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10300136 No.10300136 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst meal you ever got from a restaurant?

>> No.10300138

For me, it was the McChicken, the worst fast food sandwich.

>> No.10300148

I can't honestly say that I can remember perfectly.

Any form of noodle or potato item held on a hot buffet does not do well.

>> No.10300307

Of recent memory because I'm sure Ive had worst:
>went to Ihops around dinner time with friends
>they all wanted waffles n shit, i didnt really want that for dinner though
>big mistake
>decide to get philly cheese steak
>arrives, boiled beef with 2 unmelted kraft singles on top in a bun
>flavorless asf, flood it with the only hot sauce they have there (Tabasco) but still cant really salvage the meal
>onion rings were good though

That and also this poke bowl were probably the worst meals ive had of recent memory. It wasnt as bad per say but it was heck of a lot more expensive and just super disappointing, almost put me off of poke. The Ahi Tuna and Salmon were super flavorless and it was basically drowned in some super mayo'y sauce. Really nasty.

>> No.10300337

went to a thai place for a multi-birthday family dinner
it was the 10 year old cousins 'favourite restaurant'
>garlic peanut noodles has literally 15+ cloves of garlic in it
>deep fried calamari was literally deep fried pieces of squid covered in oil without breading
>every single soup we were served were just boullion cubes with a tiny bit of vegetables
>the all-chinese staff were shouting in chinese in hearing distance
everyone was extremely upset and disappointed but we couldn't do anything because it was her favourite restaurant
the place has since closed and the youngins don't pick the restaurants anymore

>> No.10300411

I dont know if you can call an amusement park diner a restaurant, but i received the worst fucking pizza of my life. Shit tasted fucking rancid

>> No.10300433

In my hometown, there's a local diner called Tommy's that my family frequented growing up. Had a lot of great stuff there when they had money and employees who took pride in their job.
Last time I went there, I ordered this item they called the "Buffalo steak".
It was the dryest, grayest, blandest cooked ground beef, smashed into a shape that vaguely resembles a steak.
I refused to eat it, got my money back, and nobody in my family has been back since.

>> No.10300438

Glass shard in a burrito from a mini mart. Glad I didn't bite into it.

>> No.10300450
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You shut your little lying whore mouth!

>> No.10300759

The worst I remember off of the top of my head was the hamburger and fries the last time I went to a Burger King. One bite of each, spit out onto the tray, and then dumped into the trash.

>> No.10300774

I remember being served raw chicken once as a kid at this crappy little dinner we stopped at during a road trip. I was little and stupid and ate quite a bit before mom noticed I was chowing down on raw chicken. And not just undercooked, this shit was entirely raw.

>> No.10300785

Surprisingly eggs benedict, whoever made the hollandaise sauce should be executed.

>> No.10300867

would you by chance be from NC?

>> No.10300884

Most restaurant meals seem tasteless in comparison to home cooking. Exceptions are ordering wood fired pizza and msg-laden Chinese.

>> No.10300889

>Entirely raw

How...how does a restaurant fuck up that badly?

>> No.10300892

burger from smashburger
that place blows ass

>> No.10300914

Got a rotten steak at Outback, but then the manager took it off and gave us free dessert so it wasn't a total loss.

>> No.10301267

Does hospital food service count as a restaurant? If so, it was a grilled cheese sandwich.

>The cheapest white bread
>Some off-brand American cheese, sure as fuck wasn't Kraft Singles, and only one piece was used

It was barely cooked; just a sad, floppy imitation of what a grilled cheese sandwich should be. Tried to find a similar pic, but even the worst ones looked better than the bullshit I was served. The side dishes of lemon Jell-O and a mug of vegetable broth were alright at least.

>> No.10301520

Off the top of my head:

-Little diner type place with a good reputation. Had a chicken sandwich of some sort and the chicken was raw in the middle and the bread was dry

-Boston Burger, which is usually great, brought a burger to the table with nearly-raw patties. I don't mean rare, I mean this shit's cold. The replacement was cooked but pretty poorly done otherwise.

-Tried a new pizza place and got an awful soft cheesy mess with barely any tomato and one fragment of each topping. The place closed a few weeks later. They must have only been open for a couple months before folding.

