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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 224 KB, 1200x900, chicken thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10275902 No.10275902 [Reply] [Original]

Hey friends, hopping over from the land of /fit/.

I usually have boneless skinless chicken breasts as my primary source of meat protein, but bone-in chicken thighs are a lot cheaper than breasts so I went for them at Costco this time. Problem is, I don't know how to prepare them properly or make them taste good. Can you guys redpill me on chicken thighs and maybe give me a few good cooking techniques/recipes?

Thank you very much in advance.

>> No.10275912

Put them in your spandex while you do squatz, gaylord

>> No.10275916

pop em in the microwave until cooked then cover in hot sauce.

>> No.10275920
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cmon guys im serious

>> No.10275926

Put them in a slow cooker with a decent bbq sauce and then make pulled chicken sandwiches. Basically pulled pork but with chicken.

>> No.10275934

get a cookbook. its nearly impossible to fuck up chicken thighs unless you way overseason them.

>> No.10275935

>redpill me
and I was going to help you too

>> No.10275940

I bet you let your mom do all your cooking.

>> No.10275943

chicken thighs are nice because they are flavorful and don't dry out like breasts

what do /fit/ people eat? i am going to make a curry this week

>> No.10275955
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season them to your liking and roast in the oven them on a bed of veggies.

>> No.10275956

cucks can't cook anyway

>> No.10275965

Thighs respond extremely well to braising/stewing and confiting if you can get them skin on. Try simmering them with some bacon, onion, and cabbage for about half an hour or so or using confit thighs to make a hash and serving it on a salad.

>> No.10275966

not curry because fit people hate indians because indians are never fit.

>> No.10275993

you're living proof

>> No.10276040

coq au vin

>> No.10276053

>"/fit/ here"
>"teach me how to make chicken taste good"
>"redpill me"

This must be bait. If not, fuck off.

>> No.10276079

boneless/skinless thighs = stir fry buddy.

>> No.10276084

> its nearly impossible to fuck up chicken thighs unless you way overseason them.
What he said. Thighs differ from breast meat in that they have flavor. You cannot go wrong with a little olive/whatever oil and a light-snow dusting of kosher salt, then under the broiler for about 40 minutes. Bottom rack, use foil if they're browning too much. Makes incredible meat for tacos/burritos/enchiladas.

My recent favorite recipe by way of Nigella Lawson: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017945-coq-au-riesling make sure to use dry Riesling.

>> No.10276093

Im an American Indian and im fit

>> No.10276117

I meant red dot indians.

>> No.10276133

until you hit 40. then it's chief sitting buffet

>> No.10276223

2 things I've learned about /ck/
never say anything like this >>10275935
and never tell them you have money. that really triggers them.

>> No.10276251

Rub the skin until it becomes loose, then jam in some herbs. Cover in cajun spices and put into a low heat oven for like an hour.

>> No.10276288
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>chicken breasts
>not gonna make it
>bone-in chicken thighs are a lot cheaper than breasts
No they aren't you god damn idiot, I've been trying to tell you to go to all the different stores you possibly can to find the best prices. You can find a week's worth of chicken breasts for less than $12-15. You need to expect to pay whatever price you can for the best possible food.

If you want your chicken to taste good you need to INVEST in spices and some low calorie sauces. You can bake (what I do, with oil to keep from sticking), stove-top fry in-pan in oil and/or with veggies, or boil in stock. You're going to learn very quickly around here that your creativity is not something that can be calculated and measured by any of us, just critiqued.

>> No.10276302

Remove the bone, cut up in chunks. Sear on high heat until if gets some nice color. Pour a mixture of soy sauce, mirin, chili paste, sesame oil, and chopped garlic. Let the sauce reduce until a glaze consistency. You may need to reduce the heat so you dont scorch the sauce. Eat that over brown rice with some sauteed vegetables.

>> No.10276316
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>> No.10276326
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ah shit, sorry, thought you said boneless chicken thighs, not breasts. yeah, you're good.
you're gonna make it

>> No.10276329

Maple dijon chicken thighs with some nice jasmine rice is p dank.

>> No.10276341

Spend more money and get the boneless, poorfag.

Also buy some fish, poorfag.

You are poor.

>> No.10276597

Can't explain it

>> No.10276649

Okay, that's fine then.

