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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10255821 No.10255821 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese food isn't even that good

>> No.10255830

I now declare this a "food pics from Japan" thread

>> No.10255831

What food is better?

>> No.10255841


>> No.10255845

I disagree.

>> No.10255869

then you are objectively wrong. Not even op.

>> No.10255897

What spanish food is good?

>> No.10255922

Jamón Ibérico

>> No.10255951

italian, french, spanish, mexican, thai, chinese, indian, portuguese, russian, high-british

>> No.10255957

Hey thay's just, like, you opinion man.
>inb4 le epic meme movie quote

>> No.10255963

It's not. Some of the blandest food ever. The only thing it has over most other food is presentation.

>> No.10255966

nix italian (and maybe Chinese), otherwise you're right.

>> No.10255968

How could one op ever be so fucking correct

>> No.10255972

its not that it isnt good, you're just used to it and it is part of your regular diet
so like, try some new things?

>> No.10255990

You're right, neither is chinese(albeit it isn't authentic chinese food), only asian food i enjoy is indian food

>> No.10256053

None of those are better except italian. Indian and british are especially trash.

>> No.10256063
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What are you looking for?

This was my lunch today. I get salads because I'm cutting, but today is a special sushi lunch for entrance exam grading so a teacher shared some with me.

>> No.10256089

Tonkatsu Donburi, Tempura, Katsu Curry, Omurice, and Niku Jaga are fucking delicious. Also sushi too I guess.

>> No.10256100

Why is british food so fucken disgusting

>> No.10256151

Have you been there? Too Japan, that is?

>> No.10256161

what's the pleb equivalent of ancient Japanese hierarchy because you're one of those

>> No.10256186

That's not a real egg btw.

>> No.10256274

It's not though, is it? British food is actually pretty great. Easily up there with Italian and French food. It's why we have some of the best restaurants in the UK and why our chefs are so influential.

It's a complete misconception that Britain has bad or poor quality food. Usually brought on by an ignorant foreigner that eats in a cheap poor-quality pub, restaurant, or hotel and is served food passed off as 'British', but it's usually just a extremely poor/low quality imitation.

We also find it pretty funny that foreigners (especially Americans) think we only eat fish and chips, live in castles, or that the Scottish only consume haggis.

In fact, most Scots don't eat haggis, most of them actually hate it. And fish and chips isn't eaten on a daily basis either. In fact, lots don't eat fish and chips at all, and for most, they maybe have it a couple times a year. British people are far more likely to eat fast food, kebabs, pizza, or chinese/indian takeaway.

>> No.10256308

Slimes trying to defend their garbage food is always funny. Keep it up, butters.

>> No.10256429

I have and he's right for the most part, unless you really like pickled vegetables.

>> No.10257502

>paying $400 plus tip for fish on rice and one egg

>> No.10257522

>jiro is literally the only sushi chef in the worls

>> No.10257526

Most people pay 50 cents for a piece of sushi here in Japan.

Because conveyor belt sushi is cheap and serviceable.

>> No.10257534

You just don't understand the supreme culture of such an AMAZING place. If you don't enjoy raw fish on soggy rice for $500 dorra then you're a cultural wastrel. Excuse me while I get back to my anime.

>> No.10257550
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>> No.10257555

For me, it's the California roll, the best J*p food

>> No.10257599
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Italian is more than just pasta, anon.

>> No.10257711

Food at a good izakaya is great, but it's literally just grilled whatever.

>> No.10257727
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This was my Christmas cake this year. It was excellent.

>> No.10257741

Best piece is the one with the almond on top I bet.

>> No.10257760
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I believe that was a coffee flavored slice, so yes.
Here's some soba with chicken.

It was fantastic. I know ramen is super popular in the US these days, but soba is way better for my money.

>> No.10257761

It isn't

>> No.10257768
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Here's some tonkatsu I got in Tokyo.

>> No.10257777

Even as someone that really likes Jap food I agree.

>> No.10257813

Japanese pizza often is gross and has things like corn on it.

>> No.10257825

I don’t think many people would say it’s good.
It’s a rice based cuisine with very few variations and it’s generally bland as the Japanese aren’t into strong flavors.
Sometimes it presented in such a way to make it appear more appealing.
Overall it’s fuel for an industrious nation with a strong work ethic,it’s not meant to be particularly pleasurable to eat.

>> No.10257829

explains why the youth in Japan flock to western fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and KFC

>> No.10257831
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Are you kidding? Japanese youth love Japanese food. Especially local food. Of course western stuff is popular, but you make it sound like they've abandoned tradition and that just isn't true.

Pic related: the fried slice on the right is kurohanpen, a sardine paste popular in Shizuoka prefecture. Many of my students say it's their favorite local food.

>> No.10257834

jap foood all rook same same

>> No.10257836
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I sell Japanese instant noodles, soups, and snacks on eBay that are hard to find in the states. Konbini.Friend is the user. I'm selling some weird shit currently. Tomato candy that tastes like Campbell's soup, rose candy, "mont blanc" chestnut cakes, Caplico faux ice cream cones, Yasai salad Umaibo which are fucking delicious.

>> No.10257847


I belonged to a Japanese snack box subscription for like 6 months and had all of those things. Your shit is over saturated, and fuck off shilling on /ck/.

>> No.10257870
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Subscriptions are shit, know exactly what your getting and choose for yourself. Shill is done, it's too late now. Also forgot to mention, junk food not fresh so I hope that still applies here.

>> No.10257874


>> No.10257876

I disagree. But I like seafood.

>> No.10257896

So Italian food is a slice of cheese on top of a slice of tomato on top of a leaf of basil with balsamic glaze


>> No.10257910

>None of those are better except italian.
hmm no they're all better
>Indian and british are especially trash.
no they're not, you're just a dumb internet mong who listens to all of the shitposting on the internet
I could explain to you why you're a fuckwit but honestly I've got better things to do with my time

>> No.10257912

>no argument

That's what I thought, bitchfaggot.

>> No.10258384

what would happen if i put scrambled eggs into a piece of seaweed

>> No.10258392

t. fat american cunt who's lives in his own shat induced bubble his whole life

>> No.10258460

spanish food is trash

>> No.10258467
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The absolute triggered Bongastanian

>> No.10258533

>guaranteed replies

>> No.10258536

Literally every significant country that surrounds their island has better cuisine.

>> No.10258565

500 dorrar plus tip

>> No.10258576

Real talk, Korean and Vietnamese

>> No.10259236

>another sad ALT slaves away, unsure of his future
>the sun rises and sets

>> No.10259250

Japanese eat a bunch of weird shit from the ocean, can't be helped being an island nation and all. Korean food looks legit good though, everything looks red and spicy I always feel hungry after watching Korean TV.

>> No.10259265

I've always wanted to try some of the "weirder" japanese foods. when I took japanese in college my prof said that nattou and umeboshi are very difficult for western palates so I'm curious

>> No.10259566
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Couldn't make it over to Japan, huh?

>> No.10259620

>tfw not a japanese kid that gets to eat agepan for lunch at school

>> No.10259629

you're baiting for food porn and I like it