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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 59 KB, 1200x800, Ugly_Delicious_S01E07_0m20s494f.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10252905 No.10252905 [Reply] [Original]

STOP liking white people food.

Come on /ck/, apologize to David Chang for having such bland tastes and admit that good food only comes from Asia.

But seriously, who's seen Ugly Delicious and what did you think? Was he being unfair, edgy for the sake of ratings, or did he only make good points?

>> No.10252914

>watching the rectangular jew

>> No.10252920


>admit that good food only comes from Asia

You don't know who David Chang is, do you?

>> No.10252922

nah, fuck that yellow nigger to death with a baseball bat.

>> No.10252929

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say "good food only comes from Asia and Asian-immigrant communities." I mean he spent the whole crawfish episode complaining that people still make cajun-style crawfish instead of viet-cajun crawfish, and every other episode revolved around his butthurt that white boomers don't like Asian food enough.

>> No.10252930

are we watching the same show
what did Dave do to you

>> No.10252937

This spoon face is still relevant how?

>> No.10252949

He's just another anti-white racist with double standards about cultural appropriation.

>> No.10252984
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>Another episode of the Obese Gook Who's Insecure About His BMI And Tiny Penis Show is on!

>> No.10253016

The show lacks a focus, there is no cohesive idea behind it, it's never clear what he is setting out to do, not for the whole series, not for each episode. It's just a platform for him to blather on about his craft, and he doesn't have anything interesting to say about it so the show is boring, sometimes contradictory, and more often than not pretentious.

Take the China episode: he bitches and moans about how white people don't want to eat real chinese food. Then his asian ass goes to China and seeks the advice of a WHITE expert on chinese food and gets grossed out by authentic chinese food. The irony of this situation is not addressed. I think Chang has an axe to grind which he reiterates a few times in the series about being teased as a child for not eating white people food because his parents were immigrants. So he spent that whole episode shitting on America's idea of chinese food instead of showing what "real chinese food" actually is. A big segment on MSG, a piece about how the Chinese don't eat cats and dogs, a bit about how the poor Sichuan man has to cook general tso chicken in order to make money here

Know your audience Chang-kun, people watching food documentaries know american chinese food isn't the real deal already

>> No.10253040
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>> No.10253094

I watched the pizza and Thanksgiving episodes so far. Enjoyed both. Will watch the rest of the series. I'm someone who enjoyed reading Lucky Peach, so it's hardly a surprise I like it.
>The show lacks a focus, there is no cohesive idea behind it
I'll have to watch more I guess. The focus seemed pretty clear on the two episodes I've seen so far: successful contrarian chef hits the point in his career where he's tired of making pretty plates that look great on instagram. He's aware he can only rebel so hard against that in his restaurants, so this show is how he scratches that itch.

>> No.10253167

He barely talks about the food and instead chooses toguess out loud who wouldn't like what he ate. He's low-key snarky and basically every word out of his mouth is some weird sideways banter about people who aren't there 'yeah in New York they would never call this a pizza', 'oh see white people cant handle this, this isn't white people food', etc
Why doesn't he just get excited and talk about the food? It's a show about fusion cuisine but all he does is nitpick about what he assumes people who aren't there would think, a world class Chinese chef will make him his signature dish, and after his first bite David Chang decides to talk about white people. It honestly feels rude to the chefs.

>> No.10253179

its very honest, dave warts and all
I don't think OP watched this very closely, if at all.

>> No.10253185

We'll yeah that's the thing, the show's just about him traveling for dinner and saying whatever indulgent egotistical thing on his mind. It's easy to follow the episode once you realize that, but I turned it on expecting it to show off fusion cuisine and explain it, but the dude just eats and pops off little 4chan posts.
And why is it called Ugly Delicious? What does that mean? All the chefs foods look delicious, what's the deal with that name?

>> No.10253198

Have you realized how people with fair skin have shitty food? For example, light skinned Asians like Japanese and Korean have shitty food while dark skinned Indians have good food, same in Europe, darker skin caucasians have better food than pasty nords.

