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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 474x248, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10288190 No.10288190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have an attraction to watching somebody eat? Because whenever I see her eat the more I want to see her eat more and I have no idea why. Someone on /tv/ suggests it's because it's primal. She chews with her mouth open and while it's gross it's something I just cannot turn away from. I want to feed her more just so I could watch her eat. What the fuck is wrong with me?!

>> No.10288207

>tfw ywn transition at 14 and be paid to get fat on tv

>> No.10288215

South Korean chicks make big bucks streaming it, they even have their own term for it, Mukbang (방송).

>> No.10288216

TLC doesn't pay anyone well. People are commodities to them. Now they are cashing in on a mental disorder. There is a special place in hell for the executives in charge of The Learning Channel. They left Honey Boo Boo's family out to dry and John from John & Kate Plus 8 is now living in a shithole. I've seen some of the episodes of her show too and I feel bad for Jazz a lot. She seems like a legitimate nice person and she doesn't deserve to be on TLC where they don't give a shit about what she is going through. They only see it as a way of profiting off of it.

>> No.10288219

They're not as adorable as Jazz though. And the woman in that thumbnail looks ugly as fuck. Not sure why there are men out there willing to fuck an Asian woman when only a few handful of them are remotely attractive.

>> No.10288220

That's how fetishes work in the real world, as opposed to how most of 4chan pretends they work. Congratulations, you're getting off to underage boys.

>> No.10288227

> underage girls

Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.10288228

>John and Kate Plus 8
That couple was utterly vile, from start to finish in that whole series. They made Honey Boo Boo's family look much better (in that the couple seemed to actually want to be in the same house together)
I don't think you have a fetish about women eating, but you're crushing hard after this particular girl.

>> No.10288231

Pretend I'm taking your bait.

>> No.10288237

She would be 18 this October.

>> No.10288240

OP is getting off in March, so October is irrelevant.

>> No.10288241

What bait?

>> No.10288242

>would be
When did she die?

>> No.10288244

That's the spirit.

>> No.10288245

Anon is saying that Jazz will be 18 in October. They didn't say would've, learn to read.

>> No.10288246

They grow up in size so fast

>> No.10288255

She's going to have a vagina made from an anus. Does this mean she has two places to engage in anal?

>> No.10288258

Three, considering her face.

>> No.10288268
File: 1.49 MB, 969x939, el.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10288275

She asks about vaginas are the dinner table.


>> No.10288278

Why? He'll never have a vagina.

>> No.10288279

I honestly think Jazz will grow up to be a respectable young lady and I think that will mostly have to do with her father. Yeah, like a faggot, I watch the show and I honestly like her dad a lot.

>> No.10288285

The "oh no, I cannot get the surgery" bit is finished, mate, there is a way. That is why >>10288255 made this thread. Not sure why they are taking skin from the anus though, but apparently Jazz was born with a micropenis.

>> No.10288287

Is Jazz Mexican?

>> No.10288288

>apparently Jazz was born with a micropenis
Not technically, they started the hrt too soon and his dick can never develop. Baby dick is the better term.

>> No.10288291

Doesn't it give away that the dad has a baby dick as well.

>> No.10288300

But how the fuck does that not leave enough skin for the surgery. I have a family member who is trans and I go with them to an LGBT Center where my sibling told me what they told her that usually there is always enough skin even if the penis is small. This is why I assumed it was a microdick.

>> No.10288305

A small penis and a baby penis are different things. Even a small dick has had time to develop.

>> No.10288306

Her dad is so chill.


I wish he were my dad. ;_;

>> No.10288311

Did Jazz have vocal training or is that her natural voice? Because how the hell does it sound feminine?


>> No.10288312


>> No.10288317
File: 1.68 MB, 1053x1077, I Am Jazz S04E07 Hungry for Acceptance 1080p Amazon WEB-DL DD+ 2.0 x264-TrollH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

michaela best girl btw

>> No.10288328

Yeah, how does Jazz's voice sound more feminine than Noelle's?

>> No.10288332

Literally hormones.

>> No.10288335

jazz started transitioning way before noel. notice how noel still looks like a dude?

>> No.10288341

Hormones can have an effect on the voice like that?

