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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 600x450, addoction-11-1502473487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10293942 No.10293942 [Reply] [Original]

Al/ck/ thread.

>Thinking about her edition

What's her name lads? What happened?

>> No.10293957


>Caring about property this much.

Just end it.

>> No.10293964
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File name related

it's funny, I showed her this comic when we first met like five or six years ago. We broke up a year ago and and I'm now starting to move on. We're still in each others' lives but I miss the closeness with another person so much.

>> No.10293971
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Last Jedi film thread for you

>> No.10293973

>only eat so i can drink longer, zero appetite

anyone else?

>> No.10294045

You tell us OP, we can tell you wanna get it off your chest. Why won't she love you?

>> No.10294066
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>she's playing w/ me all the time
>I'm addicted to her so much

>> No.10294093

you need to cut back some if no appetite. I had too. started eating again.

>> No.10294111

I just bought a bottle of gin. What should i mix it with?

>> No.10294239

Answer to Guy from the last thread:

>been on Ativan taper for detox
>been on LONG Valium taper
>currently on 12-day Librium taper
I withdraw a lot, like most here
>good news
It was pretty easy to get
>bad news
It doesn't help with the nightmares a bit

>> No.10294255

Turning 21 soon. What is the absolute cheapest way to get drunk?

>> No.10294280


Lime juice and ginger beer. Keep it equal parts gin and lime juice, then top it off with the ginger beer.

Enjoy your Gin Gin Mule.

>> No.10294335

wtf no

>> No.10294338

Going to attempt 7 days of sobriety starting as soon as I finish this beer

>> No.10294347

who is this zygote tote

>> No.10294351

6 days without a drink now. Just 24 hours and incan have a drink again.

I've been doing nothing but learning music theory and playing ratchet and clank in that time.

>> No.10294361

Excuse me?

>> No.10294362

stupid bitch. punch in face.

>> No.10294491

I almost cut my finger completely off yesterday using a table saw drunk.

Don't operate power tools when drunk lads, Not even air tools.

Luckily I only had to get stitches

>> No.10294506

I mix it with coke. Only drink that.

>> No.10294528

Several names. Don't remind me. Getting drunk on a Thursday afternoon

>> No.10294533

Jesus man why

>> No.10294539


>> No.10294571

Closed the bar last night and woke up this morning with a broken thumb. Fuck

>> No.10294585

79 days

>> No.10294591

23 minutes

>> No.10294597

30 seconds

>> No.10294656

Cutting myself back to just 2-3 pints per night lads

>> No.10294724

beer or liquor?

>> No.10294765


>> No.10294788
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Bought to start hitting the beer after 4 days off. The anticipation alone is getting me high. Forget those bitches.

>> No.10294819


>> No.10294827

>Been heavy drinking for 4 or so years.
>Couple months ago cut myself down to 400ml vodka or gin a day, everyday.
>Shitting 10/10 toilet cloggers every day, so got pretty happy my regimen is going smoothly in that department.
>Noticed oily shits, looked it up and apparently bulky, oily, toilet clogging shits can be a sign of pancreatitis
Fuck lads, don't really wanna stop but don't think I'd get any WDs at the rate I'm going. Get mild pain in abdomen sometimes but it's not that noticeable and it's not always. Think I can still put on weight if I try so maybe I'm good for serious pancreatitis, any thoughts?

>> No.10294838
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>tfw you can't drink anymore because you're killing your heart
fuck this weak body

>> No.10294847

just quit now while you're ahead.

>> No.10294850
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>> No.10294901

Tonic of course, and ice & lemon

>> No.10294975

Anyone here been to AA meetings? How was it?

>> No.10294978


>> No.10295002

UK here. It's fine. People are nice and friendly. Requires some patience for people telling long 'profound' stories they obviously tell every week but nothing unpleasant.

>> No.10295076

Would you guys rather have constipation, or diarrhea that happens every couple of minutes and burns your asshole?

>> No.10295138

I gave myself pancreatitis and you can 1000% trust me you do not want that shit to get any worse.

>> No.10295170

I feel you. Was hospitalized for a few days from it before. Awful, awful shit man.

>> No.10295204

What were symptoms for you? Basically all I look forward to is drinking so I'd like not to quit just yet. Not sure I've got it though just sorta self diagnosing

>> No.10295215

>tfw the liquor store checkout girl has a genuine concern for you enough to ask you for your phone number to check up on you

oh lads....the pain train never ends

>> No.10295219

Be honest, how many years do you think it will take before you get yourself killed in a drunken accident?

>> No.10295234

I oce tried to start a chainsaw but was too drunk to even hold it straight. Every time I pulled the cord to start it I'd wave the thing all over the place, sawing into furniture and shit all around me. Gave up getting it started thankfully, no memory at all of why I was trying.
do a sex on her you idiot.

>> No.10295236
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Is she around your age?

>> No.10295239

I don't drive drunk and I rarely drive period. Twice a month to buy groceries and liquor, An I do that 100% sober.

I grocery shop at night so chances are still high I could be killed by someone else that's drunk.

>> No.10295242

She's like 35ish, I'm 31

>> No.10295246

insert penis

>> No.10295274

Dude with all the rape allegations going on now, I'm afraid to fuck anyone.

Plus she's not exactly very pretty, Not ugly...But not sexy. Kind of thicc

>> No.10295275

Oily shits like you described, abdominal pain that eventually became unbearable and crept round to my back. I ended up shuffling around bent over sideways weeping feeling like I had a cinder block lodged in my ribs. Also night sweats, confusion, constant vomiting. All this can be yours if you continue to be a stupid mf

>> No.10295303
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So? Insert Benis and enjoy life. We can’t all be with models.

>> No.10295310

So.... a fatty?

