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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10295805 No.10295805 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Give cooking/culinary advice

>> No.10295942

>wrapping the mac and cheese in...lasagna?
Defeats the purpose, imo. And cook burger less.

>> No.10295948

boil your cut potatoes for a minute or two before frying them

>> No.10295954

How about not reposting an image that you took from /ck/ yesterday.

>> No.10295964

not is just breaded mac n cheese and fried

>> No.10295966

Add ice to your water to make it come to a boil faster.

>> No.10295985

Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT have to dip your cock n balls in every ingredient.

>> No.10296062

add soy sauce to rice for maximum flavour

>> No.10296114

but why wouldn't you though

>> No.10296118

stop spreading that BS

>> No.10296128

this will save me so much time in the kitchen, thank you.

For a crunchier crust, fry your chicken in oil instead of water.

>> No.10296226

If you like juicy steak, try putting it in the mircrowave for a couple minutes before frying it.

>> No.10296299

>spending this much time on 4chan

It’s time to get a job and leave your mother’s basement, anon.

>> No.10296310

cook everything low and slow then crank it up right at the end

>> No.10296472

When making mayonnaise, if your Immersion Blender doesn't have side holes; after adding the egg add a little oil, blend it until it turns into the desired product and then add more oil

>> No.10297540

>fried Mac n cheese burger lasagna
Dios mío... La cocina americana...

>> No.10297708

Fuck me that looks good

>> No.10297751

In nearly all cases of baking or frying, the food should be a nice golden brown

>> No.10297859

When you make a sandwich, swap red/white onions for spring oninons, they compliment more meats and cheeses and don't overpower your pallet.

>> No.10298384

>cook meat less

>> No.10298422

If you're just frying off chicken for a stir fry or something without deep frying or battering it, give it a light coating of flour or cornstarch. It'll make the outside crispier and the inside more tender

>> No.10298428

For actual cooking newfags? Always the first one is season food during every step of the cooking process. Can't into seasonings? Buy a shitty spice rack that comes with spices - open them and smell them and think about what would taste good with that smell. I see a lot of new cooks saying they don't know what goes well with what but just have options on hand and trust your nose. Don't overcook your vegetables. Never just follow a recipe - look at multiple recipes for the same dish and make an amalgamation of those to your own taste. Didn't like a dish, whether you prepared it or not? Take a moment to articulate why - was the sauce too overpowering? Did you not like the combo of kale and turnips? Would you have preferred the cod fried to baked? Knowing why a dish didn't please you is important so you can become more familiar with your palate and make food you really enjoy. Want to expand your horizons? Pick one new ingredient and Google popular dishes it's in to see how it's used and then pick something you've either made before without that ingredient or something similar to a dish you like. Don't mix too many flavors at once (generally) because they'll get muddied - don't add 7 veggies to your rice, for example; you'll enjoy the three or four you chose carefully to play well together more. Learn how to do basic tasks like make a roux, whip egg whites, make stock, bake cookies, etc. Don't overcook noodles or eggs. Brine or marinade meats - you'll go crazy at the flavor increase and options. Plan your meal before you start cooking - have everything out where you need it to be, take into consideration how long different components cook for; I.e., don't boil your pasta while you're still cutting the chicken you're going to put in it. Idk. Other shit.

>> No.10298443

Lies, fry with clean oil and the food doesn't turn brown.

>> No.10298454
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When making chili con carne use whole dried chili peppers (rehyderated and ground or ground to powder) instead of that abomination called "chili powder" in the spice aisle.

>> No.10298496

my man! I don't have a lot of good chili varieties available to me dried where I live, but i grow them myself, dry them and use them like you say (or fresh). It beats chili powder hands down

>> No.10298510

Would anybody fall for this?

>> No.10298513

I did and it actually worked.

>> No.10298581

>being this afraid of reddit spacing