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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 480x640, blood-spot-pic-by-Melabella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10300004 No.10300004 [Reply] [Original]

>crack open egg
>see this

Eggs are a fucking danger machine. If you don't crack open your eggs and properly inspect the contents beforehand (e.g. when you poach or boil an egg) then you may be inadvertently eating disgusting blood spots like this.

Eggs are the worst.

>> No.10300014

Cuando tus huevos tienen el ebola xdxdxdxddd

>> No.10300015

Hey champ, how's freshman year going? Alegbra I is really rough /: but you'll get through it! :)

>> No.10300018

happens all the time. eat it you faggot. its nothing.

>> No.10300026


>> No.10300036

Who fucking cares? You won't notice after you cook it, no taste, no adverse health effect, the only way to be repulsed is if you actually see it

>> No.10300043

never had that happen to me.
Then again, I live with my grandmother and we have our own chickens so we arent buying eggs collected late by some shitty company

>> No.10300048

>I don't care if someone pisses in my soup as long as I don't see it happen

>> No.10300056

I unironically drink my own piss what's your point

>> No.10300062

It's simple, we kill the egg, man.

>> No.10300075

it just happens if a chicken queefs as the egg is formed. boiled chicken queefs are a delicacy somewhere probably.

>> No.10300087

One affects the taste and the other doesn't. What a shitty analogy.

But luckily I have a 3D ultrasound in my kitchen so I can carefully inspect each and every egg I use beforehand to avoid any imperfections in my cuisine.

>> No.10300097

what if someone spat gratuitously and repeatedly into your soup, and then mixed it around

>> No.10300104

>one destroys the taste and is unhygienic as fuck
>The other at most might raise the protein and iron content a tiny bit

Nice comparison

>> No.10300109

Do you eat meat anon? There's blood in that. Once I cracked open an egg and there were two yolks, that was pretty cool.

>> No.10300116

>what if I dump a bunch foreign human mouth bacteria into your already cooked food that's no longer at bacteria killing temperature

still not remotely the same thing

>> No.10300119

They do this in Africa.

>> No.10300135

If it didn't make me sick or affect the taste, then I would never know and it wouldn't matter unless I somehow found out, then I'd be pretty fucking mad. Same with the piss. If I found out, i'd be mad, otherwise if it didn't taste different how could I know?

>> No.10300146

You visit a restaurant that guarantees statistically that they will spit in, on average, 1/10 of soups that are ordered.

Do you order a soup? It is your favorite meal, and you can't make your own or visit another restaurant under penalty of death.

If the answer is "no", why do you continue to eat eggs?

>> No.10300179

Because whatever you're pointing to in the pic is literally nothing. Spit in my soup is a something. Your question is gay and autistic.

>> No.10300410

just crack eggs into a glass bowl and look at them then you autist.

>> No.10300496

>he's afraid of eating blood

>> No.10300531

If it tastes even better and I dont suffer from any negative consequences I dont see a problem

you fag

i bet you cry like a little bitch when you notice a hair in your dinner

>> No.10300580
File: 99 KB, 572x738, Capture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people gets sick from Balut ?

Oh wait . . . .
>Based on a review of the literature, there have been no documented cases of foodborne illness attributed to the consumption of balut.


>> No.10300638

never seen that, I buy quality eggs though cuz I'm not poor

>> No.10300664

blood is fine faggot, has nothing to do with ebola. cook it up and eat it.

>> No.10300666

Well duh, to this day chickens carry no disease heat resistant enough.
Can't say the same for beef, bad protein cannot be detected or removed and its guaranteed death.

>> No.10300717

The devil is making too much sense today.

Beef is safer cooked underdone. But malfolded proteins are scary.

>> No.10300731


When I found this I took it back to the store and told the store manager, face to face, 'this is why your store brands suck sphincter'

OP's pic looks more like food coloring tho

>> No.10300732

But of course, satan wants you to live well and happily before you suffer eternally.
Like a last meal, but your life.

>> No.10300752
File: 860 KB, 500x281, Laughing Elves.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally understand.

I run a local grocer and I hired 2 extra employees to candle every egg we we purchase from the three different brands from the two different distributors. It's well worth it to make sure those thousands of 1.10-1.24 USD cartons of eggs don't have one egg with a splotch on it once every 3 or 4 months.

>> No.10300919

It is a VERY rare occurance

>> No.10300974

I love Lee pace

>> No.10301143

It's okay.
It's like fetus.
Don't worry

>> No.10301255

I have chickens. They are free range and no hormone injections. I have found this in their eggs from time to time. I find a lot of blood on the outside of the eggs more than then inside. It happens. I eat them just the same.

>> No.10301273
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ok. I would just toss this guy but is anyone else like me?

I can eat runny yolks myself no matter where I buy the eggs, but when I order eggs from somewhere else (especially asian restaurants) and you yolks are running, it just seems revolting to me. I still eat it but I don't enjoy it.

