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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 616x462, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10277855 No.10277855 [Reply] [Original]

Name a more overrated food

>> No.10277858


>> No.10277861


>> No.10277860

Anything north of the equator.

>> No.10277866

sushi. it's not even cooked.

>> No.10277872

>Paragon of food

>> No.10277875


>> No.10277884

I'm taking the bait for the sake of this thread: You're a dick.

>> No.10277895
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sorry but I'm going to have to double down

>> No.10277903

Speaking of double down, who doesn't love fried chicken?

>> No.10277915

Nearly every culture eats it. It's so good that I don't think I could call it overrated. We need some anti fried chicken posters to argue their case to reach a proper verdict.

>> No.10277916

pizza is the most overrated food ever

>> No.10277918

Absolutely this. Or pasta.

>> No.10277919

The chicken.

>> No.10277924

Bacon is at least a close second

>> No.10277929

I can agree unless it is chopped into tiny bits and put on something as a quasi-seasoning.

>> No.10277931

You're allowed to like a food that's overrated.

>> No.10277938

NO! That makes too much sense.

>> No.10277946

salt & pepper as default while nutritional yeast and papaya seeds exist.

>> No.10277952
File: 85 KB, 511x606, imageproxy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke af

>> No.10277958

I mean he posted a Tbone so technically he's correct, it is kinda overrated compared to Ribeyes

>> No.10277962

Where does the porterhouse rank?

>> No.10277963

For me? Its the McDicken

>> No.10277968

Chicken wings, hands down.

>> No.10277971

god tier if you know how to cook the two cuts appropriately
shit tier if you throw it, indiscriminately. on the fire like an ape pleb

>> No.10277976


>> No.10277977

around middle of the pack, it's part Filet which is by far the most overrated cut but the strip side's still pretty good

>> No.10277981

Something a stupid asshole would think of..

>> No.10277984

Oh, I came up with it, pizza! That's what a dumb cunt would say.

>> No.10278654


>> No.10278685


>> No.10278691

Op is right ribeyes are overrated
porterhouse > new york strip >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ribeye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenderloin

>> No.10278710


This it why no one lets you near the grill. What kind of asshole chooses new york strip over ribeye??

Thats an angry wife's choice.

>> No.10278746


>> No.10278757
File: 173 KB, 378x388, 1519156599971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change the topic to

"Im poor and here are the things i cant afford" and maybe ill give (you)

>> No.10278764
File: 113 KB, 783x501, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can afford USDA Choice steak from Wal*Mart so I've definitely Made It™

>> No.10278880

No thanks to all that fat

>> No.10278897

fucking moron. fat is good for you.

>> No.10278899


This mentality happened in the 50s. They programmed idiots to hate fat instead of carbs and sugars.

Enjoy your early death you stupid stupid fucks.

>> No.10278900

t. american

I was referring to the giant viscous globules of fat that stick to the meat, not the dietary fat anyway

>> No.10278905


>> No.10278908

>>>10278897 (You)
>t. american
>I was referring to the giant viscous globules of fat that stick to the meat, not the dietary fat anyway
That's what gives the steak flavour. You're still a moron.

>> No.10278909


Shut the fuck up. Steak fat is negligent. Like you.

>> No.10278911

This desu. Cook it up and then remove the damn fat if you're really that much of a soyboy. If that's too much effort for you, you were already a lost cause.

>> No.10278918

why do you people need to sound so stupid all the time? You really end up sounding like children.

Are you all under 15?

>> No.10278919

You don't have this problem with the patrician porterhouse
But you all wouldn't know that since you can't afford them

>> No.10278922

No, I can. But if you turn your nose up at a tiny bit of effort, you're a queer.

>> No.10278924


A Porterhouse is just a piece of shit t-bone. Stop being human garbage.

>> No.10278954

that is a t-bone in the op...
damn that must be embarrassing...

>> No.10278956

Watley from Accounting?

>> No.10278964

Have you trailerpark morons figured out what a porterhouse is yet? It's a T-Bone someone couldn't figure out was from on rib closer to center. You assholes are very simple people.

>> No.10279329

Cous Cous

I've got nothing against vegan food but what is the obsession with tasteless gritty mud textured food?

