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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10250935 No.10250935 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10250948

Only took them 60 years

>> No.10250949

Head on over to /b/ you spamming fag

>> No.10250953

How is cooking it when it's ordered any different from cooking before it's ordered and reheating it?

>> No.10250969

Stop replying to these threads you stupid fuck

>> No.10250970

Have you ever cooked anything before?

>> No.10250971

Won't stop their food from tasting like hot garbage and ass though.

>> No.10250975

cry more

>> No.10250991

Fuck off

>> No.10251079
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>> No.10251090

What? Which threads? I just want to know how this is different, like scientifically is there some extra chemical in hamburgers that dissolves if you make them hot more than once?

>> No.10251111

I was gonna give my thoughts, but it turns out you're 14.

PSA: You can use either of the browser extensions 4chanX or 4chan Plus to block posts by topic, image, filename, or anything else repetetive. Please block threads like this.

>> No.10251173

>fresh beef
>cooked when you order

does this mean it will cost more and take longer?
go fuck yourself mcdonalds, it was only a good place to eat because it was cheap. i have never heard anyone say wendys bullshit never frozen shit actually tasted better than anywhere else.

>> No.10251183

I predict lawsuits about raw beef.

>> No.10251215


>> No.10251220

Yeah and 10 Internets say it is on "select sandwiches", there is no way they could do this on all of them with the volume they get

>> No.10251224

fuck off

>> No.10251229


It will probably be on something like
>quarter pounder
>1/3 of a pound
>"fresh style burger"

>> No.10251236

eat my ass hole you wendys shill

>> No.10251240

Finally going back to their roots

>> No.10251241

I baited this exact response.

>> No.10251243

This is much better than cheap shit you don't want to eat because it's more like a delicious treat to have now

If you want value just go for the fucking value menu

>> No.10251245

ROFL you NERD i baited this exact response

>> No.10251250
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McDonalds is so salty it's like the only thing you taste

>> No.10251260

>Yeah and 10 Internets say it is on "select sandwiches", there is no way they could do this on all of them with the volume they get
Did anyone claim they were going to start doing this for all their items?
I assumed it was an announcement about a new class of items, not a change in how they do existing items.

>> No.10251261

Going to be the same stuff as the, artisan menu, there is no way they could get jamal in the back to make stuff fresh constantly

>> No.10251345

lol, but fastfood shills said pinkslime WAS real meat.

>> No.10251438



>> No.10251485

>1/3 of a pound
I want MUH 1/4 pounder!
4 is bigger than 3 therefore better!!

>> No.10251495



>> No.10251507
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Taking money from retards is this easy...

>> No.10251529
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>> No.10251568

Yes. They dry out when cooled and dry out more when reheated.

>> No.10251647

I work at McD's, it's every piece of 1/4 meat. The regular 1/10 meat on cheeseburgers is still the same.

Takes 75 seconds to cook and it comes out the fridge sealed in plastic instead of the freezer.

>> No.10251659
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>> No.10251698

why are orthorexics such chemophobes

>> No.10251791

Still disgusting.

>> No.10252037

(((((Fresh beef))))

>> No.10252766
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>one shit fast food restaurant shitposting at another

>> No.10252779
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>> No.10252781


I do not eat beefburgers.

>> No.10252856

>10 piece nuggets costs more than 3 4 piece orders
>not just getting the 4 for 4

dumbass kareem

>> No.10252866
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>wendy's stocks already dropped

>> No.10252880

>Wendy's vs McBurger
Remember when Burger King was the Pepsi of fast food? I wonder why #2s always fare so poorly and are so so far behind #1s, instead of being, say, neck-and-neck with them or something closer to that.

>> No.10252884
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Pepsi and Wendy's are both doing pretty well at the moment. Burger King was never the Pepsi of fast food joints, it was a flash in the pan thing during the early 2000's.

>> No.10252924

This. Mcdonalds already takes fucking FOREVER to get orders out and this will just blow the last few brain cells the retards that work there away.

>> No.10252956

why not just using local beef

>> No.10252981

What the fuck am I looking at? Get the fuck out of my kitchen.

>> No.10252992

McCucks BTFO

>> No.10253225

>Corporate hired some kid who knows the freshest memes to run their social media account
>Successful because thats all it takes to get droves of retarded millenials to eat their slop, just posting dank memes and video game/anime references like Arby's and Wendy's

>> No.10253239

I actually eat the burgers at mcdonalds, I go to wendys for chicken

this ruins everything

>> No.10253256

what's the point of fast food if it's not really that fast anymore?

>> No.10253258

You could always just ask for them to make you a fresh one if you really wanted it. Why the hell are they doing this? Now they're just going to remove the only good part about McDonald's, the fact that it's FAST food.

