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File: 1002 KB, 1600x900, mallard-male-standing.ngsversion.1396906974359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10308386 No.10308386 [Reply] [Original]

Duck as food

>> No.10308394

No duck as friend

>> No.10308398

Gonna share a recipe with you
>take duck thighs (the pieces with bones in them)
>slice the fat layer with incisions
>into these incisions put little pieces of crushed garlic
>season the rest of the thighs with salt and pepper
>put them into the oven at about 180°C for 20-30 minutes
>while they're in the oven, start preparing your sauce: take equal parts of honey (natural honey, not the sugar syrup honey-like product) and mustard, add a bit of olive oil to it so you can mix it, and add some saffran into the mix
>take the thighs out, glaze them with your sauce, and put them back into the oven for 10 minutes or so
>take the thighs out, serve them with the rest of the sauce you have and fried potatoes

>> No.10308414

Very tender but a very strong flavour I;m personally not a fan of.

>> No.10308420
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n-no :, (

>> No.10308425

Not OP, saved it.

I've been wanting to prepare duck with a cherry element, for some reason it sounds like it would be very good and deviate though not all that far from the classic orange pairing.

>> No.10308430

That's one juicy lookin' duck. Yum.

>> No.10308499

are chinks too cheap to eat chicken or what? why eat a disgusting farm animal instead of normal food?

>> No.10308513

the irony of this post

>> No.10308539

Needs to be browned in a cast iron pan. That Mallard reaction will really bring out the flavour.

>> No.10308560

Duck is so fucking delicious. Are there really people that aren't into it? Are there really people that haven't experienced bistro confit duck or proper good peking duck?

Should we regard these 'people' as people?

>> No.10308567

it's alright, but goose is better desu

>> No.10308571

Duck is amazing desu

>> No.10308598

Basically unadventurous morons who think that it tastes "gamey". But that shouldn't be surprising. 90% of the West would probably eat deep-fried cardboard if it provided sustenance.

>> No.10309048

Can you really eat geese? I thought we had an overpopulation problem because no one wanted to hunt them to eat them.

>> No.10309076

Geese are good but not the garbage eating kind that live close to populated areas.

>> No.10309110

is good

>> No.10310304
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Duck as hood

>> No.10310322

I love you

>> No.10310888

Goose is pretty good if it's corned. I still think duck is better.

>> No.10310925

They have a lot of fat, like a lot. Because it renders out during cooking, you have to be careful you don't start a grease fire when cooking them.
I think the overpopulation problem has a lot more to do with the federal regulations involving killing canadian geese.

>> No.10310939

you know they kill all the animals after these shows...

>> No.10310942



>> No.10310947


>> No.10310949

Instinctively clicked to avoid being duckrolled

I'm old

>> No.10311030

The limit on Canada's needs to be upped in my opinion.
Here in my state I can only take 5 dark geese a day with a total possession limit of 15 but can take 50 light geese a day with no total possession limit.

>> No.10311072

You are goose

>> No.10311099

chicken is way cheaper and worse tasting than duck

>> No.10311104

If by "the West" you mean las ogros del Americas, then yes

>> No.10312432
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>> No.10312443

If you're going to have duck breast remember to score the fatty skin so you release more fat when you fry it off. Also start off on a cold pan first

>> No.10312633
File: 2.10 MB, 2448x3264, 20130404_135231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's roast pigeon

>> No.10314262


WTF is wrong with your GMO pigeon. Are you in America?

>> No.10314294

I used to really like duck, because I like French cuisine, but it's really not that special.
>extremely gamey
>ducks eat garbage, the shit they eat is just absolutely disgusting
>most duck is served with a raspberry sauce or an orange sauce or some other sickly sweet blueberry/honey sauce to cover up the actual flavor of the meat
>or it uses a shit ton of wine or sherry for the same reason

I'll still eat duck on occasion. I'll have pressed duck for the novelty, and I had smoked duck nigiri once in Japan that was actually pretty nice. But duck is not an elegant meat. It's like lobster. Good for a change of pace.

>> No.10314305

>I don't eat a meat because the restaurants serving it don't make it the way I like it

>> No.10314315
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>> No.10314319

>I have the reading comprehension of a child.
Duck is not a high quality meat. This is directly reflected in its method of preparation.

>> No.10315188
