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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x300, coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10270043 No.10270043 [Reply] [Original]

How do you take your coffee?

>> No.10270050

up the ass

>> No.10270051

With half and half. Nothing more.

>> No.10270054

Black because I'm a high test get things done no regrets man and everyone needs to know

>> No.10270056

black, like my men

>> No.10270063

My gf unironically does this. I want to get her an espresso maker for her birthday

>> No.10270067
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pic related

>> No.10270078

Strong, pitch-black independent wymyn coffee is best coffee

>> No.10270091

i say this every time im asked that question............every. single. time

>> No.10270142

Half coffee, half half and half.
And a tablespoon of sugar.
I drink about 5 cups each morning

>> No.10270148

How can you drink coffee that hasnt been unlocked yet?

>> No.10270150

Oh my! Cheeky boy.

>> No.10270164

black, like my man

>> No.10270358

like my women... ground up and put in the freezer

>> No.10270726
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>> No.10270732

Down my throat

>> No.10270735
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With tears

>> No.10270740

Do you ever get to drink it afterward?

>> No.10270742

i like my coffee, how i like my women


>> No.10270755

i have never had coffee so i like it like i like my women i suppose

>> No.10270796

I want to know as well

>> No.10270816


>> No.10271110

Decent enough body, but pass.

>> No.10271197
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>Half coffee, half half and half.
This post is 67% "half."

>> No.10271248

Black like my dick

>> No.10271294

Why put anything in your coffee that isn't liquor? Fucking snowflakes and your delicate tongue.

>> No.10271308

This. The only addition to coffee should be liquor. Anything else is soyboy tier. Especially milk and sugar.

>> No.10271330

Depends on my mood. 70% of the time black, sometimes I turn it into candy with cream and sugar.

>> No.10271509

Mostly black, I like bitterness. I'll have a a latte or whatever sometimes. Sugar only when I'm flagging badly at work.

>> No.10272290

>and everyone needs to know

>> No.10272305

If I make it black

If it's at work half and half and sometimes sugar. I make much better coffee.

>> No.10272315

Medium rare, no seasoning except pepper and salt.

>> No.10273676

because it's a different taste that's also good

>why do you eat anything besides this one thing that I think is the best thing?

>> No.10273757
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With a pinch of cayenne.

>> No.10273760

Smack me, daddy.

>> No.10273781

White, no sugar. Like God intended.

>> No.10273785

Made in an aeropress.

>> No.10273812

For me? Its Folgers Light Roast with Splenda and Coffee Mate Coffee Creamer.

>> No.10273814

cold and bitter. goes great with a meal.

>> No.10273865

Clint Eastwood type; black.

>> No.10273881
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>> No.10273886


My god, you have shit taste.

>> No.10273887

I rarely drink coffee because I'm really caffine sensitive, but when I do black with a cube or two of ice.

>> No.10273889

well i don't take it anywhere. i just drink it in the kitchen where i make it.

>> No.10273893

Half and half, no sugar ^_^

>> No.10273913

That is a lot of coffee
Too much of it

>> No.10273938

With a teaspoon of coconut oil
Shit is delicious

>> No.10273940

do you blend it, or do you just suck the layer of oily film off the top of the cup from the get-go?

>> No.10273969

I like to stir it, and get the mixture of coffee and coconut oil in one slurp

>> No.10275123

This clearly shopped. No black girl has hair like that, white facial features, and skin that dark.

>> No.10275248

Is this /sip/?

>> No.10275303

but how often do you give that response

>> No.10275355

learn your niggers, anon

>> No.10275623

Dark chocolate. Ice cube if I'm in a hurry.

>> No.10275633

I like my coffee the same as how I like my slaves

>> No.10275647


>> No.10275654

Opened this thread expecting this to be the first post.

>> No.10275706

How many trannies did you fap to today, Billy Bob?

>> No.10275748

Either black or with just some sugar

>> No.10275842


>> No.10275855

>straightened hair


>> No.10275865

French press, black, I get my coffee from local roasters and grind it myself. I don't always drink coffee but when I do, I do it right.

>> No.10275876

I like my coffee the way I like my "dick up the ass", small, delicate, and leaking cum after 30 seconds.

>> No.10275942

Black with cinnamon.

>> No.10275949

I like my coffee how I like my women. Chopped up and in the freezer!

>> No.10276120

>when you haven't unlocked your fb as a playable character yet

>> No.10276122

Two espresso shots, immediately add two ice cubes, downed quickly like cold syrup and chased with seltzer with lemon

>> No.10276192

black no sugar

>> No.10276239

With a little bit of vanilla extract, nothing else. Today I got a bottle of almond extract that I'm going to try to mix it up a bit.

>> No.10276783
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I pretty much mix it half and half with chocolate milk.

>> No.10276786

>straightening your hair, weaves
>'white facial features'
yeah no, bitch couldn't even pass even full white face with blue-eye contacts.
>'skin that dark'
It's actually a thing to have skin this dark, especially depending on skin care and how long you've used it.

>> No.10276787

On the side of a feta pie.

>> No.10276797

>feta pie

My Mommy makes me spinach cheese pie every thanksgibbing.

>> No.10277068


>> No.10277087

Post her feet.

>> No.10277173

Five sugars

>> No.10277207

There are a lot of Africans with fairly caucasoid faces, and skin that dark. The hair can easily be straightened, or a weave.

>> No.10277219

With 5 tablespoons of sugar free french vanilla creamer, and one packet of slenda.

>> No.10278556

Dark, like my soul

>> No.10278579

Depends on the type of coffee.

>> No.10278649

teaspoon of milk no sugar

>> No.10278662


Free? Me too.

>> No.10278670


I've been having Vietnamese egg coffee the last couple days. It's pretty good.

>> No.10278699

Black, tastes better- always hotter in the morning at tims man, shits lit.

>> No.10279115

black without anything else

>> No.10279116

Mouth, you weirdo

>> No.10279117

half-coffee, half-milk, no sugar

>> No.10279175

Black as midnight on a moonless night.

>> No.10279230
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>> No.10279240


Black as midnight
Black as pitch
Blacker than the foulest witch

>> No.10279254

I like my coffee like I like my women: Black and strong

>> No.10279335

In a jar in my basement.

>> No.10279381

with vanilla flavouring and 4 tsps sugar

not even joking fml

>> No.10279834

Milk and Cocoa, but no coffee.

>> No.10281242

fucking degenerate

>> No.10281635

with a tablespoon of butter.

>> No.10281706

A pinch of salt, pepper and the secret ingredient: sesame oil

>> No.10281828

i'm always the last person to take their first sip. i must have a delicate mouth.

>> No.10281835

bitter, hot, and alone.

>> No.10281912


>> No.10281996
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I like my coffee like I like my women, thick and richand black

>> No.10282006

Blended with butter and coconut oil

>> No.10282040

In a cup or mug, black

>> No.10282072

Surely there must be some other way you drink your coffee!

There isn't
>And don't call me shirley

>> No.10282076

true patricians take their coffee rectally

>> No.10282789

Chicory coffee with milk

>> No.10282795

My friend has a drink he calls the "Ocelatte" which is just six shots of espresso (more than enough to kill anything that moves) with cream and sugar.

>> No.10283839

Black if it's good coffee. If it's not so good I'll add some milk or cream or whatever to make it drinkable.

>> No.10283862

1tbsp heavy whipping cream, 1-2tbsps ovaltine depending on how sweet and chocolatey I want it. Or a smaller amount of brown sugar if I want that instead of chocolate taste.