>> No.10253328

no, I had to wait 5 min for my quarter pounder in the drive thru yesterday.

>> No.10253412

I suggest a frozen burger is actually the flavor america wants

people like the burgers from bbqs, and you know what people make at bbqs? frozen burgers

that's the taste people grow up with, that's the one they like
plus when it comes to a burger you should want it nice and cold when you cook it so you can really give the outside a lot of time to contact the grill and get crispy

>> No.10253432

Does this mean dank meming is a valued skill now?
C-Can I finally quit my supermarket wageslave job and become a professional meme analyst?

>> No.10253453
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>> No.10253460
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>he thinks i eat frozen burg at a cookout

end ur life m8

>> No.10253462


Get your fatass down and belly up to the counter

>> No.10253469

The people falling for this are retards. Mcdonalds never sold 100% beef nor will it ever.

>> No.10253520

is this what non-americans actually believe

>> No.10253763

Pepsi has always been #1 across the world. It's only in America where Coca Cola is more popular.

>> No.10253776

Literally nobody is talking about the quality of the beef itself.

>> No.10253860

I don't get it.

>> No.10253904

What's there not to get? McDonalds announced it's going to start making some of their hamburgers cooked at order instead of cooked ahead of time, frozen, and reheated. Wendy's responded by making fun of them about it since they're still going to use frozen pattied for most of their burgers and Wendy's has already been doing cooked at order fresh beef for all their burgers from day 1.

>> No.10253953

I don't think there's any real discernible difference between having frozen or fresh patties shipped.
They're both essentially the same

>> No.10254059

Its harder than most people think to get a job in marketing.

>> No.10254310

>fresh beef

Teleportation from the farm? How the fucking hell do they get it from the cow to the burger without freezing it?

>> No.10254375

This isn't the 1800s, Cletus. Semi-trucks and regional distribution centers made salted pork and scraping the rot off your bacon a thing of the past.

>> No.10254381

>What is refrigeration?

>> No.10254469
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>t's more like a delicious treat to have now
>a Mcdonalds burger
Is this the state of Americans or what the hell?

>> No.10254562

It is a treat, normally you have the bland shit made at home like beans or some chicken

If it was high quality like they are proposing

>> No.10254573

you literally just described the difference

>> No.10254582

The difference is it's not pre cooked now

>> No.10254605


99+99+99 is 2.97, which is greater than the 2.89 the ten piece costs.

>> No.10254629

Going inside always takes longer to get your food, they dont give a shit about you they just want to move people through the drive through

>> No.10254712

I don't eat crap, so nah.

>> No.10254751

Based Trump.

>> No.10254754

HFCS lobbyists took over congress in the 80's - nuff said.

>> No.10254870

There's literally nothing wrong with corn sugar, it's almost exactly the same as cane sugar and corn subsidies give farmers stability so they don't overproduce to the point of worthlessness during good times and don't run out during bad times. This makes them more profitable and less self-destructively reactive so that you're creating value beyond the amount of money you initially give them in subsidies. And this keeps people in other parts of the world from going hungry since the US exports so much corn.

>> No.10254951

t. Monsanto idf

>> No.10254965

Serving it fresh is not going to improve the quality much, if at all. It might even reduce the quality as they're probably resorting to some kind of spray-on preservative or antiseptic sort of fuckery.

>> No.10254972

the new quarter pounder with beef tastes worse than the old one.

>> No.10254990

I always used to get the mcchicken the 4piece mcnuggets and value fries for 3 bucks and taxes but now it cost me almost 5 dollars when I could get the same thing from wendy's for 3 bucks
only thing mcdicks has going for it is breakfast options, it's just too expensive and slow for "fast" food

>> No.10255011

you can have frozen shit or fresh shit, but at the end of the day it's still shit.

>> No.10255103
File: 24 KB, 496x423, Norman_Borlaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't work for Monsanto, but I'd be proud of it if I did considering they've saved billions from hunger. Do you think people without food to eat care that they use innovative high yield GMOs? Norman Borlaugh has arguably done more to benefit mankind than anyone else in human history with his dwarf wheat hybrids, and he had no problem with GMOs.
>"There is no evidence to indicate that biotechnology is dangerous. After all, mother nature has been doing this kind of thing for God knows how long," he said. Told a packed hall consisting of researchers and food scientists in the Kenyan capital.
>He dismissed the critics of GMOs as people who had not produced even a kg of food and yet were yelping about bio-safety and the dangers involved in the technology.
>Borlaug, who received a Nobel Peace in 1970 for his efforts to feed a hungry world, said genetic engineering (a term he prefers to GMOs) was the only technology that must be embraced by countries whose food supply is threatened by the inequalities of the world. Citing the examples of China and Brazil where cereal production has gone up more than two-fold making the former the current world's leading cereal producer, he said biotechnology was the surest existing way to ensure food security in Africa and other developing countries. Maize, if given the right push, he noted, will sufficiently feed Sub-Saharan Africa.

