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10305374 No.10305374 [Reply] [Original]

Why can you eat raw beef, but not raw pork?

>> No.10305391

Because science

>> No.10305392

Different things are different

>> No.10305401

pigs tend to live in shit, whereas cows are much cleaner

>> No.10305402
File: 45 KB, 620x351, brainworms_pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ib4 firstworld blah blah

>> No.10305403

nice meme answers

>> No.10305407

i don't know anyone that eats pork brains homie

>> No.10305408

Different bacterial colonies and because cows are herbivores which means less contact with contamination.

>> No.10305409

Unless you a getting scary pork from a shit vendor it's perfectly alright to eat swine medium rare now

>> No.10305411

Its a jewish lie! Eat the pork. Eat it raw!

>> No.10305415

Who told you this? Raw pork is fine.

>> No.10305416


stop using meme incorrectly. it makes you sound like an internet wastrel.

>> No.10305454

It's because pork used to be far less safe to eat raw then beef, and so people built up a fear of it. This actually isn't true anymore, and raw pork is fine to eat.

>> No.10305459

t. Hansel

>> No.10305471

t. boomer that overcooks everything to the point of charred tastelessness because the news scared him

>> No.10305499

you actually can nowadays. just google it

>> No.10305503

In the past, when pigs were allowed to graze outside, they would contract Trichinella Spiralis from eating stray scraps of food, which is a worm that can be transmitted to humans. Modern factory farmed pigs are fed from giant grain troughs, which do not contain Trichinella Spiralis and as such the pigs do not contract Trichinella Spiralis to pass on to us. So modern pork is safe to eat rare.

But, if you're still concerned, try cooking the pork sous vide. If you cook pork at 130 degrees for an hour, it is considered pasterized, which means that at least 99.9999% of bacteria are dead, but it will still be incredibly tender and delicious. I've eaten pork cooked this way two nights a week for the last year or so, and I have never gotten sick.

>> No.10305526

but you can eat raw pork desu


>> No.10305530

Because they live and root through their own shit. They also have a cardiovascular and digestive system pretty close to humans so parasites and disease can make the jump easily enough.

>> No.10305722

Typical British pussies. I eat it all the time and I'm healthy as a horse.

>> No.10305735

Pork is fine at medium rare (145 fahrenheit iirc) according to the US Food Department.

>> No.10305747

Because its haram

>> No.10305761

Pigs are literally one of the cleanest animals.

>> No.10305766

Mett vom Schwein

>> No.10305785

>pigs tend to live in shit
Only if you're a shitty farmer.

>> No.10306101

what is this larp based on?

>> No.10306369

That one organic undertested porkie will eat a rat with special worms and bam, you need a new liver. Cows don't eat rats.

>> No.10306483

>on the world's best-known imageboard
>posts a link to an image
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10306533

A combination of things. First, >>10305503
Second, post slaughter pork meat is less acidic than beef or lamb due to a variety of factors if handled properly (same with chicken, which is even less so). This lower acidity makes it more attractive and healthier for microbial life to flourish in - microbial life like the bacteria and parasites that can make us sick.

>> No.10306571

this is literally 1970s thinking.

pork is actually comparable to beef in food safety current year. it's just people are too scared to eat medium rare pork still so not many chefs are bold enough to offer it yet.

>> No.10306582

medium rare > anything.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.10306583

>pigs haven't been raised in styes for millennia

>> No.10306748

pork is disgusting

>> No.10306753

i've never heard of the US Food Department, why should i trust them?

>> No.10306764

Because your Arab forefathers were right, and whites are continually cucking themselves by eating pork instead of beef/lamb.

>> No.10306770

Why not raw cow milk?

>> No.10306775
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>> No.10307356

It's just biology.

Pigs are more prone to parasites that need to be cooked through than cattle are.

Same with pacific salmon vs Atlantic salmon.

>> No.10307361
File: 183 KB, 1600x913, mett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you can eat raw pork

>> No.10307364

It's okay to eat rare pork in USA because the cleanliness standards of pork farming are so high but don't do it elsewhere.