>> No.10295338

Does drinking a lot of beer really make you sweat a lot? Any more than drinking a lot of water?

>> No.10295358
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anyone know whats up with /a/? I just wanted to get drunk and browse as I usually do but its all fucky

>> No.10295400

so is /v/ and /vg/

>> No.10295410

If I have a wank when hungover, my legs and hands get shaky as fuck.

Its weird

>> No.10295422

might be because your expending energy you dont have

>> No.10295424

I bet it has something to do with that dude shooting himself

>> No.10295427
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Get on our level you fucking plebs

t. Wisconsin

>> No.10295477
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Cheapest is home made wine. For hard liquor get a wine bucket, 5 meter copper pipe, a 5 euro heating element from a water boiler that you put in the wine pucket and 6 kg of sugar to make the wash. You get about 3,5 liter of 93% alcohol from that.

>> No.10295501

why is this, any idea?

>> No.10295524

Scandinavian immigrants.
In the past, American culture as it was pretty anti-alcohol, even before the Prohibition the idea was still around.

That was not the case for Scandis who moved in without much assimilation

>> No.10295528

Who was he anyways? I saw threads about it

>> No.10295539

>buy cheap soda
>buy wine yeast
>put yeast in soda

>> No.10295564

>drank a couple of pints last night
>come home and have a few rum and cokes
>no hangover
This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.10295575

Fastest way to sober up?

>> No.10295598

Driving a car full of children

>> No.10295599

Watch a loved one get hurt

>> No.10295601

think about what you've done

>> No.10295603

You joke but thats a good idea. A massive adrenaline boost might help.

>> No.10295605

Coffee is the meme, but I've never tried it

>> No.10295614

Driving a school bus full of kids at 100mph though a school zone when you don't have a job driving a school bus

>> No.10295620

>kind of thicc
Drunk dick was made for thic girls.

>> No.10295626

Please I need serious help.

>> No.10295630

shove something up your bunghole

>> No.10295637

Vomit, drink water + coffee or some energy drink and eat something. I guess.

>> No.10295646

Will try thank you.

>> No.10295647

throwing up is probably the quickest way if you're still early on, then eat something filling and wholesome
this can be optionally paired with am alk drink too depending on circumstance - there's a reason bloody marys are so popular

>> No.10295651

Time, You fucking idiot.

>> No.10295653


>> No.10295658

Thata the one thing I'm short on.

>> No.10295674

I took a few days off then drank and now I'm proper wasted. Try to moderate even a bit and you can get honeymoon tier demolished. These threads should be a celebration of our self destruction and not just a bunch of sad cunt bitching.

>> No.10295675

That's deep.

Currently drank a few beers, not litting up a joint. Love i don't liqour anymore, i feel so much better the next day.

>> No.10295682

The only thing that will help you out with the alcohol that's already in your system is time.
For alcohol that hasn't entered your system yet, throw up.
To feel sober, drink water/coffee/energy drink and eat something wholesome.

There really isn't much else you can do.

>> No.10295683
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1. Germans (along with scandies but in much greater quantity) settled in the midwest and brought their beer. Note that minnesota and the upper peninsula are more scandinavian, and have fewer bars accordingly

2. A strong tavern lobby makes it easy to open one, get licensed, and outcompete liquor stores. Like you can drink in a bar after 9 until 3, you cant buy at a store during that time. They also influence things like where and when you can tailgate and shit. They run the state legislature. Basically the barrier to entry is nil and you pay the difference as a business owner to the tavern league to lobby for you on the hill

3. "Bars" in Wisconsin are much more like family establishments than what you would typically call a bar elsewhere. I literally have never been to a bar here that did not have food that was at least on par with the quality of their drinks. Applebee's is probably considered a bar here

>> No.10295700
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Probably going to lose my job then.

>> No.10295703

I see you've never gone through true alcoholism that's destroyed your life, relationships and/or health. Fuck off.

>> No.10295708

I'm sorry to hear that :/

>> No.10295709

>For alcohol that hasn't entered your system yet
That's a pretty difficult thing to do. I think it takes somewhere around 30 seconds to a minute to be absorbed into your blood stream.

>> No.10295711

being a drunk is rather sad you daft cunt.

>> No.10295716

I didn't know about that. Big if true.

>> No.10295775

anyone else get depressive as fuck after they start getting shithoused?

I feel great and euphoric drinking all day, but towards the end of the day I start getting depressed and sad

>> No.10295779

what do you guys do for a living/income?

>> No.10295781


>> No.10295790

I dont drink alcohol but when I hear some1 buying vodka with ice I want to murder them.

Is it ok?

>> No.10295798

work for my dad

>> No.10295803

I often get drunk and incredibly depressed/suicidal causing me to literally disappear off the radar and stop talking to people. Its resulted in me having the PACT team called on me and forcing me to the hospital tons of times.

>> No.10295804


>> No.10295811

Yeah that's how alcohol works for pretty much everyone.

>> No.10295812

depends on what I do when i'm drunk.
sometimes i'll put on sad music or shows because I just need to let that shit out

>> No.10295829

PACT can suck my dick, bunch of meddling faggots

>> No.10295831
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My life is already wrecked, wanker. I'm still capable of getting fugged up.

>> No.10295835

Yeah, but unfortunately if you try to resist they kind of don't let you. Security won't even allow you to leave the hospital, and if you manage to they'll go after you or show back up at your place and bring you back.

>> No.10295858

I don't enjoy drinking while hung over... But I want to drink anyways. Maybe this time it won't hurt as much

>> No.10295875

What is this PACT?

