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10266876 No.10266876[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your mortgage*

>> No.10266907

That's not excessive immigration driving property prices up.

>> No.10266946

>You encounter this pokemon in the wild.

>> No.10266958

>being poor

>> No.10267035

>implying it's not investors buying realty driving prices up
>implying poor migrants moving to a neighborhood doesn't drive prices down

>> No.10267049

In a commercial block, there used to be one realtor in around 150 businesses back in 2005. Now, there's 14. Fucking leech scum fucks.
>Hurr we only charge 4%!
>Houses are min 600k in my area
>24k min for showing a couple people around for a day
If I didn't do it, someone else would xD It's not my fault xD

>> No.10267068

Realtors are assturdedly retarded. Recently sold my house, they call 15 mins before they plan to show and half the time rarely show up, and expect you to kiss their ass when they do.

They're legally guaranteed a market here in California too, becuase we peon consumers aren't smart enough to sell on our own.

>> No.10267325

the bread looks tasteless and drybecause of pre-slicing. I'm too poor for this shit bread OP.

>> No.10268613
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>tfw the store sells avocados for 39 cents each because they overestimated the amount of people who want to make their own guac for a sportsball game
I felt like King of the Millennials for a week.

>> No.10268623

white hipster gentrification does that, not poor brown people, magatard.

>> No.10268645

Oh that makes sense now! Ok, let’s bring in all the poor brown people, then.

>> No.10268693

This anon >>10268623 knows.

Property prices here are through the roof due to immigrants. But they aren't the ones you are thinking of. A rundown shitty house, being sold as a fixer upper in my neighborhood goes for 1.7million. Why, because it's 3-5 min walk from the Google, Apple, and Genentech shuttle stops.

On the other hand avocados are usually less than $1 a piece in season.

>> No.10270586

>duhh i got called out for being wrong so let me repeat how wrong i am duhhh

>> No.10270604

You want to whine about hipsters, right? It's not like you've ever bought a house that you owe a mortgage on.

ITT: we whine about hipsters eating avocado on toast.

>> No.10270620

Well isn't this a funny and original thread that will surly produce some quality discussion as a result of its existence.

>> No.10270622


>> No.10270624

no, it's chinks buying up real estate

>> No.10270628

>On the other hand avocados are usually less than $1 a piece in season.

>4/$1 best deal

>> No.10270637

My mom, great lady I have no issues with her but she isn't the smartest person around, was able to get her realtor license after having been a stay at home mom for the past 15+ years. The whole thing is a giant pyramid scheme. You have to pay to take the courses, pay to take the tests, pay to renew them, and you can't even sell homes on your own after all that because you have to join a brokerage and give them a cut.

>> No.10270639

I legit paid $12 for smashed avo and a coffee the other day at a local cafe. It was the most pathetic "meal" I've ever had. Just to clarify I like avocado on toast, but they gave me unripe avocado spread thinly on a single, cheap slice of white bread with a wedge of lemon on the side for taste. The coffee while not bad came in a tiny little cup that I had three sips of before it was finished. Never have I felt so personally insulted by a cafe before.

>> No.10270699

that's not the combination of marijuana legalization luring trust fund kiddies into my state who pay over the asking price of a home in cash, driving up real state prices through the roof, "investors" dividing single family homes into profitable slumlord apartments for illegal immigrants and creating false scarcity of houses, builders' refusal to build anything but mcmansions for commiefornians instead of building affordable "starter" homes in safe areas, and high student debt creating a DTI ratio that makes it impossible to qualify for a loan

I'm the only fucker in colorado who doesn't cream my pants over avocado toast

>> No.10270705
File: 312 KB, 1200x900, Organic-Wholly-Guacamole-Costco-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying this stuff from Costco for your avocado toast

>> No.10270932
File: 35 KB, 400x483, 1462760345202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw from Australia and understand the full context of the smashed avo kills your mortgage meme
tl;dr it's a distraction tactic to hide the fact that boomers broke the housing market in the early 2000s and refuse to fix it

>> No.10270942

>tfw can't afford a house on $100k salary

seriously thinking about moving to alabama and taking a pay cut

>> No.10270961

I moved to CO ~3 years ago -- for my industry denver is one of three metro areas you can find multiple companies to work for. salaries haven't kept up with home prices so new people like me are fucked while all my older coworkers are smug off their ass that their shitheap house they bought for $180k 5-10 years ago is worth $500k now

>> No.10271001

>prepackaged guacamole

fucking pathetic

>> No.10271038

As much as I don't think abstaining from small stuff like avocado toast will get your a mortgage in today's housing market, the millionaire millennial guy did have a point. Stop spending on small luxuries, find places to cut corners, and you'll find those savings add up. Not likely enough for a big purchase, but it's a good habit to cultivate.

>> No.10271085

Homownership is overrated. You're on the hook for the mortgage, the property itself is constantly deteriorating, and you're more likely to be unemployed (or at least have a much lower salary) due to losing mobility.

You're better off paying rent and investing your savings. If you want a house wait for the boomers to start dying.

>> No.10271123
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I mean that is true I worked like a damn dog got the past year to the point that my social life suffered and I finally got so burnt out I quit. Low and behold when I costed it out on a budget I actually have close to a year's worth of expenses in my bank account which shocks the hell out of people my age. Helps alot that I don't have a college degree and got out of car loan debt a year ago too. Still over 10k in the bank and I still don't have enough for a down payment unless I want to live in the rural area 45 minutes from where I do now. By my age my parents had 2 kids and still got the house I grew up in with 4 bedrooms, I make more now than my Dad ever has and my mother was a sahm.

