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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10265692 No.10265692 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on polish cuisine.

>> No.10265740

Pierogi, qt3.14 grils,

>> No.10265770
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aything with cabbage, beets, bacon, potatoes, or sausage really
meme christmas food traditions
take best part of russian food and worst german, boom polish cuisine

>> No.10265772

Some polish faggot is constantly posting his culinary abominations on /pol/

>> No.10265781

Are are polacks /pol/fags?

>> No.10265783

Polish cuisine is created by what german troops left behind after raping every woman in the village.

Rape food culture. They fucked their way to Berlin and needed the parsnips and potatoes left beside the raped to shit human women who watched their children get raped.

>> No.10265796
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You tell me.

>> No.10265800

>according to our very small and limited sample size
do not besmirch polish empire, Hans

>> No.10265812
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>> No.10265819
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>> No.10265831
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>> No.10265843

Netherlands you lost something. Your once beautiful city that is Rotterdam.

>> No.10265846

>implying anything is wrong with information in photo
how does Achmed taste, Hans?

>> No.10265854
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>> No.10265880

>Poland complaining about immigrants
>tons of immigrant polaks wandering around the UK drunk and can't speak a lick of English

Okay pal

>> No.10265890

but they fix the plumbing

>> No.10265892

If it's anything like the czech and slovak food I've tried it will be pretty fuckin good. various dumplings various sausages, pierogi, pork lots of pork and potatoes, sauerkraut, stews
Just delicious hearty food really, good to eat whilst getting very drunk

>> No.10265934

not one of you niggers even mentions the greatness of paczkis

>> No.10267034

but poland is taking in immigrants, in large numbers even
just not refugees

>> No.10267039

Polish food is made from the vegetables armies leave behind after raping the mothers and daughters. They fall off the back of the rape train carts.

>> No.10267054

honestly most people find polish food terrible
typical dishes are
>zurek, barszcz, czernina (soups)
>kielbasa (various types of sausage)
and a bunch of other shit
but yeah, it's usually greasy, has lots of meat and potatoes and isn't very refined
can taste good if prepared well, though

>> No.10267125

polacks are the cancer on this earth

>> No.10267137

more like those fucking dirty ukrainians, fucking raping and pillaging, go fuck yourself

>> No.10267158

I recently made bigos for the first time and it blew my mind. I'm honestly upset I only learned about it recently; a dish so good ought to be world-famous.

>> No.10267209
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Honestly, people overestimate the influence of German and Russian food on our cuisine.
We share a lot of dishes and food rituals with Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, the reason for this being that we were one country for like 600 years. Of course different ethnicities living in one state will start influencing each other.
For example one of my favorite soups, pic relaated, is extremely popular in both Poland and Belarus. There's also chłodnik, a cold soup that originated in Lithuania but made its way to Poland and Ukraine.

>> No.10267240

modern rape trains, sure, but historic rape is poland in spades. Woman and children just raped to death. 10 year olds dropping tomatoes and potatoes they thought the russians wouldn't get their hands on.

Polish rape food. It's delicious. But they got raped for creating it.

>> No.10267242


Sorry, did I bring up the Warsaw ghetto uprising by mistake?

>> No.10267254


You know the Russians sat on a hill while the germans shelled the Warsaw ghetto. Then after all the jews were dead they walked in. That's the Russians.

>> No.10267260

Yeah, but the topic of this thread is food, not history

>> No.10267261

Blintzes, pierogi, kapusta, keilbasa, smoked meat. Good stuff

>> No.10267265


food is history. did you know lobster used to be a peasant food?

it's shit like that.

>> No.10267406
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hmm doughnuts with more filling, good

>> No.10267500

a healthy diet of poverty and used cigarette buds

>> No.10267736

basically a million ways of cooking potatoes, cabbage and pork using lots of vegetable oil

>> No.10267777

That's just equivalent exchange for the neverending, relentless human waves of inebriated britbongs stumbling through the streets of Cracow every weekend.

