?

>> No.10321855
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how you dildos use the grind doesn't matter. The grind matters.

>> No.10321862

>basing your coffee making on the preferences of fictional bongs

>> No.10321871
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>> No.10322486
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I concur.

>> No.10322512

i use a french press

>> No.10322640
File: 21 KB, 299x450, MokaPot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically an overcomplicated version of this?

>> No.10322641

Bond is Swiss/Scottish
Doesn't qualify as a total bong in my opinion

>> No.10322652

enjoy your cancer boiling metals

>> No.10322791
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>> No.10323536

A french press seems a lot less complicated.

>> No.10323665

Patrician, makes coffee at the perfect temperature for drinking immediately after the brew.

Its a shame you can't do more than 12 oz.

>> No.10323681

What's the advantage of getting a Bialetti over other brands that look exactly the same?

>> No.10323693

You know, you clowns remind me very very much of stoners and vapers showing off their rigs

>> No.10323718

as an italian who drinks moka erryday it's none. the only thing you should look for in a moka it's if it seals good so it works fine. the only thing bialetti has is better filters and overall design. it won't break as easily as an off brand one but even a shitty one is hard to break. hope it helps you m80

>> No.10323727

What would you recommend?

>> No.10323781

the brand isn't important, as i told before. i have both shitty ones and a bialetti that is my parents'. the bialetti has more than 20 years and it only has stains on the metal that i'm too lazy to clean, never had a problem. the off brand ones might be an hit and miss. one that i had broke because the handle was poorly made and melted cause of the flame, another one had the shittiest filter ever but i just bought a replacement and it works just fine. if you really want to buy one buy bialetti for its quality but be prepared to spend a lot if you manage to break it, the goddamn jews at bialetti made the replacement pieces really expensive. or you can just buy a similar one but look for faults on the handle and the filter as they are the only thing you can break

>> No.10323786

Thanks man, and would you recommend a stainless steel or aluminium one?

>> No.10323797

Galvanized steel if you can get it.

>> No.10323806

definitely stainless steel, aluminium ones suck hard.

>> No.10323845

Hmm, that's what I thought. But the problem is that I can't find any brands that sell steel pots that only make 1 or 2 or 3 cups of coffee. The smallest I've seen is the 4 cup size Bialetti Venus, and because I only make coffee for myself, 4 cups seems too much for me.

What brands do that?

>> No.10324365
File: 704 KB, 750x917, laharl meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally a french press.
Even the people who demonstrate how it works have no clue how a french press extracts coffee, so they add so many needless steps, like stirring grounds at regular intervals and adding the grounds AFTER the water has made it to upper flask, not before.

>> No.10324455

my dad's aluminum one seems to work better than my stainless steel one, fwiw. same capacity.

also, I imagine that one other guy who likes to talk about moka pots will be in here shortly if he isn't already, so let me say that I tried filling the boiler with warm instead of boiling water just now and I think it extracted noticeably better, though of course it took longer. gonna have to try it from cold now.

>> No.10324470

Who the fuck put boiling water in it? You use cold and adjust the heat so it takes ~7 min to be done, like the manual says.

>> No.10324485

>You use cold and adjust the heat so it takes ~7 min to be done
with a 6-cup stainless pot and starting from cold that's more like 12-15 minutes. I'm not sure it's possible to get enough pressure to do it in 7, I'd probably trip the safety valve.

(though, hey, if it works for you I might give it a whirl.).

>> No.10324496

7 min is mentioned in my 3 cups manual, a 6 cup will probably have a different time.

>> No.10324797
File: 46 KB, 334x608, nescafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically prefer this

>> No.10324884

that's the autism machine the nords worship, roight?

>> No.10325573

Not using la pavoni which is obviously the bond machine

>> No.10325903
File: 45 KB, 350x350, 54CBEB19-DC37-4571-8C25-374EE52775CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>percolator coffee
>comfiest coffee in existence
>taste is god-tier
>can be made anywhere over any heat source
>pot lasts forever
>easy as fuck to make

>> No.10325921

Who needs a bunch of suff when you can just put ground coffee in a pot of warm water.

>> No.10325933

>I don’t know that aluminum forms an impervious and unreactive oxide layer upon contact with the oxygen in the air.
>and that it will last basically forever unless scrubbed off by scouring pads.
Bottom line, hand wash it with a regular sponge and dish soap and replace the gasket every decade or so and it’ll last until after your grandkids die.

