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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10250684 No.10250684 [Reply] [Original]

my moms husband is getting deported by ICE back to the UK, where he is from. While he was here he supported us with his successful restaurant, and that's all we will have when he's gone. So I'd like to try to keep it running.

The only problem is it's a bunch of gay white people food. I know rich people like to eat fancy food but I would like to put a twist on it, like fancy chicken and waffles.

Do you guys have any recipes for fancy chicken and waffles?

>> No.10250690

two words: truffle oil

>> No.10250701


>> No.10250705

>successful restaurant
No, stupid. You don't change something that's working. This is a business, not playtime. Bait.

>> No.10250724

the menu is a bunch of shit nobody has ever heard of. It needs something real people eat, with a sort of fancy gourmet feel to it that justifies paying like 15$ minimum

>> No.10250727

> getting deported without committing another crime first

What did he do to get the attention of ICE?

>> No.10250730

hire hot fat girls to fart on the food in front of customers before serving

>> No.10250748

How bored do you have to be to make retarded roleplaying bait threads on /ck/? You'd get a lot more replies on other boards.

>> No.10250757

I smell bait.

>> No.10250777

He was being a bitch because I came home late, and it pissed me off because he's not my dad so I pushed him and then he punched me. I was about to beat his old white ass but my mom saw and called the cops.

I guess he was waiting for his visa renewal to get approved but since the cops were there they gave him to ICE. I'm glad too, that guy was a bitch

>> No.10250779

He was involved with racketeering and money laundering for the Chinese triads

>> No.10250806

Stay Focused

>> No.10251015

Well, thank Christ he’s gone. But at least you get a shot at going into bankru- I mean, running a restaurant.

>> No.10251023

>deported by ICE

>> No.10251428

>my moms husband is getting deported by ICE back to the UK, where he is from. While he was here he supported us with his successful restaurant, and that's all we will have when he's gone. So I'd like to try to keep it running.
>The only problem is it's a bunch of gay white people food. I know rich people like to eat fancy food but I would like to put a twist on it,

>successful fucking restaurant catering specifically to richfags
>lets fuck with it to be inclusive (guy who's depending on this business)
Are you out of your mind?

>> No.10251554

>nigger gets white step-dad deported
>wants to turn his well run restaurant into a slop shack that nosedives within a year
this is either bait or you are one dumb nigger

>> No.10252455
File: 459 KB, 2048x1536, pol meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all go back to /pol/
also I didn't get him deported, he's the one who was an ILLEGAL immigrant and I thought you hated those, but I guess it's just the brown ones

>> No.10252460

Why would someone move from UK to a third world shithole?

>> No.10252553

this, it's too good to be true.
>my wifes son is taking over my restaurant and he says he wants to serve soul food
at least some pathetic britfaggot who would date a coalburner is on his way back to 1984istan

>> No.10252559

>bunch of shit nobody has ever heard of


>> No.10252566
File: 135 KB, 959x684, meet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is either bait or you are one dumb nigger
Are you really in doubt about whether this is bait or not? I believe that in turn makes you a dumb nigger yourself, buddy.

I wonder how many white illegals there actually are in the US, now that I think about it. I guess there could be some who came over on a work visa and stayed after it expired. They're not likely to jump the border the way the Mexicans do.

That can't be a /pol/ meetup; they're all white.

>> No.10252572

The thing about /pol/ meetups is that only the biggest retards would actually go to one. Most of us are reasonably capable of hiding our powerlevel. I know at least 3 irl and I only found out they were /pol/ tier after knowing them for a while. It makes sense that the low iq mutts would be happy to rally around some meme meetup.

>> No.10252575

It's not like this new wave of "I'm gonna make a silly restaurant" memes are even funny. What gives, OP?
>Taking this seriously at all

>> No.10252577
File: 386 KB, 1920x1080, 1502598263729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay white people food

I used to feel this way, but then I realized that 'gay white people' food includes burgers, pizzas, hot dogs, fried chicken, and barbecue, which I love, so I don't really see it that way anymore. Midwestern cooking is still abysmal though.

>> No.10252579

>fake /pol/ thread tries extremely hard to post racist and /pol/ist social propaganda on /ck/ without getting banned

Good work, OP.