>> No.10301757

>Decided to try "new" restaurant in small town where I'm from
>go in, no menus, just a blackboard with a few things written on it
>cheese burger, chicken burger, chicken nuggets, fries, pepperoni pizza
>5pm, order a cheeseburger and fries
>"sorry we're out of burgers"
>leave and get a gas station sandwich instead

>> No.10301762

For some reason I read OP as "worst experience you ever got from a restaurant" not "worst meal". Disregard post as I didnt actually get a fuckin meal from the restaurant

>> No.10301773

Can't remember what it was, but I definitely know it was from TGI Friday's.

>> No.10301776


OP here. I'll say it counts.

>> No.10301831

Every single england pub meal ever

>> No.10301948
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>be 15
>dad and I are on a month or so long tandem bike ride from oregon to california
>in retrospect, it was a super fun bonding experience between my dad and I
>had a lot of good food at different stops on our way
>finally get to our last campsite
>mom comes in the middle of the night to pick us up so we can drive back home in the morning
>she camps out with us and we go to leave at 7-8 AM
>decide to stop at denny's for some breakfast since there weren't any other options nearby
>just get a standard combination platter: eggs, sausage links, toast
>we all get our breakfast at the same time
>go to cut one of my sausages and look down at it
>there's one long, nappy black hair wrapped around the sausage multiple times
>think that I can just unravel it and continue eating
>start to pull the hair off
>the whole sausage link comes up with it like bait on a line
>the hair is literally cooked into the sausage
>immediately lose my appetite
I've never eaten at Denny's again.

>> No.10301954

pube salad

i kept joking about cancer and it turns out the waiters mom was dying

>> No.10302021

>dad and I are on a month or so long tandem bike ride from oregon to california
So did you start fucking him before or after the trip?

>> No.10302085

that mouse won, you can do what you must be always remember he got all the noodles.


a true martyr.

>> No.10302145

That’s funny, anon. If I didn’t have a good father figure in my life, I’d probably get unreasonably upset at your reply

>> No.10302146

>shitty chinese restaurant
>order 'tofu and meat'
>oh shit i just ordered unspecific meat
>plate of slop comes
>excuse me, what kind of meat is this?
>it meat
>what kind? Beef? Pork?
>*chink rushes away*

>> No.10302166

a chimichanga from a variety diner type restaurant in farm country.
i don't know what i was thinking. it didn't taste like anything.

>> No.10302172

A local chinese restaurant had a "storage room" in the back. It was discovered that it was a butchering room for cats and dogs. While the authorities said that it was unlikely that they serve it to the consumers, I am skeptic of that statement.

>> No.10302197

uncalled for

>> No.10302422

>msg-laden Chinese.
Not hard to re-create if you have a high BTU burner, a wok, peanut oil and MSG.

>> No.10302538

no, NE

>> No.10302560

That's bullshit. If they've got an entire room for it in the restaurant, you best believes those gooks were serving it to customers.

>> No.10302601


>> No.10302609
File: 132 KB, 750x1334, 29340014_1719784051418785_4042347670520463360_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to east side marios
>look at menu with friend
>"Deep dish Chicago style pizza"
>Well shit let's try one
>order comes
>Receive this
>uncooked crust, meat tossed in the "pie" without sauce or cheese
>ate all the free bread and went home

>> No.10302614

One time at A&W it was like 12 pm and I wanted some chicken so I got the chubby chicken, bit into it, still raw, finished it in my oven and wa la perfect meal

>> No.10302866

Lol I was wondering the exact same thing

>> No.10303025

>wa la

>> No.10303095

Not defending the hospital or anything, but those places are restricted under basically every food-gastronomy law that we have put to paper.
You can't deviate a single bit from the food preparation because if god forbid something happens and patients get more sick or die as a result, the hospital is truly fucked.

As sad as it is, hospital food is the worst because any veggies are steamed to hell, nothing is seasoned at all because old grandma's digestive system can't handle a little salt, and basic acceptable texture is an unheard of concept.