>> No.10325935

I don't understand how this machine works

>> No.10325987

It takes all the flavorful oils and spews them into the air, smelling great but leaving you a brew of dirty tapwater.

>> No.10326049

That doesn't sound too great

>> No.10326078

Not much.
The plastic handle is a little better quality and the finish on the metal parts is cleaner and smoother. I have a chink 3-cup moka pot that works just as well as my expensive 6-cup moka.

If you don’t leave your plastic handle directly over the burner flame you won’t notice a difference and you’ll save over $20.

It’s not the making of the coffee that’s the trick. It’s stopping it from brewing when it’s at the right flavor and not getting gritty bits of coffee grounds in your cup when you’re done.

Basic physics. A bit of water flashes into steam and the resulting explosion pushes a small column of water up a tube and onto your coffee.
But since this is 4chan and nobody has any idea how physics actually works:

>> No.10326290

>t. soccermom

>> No.10326293

It’s just sour grapes.
He’s trying to justify his lack of knowledge as well as paying 5x the price for something that’s more finicky and doesn’t work as well.

>> No.10326299

Cool projection, dude.
There's a reason literally everyone of the face of the earth stopped using percolators in the '70s.

>> No.10326301

how would you say a percolator compares to a french press? asking for a friend haha

>> No.10326428


water heater

>> No.10326465
File: 790 KB, 1000x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to get yourselves one of these

>> No.10326467

Like all coffee, it depends on your process.
Though a French press is reputed to make better coffee and a percolator worse, it’s all basically down to personal preference and your prep. I’ve gotten shit coffee out of both and great coffee out of both.
A French press with shit fundamentals will make shit coffee; Percolator with awesome fundamentals will make awesome coffee, and vice versa.

About 4g of coffee grounds per cup of output is a happy ratio for me across a number of brew formats. I can drink it black without it tasting like rotten mud, and any sugar anyone may use is minimal and not to cover up any flaws in the brew.

>> No.10326492

Thank you. Going to stick with the french press then. I need to stop being a lazy fuck and go buy some good coffee. I drink mine the same way, cheers

>> No.10326507

I really do to be honest...

>A bit of water flashes into steam and the resulting explosion pushes a small column of water up a tube and onto your coffee
But does that process result in good coffee?

>> No.10326582

It can, yes.

>> No.10326594

Edgy hipster detected.

>> No.10326610
File: 375 KB, 704x1080, 20180316_214908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he genuinely believes that being from the coast makes him a better class of person and more worldly, despite still being a fucking american.

>> No.10326648






>> No.10327336
File: 1.25 MB, 546x1540, Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 8.53.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having an ek43 in your kitchen
fucking casuals

>> No.10327400


>> No.10327445

oh no no no

>> No.10329194


>> No.10329431
File: 486 KB, 1240x1541, K30_2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10329490

They work on an entirely different principle.

Syphon: water is heated until it is siphoned up into the top bulb, fully immersing the coffee under no pressure, water percolates through the coffee back down when heat source is removed.

Moka: water is heated until it percolates up through the grounds canister under light pressure up into the top serving vessel.

>> No.10329496

>>500 years old method

It was invented in the 1830s you twat.

>> No.10329499

It's basically the same principle as a Moka pot, but the top allows the water to drip back through to the bottom to be cycled again.

Pretty much always overextracted, but the idea has potential if paired with PID technology like Perk was trying to be before deciding to scam people when they realized they could do it, but not for the price promised

>> No.10329509

EK is MILES better than a K30, moron. The only better grinder (besides an EK modded with SSP burrs) is a Monolith Flat Max with SSP EK burrs, and only like 3 people currently own one.

>> No.10329672

You have revealed how little you know of your preferred drinks history. Americans stopped using percolators because autodrip machines with electric hookups and mechanical timers became super prevalent and the ability to wake up to already brewed coffee was better than having to throw it on a stove first, same with the microwave for an oven or a digital clock over analog, just easier. Percolators make coffee that drinks like a French press, thick and sweet, most people just left them on too long or used too few grounds.

>> No.10329682



>> No.10329684

Would you say it's superior to a Moka pot?

I'm using a french press, but it's sort of messy, sometimes coffee grounds escape the net when I press it down, they don't last very long (in my experience) and are messy to clean because grounds get stuck between the parts
So I'd like to replace my french press with something, I don't have much space so preferably not a giant robot

>> No.10329690

I would shy it's an absolute trash brewing method that nobody should use in it's current form.

It only has promise with a ton of added technology that nobody has brought to market with one.

