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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10288944 No.10288944 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make spaghetti and meatballs

>> No.10288982

Well do you want to do it all from scratch? Making the meatballs, sauce etc Or do you want to take a few shortcuts?

>> No.10288992

Everything from scratch

>> No.10288994

That’s an American invention

>> No.10289017
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Heh, come over here, kid, learn something. You never know, you might have to cook for twenty guys someday. You see, you start out with a little bit of oil. Then you fry some garlic. Then you throw in some tomatoes, tomato paste, you fry it; ya make sure it doesn't stick. You get it to a boil; you shove in all your sausage and your meatballs; heh?... And a little bit o' wine. An' a little bit o' sugar, and that's my trick.

>> No.10289026

Well I'm gonna exclude the pasta from that, so:
Canned chopped tomatoes
Tomato paste
Fresh oregano
Red wine
2 or 3 garlic cloves

Finely chop and then soften the onion and garlic, add red wine and reduce by half. Add the tomato paste and the tinned tomatoes then the oregano, salt, pepper, and sugar, simmer for at least 25 minutes plus more to cook the meatballs. I usually leave it longer.

Ground beef and pork 50/50
Olive oil
A beaten egg
Literally combine all that shit and roll into balls. Make sure it's all really well combined though.

Get a hot pan, put in oil and butter and sear the meatballs to get a nice color on them, then cook them through by adding to the sauce for 10 - 15 minutes. Cook the spaghetti as per the instructions and serve with grated parmesan and fresh basil.

Remember to taste as you go regularly and adjust seasonings.

>> No.10289032

Here you go fwen
Sauce https://youtu.be/HP9doLye26I
Meatballs https://youtu.be/-6_kRAZXyu0

>> No.10289049
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thanks frens

>> No.10289126

Don't be afraid to change bits either, you like a lot of garlic? Put more in, you want a bit of heat? Add some chilli flakes. Just be sure to taste as you go and adjust to your own preferences.

>> No.10289140

if the meat ball recipe doesn't include buttermilk soaked bread, throw it in the garbage

>> No.10289292

euros btfo once again!

>> No.10289449

Most productive thread on ck today

>> No.10289466


Why are u posting help helpers? Are you a goddamn ylilauta veeti

>> No.10289480 [DELETED] 
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I can't remember the last time I made spaghetti and meatballs but this is how my dad always made it
>boil water
>break spaghetti noodles in half
>put noodles in water
>strain water when noodles get soft
>add pick related
>top with canned green beans

>> No.10289490
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I can't remember the last time I made spaghetti and meatballs but this is how my dad always made it
>boil water
>break spaghetti noodles in half
>put noodles in water
>strain water when noodles get soft
>add pic related
>top with canned green beans

>> No.10289712
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hot spaget, add cheese, punch sausages, make into ball shape, fry or something, add ragu.

>> No.10289775

Canada plz go

>> No.10290869
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I c-could make u spaghetti bolognese fren if you r-rather that.

>> No.10290885

Fuck off Reddit

>> No.10290890
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>> No.10290897

>Reddit frog on 4Chan
Hello, new friend.
Try sniffing aerosols you fucking waste of bandwidth.

>> No.10290902
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>> No.10291067

>Reddit frog
>originated in this shithole

>> No.10291094
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>Calls people new

>> No.10291103
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(This recipe makes about 60-70 meatballs, depending on if you add the onion or not.)

-A pack of sausage meat
-A pack of minced beef
-Two slices of bread
-Half a small onion (finely chopped)
-Salt and pepper (to taste)

1. Put minced beef and sausage meat into a large mixing bowl. Blend the bread until it’s a powdery crumb with no big bits and add it to the mix. Season with salt and pepper.

2. Mix it all with your hands for a few minutes, then, if desired, add the onion to it

3. Continue mixing until it becomes a big blob. Now the fun begins!

4. Roll out the mixture into 20 gram balls onto a floury table. Once done, put them on a baking sheet or somewhere out of the way.

5. When all the mix has been used,shallow fry them in a little sunflower oil for 3-4 minutes until they brown.

6. Once done, put them on some absorbent paper to soak up any fat and leave them to cool.

Now all you have to do is put them in an airtight bag in your freezer and simply cook them up for when you want them later!

>> No.10291112

Okie dokie

>> No.10292141

I have more recipes if the thread stays up for tomorrow

>> No.10292170
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>no garlic
>no parsley
>not pork & beef
>'sausage meat' whatever the fuck that is, horse?
>no microwaving/frying a lil bit of the mixture to taste for seasoning
>freezing cooked meat

>> No.10292203

>Put more in, you want a bit of heat? Add some chilli flakes.

If you want to add heat when you're at the cooking stage: add chili/cayenne powder.
If you want to add heat after the cooking stage: add chili flakes.

When you're cooking powders will immigrate into whatever it is you're making and you'll have a better more immersed flavor instead of a situational one like you'd get with just the flakes.
Don't add it in though if you're past the cooking phase or if you're warming it up: it'll make it 'grainy' since it won't cook down.

This is the only advice I have to offer because I've spent too much time trying to make pre-packaged food taste better with onion/garlic/chili powders.

>> No.10292260

>uuuhh what's a sausage
yeah it's horse you dim fuck

>> No.10292279

fuck you

>> No.10292353

just not to keen on unspecific meat senpai

>> No.10292407


>> No.10292457

SKETTIES!? Babbeh wuv sketties! Nice mistuh giv sketties to babbeh?

>> No.10292466

chef boyardee, open the can, dump in a pan

>> No.10292488

How many "packs" in a pound? This is some straight midwest working mom shit.

>> No.10292584

the tomato sauce with boiled meats makes all the difference
you get some meat [for meat balls] and boil it with some onions then you add the tomato

>> No.10292587

what do you do with 60-70 meatballs?

>> No.10292596

>leave them to cool
>put them in your freezer

meatballs are meant to be bbq'd and eaten hot you savage

>> No.10293601

eat them

>> No.10293636
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>'sausage meat' whatever the fuck that is, horse?

>> No.10293881

Retard pepe originated from ylilauta

>> No.10294214


>> No.10294844

>no quantities

>> No.10295350

Does anyone else own a copy of the Bowler's Meatball Cookbook?

>> No.10295482

When will moot range ban frog posting? Fucking sick of seeing these disgusting racist cartoons plastered over every forum I visit on here.

>> No.10295506 [DELETED] 

>When will moot range ban frog posting?
Is this a joke?

>> No.10295705


>> No.10296479

i think they forgot basil in there somewhere...
just an opinion. i'd add it to the sauce. chiffonade into the meatballs maybe? i think that sweet basil flavor complements the other things. also, i add fresh grated pecorino to my meatballs.

>> No.10296611
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>> No.10297160
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>> No.10297170


>> No.10297184

>top with canned green beans
When you thought the nightmare was over

>> No.10297190

Buy spaghet. Buy tomat sauce. Buy meat.

Shape meat into ball. Cook. Cook spaghet. Mix meat ball with tomat sauce. Heat. Add spaghet.

Spaghet meatball done.

>> No.10299095

classic /ck/