>> No.10303098

had an awful teriyaki chicken at pepper lunch once, took about an hour to come out and was bland undercooked and disappointing, guess theyre not used to cooking things properly with their food but it was beyond horrible, wish i could of got my money back.

>> No.10303391

worst meal and experience to boot, it happened 2 years ago at a TGI Fridays in Indiana
>be me
>get the safes thing on the menu- mozzarella sticks
>get them
>they're rock hard frozen in the center.
>tell mom and dad
>dad's burger is well done when he ordered medium and mom's salad has the wrong dressing
mind you this was about 3 in afternoon and the place was dead
>bother and sister's meals are ok
>we tell our server, she gushes and aplogizes
>the manager comes over- he was maybe 6'6'
>dad tells him what's wrong
>Manager bullshit's that's what we ordered
>They argue still
>dad says we're never give them our business again
>manager laughs "then learn how to spend your money better bro!" he slaps my dad on the shoulder in playful manner
>I shit you not, my dad grabbed him by the belt buckle, stood up and lifted that man a foot off the ground
>dad get's in his face, says something unintelligible and puts him down.
>the manager slaps him in the face and tells him he's going to call the cops on us.
>unfazed, dad punches him in the gut, and then hooks his face when he doubled over in pain
>this is the part where I shit myself
>we run out in blind panic, drove until we got home in Illinois

>> No.10303406

I ordered a seafood burrito from a Mexican place. It was warmed up imitation crab and mayonnaise wrapped in a tortilla.

>> No.10303409

I went to a rubys diner. Waitress spilled my milkshake all over me, went to get another milkshake and then spilled that too. Ordered seafood and they were out so I ordered a steak, she dropped that too.

>> No.10303622

Small-town local restaurants are the worst. I was staying at my father's retirement house in northeastern Tennessee, and the only restaurants within a half-hour drive of the place were a shitty seafood place and an even worse "Italian" place. The seafood place had fish that were half rotten; every time anyone ate there they got sick. The "Italian" place was basically spaghetti and ketchup.

Yeah, the "rare hamburger" craze made it to Taiwan a few years ago. I went to an expat bar-and-grill called The Brass Monkey, and the dumbfucks served me a hamburger that was seared for about ten seconds on a side and then thrown into the bun. They have "mood lighting" in the place so you can't see shit. I took two bites before I said to myself, "this tastes fucking slimy". Demanded that they bring a flashlight, and sure enough it was fucking raw inside.

The morons didn't understand that "rare hamburger" requires that the place grind the meat themselves out of high-quality steak, in a meat grinder that is kept clean. No, they just bought some shit from the local ground beef supplier, let all the bacteria grow in it for a few days in various refrigerators, and then shoveled it out.

It felt like my intestines were filled with razor blades for the next two days. Fuck you, Bob Marshall, you stupid alcoholic cunt.

>> No.10303630

>lemon Jell-O
hey I know that guy, and also his brother Oranjello.

>> No.10303695

she probably liked you anon

>> No.10303703

Had basically the same thing happen to me. Went to a local restaurant that was an really good for many years. The owner died and his wife kept the place open but he was no longer there to keep an eye on things. Ordered fried chicken, it came out and looked fine, took a bite, the inside was actually still frozen.

>> No.10303713

some MCcain fries on a freaking restaurant.
And they got me some medium rare beef on a cut that can only be served "well done" with no pink stuff

>> No.10303736

Applebees blows. Their quesadilla burger is terrible, I got low cal shrimp skewers once that were so overcooked they were adhered to the sticks and looked as though they should have had blackening spices on them. Raw chicken from a local overrated Asian place. Crunchy potato salad and dry cornbread from another overrated local bbq place. Cheese sticks and jalapeno poppers with an inch of batter around them with only half of a small peno in it. Gnat in my Wendy's focaccia sandwich. Soups from Chinese restaurants sometimes taste like chemicals. Domino's Brooklyn crust is the worst crust I've ever encountered, it has no texture or integrity, disintegrates in your hands practically.