>> No.10295880

>returning 2 weeks of empty beer cans
>literally 4 trash bags full
>woman next to me at the machine depositing her cans asks "you drink all those yourself?"
>don't give a fuck what people think anymore, blurt out "yup"
>"my kinda man"
>finish up and leave
>wonder if she was being sarcastic or she was an al/ck/ too

>> No.10295882

stop drinking

>> No.10295884

There are two kinds of people who deposit cans.
Alchies or kids who want pocket change

>> No.10295887

Police and Crisis Team.

>> No.10295896

Do it. After a while you'll be a flow blown alcoholic and not get hangovers. It's so rad.

>> No.10295900

Dojn't forget Flips. I worked at a hotel and they would hoard every can and bottle they cleaned out of rooms to turn in.

>> No.10295901

what about alchies that need pocket change
AKA me

>> No.10295912

I live in a state with the highest bottle deposit, 10c a can. It's actually worth it to me considering I'm losing 2.40 every 24pk

>> No.10295913

This in the US?

>> No.10295924

Is that why I don't get hungover anymore and instead just wake up sweaty and shaky?

>> No.10295926

Okay lads, I have a dumb question.

I used to smoke weed all the time and not drink, ever since drinking (18-24 months ago) I would occasionally mix the 2. But recently if I mix them, i get super dizzy and dumb drunk. Anyone relate or can explain why this happens?
If it helps I only drink bourbon and cola

>> No.10295929

>""""check up on you"""""
man akies can't take hints

>> No.10295931

Physician :^)

>> No.10295935

>10c for everything under 1L
>25c for everything 1L and up
get about 5-6 loonies per garbage bag

>> No.10295939

That's withdrawal, the hangover's bigger dicked violent brother

>> No.10295944

I'm not sure if it's a thing in the U.S, though I've seen others in these threads talk about them, so it's possible it exists there too. I'm Canuck.

>> No.10295980

it is, in the us it is essentially mental health crisis training for cops, i dunno if thats the equivalent for the RCMP

>> No.10295995


happy drinking, on my first bottle of cheap bourbon for tonight

>> No.10296040

>drinking at bars
>not drinking bottom shelf handles alone in your cold, dark room

found the "social drinking" normie

>> No.10296043

you're just getting the spins, comes to a lot of people who aren't used to being cross faded
When I used to smoke weed I also found that a few puffs can help the alcohol hit you quicker for whatever reason so that might be the case also
try to take it slow next time if you want to drink and smoke

>> No.10296057
File: 99 KB, 308x463, taaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tried and true

only $10-13 a handle

>> No.10296058

The names Blanche. The old raisin cunted whore can't settle down already.

>> No.10296093

Fuck it.
I'm going to go get a drink.

>> No.10296108

Adderall, plenty of water, a short jog, and a small snack. You'll be fit as a fiddle

If you don't have any adderall, try a 100-200mg caffeine pill

>> No.10296117

I feel like taaka is every al/ck/s go to for vodka
I know its mine

>> No.10296163

Who /notsadatall/ here? I drink because drinking is fun and I enjoy it, I don't have anything to run from.

Anyone with me?

>> No.10296182

Got loads of shit to run from, but I like to numb myself into oblivion every weekend to calm down.Guess i'm one of those weird little fuckflowers that can go from monday to thursday/friday without withdrawal andthen drink 3-4 litres of bourbon+beers over the weekend...weird life.

>> No.10296198
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me. and I still don't eat as much as I should.Made meatballs and sauce the other night so I could heat & eat and it still seems like too much work.
>pic related

>> No.10296202

Amphetamines like adderall will sufficiently counteract enough of the mental problems you won't be as drunk, and it's long acting unlike cocaine. Coffee/caffeine helps some. So does water. You will still smell like alcohol and there is literally nothing you can do about that except take a shower/change clothes, chew gum, eat garlic, wear cologne, and try not to breathe on anyone or exist in a confined space for long.

>> No.10296203
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>other pic related

>> No.10296207

>tfw normie friends are happy but can't even get close to my level on the barhop
>alchy friends can go shot for shot but are S A D B O I S

Strange feeling

>> No.10296213

Yea stuff like Taaka, Skol, Fleischmann, and Crystal Palace make up the heart of al/ck/

>> No.10296214
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>other other pic related

>> No.10296230

Guys guys guys. try alcohol with weed. it's amazing. Only smoke a tiny amount at a time though or you'll go crazy.

>> No.10296235

>Tomorrow layout
I see you're a man of culture as well

>> No.10296243

I'm no alc (Yet) But every seasoned sauce fiend on here relays the message: It doesn't stay fun forever.

>> No.10296276

I wouldn't be so sure, people love casting a wide net when it comes to defining alcoholism.
One or two beers a night would be considered al/ck/ by a lot of people but not me personally

>> No.10296317

and spics.
Every goddamn time I go to recycle my cans, no matter which store I go to, there's always a fucking spic family with members occupying every single machine. Always with either a minivan or a flatbed parked outside the return area filled to the brim with bags of cans and bottles.

>> No.10296347

I think there are nuances as well, I'd consider myself an alci, although I only drink on the weekends and times where I know I don't have to act in society in any 'normal' function, but what I do to myself for over 10 years now certainly falls into that. Ican't wait for the fucking weekend to start come monday, just knowing I'd be blackout drunk come saturday morning. During the week I somehow supress my cravings, not quite sure how, but I don't have a pfysicqal dependcy apperently.For what it's worth.

>> No.10296349

well all of those people would be wrong though unless that person is a woman having 2 a day

>> No.10296350


>> No.10296371


More like pass out. You definitely want to be sitting in a comfortable chair if you mix alcohol with marijuana.

>> No.10296387
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indeed I am.

>> No.10296406

I combine weed and booze fairly frequently, and I've never passed out from the combination

Although I do get the spins fairly easily when smoking right after drinking heavily

>> No.10296455

go get some from a qualified therapist, you can't get it here

>> No.10296477

Sure, my government says anything more than 14 units a week is 'heavy'. Fuck that I'm a fit, tall (6'3") 24 year old man in my prime, 14 units a week is a joke.