>> No.10329701

Tip your fedora harder, why don't you.
Percolators are shit, they've always been shit, and you won't get any hipster cred here for pretending otherwise.

>> No.10329862

any good options that are not french presses or a big robot?

>> No.10329891

hario v60, aeropress, chemex

I have the v60 and aeropress and both make pretty good single servings
I'd get the chemex if I was making coffee for more than just myself though

>> No.10329898

Why not just get a carafe for your hario?

>> No.10329909

I only have the small one so far

and chemex looks nice and has good presentation

>> No.10329915

Thank you for the suggestios Anon

>> No.10329925

cover the beans in dark chocolate and honestly that's a pretty good setup for eg camping

>they don't last very long

what breaks? I like moka pot coffee better than french press coffee, but I use the hell out of a french press for logistical reasons and I don't see what wouldn't last.

nobody's mentioned cold brew concentrate, so allow me to be the first

can brew very strong and mix with hot water or milk to get a hot drink, not bad! plus lower acidity than hot-brewing.

>> No.10329945
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x828, Cowboy-Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I into cowboy coffee?

>fine grounds or coarse
>boil grounds or just boil coffee
>wut ratio

>> No.10329954

The edge of the net is what breaks for me
Gotta take it apart to clean out grounds that are stuck and after doing that for a while coffee grounds start finding their way into the coffee

>> No.10329961

I think it looks great, but I don't see how I could justify the price and buying another coffee maker. I also want a hario.
I already have a kalita, moka, cafetiere, and espresso maker.

>> No.10329967


>> No.10330054

He probably uses fluoridated water, too. R.I.P.

>> No.10330065

Pipe down, the adults are talking

>> No.10330086

huh, what press are you using? and have you tried a coarser grind (possibly with a longer steep time)?

>plebs itt use brewing methods that pass hot water over plastic
enjoy ur microbeads

>> No.10330415
File: 36 KB, 480x320, coffeemakers1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aeropresss>french press>>>>>moka pot>>>>>> filter coffee

>> No.10330734


comparing aeropress to filter is stupid in the first place because they yield different types of coffee

you can make shitty coffee with both and you can make great coffee with both

>> No.10330777

my issue with the aeropress is that... you know... it just kinda looks really fucking gay

>> No.10330787

You dipshits need to find a bean. Then a grinder, then a paper filter.

That's all you stupid assholes need.

>> No.10330813

>paper filter
ah yes the paper filters which i use to make my coffee
gotta get water from the well though! and i need to visit the monestary to watch the monks copy books... if mongols or vikings don't invade and burn it down

for since we are using paper fucking filters it is apparently medieval times where electricity or basic technology doesn't exist and we bash in each other's heads with wooden clubs

>> No.10330836

there's literally nothing wrong with being gay.

>> No.10330862

>comparing coffee makers to each other is stupid

nuh uh

>> No.10330891

industrial coffee and its consequences have been a disaster for the human palate

>> No.10330905
File: 100 KB, 1033x1500, Smart Grinder Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or use one of these you fucking dipshit, then put it in a PAPER FILTER. God you people are just chavs.

>> No.10330971

yeah it's not like anyone would want to drink coffee out of a mug or anything...
paper filters are dumb and messy

>> No.10330997

Used to just grab hands of beans out of the grinder and eat them and wash them down with some cold water desu.

Puts the fear of God into the hearts of normies.

>> No.10331009

After trying out all these methods I came back to this and enjoy it, maybe it's just nostalgia speaking but it just tastes better for me.

>> No.10331051

Percolator Guy here.

They’re different, and produce different strength end products.
A moka pot produces near-espresso strength coffee, while a percolator just does regular-strength coffee.
Ignore the idiots like this guy >>10329690 who say it makes shit coffee. It doesn’t.
Like the French press, it is a manual process-the quality depends on you. But you should be used to that, so it won’t be hard to learn. Unlike the French Press, you can get all of it sparkling clean to keep off-flavors at bay.

I have a 4-cup percolator, so my recipe is:
>24oz (680g) water
>16g coffee
>Put on stove, burner set on high. >When it starts to perk, turn it down to low
>let it perk for 7 minutes.
>Take off heat and serve.
Easy and delicious.

>> No.10331229

the only good thing about ek43 is how good it looks next to a trash can

>> No.10331233
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>> No.10331240
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>> No.10331250

Thank you Anon!
Since it's called a perculator I'm assuming that letting it "perk" in this context means having the thing do what it does, but what exactly would I be looking for there?