>> No.10301280

Obviously you understand that I was joking and no one would destroy their profits opening each carton and checking those 12 cent eggs for things they probably couldn't see anyways.

I too would probably just cook them. Maybe pick around them depending on the application. People that wouldn't are picky fucks. People that blame the stores are outright stupid.

>> No.10301293

of course I know you were joking. I just wanted to talk about my chickens. I love them.

>> No.10301318

I live near a woman that raises chickens, as did my detached family. I know that the yolk and whites separate differently with fresh eggs, but is it me or is the taste really that different? I don't feel like using grocery eggs for anything other than baking or egg-salad anymore.

>> No.10301328

I have ingested more rotten meat and poisonous chemicals more times than I could possibly know, man up pussy. That being said, eggs are only of great quality when home grown and procured from your own chickens or someone you know and trust.

>> No.10301337

>won’t eat an egg because there’s blood in it
>still eats meat
Stop being a faggot and eat the god damn egg

>> No.10301439


>> No.10301453

Bruh, you're already eating the unfertilized ovum of a chicken, a little blood isn't going to kill you.

>> No.10301519
File: 125 KB, 634x634, 23AF87D600000578-0-image-56_1417585702957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating animal products is not for pussies. If you can't handle the reality, go eat a sanitized stick of celery.

>> No.10301527

>algebra 1
>freshmen year
When did 5th grade become freshmen year?

>> No.10301563

please teach how to cook an egg without looking at it

>> No.10301573

>no adverse health effect
They used to say the same thing about asbestos and cigarette smoke.

>> No.10301588

Is that a whole animal of some sort ?

>> No.10301593

Sry not 'whole' but 'entire' ? ? ?

>> No.10301601

>i'm eating chicken period but blood is where I draw the line!

>> No.10301609

It’s not a “chicken period” you faggot. Is a placenta and amniotic fluid. Both of these only develop when a woman is pregnant. A period is the shedding of the uterin lining.

>> No.10301630


My girlfriend's parents were Filipino. She'd hear her father eating the balut with the little bones crunching in his mouth.

>> No.10301651

No shit. Chickens don't actually have periods? Thank you wise one, teach us more.

>> No.10301656

I used to buy flats of duck eggs and snack on them at work during the slow times.

Good times. It kinda makes its own soup at the top, the white ends up a little chewy, but the duckling and what little yolk is left is awesome. It did creep some of the older servers out when I picked an underdeveloped feather out of my teeth occasionally though.

>bones crunching
Was he eating them two days from hatching with his mouth open?

>> No.10301658
File: 10 KB, 241x250, 1478988023475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10301660

no. honestly i don't understand the hype

>> No.10301718

Go be a faggot somewhere else, like reddit.

>> No.10301933

>implying all Americans are first-rate mathematics students in primary school.

>> No.10302952

Why are you eating animal products if you're afraid of blood?

>> No.10302957

Do you even know what a fucking egg is you literal fucking retard?

>> No.10302963

Little bits of blood happen from time to time. It's not very common, it's not usually that much, and it won't hurt you. About a week ago I noticed a little bit of red tint in my eggs. Cooked it up, couldn't even taste it. Didn't get sick. I eat 3 eggs every day and have experienced no adverse health effects because of it.

>> No.10302974

I've had drinks pissed in, food pissed in and unknowingly tried it only to be told afterwards, it doesn't affect the taste but it's still fucking disgusting so why would you eat either knowing it's in there plus blood in the yolk is a bad omen

>> No.10302982
File: 32 KB, 300x400, 1514149577385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10303144

Having it on the outside is just the chicken asshole ripping a little from the egg size, no? Cloaca but you know what I mean

>> No.10303158

It's just extra iron.

>> No.10303526

i bet you step out of the bath just to fart!

>> No.10304968
File: 640 KB, 1280x720, 9000hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10305720

Hope Fed destroys Delpossum tomorrow

>> No.10305846

In first world countries, we eat raw beef. With raw egg yolks.
See steak tartare.

Eggs aren't fertilised. Unless you buy from some farmer who also has a rooster or buy fertilised eggs for raising chickens.

Chickens shit an egg a day. Chicken farms have thousands of female chickens and not a single cock.
Chickens are not the virgin Mary, they lay unfertilised eggs, so like menstruations where one egg is dropped, among other bloody stuff.
Eggs include a placenta because chickens are oviparous, not mammals (aka it's a fucking egg)

>bones crunching in his mouth.

>> No.10305878
File: 421 KB, 540x304, IMG_3346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is fine with eating dead baby pussy orbs
>not fine with blood

>> No.10305993

I'd be willing to bet my entire bitcoin stash you haven't obtained your redwing badge of honor if you're freaked about blood in a yolk, faggot.

>> No.10306968

Pics or it didnt happen

>> No.10308236

god damnit ya got me

you win this round internet man