I drink 2 times a week sometimes 3, never have had withdrawal and I drink vodka with water and a splah of something as my main drink.

It could be a lot worse although I will admit alcohol aleviates my anxiety so I could potentially fall in to a trap. From sunday to friday i dont touch a drop (except Wednesdays sometimes) and never get cravings or tempted.

>> No.10296506

I've been using 4chan for fucking ever but I hate the Yotsuba/Yotsuba B layouts. I can't imagine why anyone would use anything but Tomorrow when it's so easy on the eyes.

>> No.10296512

The light pink/blue is too iconic to change, is my opinion

>> No.10296529

I get that. I'm just so used to using dark layouts on most of the sites I visit now. My eyes are pretty sensitive to overly bright shit, so that might have something to do with it. That's why I use f.lux too.

>> No.10296543

I've always wanted to try F.lux because how many people I know love it.
But I also really like how clear and bright things are normally. Like if I'm watching a movie or something, flux would just be terrible.

>> No.10296546

Tomorrow is the BITCH and if you don't use it you are basic as hell

>> No.10296565
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I've been an alcoholic for 5 years, been drinking for 10.
I've smoked weed hundreds of times to try to make it work for me, but it usually just turns out to be a complete existential nightmare over the nature of perception and reality so I quit trying it altogether after I moved away from the people who smoked.
Also, in my personal opinion, even if the weed smoker isn't a DUDE LMAO faggot, like if the smoker is still like a successful member of society, there's always going to be something unlikable about them to me, even the best of the best. And that unlikable thing boils down to something inside their personality, the unlikeable thing is not purely the fact that they smoke weed.

>> No.10296578

I use a dark themed browser and dark themed pretty much everything I can, but Tomorrow gets really old fast for me. There's something about it that's just too fucking like rock bottom about it.

>> No.10296585

It's awesome honestly. Plus you can disable it and re-enable it anytime you want. It really helps chill you out at night. It's not always active; it's bright during the day and slowly gets dimmer as the sun sets in your area.

>> No.10296776

Anyone one else drunk cooking?
I got some spaghetti sauce going

>> No.10296779

It's easy on the eyes as they say

>> No.10296784

I drank two glasses of wine and fucking VOMITED half a day later, dude

>> No.10296793

I can't figure out what level of irony you're on

>> No.10296805

I get to drink tommorrow night! And because I can't drink through the workweek now that I have a job I save money so I can buy cheap wine instead of cheap cider!

>> No.10296809

but I blew chunks (and then just liquid) and wasted two perfectly good garbage bags

>> No.10296834

I know that feel
But in my country, buying a litre of rum is as efficient as shit wine

>> No.10296866

My week of no alcohol is a few hours from ending now and the thought of drinking is making me a tad nervous, any of you ever get that after a dry period?

I took a look at a bottle of Russian standard I have saved and felt a bit uneasy. Hmmmmmmm

>> No.10296880

When I'm dry, everything feels good
But I want it back more than ever
It's a contradiction but it's how I feel.

>> No.10296887

>just about 3 weeks sober
>have nothing to do now, just waiting to hear when i have to go to work
>drinking is becoming tempting again

>> No.10296903

Don’t anon plz functioning drunk here. Do not drink surf all the boards on 4chan read the stories don’t drink plz.

>> No.10296904

Any hobbies? (That isn't vidya)

I've made a lot more progress in music theory and learned more about synthesizers during this dry week. I'm sleepoing well...too well, need to get up at a reasonable time !

>> No.10296917

hitting the gym that's about it
besides shitposting on the chon of course
vidya doesn't even really interest me anymore

>> No.10297014
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Just had my first drink in months as a reward for finishing midterms
Now I just have to make sure to keep the drinking to this weekends nights. I think I can do it. I'm planning to stop again til the end of the semester

>> No.10297048
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All the time vague pain under my right ribs. Push on it constantly and it hurts more. FML.

>> No.10297075

Getting real deja vu from this post

>> No.10297171

your liver is probably just sore from the constant liquid beatings you give it. the liver heals fast but its not going to do that if you dont slow your roll

>> No.10297226

>remain ignorant

>> No.10297259


>> No.10297285


Might be gall bladder, going in tomorrow morning to get an ultrasound of mine.

>> No.10297399


>> No.10297503
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>carring about taste
>not just blindly drinking anything with ethanol

>> No.10297512

I'm feeling preemptive anxiety for tomorrow.
I sent an email asking for an update on my application.
I copy pasted the body of the email from when I was sober

But I'm still worried I said something stupid or inappropriate.

>> No.10297520

>halfway through a 750 ml of vodka
>have not sent any unwanted drunk message on Facebook, Skype, Battle.net or by cellphone

I will not. I will not. I will finish the bottle, drink water, take a shower and go to sleep. Hopefully this post helps me.

>> No.10297523

I conditioned my drunk-self (i.e. me) early in my 20s.
Do not do any communications
At all

>> No.10297531

Then I should follow your example. I'm 25 and that needs to stop. Cheers.

>> No.10297581
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>No cute alck gf to braap on my face after a night of drinking white wine


>> No.10297585

>white wine

>> No.10297602
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I quit drinking about a week ago. Just not worth it in the long run. Best of luck to you guys.

>> No.10297603

you're a good man for doing so, i've done the same but still slip up every now and then.
It got the point where I preemptively jerk off before starting drinking so i'm not too horny when drunk to send out messages

>> No.10297612

So do I, but thankfully, Facebook has a delete function.
Most of the time no one notices my rant about shit before I delete it all.

