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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10308097 No.10308097 [Reply] [Original]

How come Jews don't eat pork? Do ((they)) know something we don't?

>> No.10308105

mudslimes eating dead bodies in ancient wartime starvation situations was adopted into religion

>> No.10308118

When the Torah was written people didn't really understand the science behind cooking and were likely to not cook their pork properly and get poisoning, so the religion advised against eating pork altogether. Today this is kept as a religious tradition but it has no practical purpose.

>> No.10308120

>le science man
Wew lad

>> No.10308122

this + virtually all the laws in the torah/old testament are related to ritual cleanliness/purity as a symbol of the racial purity of the hebrew tribe

>> No.10308127

Eating pork is the exact moral equivalent of eating a semi retarded human. Jews are too civilized to participate in what it very nearly cannibalism.

>> No.10308128

would you eat something that likes to play in its own shit?

>> No.10308129

it it's properly cooked yes

>> No.10308137

Because their invisible grandpa told them not to?

>> No.10308163
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>I'm a freethinker omnivore because I eat pork, not like those superstitious muslims and jews
>eating rabbit, lobster, horse, or dog is for evil savages and I am far too civilized for that
It baffles me that white people are outraged at vegans, when they're in fact the most consistent of all of you people.

Sincerely, a neutral third party

>> No.10308172

They are just memeing because they are considered unclean throughout the ages

>> No.10308175

In part, it's drawing a ritualistic parallel between idolatry featuring human sacrifice and/or cannibalism, and eating pork - because (hair aside) burning human smells very much like roasting pork or gammon.

(You don't want to know how I know this.)

They also thought they were filthy (pigs like rolling in muck) and pigs easily carry parasites when not kept very well, and in turn transmit them when not cooked well.

Combine those three elements, and you can see why they might have developed such a tradition.

>> No.10308178

In hot climates, with poor hygiene, and particularly without veterinary controls or meat inspectors, pork gets trichina very easily, so it had to be banned. Nowadays that ban is obsolete. Today, eating pork is healthy and kosher.

>> No.10308179


cool bait but im not biting.

>> No.10308185

>I don't have an argument so I'll just call it bait
The absolute state of white people

>> No.10308210

We didnt gas enough of them

>> No.10308263


>> No.10308312

I know this is bait, but white people everywhere other than america eat rabbit and horse, and they're both delicious.

>> No.10308335

Americans don't eat rabbit? Someone explain this please.

t. Canadian. Grocery stores don't usually carry rabbit but many of us hunt them.

>> No.10308354

they are fucking with you. i buy rabbit at my grocery store

>> No.10308365

Rabbit's kind of hard to find in stores but people definitely eat rabbit in america. People will treat you like a fucking cannibal if you even entertain the thought of horse meat though.

>> No.10308371

There's one grocery store that I know of who carry rabbit. It's a small independent store out in the sticks and I need to drive like an hour to get there. They only sell rabbit pie which I don't really like, if I want a rabbit for the stew pot I need to go shoot it myself.

>> No.10308379

If a grocery store sells rabbit it usually gets shut down instantly by white women screeching about the cute bunnies

And forget about horse, it's considered a national crisis if someone serves horse meat. News networks give it the same level of coverage as a major terrorist attack

>> No.10308397
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I was under the impression rabbit was more frowned upon than it is, then.
All good supermarket in europe has rabbit though; if you've never had plum rabbit, you're missing out.

Also, i was amazed by pic related. Horse steak is a "culinary horror" apparently.
And the grossest thing in france is andouillette by far.

>> No.10308419

Horses were an important part of early American history and were exclusively used as work animals rather than food
Kinda like eating a dog, except dogs weren’t used in the Pony Express or calvalry units or Western territory exploration

>> No.10308422

But pressed duck, frog legs,and liver paste is delicious

>> No.10308429

>Eating pork is the exact moral equivalent of eating a semi retarded human. Jews are too civilized to participate in what it very nearly cannibalism.
So for them it would be like cannibalism

>> No.10308432

American here, I eat rabbit and squirrel when I can get them.
I'd probably eat horse if I could buy it.

