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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 981 KB, 3456x2304, extraflavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10286354 No.10286354 [Reply] [Original]

>waaaaa you left the microwave dirty, I'm gonna leave passive aggressive notes about cleaning it booo hoooo

WHO FUCKING CARES IF IT'S DIRTY. It's a microwave! All the shit that splatters about gets irradiated every time you use it anyway, not like it's gonna grow mold or anything. Plus it's out of sight. Why do people give a damn?

>> No.10286414

Disgusting pig.

>> No.10286421

>never been to prison

>> No.10286424

I more mad that they'd rather bitch then clean the microwave so it stops bothering them. If i see a small mess ill clean it up because i know whoever made it was too much of a horrible slob to do it themselves and will probably keep making messes that will never get cleaned unless someone else cleans it.

>> No.10286425

smells bad man

>> No.10286431
File: 13 KB, 326x298, Our+memes+let+him+know+that+people+are+out+there+_2d6522bffbc0d0accdf85dbf626d7567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please just clean up the microwave you toddler, it takes 20 seconds.

>> No.10286448

>it's gonna grow mold or anything
Wrong. Every time you turn that microwave on, you're putting us closer to having a radiation-resistant strain of fungi. Shame on you.

>> No.10286453

thats a good boy

>> No.10286458

Literally normies. I see even at work, they would rather bitch that take less than that time in order to fix the shit that's bothering them.

>> No.10286465
File: 13 KB, 400x400, microwave cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people give a damn?
Because it's unsightly and probably could start causing a problem if the food starts getting caked enough.

Tell ya what, if you're too lazy to babysit your food for a few minutes invest in pic related so it doesn't spatter.
If you can't be assed to clean an appliance surely your fat ass could swing a cover into the dishwasher every now and then I reckon?

>> No.10286474


fuck off impostor. OP here and I absolutely never clean other people's messes.

>> No.10286478

Let me guess, mostly/all women

>> No.10286479

Just cover it with another plate when you heat it up

>> No.10286483
File: 40 KB, 500x449, jbpeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10286536

I don't like covering my food in the microwave because steam builds up on the lid and condensates, and then there's water dripping all over my food.

So I typically drape a paper towel over it instead. It wicks away the moisture, keeping the food dry

>> No.10286623
File: 168 KB, 915x378, 1401036784309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting a paper towel or another plate/bowl over your food so it doesn't splatter everywhere

I also don't wear shoes indoors.

>> No.10286692

The key is to leave an opening or tilting the cover so the steam exits, not completely cover it

>> No.10286700

I have a roommate passive aggressively suggest I throw something out and clean the fridge

instead I bought turkey breast, took it out of the package, and now its sitting in the fridge covered in mold

>> No.10286742

Your roommate is a beta cuck but he was in the right. Clean out your stuff you slob

>> No.10286756

People microwave their food?

>> No.10286765

Yo, this guy saw an episode of the office and thought it was real. Guarantee no one ever complained to you about this shit irl, lmao

>> No.10286802

>t. cuck

>> No.10286846

But it's so easy to clean. Just put a bowl of water in for like a couple minutes and wipe it. You're trash.

>> No.10286852

>fungi apocalypse when

>> No.10287051

>Wrong. Every time you turn that microwave on, you're putting us closer to having a radiation-resistant strain of fungi. Shame on you.

You might want to check out the fungi that are thriving at chernobyl

>> No.10287081

you are an animal, i hope the crust on your filth covered microwave falls into your food.

>> No.10287107

It's literally the same as not cleaning you dishes, your counter, your stove, fridge, even your floors. It's unsanitary, it's unsightly, it's childish, its lazy, it's just plain gross. If it's your microwave and no one sees it but you then have fun living as a preteen when their parents are gone. If you share a house with anyone. Clean up after yourself you selfish narcissistic prick.

>> No.10287183


>> No.10287758

Just put a piece of cling film over the top it's not difficult you mouth breather

>> No.10287870

>putting plastic wrap in the microwave
Are you actually defective

>> No.10287977

It's more about how you don't cover your food with a paper towel when you microwave it. It's common fucking sense.

>> No.10288025
File: 1.25 MB, 1527x859, ricecooker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my microwave in a shared house that hadn't been cleaned in at least five years looked like that, took me ten minutes max to clean it.

pic related: our rice cooker

>> No.10288044

Can I put shit in the microwave and make it sanitary by radiating it?

>> No.10288230

Grow up.

>> No.10288254

I only thaw shit in mine, or sometimes nuke leftovers.
Did your coworker call you out for blowing up a hot pocket again?

>> No.10288617
File: 92 KB, 872x685, 1415067982119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at convenience store
>overnight dude comes into work frequently smelling like actual feces
>overwhelming bo otherwise
>doesn't clean/stock bathrooms, floors, anything
>sleeps and reads comic books every night for his whole shift
I don't know how he's not fired yet. He also throws temper tantrums where he'll be slamming everything he can and making loud huffs, puffs, and grunts whenever a customer walks in the store.

I get it dude our job sucks but at least do your part so its less miserable for everyone else fuck
>every day when the microwaves have multiple layers of shit caked on them because C shift can't be bothered to do his damn job and clean them

>> No.10289919

Microwave I occasionally used in a TV/break room when in the Navy aboard an aircraft carrier, this model still had a dial to set the cook time, was completely black on the inside, no light either and the door was solid, no glass, thing had an actual bell that ring when the cook time was up, there was so much splatter inside that it looked like it was lined with a non-stick coating, guys would just put food, sans a plate, inside and turn it on, it also did not have a turntable, it stunk like a dumpster once it began cooking, disgusting.

>> No.10291198

What country has this level of filthy niggerage AND aircraft carriers? Are you from Wakanda?

>> No.10291215

>someone leaves a note because cleaning up after another grown ass adult is stupid
>grown ass adult that can't clean up after themselves comes on /ck/ to complain
i see

>> No.10291299

If you keep cleaning up after them, they will never learn and continue to make a mess. You need to get a grip