I once got a date from drunk posting though. She stood me up though
Probably a major factor in my resilience against the urge to say shit when drunk

>> No.10297614

Gave in and bought booze. My other half ain't going to be happy.

>> No.10297619

When do women have opinions we care about?

>> No.10297626

I've been able to do this for the most part, but every once in while I make some pretty cringey posts in my friend's discord

>> No.10297627

>Been seeing a substance abuse counselor for nearly two months now
>Always leave feeling like I have control, I can do this
>Not even trying to quit cold turkey, just trying to take a few sober days here and there and cut back
>Fail every single fucking time
I literally cannot cope with being sober in the evenings.
After my brain is fried from working on things all day long and everybody is asleep, I get so fucking bored with everything around me but I'm too mentally tired to do anything stimulating. It's not that I want to drink, I just want to get fucked up for a few hours then go to bed

>> No.10297632

Don't worry
The fact that you use Discord means that everyone knows that you are retarded

>> No.10297635

Go grab the app /g/ made. It's so legit. Called clover.

>> No.10297637


Quit cold turkey man. Seriously.

>> No.10297642

That sounds like 100x the nightmare. Getting drunk is basically the only good thing I have in my life, I need to cut back for health reasons but I can't give it up entirely. I'd lose my mind.

>> No.10297651


>Getting drunk is basically the only good thing I have in my life

Sounds like you need better hobbies / goals. You can do it Anon, we all believe in you.

>> No.10297653

Line cook

>> No.10297654

What, the phone app? I use the mobile one, but otherwise the Tomorrow theme is fine on my desktop.

>> No.10297665

I'm halfway through a PhD, and cook/learn spanish/play chess/games as hobbies. I'm completely functional, and all those things are satisfying, but you can only grind your mind so hard for so much of the day. Can't just zone out and watch Game of Thrones or The Wheel like other people, cause shits just not interesting unless I'm drunk

>> No.10297677

I used to work as IT for a healthcare software company. Then I worked IT for a phone company. Now I'm unemployed and going to school to try and be a developer or software engineer

>> No.10297679


Okay mate, best of luck to you man.

>> No.10297685
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May I ask an IT question What IT certs do you have? I am doing my A+ right now and thinking about doing Net + or CCNA after that.

>> No.10297709

All the certs were done in house. They ran us through a development camp (Cache), reporting camp (SQL and Crystal Reporting), app camp based on where you were stationed.
It literally takes a year there to be fully certified in everything.
I'm honestly probably not truly "certified" to do IT to be completely honest

>> No.10297730

How do you deal with hating yourself?

>> No.10297754

Drink more

>> No.10297756

I think of memories when I didn't hate myself, because no one hates oneself from scratch. In my case, that would cover my birth to about 14 year old.

I do that, so I find myself in a permanent nostalgic stupor. At least I had the chance of living a (overall) happy childhood.

Other than that, booze always finds a way to make me think that I'm not as bad as I believe.

>> No.10297778

counseling, or just talking to someone about it in general. personal anxieties and all that fill up like a balloon, sometimes you've just gotta put yourself out there being as vulnerable as you can to someone you know will care

>> No.10297786

Yeah the phone app. Man I miss browsing this place with a desktop. Those were the days.

>> No.10297787

These threads are based

>> No.10297842

Not him, but A+ is basically "you exist". N+ is okay, but CCNA is a really fucking solid way to get into a job. That test is NOT kind, and everybody knows it.
It's still "entry level" but it's probably the most valuable entry level cert you can get.

>> No.10297864


Thanks for the input.


Ya, I have heard all of that before. I just am using A+ right now as a entry way to get into it, then probably just doing CCNA if I am really interested in CISCO stuff

>> No.10297877

Consider a CCENT over a CCNA if you just want networking fundamentals on your belt. A CCENT is much more respected than an N+ but they're roughly the same difficulty to obtain.
ICDN-1 covers everything the CCENT tests, ICDN-1 and ICDN-2 covers everything the CCNA tests. Which is substantially more, and just about everything you'll ever need to administer a medium-size business network.
I don't recommend trying to pursue network engineering as a career unless you're REALLY Into it though, it's absurdly competitive because a single engineer is enough for some 3000 clients in a business, so there aren't a huge number of well paid jobs.

>> No.10297894

Good job friend, genuinely

>> No.10297912
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Awesome. Thanks man. All of that info really helped. I have heard people talk about CCENT because I didn't know how it compared to the CCNA. If you say it's on par with the Net+ in difficultly I will definitely go for that then.

>> No.10298025

>tfw made friends with the cashier at the liquor store

it's not as sad as it seems, he's actually nice and cool and I don't feel weird going to him every week

>> No.10298095

I'm having fun. I'm drunk and listening to music I used to like 10 years ago thank god for youtubes history.
I hope you guys do well, I love you guys

>> No.10298185


Pussy ass nigga. One of the machinists at my job is constantly smashed and he still out works the other plebs.

>> No.10298238
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Yeah man. I'm not sure of your situation right ow, but I'm very close to being homeless due to not being able to afford rent, etc. I've been lucky with some help.

Fuck me. It bothers me when you guys are in positions like me.

>> No.10298271

this, i keep having to tell newbies to smoke first and drink second

>> No.10298366

Had some Guinness last night.. Woke up swimming in my own piss. Even made sure I went to toilet before bed, and got up out of bed to have another. Already opened another, have one left after this so plan on going to shop soon to get some more. Only 10am. Sigh.

>> No.10298388

Anyone with a lot of whiskey experience here? I have this cheap 43% whiskey I wanna try but I heard the smell can be really strong so Im wondering just how strong is it exactly? Assuming I dont get too drunk and dont spill anywhere would anyone be able to detect the smell in my house or my glass (gonna be mixing it with coke)?if yes for how long would they be able to

>> No.10298425
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Constipation, I think.
I can unclog my ass with my 12 inch dildo anyway.