>> No.10308434

half of this stuff sounds quite good 2bh.
Scotland 100% deserves her place on this map though, and in hell if there's a god.

>> No.10308440

No, he pulled that out of his ass. It's because of trichina, like >>10308175 said.

>> No.10308447

I made head cheese with my dad one christmas, it was fun to do and quite tasty.

>> No.10308448

>dosen't include Surstomming

>> No.10308451

Interesting. What is squirrel like? Do you buy them in grocery stores or kill them yourself? There are a lot of those little fuckers in my backyard but I would be iffy about eating them, I live in a big city and the squirrels here eat garbage.

>> No.10308459

>dosen't include Surstomming
It's been translated as "fermented herring"

>> No.10308492

parasites in pork
thats still a thing so you should be carefull and only buy pork products from trusted stores

>> No.10308495

some pig organs are actually similar to human organs, you can actually transplant a pig organ into a human body and you'll live for a while before your immune system freaks out and rejects it

>> No.10308553

this tbhfam. Piggies are as close to humans as it gets when it comes to intelligence and DNA make up.

>> No.10308561

Back in the days of the founding of abrahamic religions (Islam is only 1200-ish years old which is far less than judaism, but even for them it checks out) porks and the likes were effectively unclean as fuck and even cooked, usually carried parasites

>> No.10308601

>only America had horses as transportation and work through out all of herstory

The absolute state of amerika

>> No.10308616

Maybe closest to niggers but not humans. In fact that actually explains a lot.

>> No.10308618

Most americans don’t travel abroad and are therefore at liberty to fantasize about exotic foreign lands as though they were like star wars planets where everyone has tentacles and pointy ears
Can’t blame them for trying. I’d love to live a day as one, it sounds absolutely fascinating

>> No.10308636

Am amerikan, it sucks but we have yuge food portions that are super cheap so it kinda evens out. Wish we had tenticale nip girls though

>> No.10308807


Polynesians (especially Maori), called the White Man, Long Pig, they claimed the taste was the same.

>> No.10308833

How old are you, 10? Pigs don't "play in their own shit". They're actually as OCD as cats about where they defecate and unless you're a shitty owner, they will make sure that they don't shit anywhere near their living/eating area.
Yes, they roll in mud but this is because they lack sweat glands and need to stay cool. Only children and brainlets believe the "pigs are dirty" meme.

>> No.10308860

horse meat is just rare as fuck here. i've had horse tongue. It is fucking delicious. Most people have horses as pets and by the time it dies, the meat is usually too old to be any good. Out in the country, if a horse dies early for whatever reason it is usually butchered very quickly and given out amongst families.

>> No.10308871

yeah, i've fucked your mother.

>> No.10308901

Proof that the jews have tried to control the population and make them dependent on government since the beginning.

>> No.10308905

That's the reason, there's no arguing with it.

>> No.10308915

>Yes, they roll in mud

>not dirty

How old are you, 10? Can't you see the inherent contradiction in what you are trying to say?

>> No.10308920

We live in hedonistic times. Once you no longer need to eat everything to survive you can be very picky about food for any arbitrary reason.

>> No.10308933

can't you understand that rolling in mud doesn't contaminate the meat. In fact humans use mud masks to remove toxins in skin health.

>> No.10308939

how are you this retarded?

>> No.10308942

mud is not unclean

>> No.10308947

>rolling in mud
>affecting meat
Dont project your age onto others Timmy.

>> No.10308948

probably this. first public health notice.

i don't like pork that much. crab is great though, how did it get on the shit list?