>> No.10253208

I patiently watched the first 4 episodes, hoping Chang would stop being a little douchesucking baby, but he just couldn't get out of his own way, which made the show unpleasant so I quit watching. There's better cooking/food shows.

>> No.10253334

The way that he treated that Domino's delivery driver lost him a fan. The guy was just doing his job.

>> No.10253375

Trips for truth, that delivery guy didn't deserve that kind of douchebaggery.

>> No.10253381

i turned that show off during the fried chicken episode where he tells the white dude that he's stealing black culture for making fried chicken. niggers did not invent fried chicken. the taco episode was pretty bad too with the SJW bullshit. mildly entertaining minus the politics though

>> No.10253404
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It's sort of like how blind people can hear really well. And deaf people can see like an eagle. So the closer you are to being genetically superior, the worse you cook.

>> No.10253408

Just happens that that those fairer skinned people happen to be smarter, better looking and more productive, too. I think they can live with having "shittier" food.

>> No.10253425

pretty much everything i make at home is indian, east asian, or mexican... except when lazy or drunk i sometimes cook british pub food... white cuisine sucks and that includes french and italian

>> No.10253451

Even the taco episode?

>> No.10253466

What was he doing? Don't want to go through all the eps to find this scene and I cant find it on google

>> No.10253540

Never seen the show but I am curious, does he bring up Chinese cuisine in America's history? About their changes and adaptations that brought the Chinese food to become the American comfort food it is today?

>> No.10253543

Paraphrasing: "I have a lot of experience with pizza now and this garbage. I can't do another delivery with you bc you are damaging the human race. I am done."

Meanwhile, this guy who probably wasn't paid to go on his show, who was positive and motivated, was cut to look stupid.

>> No.10253547

>spent a whole episode bitching about cajun/creole style crawfish
I refuse to believe someone would make this and think it's a good idea.

>> No.10253559

Yeah, he does get into that. It's basically accurate, but he chooses to frame it in a way that sort of demonizes white people for not liking authentic Chinese food right off the bat as though that's simply part and parcel with the other, more serious racism that's a real part of the story. He then goes to China and refuses to eat dishes that aren't even that strange (donkey meat, tendons) because he's a big baby. Surprise, David, palates are developed over time and shaped by cultural norms and you're not an exception!

>> No.10253564

It's not so much that he says cajun/creole crawfish is bad per se, but that he clearly prefers viet-style and seems to think it's a grave problem that not everybody agrees with him.

>> No.10253567

It's bad though. Just watch the pizza episode.

>> No.10253571

Why is African food such shit?

>> No.10253580

That’s not anywhere near what happened or what he said

>> No.10253603

literally ordered dominos to a Brooklyn pizzeria and said I love Dominos.
Fake news, what did Dave do to you?

>> No.10253619

That runs contrary to my white male chauvinist patriarchal sensibilities.

>> No.10253654

OP is a shit sandwich.

>> No.10253669

You didn't see where he delivered pizza with the driver?

>> No.10253690

ya that was pretty funny too, he wasn't mean to the guy but was definitely like ya, no more pull it, like my homies are in Naples eating pizza on a mountain and I'm delivering pizza in jersey bro no more

>> No.10253706

Which stuck me as being a total dick. Which was confirmed by other opinions in this thread.

>> No.10253722

ya but this board is full of fucking retards

>> No.10253731

You must work for his production company.

>> No.10253750

ya I'm an og shill son how does this website work haha upvote me

>> No.10253752

Get out, Chang.

>> No.10254023

So I just watched the scene with Chang to see what you guys were talking about, and it was literally nothing. He was nice to the driver, and after a few deliveries he said verbatim "That's it, I'm not doing another delivery"

That's like a 2/10 on my jerk radar, he didnt even call out the delivery guy when he was saying that he could make better pizza than all Italy.

BUT what you didn't see is the customer getting all pissy about being filmed. It was literally him just responding to a woman telling him to fuck off, had nothing to do with the driver, who he was nice to.