>> No.10298427

I have never had any whisky with a "persisting" odour. At least compared to stinky things like tobacco.
Just don't be a downie and try to not spread it all over the floor.

>> No.10298551
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Hey al/ck/. I have been trying out some hard liquor lately and wondered if you had any recommendations. For whisky my favorite has been the Woodford double oak and the standard Woodford, makers mark has been my favorite "cheap" whisky. I wanted to try some rye whisky and have tried wild turkey and Woodford the so far, both have been good. What bottle should I grab next?

>> No.10298559

R9k guy blew his brains out with a ksg

>> No.10298583


>> No.10298596

nice words, dork

>> No.10298597

Im a teacher in training. going to work at a middle school

>> No.10298598

Is it worth it to get IT certs in my spare time as a "backup plan," even if I don't care that much for tech? Personally I would be happy driving trucks for the rest of my life but I am worried that someday tech will come for my jerb.

>> No.10298603

i find a nice bottle of whale semen fits most people's palates

>> No.10298606

I'm sure it fits yours

>> No.10298639

These are all bourbon, essentially the softest whiskies you can get. You want rye-heavy try Alberta Premium if you can get it.

You want some serious whisky get whatever Islay scotch.

>> No.10298663

>canuck booze
Thank God I'm a WA fag. I can hit up a rez near the border and grab some cheap booze. Else just take a quick trip over for a day

>> No.10298894

>going to canada to buy booze

>> No.10298904

came off a 5 day bender yesterday, must have jerked off about 16 times during the WDs. why does busting a nut in that state make jacking off the most amazing feeling ever? the only thing is i find that during jacking off i dont recover any faster but maybe thats just a psychological trick. i always feel there's usualy an allotted period of time i have to atone for my drinking, usually about 24-30 hours of horror and no sleep until i begin to feel normal again.

>> No.10298914

It's like an hour away

>> No.10298930

and like 3 times more expensive

>> No.10298933

Rez nerd

>> No.10298948

dont you need a status card for that kinda shit?

>> No.10298957

What no. You just drive up buy your tax free booze and go home. If you want other rez benefits sure but to make purchases you need nothing

>> No.10298972

>an hour away
Fucking Christ, I live like 20 minutes from the border in Michigan, and I'm not traveling further than the nearest liquor store to grab booze. WTF is wrong with you people?

>> No.10298980

I don't have to go JUST for booze. I can make a journey out of it Jesus.

>> No.10298997

It's all about dosage.

>> No.10299112

When I was hungover I would basically fap and vomit all day. Never understood that either, I was super fucking horny.

>> No.10299115

>would be happy driving trucks for the rest of my life

I wouldn't get too attached to it, the second automated trucks become feasible for companies to buy, all the truck drivers are going to be out on their asses. Think about how much a company can save just on insurance by getting rid of the fat ass faggot drivers..

>> No.10299133

You still have to have insurance on self driving cars dumb fuck, Also insurance is higher. My dad has a Tesla, I'm positive.

The insurance is almost double on the Tesla than it is his NEWER Porsche Panamera

>> No.10299150

The insurance on the VEHICLE....or the insurance on the DRIVER, you're talking about?

Protip: there will be no driver in automatic trucks. Driver's insurance can easily be several thousand a month.

>> No.10299162
File: 159 KB, 822x542, Relative_risk_of_an_accident_based_on_blood_alcohol_levels_(linear_scale).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breathalyser read 0.3

According to this article a BAC of 0.3 is extremely high and sometimes lethal.


>> No.10299180

Commercial driver's insurance works quite a bit different than the average commuter. Also, a person himself plays a very large role in the cost of insurance, if your dad has a bad driving record, it's going to cost him a heck of a lot more in insurance if he decides to buy a hot rod.

Same applies to commercial insurance, if a driver even gets a single speeding ticket, that can be devastating to the companies cost to insure him. That's why drivers are fired and ran out of the field all the time for minor infractions. If you cut the driver out of the equation, there would be a massive difference in the cost of insurance. If your dad wasn't involved in driving his car, the cost would of insurance would be significantly less, even though it doesn't make any sense for a regular commuter car to be driving itself.

>> No.10299191

Decided to stop cold turkey two weeks ago and was doing alright until I remembered it'll be st Patrick's day tomorrow. Not sure how it is in other counties but in mine people my age never shut the fuck up about it. Is it worth it to have maybe a bottle of wine/ a few beers? Or should I just stop looking for excuses and suck it up?

>> No.10299196

Uh...are you seriously asking that, even though you know you have a problem with alcohol, whether you should drink or not?

>> No.10299204

You gotta be honest with yourself, do you really want to drink because of the festivities, or is it just an excuse? The thing is, if it's a special occasion like a wedding or birthday of course you can enjoy yourself, but what you'll find is, every day there's something. This week alone I had a school reunion, a get-together after work, and my niece's birthday. Of course I got pissed at all of them, but I'm not gonna delude myself into thinking it wasn't an excuse.

>> No.10299274

Drank almost 16 beers after a few days break last night. I hope all I did during the tail end was watch Youtbe and not try and interact with anyone online. Next day and I'm still a bit drunk.

>> No.10299283

Check your history and cringe.

>> No.10299300

My drunk YT history is significantly better than my sober history.

>> No.10299321

Thats 4000 calories. Do yourself a favor and drink something stronger instead.

>> No.10299328

Anime music, dancing jap girls, some dorifto vids, no comments online. Not too bad. My head is a fucking mess though and it feels like angry beer is sloshing around in it despite popping an ibuprofen.

