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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 359 KB, 757x656, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10304385 No.10304385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I sure do love looking up recipes and finding total bullshit

>> No.10304391


>> No.10304401

why do you need to look up recipes when you just lick boots all day long?

>> No.10304406

Hello, this is Komissar John from the Department of Culinary & Commissary Excellence

>> No.10304405

>t. shill for the neoliberal world order

>> No.10304408

>standing in line for cayenne

>> No.10304416

Does all the ass you kiss complement the boot flavor?

>> No.10304419

Isn't it hard to type with a dick in your mouth?

>> No.10304424
File: 84 KB, 345x250, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are these even insults? Are you confusing this place with your S&M fanfiction subreddit? What the fuck are you even talking about? Whose boots?

>> No.10304426

Chef John has been living in San Francisco for decades. The Trump vote there was in the single digits, so you kinda have to expect this. I bet the recipe is still awesome though.

>> No.10304432

ITT: mad russian bots 'n shit

>> No.10304433

Remember when this board tried to force him into a meme?

>> No.10304456

Mattis already has the plans drawn up to nuke SF. John ought to get out soon.

>> No.10304459
File: 103 KB, 657x401, trump and russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10304474

Yep. Democrats are the real collaborators and will hang some day.

>> No.10304484
File: 64 KB, 640x448, just deserts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see "just desserts" I think of pic related.

>> No.10304643
File: 183 KB, 968x763, sheeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wey says that when customers come up to his window to place an order, he tells them that his food stall aims to engage people on the topic of racial income and wealth disparities and to share statistics on these disparities. He then informs them that customers who identify as white are being asked to pay the higher $30 price to reflect these disparities. Customers also have the option to pay the listed $12 price. The difference between the $12 and $30 meals, all customers are informed, will be redistributed to minorities who buy food at the stall. How do white customers react to the proposition?

>"Some of them are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it," Wey says. "But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay."

>> No.10304662
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>> No.10304663

Russian meddling is serious, especially when it comes to hacking voter polls, but even more influential are the tens of billions funneled by multinationals like Koch industries.

Trump, which the Kremlin openly preferences, is a neoliberal, moreso than Obama was.

>> No.10304670

t. CNN

>> No.10304673 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 738x942, trump and russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump, which the Kremlin openly preferences

>> No.10304698 [DELETED] 

Russia gonna Russia but libcucks don't understand any of this because deys ignant.

>> No.10304722 [DELETED] 

The shit for brains left and the media are straight-faced pretending that a few thousand dollars of Russian trolls writing broken English articles was a massive plot against US democracy.

>> No.10304796


Oh they "openly preference" him, huh? Trump is a real racisting moronical guy.

>> No.10304816
File: 31 KB, 517x402, CA9A6i4WwAEPSqH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally 0 hard evidence of Russia tampering with polls but they ran some Facebook ads and helped in small ways to try and get someone elected who WASN'T interested in world war 3
>DNC interfering with democracy, bribing candidates to drop out and support shillary, and openly hacking small elections and getting caught doing it is fine though

I don't give a fuck about Russia but their role in getting Trump elected is way overplayed whereas the DNC arguably threw the election by forcing Bernard "bourgious commie fucking faggot" Sanders out of the race and trying to shove someone with 0 charisma down our throats

>> No.10304817

>tfw when you try to correct someone's grammar and make yourself look even dumber
gb2 public school, desu

>> No.10304821

I just love how the Dems kept trying to find shit on Trump and ended up finding way more on Clinton.

>> No.10304824

Assuming Mattis has a job by the end of the month...

>> No.10304828

>so dumb he doesn't even know when he's being made fun of
inb4 "not the same poster but..."

>> No.10304829

>be slightly tan
>"I'm actually biracial, fuck you for assuming my heritage"

What would he do?

>> No.10304833
File: 56 KB, 1207x287, e24d415bb03f0984a423365ce0ec1d58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome new janitors.

What's the content difference between these posts? Both political related to OP on ck, and you delete the politically right one.

Where can I buy a Pirozhiki in the US?

>> No.10304839

It's why they suddenly halted their recounting after the election. Their hands were filthy with voter fraud and not everyone got the memo yet.
keks for all my friends.

