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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 1420x946, 11-penn-jillette-grub-street-diet.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10272582 No.10272582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have a diet based on the intelligence of certain creatures? I've cut out mammal livestock and octopus. I can't really make the leap to full vegan but I think its pretty reasonable to assume a fish doesn't suffer in a way that's similar to a human. Meanwhile pigs display some uncanny cognitive abilities.

>> No.10272596

I'm fucking love cuttlefish
They make great appetizers/brainfood
Them being cool asf only makes them taste better

>> No.10272602
File: 114 KB, 244x228, 1520567291670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are cephelopods your specialist subject?

>> No.10272626

I would eat a cat. Those fuckers are stupid as hell

>> No.10272746

do you think it be okay to eat an especially stupid human? one who doesn't read very much? or one who posts shit like this on 4chan?

>> No.10272759

But plants feel pain too bro

>> No.10272764

the buck has to stop somewhere

>> No.10272782

Kind of. I do eat all animals, but preferentially consume smarter animals like pig. I'm operating on the hypothesis that they have a higher content of the nutritional needs contributing to intellectual function.

Have you ever tried squid brain? I'm not sure how safe it is, but I've never gotten sick from it and can't find any warnings against it on the internet. It tastes amazing when baked with a light sprinkling of oil.

>> No.10272804

I'm doing something similar with my diet.this month in not buying any meat.im using up my canned fish and whatnot.I don't think I will go vegan but I am cutting back.also I have ditched processed foods for a whole good diet.

>> No.10272805
File: 206 KB, 800x800, 1487573325087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other animals, which, on account of their interests having been neglected by the insensibility of the ancient jurists, stand degraded into the class of things. The day has been, I grieve it to say in many places it is not yet past, in which the greater part of the species, under the denomination of slaves, have been treated upon the same footing as animals are still. The day may come, when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny. The French have already discovered that the blackness of skin is no reason why a human being should be abandoned without redress to the caprice of a tormentor.
It may come one day to be recognized, that the number of legs, the villosity of the skin, or the termination of the os sacrum, are reasons equally insufficient for abandoning a sensitive being to the same fate. What else is it that should trace the insuperable line? Is it the faculty of reason, or perhaps, the faculty for discourse? The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? Why should the law refuse its protection to any sensitive being? The time will come when humanity will extend its mantle over everything which breathes...

>> No.10272840
File: 77 KB, 605x605, 1520566678492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were worshipped as God's by ancient nogs though
>I constantly have to tell my gf's cat to stop eating plastic

>> No.10272844

I mean, even a human with down syndrome can speak and follow rules kind of

>> No.10272846

That's probably why they evolved to be stupid. Like how pretty women tend to be stupid even for women.

>> No.10272850

Then why do jews have high IQ?

>> No.10272856

It's only Ashkenazi Jews with a certain genetic mutation, which also happens to make them vulnerable to certain diseases. The goyim created this mess by sticking them in European ghettos full of typhoid and only letting them do white collar jobs involving math.

t. 1/4 Ashkenazim

>> No.10272858

>pretty women tend to be stupid even for women.
The exact opposite is true though. Attractive physical traits correlate positively with intelligence.

>> No.10272863
File: 249 KB, 600x702, 1518132916290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would make more sense if they evolved to be fatter though I mean we don't eat them and prefer them chubby much like women

>> No.10272868

A few possibilities. Apart from the prejudicial flaws inherent to the IQ system of measurement, a failure to fully nourish your capabilities would not necessarily cause your capacity to fall below that of the naturally inferior.

>> No.10272874
File: 45 KB, 459x620, b913f56d30beaa0043e6e77b0246cc96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I THOUGHT about this

and I would like to eat only the MOST intelligent creatures

>> No.10272892

no because if they were truly intelligent then they would not allow themselves to get caught or be harvested for meat at a mass scale

>> No.10272999

I'd say it's about 50/50

>> No.10273002

>prejudicial flaws inherent to the IQ system of measurement
Sure, kid.

>> No.10273029

You've convinced me. Despite leading evidence demonstrating otherwise, the IQ test is perfect.

>> No.10273034

Holy god you might be the dumbest person on /ck/

>> No.10273043

>not eating smarter animals to make yourself more intelligent
fucking brainlets

>> No.10273655

>Despite leading evidence demonstrating otherwise
Show me a peer reviewed study that actually states that. Or do you just want to believe something because it hurts your feefee's?

>> No.10273725

>but IQ tests are raycist because they don't ask questions about chitlins!
>the tests are sexist too because they don't measure """"""emotional intelligence"""""""

>> No.10273765

I exist solely on photosynthesis, but somethings I feel bad consuming our only star. :(

>> No.10273774

Glad someone's on the same wavelength.

>> No.10273783

What? Cats are smart as fucking hell and I don't even really like them.

>> No.10273795

>cats being smart
you are either high as fuck or retard tier.

>> No.10273811

just take the real culinary red pill and start exclusively eating the smartest animals you can find

>> No.10273821

Animals don't give a shit about us and would maul us at the first opportunity of a meal. Why should we not eat them simply because we're "smarter"?
First of all you need to define life itself followed by intelligence and consciousness which you can't because not even we are intelligent nor have a consciousness. We just have a higher level of awareness of the world.
Finally we are continually destroying our planet for shit like clothes, cars, computers, phones, and also enslaving our own kind to make shit possible like clothes, chocolate, and iphones.
But none of that matters. What matters is that we don't make these insignificant living beings suffer. Then we can be at a moral high ground and be better than everyone else. Up until the point where we die and none of it matters.
Great post though OP, keep killing threads and making /ck/ the best board on this shitty website.

>> No.10273850

Fuck off faggot

>> No.10274173


>> No.10274186

I eat crows because they are super smart.

>> No.10274195

i don't eat factory farmed meat or most seafood because i consider most fisheries a form of poaching
intelligence doesn't have much to do with it i just want the animal to have had a decent life

>> No.10274231

They eat white babies, where have you been?