>> No.10254065

He was literally arguing that tacos are a Korean invention

>> No.10254070

I now have a wealth of pizza knowledge.

>> No.10254073
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>> No.10254108

He does tho. He might be a autistic manbaby but he's a good chef and a great marketer. His shtick doesn't do it for me personally but it's a good hustle and he does know what he's talking about

>> No.10254140

I don't even care anymore but it is funny how the opinions that I view as accurate come in the beginning of these threads.

>> No.10254148

>STOP liking white people food.
nah, slav cuisine is great, fuck right off

>> No.10254173

wtf I hate white people now

>> No.10254185
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Sure that's a sound theory you got there

>> No.10254199

He lifts the name ugly delicious from the home cooking episode to describe that type of food, it doesnt look pretty but it is tasty. Or maybe it was later in that episode where he makes a sichuan/thai/korean fusion dish that doesn't make sense but sounded good to me

>> No.10254208

I thought he was pushing the food-culture-is-a-metaphor-for-race-relations part a bit too hard.

But I think he did make some good points about being open to other cultures, etc. Just laying it on a little thick.

Really good quality food shots though. Chang and most of his guests seemed pretty knowledgeable about food. I didn't understand some of his guest choices, like that asian comedienne from the last episode--what was her purpose?

I would watch a 2nd season if they made one. I enjoy watching food videos while I eat, so the more the merrier.

>> No.10254218

enough. I did like the bit where the lady points out that if you think about the idiom "as american as apple pie" and then about how often you eat Chinese food compared to apple pie...

>> No.10254224


>> No.10254238

If there was one thing I could change I would add more food shots and remove some of the people talking about politics/race relations surrounding said food. You don't have to eliminate it but jesus m8 lets have some more closeups of that brisket

>> No.10254342

Yup, foodporn shots are the meat and potatoes of any food-related videos, not something you sprinkle in. They need to look to the successful youtube channels for a better ratio of food to face

>> No.10254963

>the show's just about him traveling for dinner and saying whatever indulgent egotistical thing on his mind.
To be fair a restaurant empire has been built on what pops out of that mind. His food is opinionated, so it's interesting to see the opinions that shape it. Especially when those opinions are so different from what you'd expect from a famous chef. You will never see Gordon Ramsey eating a Domino's pizza with bacon and Alfredo sauce on it. You may not like or agree with his opinions, but Chang has used them to fuel a very interesting and successful career. I like the little window into how the guy's mind works.

>> No.10256098

Is it me or are the second generation immigrants the most buttblasted about MUH CULTURE?

The first gens I know think Americanized Chinese is a neat novelty and are generally suspicious of hole in the wall joints they're not familiar with.

>> No.10256122

No wonder I hate most of America. Garbage people that aren't worth the dribbled piss of my knob. You explain why the world sucks.

>> No.10256133

You're the shitty underclass that subsists in America. You're the garbage class. Stop trying to have opinions on meaningful things.

>> No.10256160

Asian food is either overly salty, overly spicy, or sickly sweet / sour. It's almost like Asians have poor taste receptors, and don't understand the subtlety/delicacy of good food.

>> No.10256256

David "Momofuku DC underperformed and I had a nervous breakdown, announced I was quitting everything and then said I was only going to make fast food fried chicken at Fuku because that's eaiser than maintaining consistency and quality across locations" Chang

>> No.10256721

The best foods are white people food. I mean Asian is great, especially Indian, Pakistani and Malaysian but you can't knock French, Italian, Spanish, German, Hungarian, Russian, Greek, and American etc; off the top. And what about Mexican, half of them are white and nobody on earth dislikes Mexican food.

>> No.10257264


I hate his outlook on cuisine/food and how he politicizes things. FYI I am not fully white and a lot of my diet is Arabic/Persian (which I think are some of the best cuisines) but food is just that, food. Saying "________ group of people should not be allowed to cook______ cuisine because insert arbitrary biased political reason" is just reflecting your own insecurities. I recall Chang talking about how when he see's white guy cooking kimchi/Korean food it pisses him off because of a bullied childhood or some shit and all I can think to myself is wow what a pathetic cuck. Fuck this guy.

