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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10308632 No.10308632 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best kind of bread, and why is it sourdough?

>> No.10309601

but what kind of sourdough, OP? i've got some 50% red fife with caraway, flax, and sunflower seeds proofing in the fridge right now.

>> No.10309847

Top tier sourdough is top tier, but nothing holds a candle to a real, good quality French baguette.

>> No.10309862

>French baguette
Mon négré

>> No.10309875


>> No.10309880 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, kike

>> No.10311804


>> No.10312459

Didn't some "lady" on /ck/ make sourdough from her cooch?

>> No.10312499

wasn't from /ck/, but yeah, there was vagina sourdough

for what it's worth, it's unlikely that the yeast colony that was dominant in the final sourdough culture was the same yeast from her vagina -- they're different strains.

>> No.10313223


>> No.10313244

I agree a real good baguette is best.
>grow up in small town so no good food
>guy retires here
>bakes baguettes in his back yard
>sells baguettes
>gets in trouble for operating a business without a license and in the wrong zone in small town that's up in everyone's shit because there's nothing better to do
>guy quits selling baguettes

>> No.10313253
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>> No.10314421

Been a while since I have eaten mein Oma's Zopfre now that I think about it.

>> No.10315180
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Might as well eat cotton and paint chips for all the flavor it has.

>> No.10315182
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>> No.10315189

My wife keeps red fife, magog and warthog as her go to grain. She also grinds the flour herself. I'm very spoiled for sourdough.

>> No.10315232


>he’s never had a half decent baguette

>> No.10315258

Have a 40 dark rye/20 light rye/30 white/10 whole in the fridge now.
Baked a standard fruit loaf with 20 rye + molasses. Great combination.
I need to start a rye only starter soon.

>> No.10315261

It's fine white wheat flour with no additives, it's hard to fuck up or make special. Get over yourself frog.

>> No.10315274

sourdough bread is just natural yeast bread. it doesn't technically even need to be sour. i make almost all my breads with natural yeast, partially because I keep forgetting to buy yeast packets and partially because it tastes better anyways.

>> No.10315309

This, the only downside to natural yeast is slower rise time, which doesn't matter anyway if you keep it in the fridge overnight

>> No.10315335

> it's hard to fuck up or make special

I’m an American who occasionally lives in France and can assure you that baguettes are the easiest type of bread to fuck up, and a quality baguette is a thing of beauty.

>> No.10315416

>I’m an American

Yeah your opinions on bread are worthless.

>> No.10315429


>live in a country that can’t make a decent baguette
>my opinion on baguettes being easy to fuck up is somehow invalid

You’re retarded.

>> No.10315450

Just because your Walmart puts a label that says Baguette on HFCS laced shrinkwrapped hot dog buns, doesn't make them baguettes. Actual baguettes are next to impossible to fuck up.

>> No.10315465


Try reading the thread next time, dum dum.

>> No.10315466


>> No.10315510

what makes a "good" baguette? I've never been a huge fan of high crust breads

>> No.10315518

My favorite is jewish rye but I'm a straight up dago. Should I kill myself?

>> No.10315524


A good baguette has a hard, but very thin crust. You do need to eat it fresh though, because it’ll go completely stale within a day.

>> No.10315531
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Panera has good ones that are crusty but soft and chewy throughout. The outside reminds me slightly of pretzel though so not too crusty.

>> No.10315542

> I'm a straight up dago. Should I kill myself?

Only if you’re a pit bull, pomeranian, or some other shit breed.

>> No.10315546


Fuck off. Panera has no clue what a baguette is.

>> No.10317151

oh shit, she sounds incredible. does she need friends?

niiiice! just transition some of your existing starter to full rye-fed.

>> No.10317179
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Sour Dough is pleb tier. Rye bread is the king of breads.

>> No.10317193

>implying you can't make a rye sourdough

>> No.10318002

Anyone who denies the absolute regal supremacy of banana bread is a goddamn lunatic. Fight me.

>> No.10318050

>being this austistic

Anon, I...

>> No.10318077



>> No.10318273

Here you go nigger.

>> No.10318282

if you feed the niggers, they will never leave.

>> No.10318306


Yours can't wrap, but can be used as hamburger, takes 3 days to make
Mine can wrap and be used as hamburger, takes 2 mins to make

>> No.10319417

That's what I planned on doing, I just don't like keeping a starter in the fridge because quality rye here is pretty expensive to do daily feedings.
God damn this pet project is getting out of hand.
I'm even considering doing a test planting of some wheat, rye and other grains but I think it might be going too far.

>> No.10321392

Pick one.