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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10270856 No.10270856 [Reply] [Original]

why is it so fucking impossible for restaurants to have vegan meals that either:
a) have more than 400 calories
b) don't a shitload of sodium

vegans are nutritionally deficient strictly because chefs are too fucking stupid to make a calorically satisfying meal

>> No.10270872

What would you consider a good idea for a vegan meal at a restaurant?

>> No.10270877

Because it's not economically viable to revolve a menu around the 1-2% of you morons, 80-90% of which just give it up after a couple weeks/months

>> No.10270887

The hot sticky loads from an interracial gangbang

>> No.10270899

God I want to open up a vegan restaurant so bad. the markup is insane and the ingredients are so cheap. these retards would pay anything for a halfway decent meal so it doesnt even need to really be good. just nab a few recipes off google and youre set.

>> No.10270905
File: 201 KB, 432x391, 1518749766654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee i don't know something actually with fucking LEGUMES as a protein source instead of throwing fried tofu imitation on every god damn plate known to man


yeah because that's all lazy shit chefs know what a vegan eats

i don't even eat soy at home AT ALL because that shit is phytoestrogenic fuck that shit

>> No.10270910

Calm down soybean

>> No.10270914

>wanting more than 400 calories
Fatty detected.

>> No.10270927

>i don't even eat soy at home AT ALL because that shit is phytoestrogenic fuck that shit
This is why they don't have good vegan food. If vegans don't understand their ridiculous diet, how can you can expect them to?

>> No.10270934

Seeing that most vegans are dumbasses in the intial stages of their little pet cause(because almost all give up after the initial stage) it would be easy as fuck to swindle these clowns. Nevermind that they aren't too bright for being vegans in the first place but because most of them only pick it up for a few months they have zero understanding of it.

>> No.10270935
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>ridiculous diet
>restricting animal products

woah there farmer john not everything has to be fried bacon and eggs to meat your """protein""" needs

>> No.10270936


what exactly are you referring to when you say this? soybeans? tofu? i literally dont know.

>> No.10270940
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>> No.10270943

Isn't soy the only non animal complete protein widely available. Pretty sure that's why it's prevalent in vegan dishes

>> No.10270944

the only acceptable form of soy is tempeh

everything else can go fuck itself

>> No.10270950

most restaurants have no desire to cater to snowflake vegans. Source: I own a restaurant.

>> No.10270951

No you literally don't understand your own diet. There's a reason soy is a staple in your queer diet

>> No.10270957


>> No.10270959

God I wish that was me

>> No.10270966

Pretty sure neither are "complete". Just close enough.

>> No.10270972

Meant to add that is versatile too. Maybe I'm not 100% sure it was a genuine question

>> No.10270973
File: 174 KB, 239x408, 1510279880525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason soy is a staple in your queer diet

eat your (((complete protein))) goy!!!
it's not like all foods don't have protein or anything.... just keep eating our satiating (((processed soy products)))

>> No.10270991

no it's because vegans are dumb you shitlord

>> No.10271003
File: 50 KB, 663x707, 1515043004301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't soy the only non animal complete protein widely available.

why do you need a complete protein every meal?
do you only eat once a day?

>> No.10271007
File: 1.05 MB, 320x240, 1500504001940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong g with cheeseburgers

>> No.10271029

south indian vegan cuisine can be pretty filling and nutritious, also tasty if it's a good restaurant

>> No.10271041

no stop
you're breaking the american delusion that vegans only eat processed soy and salads

>> No.10271116

Pretty sure they do here because they're lazy fuckstains, evidenced by the fact of op blaming his nutritional deficiency on others, like the concept of making his own food never occurred to her

>> No.10271153

That's not how it works, son. "Complete proteins" are meme nonsense from the 1970s. Your body needs certain amino acids that it can't produce on its own but it doesn't need them in the same meal or even in the same day. Even so, there are many common food combinations that add up to "complete", like rice and beans.

>> No.10271160

>the concept of making his own food never occurred to her
>when you want to make an angry and offensive post but want to make sure to not misgender OP

>> No.10271171

No. OP is a woman. Bank on it.

>> No.10271188

Then why does this post >>10271116 refer to OP twice as "his" and once as "her"? It doesn't really matter either way since OP is a confirmed soyboy which is basically the same thing as being a woman.

>> No.10271212

This is retarded unless you're in a big ass city. Vegans make up like less than half a percent of the population. If you include vegetarians it's still under 5%.

Pretty much a recipe for failure unless it's a food cart/stand or you're in a big hippie city and have enough seed money.

>> No.10271215

>everything I don't like is Jewish conspiracies
I've been around an endless amount of unfathomably dumb niggers in my day and none of them let da wite debil live in their head rent free 10% as you fuckstains do with jews

>> No.10271233

Because it was a Freudian slip on my end

>> No.10272285
File: 578 KB, 750x877, D15C091E-8B06-483F-9309-9E9D421B3461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10272429

the intellectual bankruptcy and hypocrisy of this screencap is mind-blowing

>> No.10272439

s a l t
vegan food is 90% water and 10% indigestible cellulose

>> No.10272456

couldn't tell whether this was pro- or anti-vegan-shaming until I got to the second paragraph desu

>> No.10272900

>to meat your """protein""" needs
>to meat
nice freudian slip soyboy

>> No.10272909

Go to an Indian or Mediterranean place. Their veggie food is superior anyways.