I think I want to get one of these because they look nice, don't take up too much space and have insides made of metal parts which I can clean easily

>> No.10331344

Solved this riddle by myself: perking is when it sucks up the water
I'm still a little confused because if you google search for percolator you get a lot of moka pots, but I'll figure it out

>> No.10331596

The correct spelling is “percolator”
As for how to tell, there’s a little glass bubble on top. When it perks you’ll hear a small “thump” and see water splash against the top of that bubble. When you hear that, turn the burner down and start your timer.

If you want to save a little money over new you can buy a used one on eBay.
Here’s a new model I found on amazon.

>> No.10331632

Somebody redbull me on a good autodrip

>> No.10331680

Deconstructed coffee?

>> No.10332117

But aeropress is a form of filter coffee, you're filtering the coffee through a paper filter.

>> No.10332140

Don't ever compare the aeropress paperfilter to the chemex one or you'll have to listen to hour long arguments on why one is better than the other

>> No.10332166

Watch me, I'll start a flame war:

Ahem, *clears throat*

There are no differences in the coffee produced from a v60, chemex, and a kalita. They're all pourover devices that have the same function, just from different brands.

>> No.10332179

That's an oxymoron.

>> No.10332380

Thank you for spoonfeeding me
I'm sorry I misspelled percolator, I realized after I had already sent my post

>> No.10332404


>> No.10332502

is it wrong to ejaculate on cremains?

>> No.10333110

Is there any reason you couldn't just make coffee with a tea pot that has an infuser in it?

Honestly coffee is just tea from a bean you might as well put that stuff in a tea bag...

>> No.10333277

You could, but I'm not sure the coffee would be any good. Your infuser would also need to be one of those fine mesh types to not let any grounds through, and you would need coarse ground coffee for it.

>> No.10333297

I assume "cremains" means they've already been used, so nah.

>> No.10333306

i don't particularly care for coffee but this looks really cool

>> No.10333318

Drip coffee gets a bad rap, but if you use good coffee that's fresh and make sure the water gets hot enough, it's fine.

>> No.10334162

I made cold brew coffee last night at about a 1:1 ratio then drank about 200ml of it topped up with water and milk and it currently has me buzzed

Anyone else here cold brew in a french press? What measurements (in bong) do you use?

>> No.10334217

thx bb

>> No.10334250
File: 11 KB, 400x450, Bodum-Pebo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The little heater is ridiculous. Just get one that you can put right on the stove.
It's easy to use and clean, makes really good coffee and you won't look like a stupid hipster, nor like a tasteless pleb.

>> No.10334257


It doesn't get a bad wrap if you're not a fucking coffee dilettante. It's the base coffee test for all coffees. The morons on this site just don't know a fucking thing about coffee.

>> No.10334258

>t. r*ddit spacer
really makes one think
how's /r/covefe going?

>> No.10334260


where do you fecal homunculi come from? You just subsist on 4chan while eating cheese out of your skin rolls, right?

>> No.10334266

I think you should leave before you have an aneurysm 'pal'

>> No.10334270

Will the coffee produced by any one of these niggas >>10332404 taste markedly different from your average $25 coffee maker pls respond

>> No.10334275


Can I make this easily by myself from chemistry glassware?

>> No.10334282
File: 355 KB, 268x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to back away from this suicidal 4chan victim. Use a single serve paper filter to judge your beans, even for espresso.

>> No.10334286

ok bye

>> No.10334290

these look nice but I don't get how their supposed to make better coffee than drip/pourover

>> No.10334319

You might have a little more control about the time you are letting the coffee draw. Also when the water flows into the upper container it will be slightly below boiling temperature, so it is hot enough but doesn't make the coffee bitter by beeing too hot. But I don't think it makes that much of a difference. I mostly use mine when i have guests and i need to make more coffee than usual and otherwise just use a filtercone.

>> No.10334330
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except for being a fucking faggot who deserves to be thrown off a roof

>> No.10334338
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>using glorified filters
>not using eggs instead

>> No.10334340


You love dick, don't you? Anyone who virulently hates gays are absolutely homosexual every single time. Get some cock in your mouth and stop being such an asshole. Every single time, always gay.

>> No.10334360


Where'd you go faggy penersin? Did you fall into a homosexual coma of complete gay?

>> No.10334477

Butane burner or halogen heater is better than stove for control. But stove is still way better than the alcohol burner shit.