>> No.10267810
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we generally have hearty meals with a lot of meat, mushrooms, potatoes and beets

some of my favourites:
>Barszcz (clear, intensely sour beetroot soup with ushka - small meat / mushroom filled pierogi)
>Bigos (sauerkraut stew with meat or mushrooms)
>Pierogi ruskie (filled with quark, mashed potatoes and fried onion, top with fried onion or pork rind)
>Ćwikła (beet and horseradish salad)

our desserts are probably the best part of our cuisine though:
>Sękacz (layered cake cooked by rotating on a spit - like a kebab)
>Racuchy (apple-filled pancakes)
>Kremówka (cream pie made with two layers of puff pastry)
>Poppy seed roll
>Mazurek (impressively decorated festive cake, short and crunchy)

>> No.10268354
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the only cake that looks like an eldritch abomination, yet tastes delicious

>> No.10268589


Well, its a long road from Kursk to Warsaw. so yeah, the jews were dead when the soviets came there... a year and a half later.

>> No.10268614

Looks like a weird version of baumkuchen.

>> No.10268619

> Feed dog vodka
> Wait for doggo to die from liver failure
> Boil with cabbage

>> No.10268697

If cakes could get tumors, that's what it would look like.

Really good point, Polish dessert game is something that doesn't immediately spring to mind, but is really quite decent. The sweetness is balanced, not like, say, kebab or britbong desserts which taste like diabetes.

>> No.10268710

that looks like a roll cake from Chernobyl

>> No.10269505
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>> No.10269622
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> doggo to bring vodka
> drink vodka with doggo
> teach doggo how to use lathe
> swap shift in factory with doggo every 3 days
> continue until both die of liver failure
> capitalist man comes and makes soap and asbestos from your bodies.

>> No.10269650

Plenty of people with extra bathtubs have done this. The fish expel the terrible shit they've picked up in unclean or muddy waters after a few days and are delicious.

t. Fisherman

>> No.10269653

we have millions of Ukrainian immigrants

>> No.10269695

This reminds me of what I started doing after getting bombarded with flyers in college. You ignore everything like a typical new yorker, but when they go as far as sticking it in your way or face you extend your hand to take it but never fully close your hand, so that when they let go it just falls to the ground and you keep walking.

>> No.10270184

buying live carp for christmas is probably the most retarded polish tradition
it's a relic of the times when you couldn't just get fresh carp at a shop, but it's completely obsolete and kind of cruel nowadays, since we capitalism now

>> No.10270522


Why would you care? If a Polish traditional family from outside of the major cities continues to get a fresh carp and prepare it once in a year for +40 years that's fine by me. Just because the political movements change does it mean that they become "backward ass old people"? For me it's retarded that jews have to wait until their cow slowly bleeds to death in pain rather than going to the traditional butcher.

Buy your carp dead, or even don't have fish at all, i don't care... it's a tradition of a peasant/working class genesis - not a totalitarian agenda.

>> No.10270666

it's not just a few people in the countryside, it's still a pretty popular tradition - lots of stores still offer live carp, invariably kept in shitty conditions, plastic bags etc. around christmas eve and it's just so unnecessary now that we can just get quality fresh fish at any time
what jews do to cows is obviously even worse, but that's no argument (and I'm pretty sure it's illegal over here anyway, as it should be)

and don't pull that "it's a working-class tradition so it's automatically good" crap, that shit is always retarded, even when it's not used to defend beating your wife or kids
traditions exist for a reason, and buying live carp serves no purpose nowadays (unless your family really bonds this much over slaughtering a fish, but then why not just catch it yourself?)

>> No.10270772


>and don't pull that "it's a working-class tradition so it's automatically good" crap, that shit is always retarded, even when it's not used to defend beating your wife or kids

You just went fully baloney by linking a Christmas killing of a fish, towards a domestic abuse.

And yes, you have to know that even if your oh-so-modern generation thinks that everything is so easy to fix then just teach your kids to skip that. But as long there are people who are familiar with the whole "carp in the bathtub" stuff - let them be.

Partitions, Germans and Communism happened. and just because we have a quite smooth path now doesn't mean that we have to cancel all of those manners from the darker times.

And finally - If a member of a family from the rural areas catches a carp himself. therefore he has the higher standards than a guy form a commeblock (that his parents got in the late 60's) that lives in the city and just bought a live one in the supermarket?