>> No.10303743

a pulled pork burrito that was dry and horrific

>> No.10303820

>quesadilla burger
What does that even have in it. I'm imagining a quesadilla in between a burger bun

>> No.10303842

I went to East Side Mario's and got the salmon dinner and I got a 3/4" inch thick salmon portion that was half the size of a dollar bill with a single scoop of fettuccine alfredo and like three steamed broccolis and red pepper slivers for I think 17 canadollars + tip

>> No.10304367

It's a burger patty inside of a quesadilla, it was horrible and as you would expect falls apart. Shit choice on my part, should have known, the meat was so rare it was still mushy gummy inside.

>> No.10305256

Yep. I got a Fiesta Lime Chicken there once. Nothing but pink inside once I bit into it. Never again.

>> No.10305310

Some village in in bumfuck nowhere I ordered a pizza it was just reheated frozen pizza.

>> No.10305331

a slice of pizza at a chinese buffet.
it tasted like blue cheese but it was supposed to be mozzarella

>> No.10305365

your dad is pretty baller. He also sounds like he likes to participate in domestic abuse.

>> No.10305423

Mom never went to Red Lobster and really wanted to go.
I didn't care for seafood so I got a steak
I got it medium rare but they cooked it hella rare.
I sent it back. They sent me back the same fucking steak and on top of that it was cooked past medium

>> No.10305477

Organized crime front?

>> No.10305479

the pants shitting OP requires it

>> No.10305486

A bucket of chicken from kfc which contained salmonella.

>> No.10305550

this never happened

>> No.10306443

I got some bullshit expensive burger from hard rock cafe and vomited it up 20 minutes later

>> No.10306450

Gnocci from one of those "Authentico Italian Risteronte" in Little Italy, NYC

>> No.10306509

I ordered a wiener schnitzel at some hip wannabe-german restaurant and the meat inside was brown.

>> No.10306525

>>garlic peanut noodles has literally 15+ cloves of garlic in it
That sounds really good.

>> No.10306549

wa la

>> No.10306595

the ones who serve small portions which you don't even get full on

>> No.10307362

tourist trap at a major intersection in venice. tuna in tomato sauce onspaghetti. really horrible. they do exist, even in italy, bad restaurants. the other table also knew they were screwed.

>> No.10307390

i was in Kaiser hospital san leandro california last year, for a week, leg infection. i chose my food carefully: baked salmon for lunch and diner, with salad and fruit. hard boiled egg and cream of wheat or oatmeal for bfst, with fruit. juice. nothing they could fuck up. they didnt fuck it up. i miss that bed and those meals, and i didnt even have a sexy nurse. i never ate better in my life, i felt like i was curing myself of cancer with that food.

>> No.10307402

I went to a local place and they gave me chicken that was pink and fucking gelatinous, like it was coagulating. I don't even know how the fuck that happens.

>> No.10307412

Not the worst meal, but worst experience. Not even the fault of the restaurant or staff.

>I'm nearing 30 and all my friends are hovering around it
>we all go to celebrate a friend's birthday at a restaurant
>there's probably 12-14 of us, we reserved a room
>we all order different things
>except like 8 people that ordered a burger

Nearing this age, you'll find that some friends will go on restrictive diets. Well, they were ALL on restrictive diets. One couldn't eat bread, one couldn't have cheese, one didn't eat pork, one wanted a special custom veggie patty, the list goes on. The food comes out, some of it wrong, some of it switched up. Holy shit, it was a disaster, I feel so bad for the waitress, it wasn't her fault, there was just so much fucking switches and additions. All I had was a fucking steak.

>> No.10307677

I usually order a chicken fried steak and eggs at black bear, but last time I went the breading on the steak tasted like fucking cinnamon. It was way too disgustingly sweet and I ended up complaining about it, I usually avoid doing that because it makes a scene but fuck it just wasn't right.

>> No.10307680

>everyone was extremely upset and disappointed
Maybe it was just you and your unrealistic standards

>> No.10307691

He used to be a amateur boxer at one point. but DESU he loves my mom too much to put a hand on her like that.

like seriously they're always so sappy-lovey-dovey it makes me sick

>> No.10307718

Right? The McChicken is McDelicious.

>> No.10307721

Isn't their whole gimmick that the food cooks in front of you on an iron plate? Don't they just have to place the ingredients and heat the plate up?