>> No.10334512


no matter how you fine tune it the difference will be negligible

>> No.10334627

You certainly can, and people do.
That’s the idea behind the pre-measured pouches of coffee that businesses use that make x amount of cups each. They’re just tea bags with coffee in them. Nothing more or less.

I made the best moka of my life on an electric stove.
Honestly, it’s just heat. If all the rest of your process is sound, you can make do with whatever heat source you’ve got-butane, gas, electric, alcohol, light bulb, infrared, charcoal grill, campfire or what have you. As long as it’s kicking out enough heat to get things going, it’ll do the job.
If you pay attention to what you’re doing and adjust things accordingly, you’re still going to get great coffee. The thing that matters most is the knowledge inside your head, not your gear or your heat source.

>> No.10334629


This >>10334627 was meant for >>10334477

>> No.10334655

Knowledge > gear, but knowledge+gear > knowledge alone.

>> No.10334818
File: 100 KB, 500x681, 551a36df33ce86067042071d1078181a--wall-street-journal-redheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is truly the best way to prepare cawfee. even an average cup of beans from the grocery store will taste amazing in this. of course, you are adding hot chocolate to your cawfee, right anon?

>> No.10334824

>frog image
>, right anon?

what a fucking autist

>> No.10334942

yeah boiiii. I do around something like 1 part coffee/2 parts water, very coarse grind, soak overnight at room temp, maybe stir it a couple times before pressing. packs a wallop and very tasty!

>> No.10335063

No doubt, but once gear is merely sufficient to the task, it doesn’t matter anymore. At that point, it’s not a limiting factor.
And for most things coffee (real-deal espresso being perhaps the sole exception), even basic gear is plenty sufficient.

>> No.10335068

It doesnt. It makes a particularily "clean" cup apparently but Ive only had it once. I think it looks like way too big a hassle for your mornig cup but it's really more juat a cool little bit of engineering. If I had guests over I would break that thig out because it is pretty impressive.

>> No.10335900
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, marz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marzocco master race reporting.

>> No.10336051

>real-deal espresso being perhaps the sole exception
hell of an exception desu. blew my mind when I first had a fancy espresso with nothing in it. I've learned to like nicer drip coffees and french press and moka pot subsequently, but none of them are as good.

>> No.10336309

>coffee flows upwards.
That’s a hell of a process.

>> No.10336317

Shit, wrong perspective.
I’m an idiot.

>> No.10336419
File: 24 KB, 276x497, 08239482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were being serious?

>> No.10336439


It’s Austrian coffee. Not as hard as you would think.

>> No.10337108

I hate moka pots for the sheer problem of needing to use it every day which I cant manage as a teacher because my schedule can be all kinds of messed up from time to time.

>> No.10337371

You could just not use the pot on some days
I'm sure it wouldn't mind

>> No.10337966

You forgot
>hide your meth lab in plain sight

>> No.10338185
File: 82 KB, 475x507, cona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10339027


>> No.10339034


>> No.10339049

Enjoy your roaches.

>> No.10340031

Any tips on how to do it?

>> No.10340315

seems easy if you have access to a shop that sells cheap solo pieces of glassware, otherwise it would probably be more expensive

you need one flask with a rubber/cork top into which you put in a funnel (the steam has to go up). The funnel has to be able to hold the same amount of liquid as the flask, and you need a filter for it, the filter would have to stay in place - probably a metal spring that you would hook onto the bottom of the funnel

also a stand is needed

>> No.10340441

aeropress is a fucking meme. they sell it on thinkgeek lol. its reddit tier

>> No.10340512

Luddite detected

>> No.10341699

much easier to spend $40 on the coffee gear? this is ridiculous

>> No.10342755
File: 166 KB, 815x980, waifu_starbucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make good tasting coffee with high caffeine? caffeine is more important than taste but id prefer both.

What method / beans do i use?

>> No.10342786

light roast, full extraction, drink lots of it. brewing method is secondary.

there's also death wish coffee, which is expensive and allegedly tastes like shit, but it might be what you're after.

>> No.10343905

I'm dirt poor and just brew my coffee in a saucepan on the stove. Super strong but wakes you up, which is the entire point of coffee.

>> No.10343912

A French press is like ~$8-$15.

>> No.10343949

...Which serves the exact same purpose and works the exact same way but costs more money for literally no benefit.
Some people have no concept of what “dirt poor” means.

>> No.10343983

Poor people can buy a $20 instant coffee maker
Dirt poor people filter old coffee grounds through a paper towel

>> No.10344080
File: 85 KB, 1200x1200, hario-woodneck-drip-pot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strainer with handle on the right side of pic related can be had for about a dollar. Lasts years. It's what most poor people around the world use, as well as yuppie hipsters who pay $60 for them.