>> No.10257299

The New Orleans episode was extremely uncomfortable. The way he kept trying to break down the cooks for not cooking viet-cajun was particularly creepy. Maybe he was drunk?

>> No.10257366

the only butthurt I'm seeing here is from you

>> No.10257425

he was literally drawing parallels between his food experiences in life and other cultures foods

>> No.10257512

You are now aware of why modern leftists seem to have so much vitriol and disdain for their own people/nation. They were bullied or at least outcasts and never got over it.

>> No.10257519

>leftists have disdain for their own people/nation
>the GOP is attempting to destabilize the US economy to spite "the gooks"

>> No.10257527


Yeah I have noticed that just like I've noticed how many conservatives are complete and total fucking retarded faggots.

Also fuck white Anglos. Slavs and white non anglos are cool. But the eternal anglo must be bred out through multiple generations of interracial breeding. Think of your imperialist ancestors when your sister is getting her eggs colonized by black seed!

>> No.10257535

>claims the best food in the world comes from Asia
>won’t even eat donkey

Poser fuck shouldn’t get another tv show or season, what a fucking hypocrite

>> No.10257561

No it's not you but I dont blame them. They feel out of place wherever they are, not quite American, not quite from their homeland, whereas their parents can be full on Korean or whatever. That's the sentiment you heard from a lot of the Japanese-Americans who got interned during WW2. Not quite Japanese, not quite American, people without a home

>> No.10257625

The best chefs are white, deal with it.

>> No.10258230

Has David Chang done fucking up Japanese food yet?

>> No.10258385

The bit that got me was the woman of viet heritage going "I'm new orleans m8 stop saying I'm an immigrant"

>> No.10258478
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he said that the Japanese fried chicken was the best food he ever had in the whole wide world and the Japanese chef just looked at him uncomfortably when he lumbered over for an obviously unwanted hug. Oh and he reviewed Japanese sushi pizza. that's about it.

also on an unrelated note the fried rice episode was about 5% fried rice and 80% explaining the historical prejudice against the Chinese in America. and 15% defending MSG.

>> No.10258487

The part where he defended being as rude as possible when ordering at a chinese establishment kind of pissed me off. What the fuck kind of business hides their best food being a "rudeness/bluster" paywall? Seems a little egotistical if you ask me.

>> No.10259841

I want to cum in that gook.

>> No.10260156

That's not very open to other cultures, anon.

Vietnamese immigrants tend to be cool like that for some reason.

>> No.10260899
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doesn't seem very open of a restaurant to withhold their best products from whiteys and amerifats unless they are browbeaten into cooking them, eh?

>> No.10261051

> good food only comes from asia
> eats chinese food with a white guide
> refuses to eat local donkey meat

This guy's got insecure second generation immigrant all over himself.

>> No.10261201

well put

>> No.10261271

He's upfront about it though.

>> No.10261282

Ignore cuckposters
Do not reply to cuckposting threads
Report cuckposting threads

>> No.10261302
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>> No.10261375

T. Spic

>> No.10261407

White people are really ugly

>> No.10261432
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me rove u rong time

>> No.10261501

Dork. Who are you trying to impress? Your friends on /ck/?

>> No.10262072
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>> No.10262498


>> No.10263790

Cant stand this chink, annoying as fuck. Pretends to know his craft but he keeps pushing his chink shit everywhwere he goes. 0 stars to this shitty program.

>> No.10264939

I watched a few - some parts were interesting enough, but it was pretty all over the place and david chang is just unlikable - that "low-key dickhead" thing people who move to new york do to show you how little they care because they're from the big city and focused on their vision or whatever always rubs me the wrong way

>> No.10264971

why are white people so easy to trigger?

>> No.10265158

immigrant mutt having an identity crisis lmao

>> No.10265357

They have lower IQ's and are more prone to committing violent crimes than asians. Also, and most importantly they can't handle food with any flavor other than HFCS.