>> No.10255135

Fucken retarded. And don't pretend it's benefiting other parts of the world, it's purely for the Agri industry.

>> No.10255176

Subsidies are brilliant, you probably think it's just about handing money to farmers and are missing the fact it's a ridiculously profitable investment, the additional money made by separating farmers from the short term ups and downs of growing conditions and changing demands keeps costs at the optimum level so everyone wins and resources aren't wasted over reactive panics to either extreme of overproducing to the point of worthlessness (like what happened after the war / prior to the Depression and kicked off the whole subsidized corn concept in the first place) or going bust and not being able to feed people no matter how much money they're willing to give you.
And yes, they definitely do feed large populations around the world. Corn exports actually exist and actually do go to people in need of food to eat and not just as part of some plot evil Monsanto is orchestrating to steal all your money and poison you, don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.10255193
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so they weren’t serving fresh beef the entire 80 years before May 2018?
McCucks btfo

>> No.10255198

That's a bingo!

>> No.10255215

Waaaay ahead of you anon. and nice quad btw.

>> No.10255225
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>> No.10255243

>I'm not part of the big agri idf, I just spout their propaganda on a MS worm farming board with tl;dr posts for shits and giggles.
Nice try Schlomo, now go chug a cup of your favorite boi juice, roundup. It's perfectly safe.

>> No.10255250

In Australia burgers have been cooked to order for years. Although I suspect during the lunch rush they've got a lot of burgers on the grill and just take them off as needed because service is always lightning at McDonald's during lunch here whereas after 9pm and especially past midnight it can take ages.

>> No.10255264
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Try again.

>> No.10255287

>profitable investment
For whom? Why do farmers get subsidies and no one else? Why don't I get subsidies because I go through periods of shit turnover and then periods when it's raining. What about every manufacturing business that has a high fixed cost base that have to shut down due to weakened demand for periods of time. It's a load of shit. Give farmers low cost loans for hard times, not artificially support low commodity prices. You clearly work in the Agri industry or are close to it.

>> No.10255316
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>mcdonald's will surpass in-n-out in price AND taste


>> No.10255403

In-n-out is already pretty cheap though isn't it?

>> No.10255412

>For whom?
For everyone. If nothing else keeping farmers from wildly bouncing back and forth between either bad extreme of overproducing and not being able to meet demands keeps prices stable, so every other company that is in some way or another influenced by corn prices (i.e. pretty much all of them) are also protected from that sort of instability, and prices in general are more favorable for all the goods you want or need.
Farmers reacting to short term conditions is what made everyone grow way too much corn in response to the heightened war time demands which caused the price to plummet and made all that corn worthless in addition to fucking over the land from overgrowing, and that's a big part of why the Great Depression was so bad.

>> No.10255419

You've repeated the same rhetoric again and again. Have fun corn rancher

>> No.10255456

Would you prefer I stop repeating the truth and start telling you a lie?
Basically anytime I hear a hipster complaining about corn subsidies I automatically replace in my head their words with "I want to destroy the fragile balance that is the agricultural industry's ability to support the exponentially increasing world population because seeing the word "organic" on crap I buy makes my dick tingle."

>> No.10255461
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>Let's jack up the price and completely ignore our client base

>> No.10255529

>corn sugar
How to spot a shill, easy mode edition.
You'll never see them refer to it as HFCS, always this focus tested "corn sugar" terminology.

>> No.10255599

No one cares about the rest of the world.

>> No.10255615

>another person who thinks making a fresh frozen patty means it's fresh

>> No.10255646

>e so that you're creating value beyond the amount of money you initially give them in subsidies. And this keeps people in other parts of the world from going hungry since the US exports so much corn.

Don't listen to them. There's a reason America kicks everyone's ass when it comes to business.

>> No.10255734

I have a feeling this is going to make their cheap double hamburgers become shit.

>> No.10256782

im gonna buy fucking two dude

>> No.10256808

It's only a matter of time.before the AnCap memes with the fast-food food PMCs become reality.

>> No.10257376

Fuck off shill

>> No.10257461

Pepsi was briefly the 6th largest military power in the world during the 90s.

>> No.10257606

Waaaay cheaper and tastier than mcdonalds.

>> No.10257858

McDonalds hasn't been cheap for years. They've also been improving the quality of their food slowly but surely.