>> No.10308958

because jews didn't want you supporting the fishermen

>> No.10308960

Plants grown in dirt and pull nutrients from the soil into them. That makes plants dirty and we shouldn't eat them either. Are you the best and brightest of your generation? Is this the shining star of the self-loathing millennials? Are you from /pol/ by chance? Not that it matters, I'm just curious about the army of intelligent beings who plans to save the white race and take back the holy land. I feel warranted to ask since this thread is about "da joos"

>> No.10308988


>> No.10308994

It not just about joos, it about forced memes

>> No.10309347

>gets things on skin
>somehow that gets things on the muscle under fat under skin

>> No.10309453

That's a weird way to say "chimpanzee" or "primate"

>> No.10309488

I'd eat any of that other than horse or dog, or cat for that matter. And that's because those animals have value and purpose outside of being eaten. Other animals just so happen to have a much higher value as food because they aren't really used for anything else. To say that all living beings are on the same level and all have the same value is just wrong and stupid.

>> No.10309500

Because it would be cannabilism.

>> No.10309603

Shellfish allergies will literally krill you.

>> No.10309675


>> No.10309848

>>eating rabbit, lobster, horse, or dog is for evil savages and I am far too civilized for that
said no "freethinker omnivore" ever. . . .

>> No.10309863
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>> No.10309902
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>krill you

>> No.10309934


Dogs are human companion animals. They don’t belong on the list. In the USA, Horses have a mystique to them thanks to stories about the “Frontier” and cowboy movies, hence why eating them is taboo in the USA.

Also regarding that horse meat scandal in Europe a few years back, wasn’t the scandal not that is was horse meat per se but that it was unlabeled or sold as beef?

>> No.10310915

Horses also became mostly pets after the advent of cars.

>> No.10310938
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>tfw pigs become extinct because veganism

>> No.10311023

I've been told pigs make good pets, so they might go that direction after becoming obsolete, like horses.

>> No.10311047

God ordered it.

>> No.10311048

They lived in the desert and these creepy bugs and rocks full of snot go bad in like 2 seconds in that kind of climate.

>> No.10311128

>health issues
I heard this explanation a few times and it works with pork and seafood, but why rabbits ?

>> No.10311518

Duh, rabbits don't live in the desert. The joo skypilot threw that in for a bit of irony.

>> No.10311680

Eating animals that have a split hoof and chew the cud is good, rabbits chew the cud (according to the book) but don't have split hooves, so that's bad.

>> No.10312132


>> No.10312142

Your portions are way too large. I'm from Canada and the difference is insane. Honestly, America feels like a bizzaro world where everything is basically the same but there's just enough differences that it just feels "wrong".

>> No.10312193

>Hi, I'm from plebbit.
that's a pretty common opinion. not edgy at all.

>> No.10312373

Funny, that's exactly how I feel about Canada.

>> No.10313636


>> No.10313644

It literally says "all shell fish" you inept moron.

>> No.10313752
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Turkeys have webbed feet?

>> No.10313811

Rabbit starvation? aka protein poisoning? Maybe some people lived on a diet of just rabbits and died anyway.

>> No.10313819
File: 902 KB, 2320x1440, huge pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is eating this a loophole? It's just like a pig, but bigger.

>> No.10315050
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>> No.10315994


>> No.10316039

Way to totally exaggerate how horse meat is viewed. The only big stinks people ever raise about it is when companies include it as a filler for products labelled as beef or something distinctly not-horse. It's definitely extremely rare to find horse meat or somebody who eats it regularly.

>> No.10316240


>> No.10316551

We eat rabbit all the time. I killed 15 during this season, but we do not eat horse. Horses are integrally ingrained in the psyche of us amerilards as partners in taming this wilderness. Eating them would be like eating your german, belgian or french, gay partner

>> No.10316565

>Horse steak
>The the literal maggot cheese

>> No.10316629

maggot cheese is not that common, it's a very niche food.
almost nobody has actually tasted it, especially the younger generations.
meanwhile you can find horse meat in pretty much every italian supermarket