>> No.10271148

Don't you know how to drive?

>> No.10271150

>buying guac

People actually do this?

>> No.10271173

>pay 5-10% increases in rent year over year for the rest of my life
that sounds pretty awful too desu

>> No.10271239

>paying rent and investing your savings
what savings, when rent costs three times as much as a mortgage would? unless you're somehow managing to save the difference between rent and a mortgage AND a little something on top of that, a house will always be a better investment.

>> No.10271240

Joke's on you I live with my parents

>> No.10271258

>house will always be a better investment.
until all the boomers die and crash the housing market and leave you upside down

>> No.10271263

If you buy a home in Alabama you're limited to working within driving distance of it

Money parked in the stock market will increase by 5% to 10% each year and you won't need to deal with property taxes or burst shower pipes

>> No.10271292


this is a pretty good calculator i've used. unless you're moving every few years it generally works out to be much better to buy on average

>> No.10271338

Plus then you actually own your house and can do what you want with it without your kike landlord watching your every move.

>> No.10271341

at this rate I won't be able to afford one until they all die so it'll be a win :)

>> No.10271419

>just save your money
>yeah you wont ever afford a house but uhhhhhh fuckin

>> No.10271465


Denver is a goddamn haven for homeless fucks, illegal parasites, and hipster garbage now.. I want to move.

>> No.10271520

you sir are the stupid one

>> No.10271559

And this is the reason we need to crash China's economy and install a diplomatic government. Due to how their government works, wealthy Chinese investors can put their money in oversees property since China literally cannot take it from them as it's on foreign soil.

This is also mostly a problem in Canada, but is a minor issue in the US also.

>> No.10273440

Is your government stopping you from buying property in China? Why don't you do it if you're so bothered? It's just how the free market works, it's got nothing to do with government.

>> No.10273446


>white liberals are driving poor brown people out, magatard

>> No.10273487

have you figured out he's not going to make you a winner yet? or are you still holding out for a miracle?

>> No.10274335

Nothing stops me from buying property in China (other than the fact that I can't afford property in my own country because of a recent economic boom and people moving in from out of state causing housing/property prices to soar unless you want to live way out in the fucking sticks). But if I was to buy property in China, the Chinese government would technically own it, and could buy it from me at pennies on the dollar if they planned on doing something with the land. The reason Chinese investors buy in foreign lands is because China can't collect on that property, so it ties up these rich Chinese investors assets somewhere Xi and his cronies can't get their tentacles on it.

>> No.10274366

>Let's set interest rates at 0% or lower for a decade
>Free Money! What could go wrong?

>> No.10274880

Eminent domain is a thing in America too.

>> No.10274910


>> No.10274921

Its rich chinese people, not poor brown people. Did you know in most major Canadian cities, there are real estate listings just for the chinese? Did you know that people looking to sell houses often put it on the chinese market FIRST because it sells faster and for more?

Lucky brown people will get to rent from a landlord until they can get a good job and make enough to pay the mortgage on a $1M house. Most brown people will end up in shitty slummy apts and situations that limit their upward mobility.

>> No.10274922

they are though

every hipster neighborhood where i live used to be a poor brown neighborhood

>> No.10274945

Your relationship with the landlord in a low availability market will always be against you as a renter when it comes to
>heat and a/c
>appliance age
>house condition
>cleanliness (if you have neighbours)

Renting is horrible.

>> No.10274956

>tfw Midwesterner
>lived with my parents after graduating as an engineer
>by saving money for 3 years I was able to buy a decent house

Stop trying to live in shit states like California and you would be fine. Property is dirt cheap in places that are meant to be lived in

>> No.10274969

I hate using the word privilege but:
>lived w parents for 3 years
>got an engineering job in the midwest

When you dont have the luxury of all that it isnt so easy. I'm a stemfag but i paid for school+living, no way i can afford a house.

>> No.10274991

Did you go to an out of state school without any scholarships? I had above a 3.50 during my time in university and everything was paid for.

>> No.10274999

I just think it's silly when people go to a different state for a more or less similar quality degree to one they could get for half the price in state. And if you're not getting at least a 3.0 and some decent scholarships, get your shit together.

>> No.10275022
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>tfw want job
>can’t find work, even with a college degree and internships, work experience, etc.

When will this nightmare end? I’ve been a neet for almost a month now, and my lease ends in April. My savings are almost gone, too. The only work I can find is just precarious contract work from various consulting firms.

Instead of hipsters and chinks driving up home prices, I have to deal with highly educated faggots from all over the world. I’m basically competing with kids who went to Brown or Yale for fucking entry level jobs. How the fuck am I supposed to get hired when I went to just a state school. Fucking hell. The worst part is, most of these faggots are transplants and have no roots to DC.

Boomers just need to fuck off and die already. They fucked us over infinitely, and they continue to do so by simply staying alive. Once they leave the workforce, companies will be forced to hire millennials and pay higher wages. Boomers were a mistake.

>> No.10275044

That's what you get for patronizing a yuppy hangout

>> No.10275163

Yes out of state and no free ride, but the school rep was good for stem

>> No.10275168

What field? I sympathize with you, I only got my job because of a recommendation and I too had plenty of internships.

>> No.10275183

Yeah but in America you can take the case to court to fight it and they would have to pay you fair market value for the land as ordered or at least approved by a judge, China doesn't do that

>> No.10275196
File: 76 KB, 510x532, E71274CD-6A8F-4078-9157-0F7D13CF3AB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economics and math.

>> No.10275201

Learn software, mathie.

>> No.10275210

>have no skills
>cries about no job