>> No.10299354

Spent my entire 20s drinking heavily then started having terrible abdominal pain right before my 30th birthday. 3 Months off alcohol now and blood test for liver enzymes came back normal today and an abdominal ultra sound showed liver/pancreas/gall bladder to be generally ok. Conclusion is that it's just inflammation of the stomach and cramping from the drinking. I know most people don't manage to induce total liver failure by 30 but I still feel incredibly lucky, and more than a little happy that I'm getting this as a "warning" now.

>> No.10299409

G'day /ck/unts. I just came here to say Brooklyn American Ale tastes just as watery as Coors/Budweiser. Please stop sending this shit here,

>> No.10299440

F.lux is based, use it.
I've used it for years and years now.

>> No.10299449


What, on livestream or something?

>> No.10299450

wtf is brooklyn american ale

>> No.10299456

Yeah. Webms floating around all over 4chan. I think I saw a thread around /k/ with the full vid

>> No.10299460


Huh. Was it an accident, or did he an hero on purpose? If the former, lolidiot. If the latter, I kind of feel bad for him.

I imagine this will result in more sweeping rule changes that don't make any sense and a round of "4chan killed a troubled youth that was going to church and gon git his life together" news articles.

>> No.10299467

Had my first drink in a full week30 mins ago.

I'm not an addict either and already I can feel it working on me. This sabbatical has worked well.

>> No.10299470

An hero, and those who watched encouraged him not to if I remember the vid right. Deep down we aren't so bad here anon.

>> No.10299481

no. but beer withdrawals are the same as wine and liquor wds

>> No.10299493

Taking a step forward in my life tonight and bringing my seven year old nephew to a hockey game. How many beers can I drink with a kid? I usually get pretty blasted at hockey games.

>> No.10299496


>Next day and I'm still a bit drunk.

I always did wonder if I was the only one that got like that. Not sure what to do about it, aside from shower and get on with my day like normal.

>> No.10299497
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Wa'la. On the plus side it's only $6 a can at the pub

>> No.10299499

>only 6 bucks a can

>> No.10299517

I don't think anyone in america drinks that
it's 6 aussie bucks so that's like 25 cents american

>> No.10299525

I always see that at the packy bruh

>> No.10299529
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3 bottles of chardonnay, onto the cask shiraz. i'll be feeling it tomorrow, should have bought more vodka

strayan prices

>> No.10299531

Also keep in mind just because x-rays, or cat scans, ultra sounds, or even mris come up clean, that doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

Happens all the time that people have some sort of problem, all tests come back clean, then they eventually cut you open because the problem persists, and then they find something goddamn major inside you.

Medical tests are not very good at all. Pancreatic cancer, for one, is usually symptomless and undetectable until it's so advanced that you're about to die anyway.

>> No.10299533


It won't stop the people who know nothing from continuing to know nothing. Like I said, I feel bad for the guy.

>> No.10299534

just give the kid some glue to sniff, or maybe half a painkiller or something so he doesn't rat you out, then get fucking blasted.

>> No.10299538

youre not an alcoholic. youd already be shitfaced by the time you parked the car

>> No.10299548

I wish I could have a kid or something that would give me a reason to quit drinking

I just don't feel anything is worth being sober for.

>> No.10299556

you should be the most important person in your life

t. someone who doesn't take their own advice

>> No.10299631

>I wish I could have a kid or something that would give me a reason to quit drinking

Dear god...never fucking say this. It never actually does give people a reason to quit, they always think it will, but they continue on being a useless drunk asshole, and end up ruining the kid's life too.

They only reason that will make you quit, is truly wanting to quit. No amount of incentives, or consequences are going to change anything, until you actually want to quit.

>> No.10299641

You're going to have to find something. This is life 101 btw, doesn't just apply to alcoholism.

You need a reason to live. You need some sort of purpose. If you don't have one, they why the fuck not drink like an idiot and do nothing?

What are your hopes and dreams? What did you always want to do? Why aren't you doing it? Don't actually type up a post and answer me btw, just answer yourself.

>> No.10299663

don't do it bro
finishing up day 13 now
it's getting easier and my head is so much clearer
go get a cup of coffee or take a walk around the neighborhood

>> No.10299667

I just have to chime in and back this post up, everyone should take a look at this and know it's the complete truth.

>> No.10299820

Drank brandy straight yesterday and today my shite was sorta half solid, half soft, very easily 'broken' and floated.


>> No.10299827


If you made other changes to your normal eating habits, that just means you ate a lot of fatty fo.

>> No.10299859

Hit the sauna. Cooking shit out now then off to Chipotle and get more beer. Starting to feel a bit more normal now. Surprised I didn't blast puke.

>> No.10300005

>tfw you had to take a shot in the morning to just not die but that turned into a 3 day binge

>> No.10300034


>> No.10300041


Those were the good old days. Probably the last 5 years or so of my alcoholism, I drank until I physically couldn't drink anymore.

I'd sit around with these hellish hangovers, doing nothing but vomit and lay in bed for a whole day, and if I could actually drink something I would, but it just wasn't happening. I couldn't even keep water down without puking it right up. Then for like 2 or 3 days after that I'd be so damn ragged and worn out I couldn't even stand the notion of taking a drink. Then after a week or so I could drink again, and stay drunk for a few days, repeat process.

>> No.10300058

>whats her name


i know shes fucking her ex at this moment and its killing me

>> No.10300123
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I've spent last 6 years on shaping my career. I've started from the bottom as a warehouse operative and just found out that from next month i'll be the head of the design department.

But my house is cold and empty for even longer and i cant celebrate the long road to success with her.

I just wanted our future children to be secured, now i don't have anything. I'm just a drunk that's keeping up appearances.