>> No.10259820

Honestly, what is the appeal of MickyDs these days?

The service stopped being "fast" sometime in the early 2000s, they axed the dollar menu, everything is overpriced for the level of quality, and the people that work there are just fucking rude and pitiful to behold.

Meanwhile, you can pay dollars less at a place like cook-out, get more food and also get infinite variety with better-testing options with about half the wait -- and usually be served by someone that isn't constantly scowling or looking like they haven't taken a bath in over a month.

>> No.10259828

It's still really fast, where are you getting the idea they aren't from?

>> No.10259862

Mcdonalds is selling at a loss in finland and i always wondered where do they get the money from.

>> No.10259866
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Hesburger is the tits.

>> No.10259873

The people at my McDonald's straight-up refused to do that when I asked them to make it fresh

>> No.10259890

Every time in the past 5 years I've been to a mcdonalds (which hasn't been much, admittedly -- maybe once every two or three months at most) I've either been told to pull into one into one of those marked spots to wait, or have sat behind 8 people as the line didn't move for about 10 minutes. I can't remember the last time I've ever had it where I ordered, drove up to pay, and then received my order in a timely fashion like the old days where shit worked like clockwork.

Meanwhile at a place like Chick-Fil-A, I sometimes get my order handed to me before my card is even swiped after they practically waved me through the drive thru with beaming smiles on their faces-- and even when there are long lines the service is still faster on average the a McDonalds with one person ahead of me.

>> No.10259910

>who cares that you're eating poison
>it's not an argument lol
i care

>> No.10259913

so im fucked with my degree...

>> No.10260915

But I just want them to fucking hand me it, why is every single decision they make just to slow down the service?
It got big because it was
>fast, cheap, good, clean, no delinquents
Now it's
>slow as fuck, expensive, awful, filthy, nothing but little shits and scumbags

>> No.10261071 [DELETED] 

From cloned cows.....

>> No.10261088

Rather dine on crappers than eat at Maccas

>> No.10261093 [DELETED] 

The majority of Monsanto seeds are used for silage for low quality meat, a very little amount is used for actual people in poverty. You’re either giving yourself or them the credit that should be given to smaller GMO breeders that actually help billions. You will inevitably mention the small amount of work that Monsanto does to “help third world farmers” (which is then patented and shelved) and opponents will mention glyphosate and you will dodge it, we’ve been through this on /ck/ countless times through the years, can you just drop it?

This is coming from someone who works with marker assisted breeding (for hemp and recreational cannabis specifically). And the thing is, I don’t care what Monsanto is doing. It’s quantifiably 100x worse than anything the tobacco industry did in the past century and you will be punished much harder, but you continue to not give a fuck and I sort of respect that. Hell, my companies will probably be sued at some point too for the projects we’re undertaking. It’s all in the game friend, just keep the propaganda to leddit

>> No.10261122

Dawg you made your post 20 minutes after the first one... that’s way too blatant.

>it’s almost exactly the same
Has to be the worst goddamn shilling I’ve ever seen... your performance review is going to be unfavorable

Also this.

>> No.10261155

Ask the same question twice, get the same answer twice.
I'm a software developer, I don't work at Monsanto or even in any agriculture related capacity. I'm just tired of seeing retarded anti-subsidy hysteria. It seems like you all either think the people who put these subsidies in place were too stupid to realize your brilliant insights into how the economy ought to be managed, or else you think they're evil baby eating nazis who want to give everyone super-AIDS through forced consumption of poisonous mutant death crops.
So fuck off.

>> No.10261581

McDonald's returning to in-n-out roots

>> No.10261735

This makes me mad. I want McD to be chemical deliciousness. If I wanted a fresh taste I'd go to BK and get a whopper, they may be frozen, but flame grilled sitting in a pan of juice for an hour still tastes fresher than anything else. Wendy's fresh burgers aren't that great, I'll pass.

>> No.10261816

McDonald's is already is quite expensive for what it is, I think the chicken is the only cheap item they have. wendey's taste way better also and its maybe a few cents more for a meal.

>> No.10261957


>> No.10262468


>> No.10262910

It's already too late. Their brand is already tarnished in my eyes. I won't eat that cheap shit. Everything they serve is like plastic, it's not just the beef.

>> No.10262998

So what they're saying for extra money I can risk getting food poisoning from undercooked meat or be served a hockey puck or better yet "fresh" meat that's been under a heat lamp for a few hours.

>> No.10264290


I feel like everyone's trying to be like Five Guys. People are willing to pay a premium for a burger at Five Guys =/= people willing to pay the same fucking price for McDonalds or Wendy's

>> No.10264296

i want the pekoni hamburglaroni