>> No.10288349

yes. they also affect the way a person smells among a myriad of other things.

>> No.10288350

How come this show strikes too close to home for me as a brother of a trans-sister?

Sometimes I cannot help but feel like God is punishing me for something since I used to be all about wanting to push degenerates into the fire and now I am seeing a degenerate almost everyday of my life. I think I am becoming one myself because hanging out with her has been better than it ever was in the past.

Fuck me.

>> No.10288360

post pics bro

>> No.10288364

>Now they are cashing in on a mental disorder.
the disorder is physical, not mental.

>> No.10288369

>How come this show strikes too close to home for me as a brother of a trans-sister?
>explain details of my life to me, even though you only know this single fact of me.

>> No.10288393

Gender dysphoria is a physical disorder? :-O

>> No.10288401

this is like asking "knee pain is a physical disorder?". no, knee pain is neurological, but the cause, a shot to the knee, is physical. Likewise, the cause of dysphoria is physical.

>> No.10288409

>would have
I think you're the one who needs the grammar lesson. The appropriate term is "will be"

>> No.10288413

what a disgusting fat piece of shit

>> No.10288418

He is Jewish

>> No.10288420
File: 122 KB, 484x996, thiqque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck OFF bigot

>> No.10288427

Back to /tttt/ and stop posting fat guys on /ck/

>> No.10288432

whats /tttt/? i just shitpost jazz on /tv/

>> No.10288439

/tttt/ is a general on /lgbt/.

See >>10288227

>> No.10288452

>hates asian women
>likes mulatto jewish tranny

>> No.10288455


Is it pregnant?

>> No.10288458

no just fat

>> No.10288487

>/tttt/ is a general on /lgbt/.
no it's a nickname for /lgbt/. Also /lgbt/ makes fun of her more than any other board so it would be a bad place to go.

>> No.10288488

whats /tttt/ even mean?

>> No.10288490

trans trans trans trans. it's because transgendered people have more to discuss than the other groups, so it dominates the board a little bit.
I mean, if you're gay it doesn't define your life as much, if you wanna hook up there's /soc/, and if you wanna indulge your sexuality there's /hm/ and a number of other boards. /lgbt/'s real niche is trans discussion.

>> No.10288491

ah i see. trannies being attention whores as usual.

>> No.10288497

not really. transpeople keep to their own threads generally. which they keep going until image limit, where other gens usually refresh at bump limit. really they take more steps to not be obtrusive than the lgb do, they just have more to talk about

>> No.10288504


>> No.10288551

fuck off and kill yourself ugly hon. You will never pass, you will always be a guy, and no one will ever love you.

>> No.10288558

not the person you replied to but what is that? all this new /lgbt/ terminology is new to me.

>> No.10288583

A hon is a tranny that looks like a man in a dress and makeup. So basically 99.99% of trannies.

>> No.10288601

el atrocidad....

>> No.10288633

If you’re not smart enough to realize being an attention whore isn’t a real job you don’t deserve sympathy

>> No.10289109

John needed to fuck off and die that fucker was cheating on top of trying to steal money from the kids college fund to pay for hookers

>> No.10289286

Yea lol maybe in the 80s. Kids these days are getting on hormones at like 17 and 18 years old. There are going to be a lot of passers soon.

>> No.10289296

No, it's mental. Since you think you're something you arent

>> No.10289313

I want to have sex with Jazz!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10289327


You should just put that in the subject line so everyone knows to filter you.

>> No.10289348
File: 607 KB, 160x120, 57bcb5a6-b9d5-4d22-bc61-712c5d96c51a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scene in Star Trek where Riker eats Klingon food has always turned me on, I think we have the same thing

>> No.10289435


>> No.10289439

>you think you're something you arent
Trans people know what their bodies look like anon, are you retarded?

>> No.10289440

Hey man, you find trannies attractive, I find asian women attractive. Some people juggle geese.

>> No.10289446

...how do you think women generally have higher pitched voices than men?

>> No.10289493

Hormones' effect on the voice is kind of a one-way street. While testosterone will lower it, estrogen won't raise the pitch of an androgenized voice. So a male to female tranny will have a naturally high voice only if their transition occurs before the onset of vocal masculinization in puberty.