>> No.10276694

>Hopping over from the land of /fit/

Why do you stupid fucks always do this? What makes you think anyone gives a shit youre from the dumbest fucking board on here? No other people from other boards comes to make a thread and says “hey guys im from /ck/!!!!” like some fucking aspie

Fuck you

>> No.10276704

The cheapest, stupidest thing you can do is marinade them in Kraft italian dressing over night. After that, do what you want.

>> No.10276762
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>it's another "/fit/fag needs help with chicken" thread

>> No.10276768


Oh right, and after that, slap that on the grill. olive oil and some spices, keep it from being burned and you're golden.

>> No.10276852
File: 12 KB, 403x300, nasty nate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck yourselves

thanks /b/ros

>> No.10276897

You can use thighs for pretty much anything. I use them for:
-Indian curry dishes
-Stir fry
-Chicken fried rice
-Chicken cacciatore
-Served over pasta with a tomato sauce

You really can't go wrong.

They can be braised, sauted, steamed, or stir fired as they are, or by simply de-boning them. I like to toss them into some boiling water for a minute or two on each side, and then de-boning them and finishing them off in a wok/pan, whatever. The par-boil makes it easier to de-bone.

>> No.10277038

I would have helped you but

>> No.10277111

You cook them the same way as breasts????
Use your brain.

>> No.10277539

Glad you felt the need to correct your post that everyone ignored, (You)

>> No.10277566

Pretty much the same as breasts, OP
A big of mine is to just slow roast them in the oven with a ton of jalapenos, thyme, and olive oil at 400 for a while, depending how many you have
With maybe 5 minutes left of cooking, throw on a sweet bbq sauce to counteract the jalapenos

>> No.10278185



>> No.10278222

Brine them bro they taste fantastic whatever you put them with and you won't need to add anymore salt to them after.
1 gallon hot water
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup salt
Mix it around until it's dissolved or bring it to a boil. Chill it. Just don't put the chicken in the brine until it's cold. (Idk what your cooking level is) let it sit overnight. Leave it in the brine until you need to use it and just pat dry and bake it.
You can add spices but avoid spice mixes as they will probably make it too salty. Don't leave the chicken in the brine for more than a week if you still have chicken after that point the chicken is still good but just take it out of the brine and let it dry out in the cooler on that lined with paper towels. Toss the bring at that point and don't reuse brine you don't want that chicken blood/juices and bacteria from last week's batch ruining this week's stock.
Thighs take to it well, otherwise lemon, rosemary, thyme, white wine all go good with chicken look up 'chicken stock aromats' if you want a quick lesson on what the French season chicken with all of it is good for thighs.
Look up red chicken it is Chinese, supposed to be really good and uses specifically thigh meat as does 'one cup chicken (Japanese, one cup soy sauce, one cup sake, one cup mirin I believe and broiled off until the chicken is cooked and the basting liquid is thick enough to be a sauce

>> No.10278231

>That chest
Did his Persian mother get impregnated by a shag carpet?

>> No.10278245

Just grill them with salt and pepper
Or cook em in a pan, little oil salt and pepper and youre set - eat with rice or broccoli or both or whatever, they will be delicious. Chicken thighs are the best part of the chicken

my favorite is deep fried chicken thighs, but if you're fit that won't do well for an everyday thing. Definitely worth a try on a cheat day though. Beer battered chicken thighs are amazing

>> No.10278278

hi op, cheffag here, you still here or what

>> No.10278429

Found the black guy

>> No.10278529

I was gonna say this.

>> No.10278571
File: 606 KB, 500x210, 1515430007852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will suck your fucking dick, Anon, I swear to god, you best watch that cheeky mouth of yours'.

>> No.10278718

Get industrial grade mixer
Put meat in
Add salt, water and corn flour
Mix til smooth
Set to cool
Make nugger shapes
Deep fry


>> No.10278773

Better than a sip, fast food, or do Americans really thread.

>> No.10278885

someone is a mad and scrawny little fuck, /fit/ is far from the dumbest or worst board on this shithole

>> No.10278912
File: 83 KB, 625x626, 1385882977998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I say I'm from a board about fitness it means I look like Mr Olympia
yeah and I shitpost about waifus on /g/ so that makes me basically Dennis Ritchie, if you really think about it

>> No.10279089

Jesus Christ OP breasts are way harder to cook than thighs

>> No.10280888

These. There's nothing like thighs done in a crockpot. And you can't get any easier.