>> No.10344134

Do you put them in the washing machine or something?

>> No.10344249

>washing machine

why would you want to replace flavor with chemicals
it's just coffee, any residue will only enhance the brew

>> No.10344285

oils in coffee can go rancid

>> No.10344314

>what is aged coffee

>> No.10344321

>aging unroasted coffee beans is the same as the heated leftover oils from your ground up coffee sitting in a piece of wet cloth


>> No.10345676

>protip: it’s not rancid oils and trash left over from previous coffee brews

>> No.10346408
File: 22 KB, 400x333, 1520484686914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything wrong with that suggestion, instead cold brew robusta beans and add water to your liking for strength

>> No.10346415

instant coffee only needs water, even cold water will do, fucking rainwater

>> No.10346935

Can I just put the coffee in a filter and dip that in the water?

>> No.10346952
File: 2 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely comfy
>rock solid results
>easy to prepare
>delivers superior cup
>hand grinder ready
>lasts for decades
>probably even older than siphon coffee because it's literally just coffee grounds soaked in water

>> No.10346964

well it IS the choice of tasters

>> No.10346985
File: 296 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a smart grinder version of espresso ground from Lavazza Oro. The best beans you can buy without ordering your own roast.

>> No.10347030

I have spent way too much money on different coffee making methods and I always go back to pouring hot water over coffee grinds on filter paper.

>> No.10347051
File: 41 KB, 800x450, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's TOO much SOY in that boy

>> No.10347074

it's bpa free and you use cold water, not hot water. use a glass pitcher if you want, I don't care

>> No.10347230

what can I add to cold brew coffee to make it tastier other than vanilla? Nothing like cream or sugar, looking for spices or sea salt kinda twists

>> No.10347243


>> No.10347250


>> No.10347273

Grind up some cigarettes in a blender (remove the filter first)

>> No.10347312

if I were to add honey should I do it while brewing it or before?

>> No.10347325

>if I were to add honey should I do it while brewing it or before?
after you're done making the coffee perhaps

>> No.10347332

it wouldn't taste better if left to infuse?

>> No.10347350

I have no idea
You could probably just try
Honey desolves way faster in hot water

>> No.10347363

fuck you bitch, I aint trying shit

>> No.10347377

May your next coffee burn your tongue

>> No.10347385

get aids and die on your nans bday

>> No.10347417

Too far

>> No.10347425

hope your nan also dies

>> No.10349258

>bpa free
>implying bpa isn't the tip of the iceberg
don't eat or drink from plastic, especially if you heat it

>> No.10349475
File: 17 KB, 450x450, 959774_p_k200_side_angle_2_wc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reload shotgun shell
>hit "strong" button
all good

>> No.10349495
File: 1.31 MB, 5760x3840, thirdwave-water-studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything? As long as you can grind it and it dissolved in water. Used to do cold brew with spicy herbs, menthol, honey, butter etc. Buy cheap beans nothing fancy because you are meddling with the flavor anyway. Add random things whatever tastes good to you. It will take a lot of time for them to dissolve in cold water. Use watered extracts not pure honey if you can. Tap water will degas after 12 hours no need for fancy stuff.

>> No.10349767

...but, if you notice, not the DRINKERS of coffee.

Honey will dissolve in the water if you stir it up. Hot water works better, but cold will still work with more stirring.
As for when, I’d do it at the end, after the brew. Once you start adding sugars to a drink, you make a happy environment for bacteria to live in. Then you’re on the clock to drink it before it really goes bad.

>> No.10349770

wow this thread is still up
shills sure have been gaining traction lately...

>> No.10349774

Shills are long gone. Now it’s turned into a coffee general.

>> No.10349792

what's autistic about it?
it makes good coffee and looks good.

>> No.10349803


>> No.10349938

I just got one of these moka pot bad boys.

How much does it really increase caffeine extraction? If I'm used to about 1-3 cups of french press/kuerig coffee a day, is drinking the whole pot of my 6 'shot' moka pot overkill? I can't find any consistent information on this online.

>> No.10349949

I hate these

Shit coffee, not adjustable, environmental disaster of disposable cups. Super over priced.

Coffee dispensers for retards

>> No.10351061

batch brew is better than pour-overs. you will see more and more coffee hipsters drinking batch brew soon.

>> No.10351248

americans are literal children