>> No.10252639

>reasonably good at hiding our power level

You’re talking about your white socialism subreddit in an Iberian tea ceremony forum

>> No.10252699

>implying /pol/ meetups aren't setup by CIA niggers who will put all the attendants into a terrorist watch list.

>> No.10252717
File: 188 KB, 768x1024, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably true for meetups from most groups really. They attract the freaks who treat the board or forum or subreddit as not only a lifestyle but a lifestyle they're proud of. All the normal well adjusted people stay home.
I'm sure there are exceptions, though. I think /k/ has managed to have some non-autistic meetups for example. Although they also have the famous brownie one.

He's doing it anonymously, though. You don't think people act the same offline as they do on 4chan, right?
Do YOU do that?

>> No.10252726

Sounds like you'll alienate your customer base and ruin the restaurant.

>> No.10252733
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 months later

>> No.10252741

Post the article from your local newspaper.

>> No.10252747

>my moms husband is getting deported by ICE back to the UK
God bless Trump

>> No.10252751

>libcucks playing nazis and all they can muster is a shitty .25 auto


>> No.10253251

How's the restaraunt been so successful then, and how do you suppose you're going to reinvent the menu to make the restaraunt even better when you don't even have recipes or now how to make them yourself? This is retarded and I'm sure I'm being trolled but I'm posting anyways in case you're not trolling and want to seriously explain your fucked up 'I'm not a chef and don't know what flavors are good please design for me my new signature dish to replace a successful menu I don't enjoy or understand' bullshit

>> No.10253259

I hope you're kidding, because you are an overactive witless dumbass with a racial chip on his shoulder.

>> No.10253308

I smell meatloaf

>> No.10253330

>he's the one who was an ILLEGAL immigrant and I thought you hated those

>he was waiting for his visa renewal

He wasn't an illegal immigrant if he had a valid visa that was in the process of being renewed. So, you're lying and most likely trolling with the whole topic anyway.

If you're not trolling about changing a successful restaurant, then I hope your mother throws you out on the street.

>> No.10253347

>I thought you hated those
Do you think this is /pol/ or something? If you're not lying as a joke, then it's a damn fact that your a thankless belligerent who destroyed his mom's relationship and your father's career by being an uncontrollable insecure sperg, and now you're taking that awful angry destructive attitude and shitting on the race and tastes of the market that your hard working step dad built so he could afford to bankroll your unemployable punk ass.
The idea that you assume his restaraunt belongs to you know is despicable. Please I hope you are joking, you sound like the most basic bitch 14 year old suburban tryhard 'gangsta' bastard I've heard, your mother weeps for you.

>> No.10253353

>I wonder how many white illegals there actually are in the US
Quite a lot; there are a ton of Irish who came over back before things stabilized in Northern Ireland and who have been here ever since. Also a lot of Canadians; I used to know one who had some criminal convictions up in Canada that made him ineligible to even be a tourist, but he married a woman in the U.S. and had been staying illegally for years. Back before 2000, the Canadian economy really sucked in comparison, and there were a lot of them who came down to work.

>> No.10253373

Holy shit she has a nice rack.

Holy shit is that serious? It does look like the same cop, and the hats in the first pic say NYPD.

OTOH I looked up his name and he was sentenced for raping his girlfriend's 13yo daughter, so I guess the chick with the nice rack wasn't the one anyway.

>> No.10254195

>me: go back to /pol/
>you: do you think this is /pol/ or something?
Yes, that's exactly what I think. I think that this is /pol/, which is precisely why I would tell someone who is here that they need to go back to /pol/. Nothing gets past you, anon.

>> No.10254239

how is chicken and waffles so successful then? Let me tell you something, there's a lot more people out here eating chicken and waffles than the whatever like 100 customers a night his restaurant brings in.

how about I save you some time and just give you my home address

>> No.10254266

You sound like a filthy niglet born from a single mom.

>> No.10254331

>how about I save you some time and just give you my home address
Hey guys, I was just pretending to be retarded!

>> No.10254669

Make the waffles with cornmeal and infuse the maple syrup with Cafe du Monde. Fry the chicken in penut oil and make it spicy. You can pay me back later.

>> No.10255052

finally, someone actually tries to help. thanks bro!