>> No.10289511

>born a man
>believe I'm a woman
That's not mental?

>> No.10289603

>believe I'm a woman
No you idiot, because trannies don't "believe they're women." Have you ever even had a conversation with one? I have a dick and balls. Do you think I have a broken brain that goes "dick + testicles = female"? Obviously not. I've studied biology, humanities, philosophy, psychology. I have a clinically tested IQ of 134. I'm a pretty fucking smart and reasonable person.

If you want to discuss trannies who "think they're girls," then you're looking at one of two things. It is either at textbook delusion, i.e. cotard's syndrome, wherein a patient literally believes themselves to be dead. An individual experiencing such a delusion would immediately be triaged as having a disorder of deluded self-perception. OR you are looking at an individual who merely defines "woman," differently than you do. You're welcome to think that's weird, wrong, perverse, degenerate, retarded, backwards, etc, etc, but it is axiomatically NOT a delusion. Personally I do not put much weight on definitions. I do not call myself a woman because I realize that arguing with someone about whether or not I'm a woman is not arguing about phenomenology but is rather arguing over semantics.

Regardless, I am a tranny, and I'm very much an expert on the topic. I've become tired of seeing people describe trannies as men who see themselves as women, because it's simply wrong. A man wanting to be a woman and a man believing that he is a woman are actually not even similar. The precise reason trannies are distressed is because they realize that they are NOT women. And sure, we seek to do what we can to become more like women, but we obviously realize the limitations of our pursuit.

Any questions?

>> No.10289609

>any questions?
suicide when?

>> No.10289617

saved for future use. kek, tranny shit is just inherently hilarious.

>> No.10289639

>I laughed haha
I remember being 16

>> No.10289652


>> No.10289659

>fresh off the boat from Reddit, shitty mental gymnastics and all
You have to go back tranny faggot

>> No.10289666

you need to go a bit futher. ppl are pretty dum here so they might not get the satire.

>> No.10289728

>tfw you all meme but aren't smart enough to actually criticize
Very sad.

>> No.10289777

Makes sense to me, but instead of permanently mutilating your bodies, why not try to seek psychiatric help? I guess I don't understand supporting the delusion that is transgender.

>> No.10289782

Saved going to spam this shit in the sip threads when im in the mood

>> No.10289786
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>> No.10289792
File: 22 KB, 300x243, Black Pride 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /ck/ still gets triggered over the gays

Deal with it, faggots

>> No.10289800
File: 19 KB, 205x166, 1520690187878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can X be a fetish?

>> No.10289801

Someone needs to tell her to stop squinting so much

>> No.10289809

It's not a delusion though. It's disordered, sure, illogical, sure, but delusional, no. Anyway, you should probably be asking doctors why they've never succeeded in finding a cure for the desire to be the other gender.

>> No.10289811

Get the fuck off our board you ugly faggot. No one would even give a shit if it wasn’t for the fact you and so many other trannies always need to be the centre of attention. You have a board for this bullshit, yet it’s not good enough to stay there. Fucking kill yourself now instead of waiting until you’re in you 30’s to do it. If anyone loved you, you wouldn’t be here. You have nothing to live for and the world laughs at you or looks at you with disgust. Once again, fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.10289831

I'd say you're delusional if you think woman or female can have different meanings. Those are pretty solidified terms scientifically.
Also, doctors have hardly cured any disease or mental ailment. Transgender isn't some special disorder that can't be helped, western society just treats it that way

>> No.10289853

It’s the only mental disorder that society doesn’t encourage treatment for.

>> No.10289870

Why are you so angry

>> No.10289880
File: 16 KB, 640x400, she.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10289989

wow youre fucking gay man

>> No.10289991

Why would I criticize such perfect bait? 10/10

>> No.10289996

>the lip lick at the end
Heshe wants himhers dickpussy.

>> No.10289998

traps aren't gay

>> No.10290022

>All these buttmad retards
Lol why you mad tho? I'm trans and happy. Sorry about it.

>> No.10290210

>be mentally fucked up
>call others retards

>> No.10290212

What a shocker, /tv/ postsrs are complete fucking cancer