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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10296250 No.10296250 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make this taste better? It's chocolate btw

>> No.10296267

Just mix it with milk dude, shit.

>> No.10296274

Cold water or cold milk
I always thought the ON stuff was the most artificial tasting of the major protein brands but it's not bad enough to actually ask a question like this

>> No.10296295

ON tastes fine
just put it in a smoothie with yogurt and milk

>> No.10296302

ice cream and milk.

>> No.10296312

can somebody with an actual palate answer my question, please?

>> No.10296325

Whey gives me gas and runny poo. Who eats powdered milk? Miss me with that whey shit.

>> No.10296327

It's not going to turn you into Ronny Coleman, pipsqueak

If you can't stand the slight inconvenience of choking down artificial flavors and soy stabilizers you can always eat real food, but then, you're the kind of person who can't boil ramen without burning down your house, so just drink your god damm whey, cooklet

>> No.10296331

That happens when you either
a. Buy shit tier whey with a lot of impurities, or
b. Drink way the fuck too much because you're a moron

>> No.10296332
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>soy stabilizers

>> No.10296338

NEITHER. My family has that. exact. same. jar. My body just can't handle what is essentially powdered milk. I've only ever had it twice.

>> No.10296359

c. are a weak, hyperallergic soyboy

>> No.10296360

jesus christ its fucking powdered milk and protein. what are you expecting? none of these are going to taste amazing. if you want good tasting protein, cook it yourself. if you want fast and cheap protein, learn to deal with the taste or just buy unflavored whey. jesus fucking christ youre a pussy.

>> No.10296362

that's true, I actually wear diapers and cross dress

>> No.10296370

post pics

>> No.10296372

Go there, faggot.

>> No.10296382

>what are you expecting? none of these are going to taste amazing.

so you agree it doesn't taste amazing, and I'm just asking how to make it better
what's so hard to unerstand

>> No.10296388
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>> No.10296410

buy unflavored.
make a smoothie with good ingredients. how fucking retarded are you? jesus christ.

a smoothie is the only answer either way. what else are you going to do with this? how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.10296414

By mixing it with fudge brownie mix? Making cookies out of it? Cake? I guess that would work.

More importantly what kind of idiot asks that question? The point of isolate is that it's ISOLATED you nitwit. It's not supposed to be a gourmet treat. If you're mixing it with stuff because you hate the taste you might as well eat real food and get the benefits of that.

>> No.10296424
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>> No.10296475

>The raven, the second wisest bird speaks against soy
>Fat, common, stupid bird gets ass blasted about it

What did he meant by this?

>> No.10296504

ice and milk blender
then next time buy plain or vanilla so you can make fruit protein smoothies instead.

>> No.10296507

mix it with water and chug it

>> No.10296531

>2 cups whole milk
>1 cup rolled oats
>1 cup greek yogurt (whole fat)
>1 banana
>1 or 2 scoops whey
breakfast everyday
mix it up with strawberries or blob of peanut once in a while butter

>> No.10296703

next time buy the vanilla one and add cinnamon

maybe you can salvage this one with nutmeg.
or man the fuck up and eat your medicine. pussy.

>> No.10296923

Just get isolicious best fucking shit I have had

>> No.10296947

Can't physically understand why you idiots ruin your body with this shit. Just eat an extra egg in the morning or an extra chicken breast for dinner. I support men being muscular but You don't need to have have body builder muscles just to impress s woman.

Those things smell like the milk formula I give baby lambs. They're clearly not healthy.

>> No.10297658

it's LITERALLY filtered powdered milk

>> No.10297725


>> No.10297825
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>"Just eat more, bro"

>> No.10297836
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>Can't physically understand why you idiots ruin your body with this shit.

>> No.10298031

You're just drinking it to get your protein macros? Just mix it with water or milk and chug it, don't be a pussy.
If you bought it for some meal replacement or some bullshit, you can blend it with banana and peanut butter. Or maybe just banana if you're watching calories.

>> No.10298032

Mix in some cocoa. It's still 50% protein, so it wont fug your macros.

>> No.10298656

>body builder muscles just to impress s woman.

don not care about some roastie
I do it for the aesthetic

>> No.10298682

>Those things smell like the milk formula I give baby lambs. They're clearly not healthy.

why would you give baby lambs this formula if you think it's unhealthy? wtf is wrong with you

>> No.10299154

>mixing whey with milk
Then just fucking drink milk you fuck. Whey is literally milk with the fat and other shit removed.

>> No.10299458

Throw it in the garbage.

>> No.10299463

you'd get pretty fat if you tried to get a substantial amount of protein from milk
GOMAD is for idiots

>> No.10299491

>GOMAD is for
People bigger/stronger than me.


>> No.10299500

calm down fatso

>> No.10299502


>> No.10299506

>thinks that was outrage
Jesus, bodybuilders are so effeminate.
I guess prancing around in bikini's and being judged by other men gets to you in a way.

>> No.10299509

I like you. I usually skip milk replace it with water (2/3) and some non-sugar carb juiceconcentrate (1/3) and instead of greek yoghurt I use quark. Also berries sometimes.

>> No.10299514

why are you so salty then

>> No.10299540

having actual testosterone can make you salty

>> No.10299541

post dadbod

>> No.10299865

I just throw some water and ice into a blender and mix it with a scoop of that whey. Comes out creamy and smooth. Tastes fine to me so I don't see the point in trying to flavor it.

>> No.10299996

Try making a fruit smoothie that contains milk to add the whey to

>> No.10300578

Bake it into a cake

>> No.10300755

Just swallow it you fucking soyboy, just like you do your bf's cummies.

>> No.10301551

Blend it with a banana, milk, yogurt, and frozen raspberries. Coconut water if you’re lactose intolerant. Frozen mango and raw ground oats are also good to add. Get a cheap coffee grinder for grinding oats.

>> No.10302731


>> No.10302738

cum in it

>> No.10302913

mix with semen you fag

>> No.10303130


>> No.10303818

Instant coffee mix. it changed my life

>> No.10304297


We already had this conversation today. /fit/'s run over by alt-incels.

>> No.10304402

the fucks an alt-incel

>> No.10304428


An amalgamation of /pol/ and /r9k/. Like a minority of the board even seems to lift anymore and half of the threads are just fat people hate threads, look at this vegan nigger threads or twinks posting their bodies and horny pederasts begging for moar boi pucci. Yesterday there literally was one dedicated to posting photos of a 14-yo gay swimmer boy.

>> No.10304465

>twinks posting their bodies and horny pederasts begging for moar boi pucci
That's regular /r9k/ though.

>> No.10304482


Yeah but I don't want that seeping onto my fitness board revealing how gay admiring buff oiled men pose in thongs actually is.

>> No.10305776

Blend in a ripe banana or some peanut butter.

>> No.10307087

Freeze ripe bananas and add your choice of milk and maybe peanut butter or coconut oil and blend.

>> No.10308803

That's a crow, not a raven.

>> No.10308961

I have never found anything that can mask the flavour of the whey itself. It's distinct and it's horrible.

>> No.10309288

why not just drink low-fat milk?

>> No.10309399

try it with almond milk

>> No.10309431

or you don't mix it well enough so there are little clumps left

>> No.10309439

Chocolate is the worst flavor, so you played urself. Put it in a smoothie little baby boi.
Why would you want the sugar of milk? Whey isn't bad for you. Casein is bad for you, people just want the effects of isolate protein.

>> No.10309448

low-fat milk is tastier and cheaper

>> No.10309478

I guess, but I'd personally avoid it.