>> No.10265519

literally retarded, you must beat off to 3D girls you inbred faggot, insane that you go on /ck

>> No.10265548

Racism is bullshit. You're all a bunch of niggers.

>> No.10265552
File: 290 KB, 450x320, NIGGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the retard don't understand the real stats, hope you get educated nigger, would be the best for the whole world
yea white people get triggered but when i say nigger the chimps start screeching

>> No.10265577


Everyone on 4chan is nigger or nigger adjacent. They're never white enough to wipe out their crippling poverty and ignorance.

>> No.10265641

>don't understand the real stats
Fuck off, even Spencer, the alt-right mouthpiece admits Asians have superior IQ's than whites. Enjoy your coming subjugation, given the english in your post my guess is you'll be cast with the lower level nogs.

>> No.10265711

no one cares about asians, none of your people are a world power, and its about getting rid of niggers you stupid fucking gook, how can you call yourself smart when you don't know the enemy

>> No.10265889

I thought the Mexican episode was cool. I liked that he explored. The home cooking episode was great too. The rest of the episodes weren’t so spectacular.

>> No.10266945
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Who gave this guy the cash to fly all over the world and insult chefs?

>> No.10266965

Really depends on the asian. The elliot type asians are cool, the wigger eddie huang types are lame

>> No.10266981

>91% of murdered black americans, are killed by other black americans
That's true across all races, the vast majority of murders are within the race.

>> No.10267221


>> No.10267427

>irrational hatred
Take your 6th grade education and fuck off back to your trailer, Jethro.

>> No.10267883

I'm pretty sure most of you faggots didn't even watch the show, or at least didn't understand it in any way.

He never hates on wh*teoids, for fuck's sake he goes to length to express his love of Domino's. He just points out a real tendency in some communities for people to reject authentic food because it's not what they're accustomed to. Ffs, he even gets squeamish when eating sea cucumber in that China episode. And do you really think that he doesn't have a point? Authentic Chinese cookery is legitimately one of the richest and most fascinating food traditions on Earth and Amerilards rejected it because it's not fried and covered in sweet sauce. Any other time in any other case you would call it out but because they're whipipo you chimp out.

The only thing I didn't like about the show was, as another anon said, lack of focus and that one disgusting caricature of a soyboy (glasses, patchy beard, curly hair, fat paunch) who came around and tried frozen food or whatever. Extremely annoying

>> No.10267889

Stop sucking Chang's dick, he's an annoying douchebag.

>> No.10268003

that is the most twisted version of what he was saying dude.

>> No.10268278
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>when he tries to lure a vietnamese immigrant fisherman into supporting his "le poor syrian refugees" speech
>gets absolutely destroyed when vietnamese guy starts ranting about the system being til easy on modern immigrants
>le food chink proceeds to sob outside about "conveying diversity and tolerance through food"

>> No.10268292


Go back to /pol/

>> No.10268565

I didn't like how they had Aziz in the show.
Aziz and his giant bear friend shouldn't be in a food show.
Plus I think Netflix has some nuts to put him on a new show right after he was accused of sexually harassing someone.
although the womans story had no weight I would have waited a little while for people to forget

>> No.10270230

I'm not anglo. Why did my post upset you so much?

>> No.10270237

I'm referring to regular people, not politicians who are acting in their own interests and financiers interests rather than the interests of their country and people.

>> No.10270238

>STOP liking white people food.

Is there a single board on 4chan not infested with diversive kikes?

>> No.10270254

What in the fuck would make you think that? I'm not even from that corner of the globe, I'm fucking Fijian/Kiwi mix.

>> No.10270443

Obligatory response:
>you a nog, son, and worse than a spic

>> No.10270504
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What David Chang doesn't realize is that whites and asians have different tastes dictated by genetics.

>> No.10270692

I'm Rotuman and Maori, how is that niggardly? Are you 89IQ or something? I'm an islander.