>> No.10304846


Remember when Comey was the Dems hero when he said Hillary was clear before he even got close to finishing the investigation? Then he was the worst scumbag alive when Comey had to backtrack and admit he shouldn't have said that because there was obviously some things that compromised her. Then immediately back to hero when he went after drympf.

>> No.10304850

Wow you're so oppressed. Are you gonna be okay? If you're thinking of hurting yourself, dial 1-800-TALK and speak with someone at the suicide hotline.

I don't want you to do anything crazy.

>> No.10304851

Don't even bother reading the shit before they give you the actual recipe. It's all trite, self-indulgent garbage.

>> No.10304855

Careful dude, your post wasn't directly related to cooking. I think it should be removed

>> No.10304858

>Republicans control all three branches of government and the justice department
>still haven't proven any voter fraud over an election they're still obsessed with over a year and a half later


>> No.10304870

Yeah why would mods want political shitposting on a board about food and cooking fucking nuts right? What is this, Stalinist Russia?

>> No.10304876

Don't have to prove that.
Too busy winning everything else.

>> No.10304889

If they don't have to prove it, why insist it happened over and over?

It's pretty easy to tell the difference between a /pol/ack and an r/the_donald election transplant. /pol/acks can at least back up what they say.

No upvote here, my redditor.

>> No.10304895

As soon as reddit goes back, it can end.

>> No.10304904

>If they don't have to prove it, why insist it happened over and over?
To give you mental midgets an stroke. It's my passion until the shooting starts.

>> No.10304912
File: 582 KB, 753x899, liberal zombie eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>china, mexico, saudi arabia, ukraine, the eu, and qatar are all fine to interfere in our elections :)
>btw those two times russia helped obama get elected don't count
Libcucks, everyone.

>> No.10304918

Pretty sure he was talking about the CIA bootlickers on the left anon...

>> No.10304926

lol she'd be a finger snack in a revolution
pussies and cowards, the lot of them

>> No.10304927

>didn't prove it
>multiple videos of people behind it admitting to it
>during recounts hilary lost 30k votes in one district alone that couldn't be accounted for because there were more votes for her than there were registered voters in the area
>the recounts stopped immediately when that happened and it was never talked about again
>sanctuary cities are now giving IDs to non-citizens so they are able to vote and they are publicly and openly doing this
>at least 1.5m illegals are known to have voted in california alone
>during this VERY election deceased people were found to have voted clinton through mail in ballots

>> No.10304928

>that hair
>that facial structure
>that angry but clueless face
Is that a male or a flat-chested woman?

>> No.10304931


That's some nice revisionist history you have there. Dems have been the only ones squeaking about voter fraud and yet the only actuall proof that there was election hacking done came from within America to make a Democrat win some smaller election.

>> No.10304937
File: 182 KB, 2048x1152, 12640513_742914782518623_390407599536253113_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha yeah totally, they should only allow the left wing political posts!

>> No.10304939
File: 1.81 MB, 1016x1370, Boned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>during this VERY election deceased people were found to have voted clinton through mail in ballots
Stop discriminating against the living impaired.

>> No.10304941


Don't bother. If people haven't already figured it out by now they never will

>> No.10304967

As a spic I gotta start learning the ways of taking advantage of liberal virtue signalers lol there is a gold mine to be had

>> No.10304972

They have the attention span of a gnat and hope to all fuck their voter base does too.

>> No.10304975


>> No.10305003

i'd bone her

>> No.10305007


>rig the election to the tune of bussing in millions of illegal immigrants and using the names of millions of deceased
>no "mainstream" republicans care or do anything to stop this
>democrats completely forget that the electoral college is what determines the vote

Sure. I believe this all 100% without any doubt whatsoever.

>> No.10305051

>bussing in
lol what? They're already here, dum dum.

>> No.10305083


Luckily reality isn't based on what your brainlet mind is able to comprehend.

>> No.10305113

has anyone honestly claimed russia hacked polls? its always about the media manipulation and DNC hack

>> No.10305118

they are already there in states that would have gone to clinton anyways

>> No.10305126