>> No.10280916

cut them up in 5 mm wide strips, perpendicular to how the bone used to sit
put them in some kind of marinade for 30 minutes
dry with paper towels, rub with spices, fry in a pan
a marinade is some liquid which contains alcohol &/ pineapple &/ something sour & some spices

>> No.10281043

Boneless, skinless thighs are the GOAT

just season them up and fry 'em until nice and crispy

BTFOs breast.

>> No.10282424

watch the babish episode on chicken
also buy a copy of "Where's Mom Now That I Need Her"
it's like $10 used and it will give you all the info on basics you need

>> No.10282433
File: 33 KB, 700x700, TP-11-Thermometer-Front-View-Receiver-and-Transmitter_x700.jpg?v=1480321701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in one of these and all of your chicken will come out hot and juicy every time.

>> No.10282446

I'm a red dot indian and I'm fit.

>> No.10282488
File: 158 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u saying wat u motherfucker?

>> No.10282496

lol white people

>> No.10282858

>/fit/ is far from the dumbest or worst board on this shithole
It isn't the dumbest, but it's definitely not "far" from it. The soylent meme that people take seriously is enough proof to show it's barely above /b/ levels of intelligence.
>inb4 le tricky merchant face

>> No.10282864

/fit/ needs to stop coming here to learn how to cook. /ck/ doesn’t know how to cook. /fit/ is my primary board and I use /ck/ as an extended /fph/

>> No.10282891
File: 154 KB, 600x1067, 1520761623669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says people from one board needs to stop coming to /ck/
>Is from Reddit
Absolute faggotry

>> No.10282954

Except I’m not from reddit you bloated faggot. I didn’t say people need to stop coming here, I said people from /fit/ need to stop coming here trying to learn how to cook. This board is for arguing which fast food chain makes the best hamburger, what’s the best candy or pop tart, which soda is best, the al/ck/oholic thread, or $300 for fish on rice threads. There’s no cooking talent here.

>> No.10283033

this reading comprehension gave me aids

>> No.10285352

best thing to do them is poach ib water for 20 mins with a organic bullying cube

>> No.10285363

Try going back to shitty board, /fit/gger.

Because I'm autistic, I have to answer. Wrap in parchment with salt, pepper, lemon and paprika and an herb of your choice (rosemary, dill and thyme would be good choices). Bake at 350 and check doneness near the thickest part of flesh around the bone.

>> No.10287650

psht, what a bunghole

>> No.10287925

but it is the gayest board, way gayer than /lgbt/ in fact.

>> No.10289254
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that goes without saying anon.

>> No.10289625
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I can tell you how to make them tasty. I cant say its the healthiest.

You will need:

(Personally I like to add garlic powder)
Just a bit of PAM or oil. A wee bit
Tongs (I guess if you have some dexterity, you could use a pair of forks, very carefully)

Preheat oven to 370F

Spritz PAM or use a few drops (FEW) to smear where chicken is going. This is just to help it not stick
Place pieces in roaster pan ($4)
Salt pepper and powder each side
Cover and pop in oven
Take out in hour
Pour stock out that forms from tasty chicken roasting. Can discard or save for gravy, etc
Leave uncovered and return to oven for half hour
Take out and let sit for 12-15 minutes so the skin doesnt tear when you remove them (and it will if your not careful)

Enjoy with side

Its gonna be juicy inside and moderately crisp outside. You can also take it out after returning it for its uncovered phase after 15 or so minutes instead and brush some BBQ sauce on and pop it in the broiler for about 7-10 minutes. Or just stick to the plan and put the BBQ sauce on when serving.

You'll like the taste, but if you are fit, you might find it *too* "juicy".

There are variations. Some health conscious types like to fiddle paring fat away before seasoning.

Hope it helps. Ridiculously cheap, tasty and easy. By the pound, we eat 7 times more chicken than any other animal. Its just so tasty, cheap and easy.

>> No.10289644
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Oh god I used to do that when I was dieting. It was too effective. People thought I was back on meth. Worked though.

>> No.10289670
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Also, skin side up. It might be obvious to some, but not everyone.

>> No.10289685


Stop appropriating other cultures, nigger.

>> No.10289750
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I thought he was just implying that he wanted healthy food. As opposed to fried chicken, I mean.

>> No.10289770


silly white boy. how can blacks appropriate other cultures when blacks invented everything?

ever think bout that?

>> No.10290121

>from fit
>teach me how to make fattiest meat of chicken

yeah ok bud

>> No.10290238
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So thaaaaaaaaaaaaat's why I like them best.