>> No.10279342

Have 3:

>> No.10280209

The rice is cooked

>> No.10280300

hummus is a pretty good dip though.
also pretty good on grilled chicken

>> No.10280368


>> No.10280469
File: 51 KB, 573x493, 8B7A0967-9F77-4797-A88A-8A57E9C22432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You profat fags are more retarded than flat earthers

t. Nutritionist

>> No.10280534

no it isn't. Its fucking shit dip, and if you put hummus on grilled chicken you don't deserve chicken

>> No.10280538

time to go back to nutrition school

>> No.10280544

i'm confused, am i supposed to name essentially everything seeing as how steak isn't overrated?

>> No.10280561
File: 397 KB, 245x138, mitchell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find me ONE study that conclusively links a high-fat diet to bad health. Especially compared to a high-carb one.

>> No.10280583

take a look at this faggot, cous cous and quinoa are for leafeaters only

>> No.10280600

If you're STILL telling people that fat is bad for them in 2018 then you're either a really, really bad nutritionist or a scam artist. You sound like a flat-earther arguing with Galileo.

>> No.10280683

Falafel is good if its made fresh and not fried to hell and back, pair it with a tahini or garlic sauce and its a great snack.

>> No.10280700

Korean food, its usually some form of slop with tofu and kimchi thrown in barring KBBQ.

>> No.10280741

corned beef & cabbage

>> No.10280857


Protip: dietitians are people licensed to actually know anything about food and diet, while nutritionists are vitamin salesmen. If you're going to pretend you're an expert online, say you're a dietitian

>> No.10280865

>i've only eaten korean food in the 2nd ID Tongdushun ville or some other hellhole outside an ameriturd base.

>> No.10280886

If you actually paid attention you'd know fat, protein, and carbs hold no threat to you, it's about eating in moderation.
The only form of fat you should avoid is trans fats.
Sugar is terrible for you in large amounts though.

>> No.10281915

The objection to fat is it tastes fucking disgusting to eat, so you and the other 5 regards thinking it's about health can do one.

>> No.10281924

Mexican is just fried vomit with cheese on top.

>> No.10283515

Say there was a creature that ate an excessively high fat diet, like just about every meal incorporates meat, dairy or both - do all the old fears associated with fat still apply to such a creature?

>> No.10283517

It's always either greasy as fuck or dry as fuck, roasting or BBQ is much better.

>> No.10283520

Not if it's done right, a good southern Italian thincrust is godlike

The pasta itself isn't that good, but it's a great vehicle for sauces.

>> No.10283523

Fancy salts and peppers especially

>> No.10283525

Vegan food is ruined by vegans who feel the need to prove that it's a substitute for non-vegan food. Those things are great in specific situations, but not everywhere leafshills try and force it.

>> No.10283531

I really can't.

>> No.10283535


>> No.10283568

We're not saying to stuff your face with pure meat fat, just that eating a decent amount each meal isn't nearly as bad for you as the copious amounts of sugar people have each day.

>> No.10283573


>> No.10283578

The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10283593


>> No.10283627

Anything west of the prime meridian

>> No.10283655

McDonalds 2 billion served, still aweful

>> No.10283666

Anything south of the 90 degrees parallel

>> No.10283675

Oh holy shit I hope you were lying about being a nutritionist what the fuck are you talking about oh my god stop, youve already told us youre a vegan.

>> No.10283695


>> No.10284769

Say what you like, this hypothetical creature goes through a block of cheddar, a wedge of parm, a tub of butter/oil blend, 6 litres of milk(bout 2 gallons)and a couple fast food trips per week, and a meat-based meal everyday, regardless of any anon's advice.
I just wonder if this creature that knows no moderation might be susceptible to the old proclaimed ill effects or if its all horseshit.

No, I'm a nutritionist now fuck off

>> No.10286377

>not a dietician
What, couldn't pass the exam for your CDR registration?

>> No.10287003

>Sushi is not cooked
No one eats raw sushi

>> No.10287023
File: 181 KB, 1000x667, 1-Salmon-Sashimi-with-Ponzu-3-1-of-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10287030

Wheres the sushi?

>> No.10287031


no one eats cooked raw sushi.

>> No.10287034
File: 5 KB, 404x94, Screenshot from 2018-03-13 22-09-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10287047

Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨) is a Japanese dish of specially prepared vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi), usually with some sugar and salt, combined with a variety of ingredients (ネタ neta)

>> No.10287048

mexican, asian, african, middle-eastern, indian

>> No.10287059

Friendly reminder that this is an english speaking American website.

>> No.10287067

Which only has 40% from USA.