>> No.10300149

Dude are you me? I would let my body get so dehydrated sometimes my entire body would lock up in cramps or whatever and I wouldnt be able to move anything or even flex my hands to use a phone.

>> No.10300151

>wake up
>dozens of replies from people I blasted with drunken shitposting

the worst feeling.

>> No.10300180

>always think about her
>become mildly sober probably drink once every three months, but into a total blackout
>One night during my blackout I text her tell her how I feel
>Take a plane drunkenly to her house

Been with her since. Maybe this drinking thing isn't too bad.

>> No.10300238
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Tonight I'm making what I call "blackout mochas"

>Abuelita hot chocolate
>Cannabis hot chocolate powder (100mg THC)
>Big pour of Patron XO Cafe
>Cinnamon & cayenne pepper

Costs like $10 each to make but O H B O Y

>> No.10300243

I hope you guys are ready for shitposting tonight because im day drinking

>> No.10300321

Yeh I'm okay. Casually drinking my 0,5 litre of 35% dutch gin while playing some silly flash mousegame. Also listening to some music. It could be worse. Never drink more than 2 or 3 nights a week but this makes it tempting.

>> No.10300325


>fuck me ive lost a stone in weight

>> No.10300330


>turning 21
>thread of alcoholics
you are small time

>> No.10300356

who cares whatvshe thinks
drinking that amoubt its for you so anyone else is nehhhhh
by the ways cut back/taper off, your liver will thank you

>> No.10300427

Might as well sprinkle some bath salts in and then do some pre game angel dust snorts.

>> No.10300439

Same with me really. That's binge drinking for you. Most drunks like to just get buzzed or slightly drunk and stay that way all the time. I liked to get black out, fucking staring at the ceiling for 6 hours before you realize what you've been doing, drunk for several days straight. Used to be able to do it for weeks, went for an entire month once, but as I got older it started lasting less and less. Towards the end there I could only get maybe 2 or 3 days.

>> No.10300447
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>be al/ck/
>never have solid shits
>at work
>have to shoot liquid out my ass every 30-45 minutes
>company bathrooms stocked with coarsest single ply TP
>asshole starts to bleed from constant shitting and wiping with terrible TP
>shit so much it never gets time to heal
>constantly checking to make sure it's just my asshole bleeding, and that I'm not actually shitting blood

The ride never ends

>> No.10300451

some guy once told me you know you have a problem when you drink on your way to drink. Like, everyone says they want to go to the bar, and you think, "Well, I better get drunk first before i get down there", or you even literally drink in the car on the way there.

I constantly did that. No surprise, I'm always the most whacked out, incoherent moron at the party or bar, or whatever, and usually get asked to leave.

>> No.10300460


It took about 8 months of being sober before I started shitting solid again. I really don't miss my life involving diarrhea and a bleeding asshole and all that like every hour of the day like clockwork.

>> No.10300467

I also remember my stomach and intestines and liver and pancreas feeling like they were burnt internally...which I'm sure they basically were

>> No.10300497

jerking off releases endorphins which make you feel good, and during WDs when you're feeling terrible, the endorphin rush makes everything feel ok for that brief moment

>> No.10300525

I'm turning into a full blown alcoholic here guys. I used to drink maybe 2-3 times a week with friends and now I drink every night alone.
I don't want to talk to anyone and chug beer all night. I am fucking up school and I no longer see my family because I am constantly either drunk or hungover.
How did I even get this far having seen my abusive father beat the pulp out of my mother while on the bottle.

>> No.10300526

Slow night. What you all drinking?

>> No.10300550

We learn coping mechanisms as we grow. I personally found peace and joy in drinking alone at night. I started drinking too much, went and spoke to a therapist, came to understand that my issues of not being able to express my feelings combined with no support system put me in a rough place where I choose drinking as my friend. It takes sometime, but it sounds like you need to step back, limit the drinking as much as possible, and look at what's going on in your life before you declare yourself an alcoholic. It's not a black and white issue. It's different for everyone.

>> No.10300559

its gotten to the point where I dont even check the TP when I wipe because I know theres going to be blood
fucking asshole like a nosebleed

>> No.10300567

god dont motivate me to do shit i will regret

>> No.10300571

You're right, drinking is my number one comfort. Feels like I am pushing something down, which probably is my turbulent childhood and equally turbulent love life.
I am unable to show love and I fear getting close to anyone because I think I will turn into my father, my God I have turned down so many girls knowing how it would turn out. Here I am, 28 years old and drunk, single and lonely.

>> No.10300597

bourbon from the bottle which i usually never do cause i hate that shit but its the only thing my roomate had

>> No.10300635

i always describe it as feeling like my insides are rotting, like actually rotting meat with maggots and necrosis and shit, but burnt works too

>> No.10300640

well lads got a call to go up north for a month or so
looks like this 3 weeks of sobriety shall probably be at least 7 weeks now

>> No.10300943

I told myself I wouldn't do this. Been on vacation with family the past week and going through withdrawals when I don't get a drink for more than 6 hours. Luckily I'm leaving tomorrow, but fuck man I have no self-control around free booze. Same thing happened over Xmas, and Thanksgiving

>> No.10301219

There is no shame in finding a therapist and talking to them. It's actually incredibly free KNOWING they can't say anything to anyone else (outside of possible crime or self harm). That was a big plus for me because I grew up in a family where we mocked emotion and feelings so relinquishing how you feel and not knowing why got you called "soft and "thin skinned". Emotions are good and peaceful. Work through yours, find something you feel proud in, feel strong without a crutch.

>> No.10301228

Bushmills, because I read about it in the Callhan's Crosstime Saloon novels.

>> No.10301737

wanking the hangover away is my goto technique

>> No.10301742

slap yourself in the face as hard as you can 3 times

>> No.10301759

I work in auditing for a financial company just outside "the big four"