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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10255190 No.10255190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10255201

the kind you wouldn't fuck. and your disgusting fat NEET ass would fuck a broken wine bottle.

lose some weight

>> No.10255261
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>> No.10255293
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Some cute fatties.
>tfw no cute fat /ck/ gf that cooks with you

>> No.10255303

The kind that shove your hotdog up their clacka if they think you raped them in your thoughts.

>> No.10255307

They don't.

>> No.10255308

Well there was Angie. And she was terrible.

And there was that sweaty Jew girl that didn't look like she showered every day, but you'd still totally rail because she was attractive in that weird girl kind of way, that would come here and camwhore while eating weird foods. Like the one I remember was she was eating some green lolly pop with a scorpion in the center.

Then there was that ham planet lady that would get her ham planet boyfriend to record videos of her making her 'recipes' and post them to youtube. Like her cole slaw was just a bag of shredded cabbage and an entire tub of mayo. Someone used to namefag here by her name, but could have just been a troll.

Anyone remember cooking with Masaokis? I hope that crazy fuck is still trucking along out there somewhere.

>> No.10255310


>> No.10255327

>the oldest of fags

>> No.10255336

Do you remember Liru, Le Derp and sceak?

>> No.10255345

I enjoyed Borneo's restaurant adventures.

>> No.10255363


I don't remember the first two, but unfortunately you have reminded me of Sceak. The man who fried his own jizz in a frypan. Among other things.

>> No.10255376

honestly any of us autists would be lucky to score a girl half as decent as this

>> No.10255385

I miss the days of sceak.

>> No.10255396
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I thought Angie was attractive.

>> No.10255400

I think he still posts here under the name chop

>> No.10255402

I kinda don't, seeing his fucked up nipples put me off of sausage for a while

>> No.10255418

>chop is the same fag as sceak
My god it all makes so much sense now

>> No.10255427

average 4chan users

>> No.10255432

Does she have anymore pics?

>> No.10255442
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>> No.10255459
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I too love to spread my cancer into everyboard.

>> No.10255466

>what kind of girls post on /ck/

the most insanely normalfag women you can imagine. this is probably one of the most blase, milquetoast boards on the whole site as far as content goes after maybe like /out/ and /po/, and it's non-offensiveness means you get a lot of regular people (relatively) posting, including way more women than just about any other board except /cgl/ and possibly /d/.

it's a not-traditionally-male hobby board, you're not gonna get a lot of weirdo chicks here. probably gf material for the most part.

>> No.10255474

you thought wrong

>> No.10255478

She's so fucking hot

>> No.10255506

Bored housewives that drink too much wine and whose husband's don't pay attention to them anymore.

>> No.10255511

Sounds like the perfect life

>> No.10255560

the kind with penises

>> No.10255564

idk dude, it's still 4chan which has a bad reputation and the culture and type of language widely used on the only appeals to a pretty niche demographic of people. Even on the most tame of boards like you mentioned I still regularly see posts and content that most people would find disturbing or reprehensible, I don't necessarily disagree with what you said though, boards like /ck/ probably do attract more normies than the other ones.

>> No.10255583

The best kind

>> No.10255631

>this is probably one of the most blase, milquetoast boards on the whole site as far as content goes
people say nigger and tell each other to kill themselves all the time here kek

>> No.10255640

this is the closest to accurate that i can think of

>not wanting a shitposting 4chan chubby gf instead of boring sluts with sub 100 iq

>> No.10255651

i saw that in a movie once

>> No.10255666

I miss Borneo.

>> No.10255672

not nessarily fat, just female NEETs, artists and sisters of them

>> No.10255678


>> No.10255703

I kind of look like OPs pic only not Mexican, I'm white and very pale with dark circles around my eyes.

>> No.10255719

...oh, and I'm bulimic.

>> No.10255720

and you have bigger penis

>> No.10255724

You have to eat all the eggs

>> No.10255751

I’ve been posting my dinners the past couple nights and people assume I’m a guy because everyone assumes everyone on 4chan is a guy. I myself do even though I’m female.

>> No.10255752

and you have bigger penis

>> No.10255756


can we meet for coffee sometime?

>> No.10255759

Pale latin girls best girls

>> No.10255761

I'll take that as a compliment

>> No.10255763

also forgot to mention my anal addiction

>> No.10255768

Depressed Ausfag girls

>> No.10255798

crusty housewives

>> No.10255834

I'm a fat housewife.

>> No.10255839

Qt ones like me ;)

>> No.10255937
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>> No.10255945

Tubsters. Wine-os. Meme-spouters. Probably some cuties.

>> No.10255970

Angie was great
I remember. Also there is no evidence whatsoever that Liru was female. On the contrary all evidence points to a gross fat 40 year old man. Stop confusing anime avatars with being an actual female

>> No.10256006

big hairy bulldyke here

>> No.10256007
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>i kind of look like OP's pic

>> No.10256029
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Thanks for the compliment bb

>> No.10256032
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>probably gf material for the most part.

>> No.10256034

post feet

>> No.10256039

hello, I am a transgirl
are you going to glare at me for existing?

>> No.10256049

>*hmpf..harpf...hurmpf SAUSAAAAAGE...graaamph...gruiiiik...CHOOOOOCOOOOLAATE*

What a cutie

>> No.10256061


>> No.10256065

>tfw one of her meals can feed a family of 5 for a day.

>> No.10256067

>are you going to glare at me for existing?
Not her, but THIS is why everybody hates you fucking whiny shitters.

>> No.10256074


look its a private joke between L and T

>> No.10256077

>tfw her body can feed africa for 1 year