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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 616x462, chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10244117 No.10244117 [Reply] [Original]

Ask any questions related to chili.

>> No.10244121

Why are there no peppers and onions in your chili? Meat and beans is lame.

>> No.10244122

Why are there beans in that chili?

>> No.10244131

Chili is better with beans. Fuck off with your purist bullshit. If something can be improved, it should be, and beans improves chili. Are you going to tell me the first way anything is made is the way it should be made forever?

>> No.10244133

I got some questions related to soaking beans overnight.

I'm currently soaking my beans in a big pot. Should I put the pot in the fridge or keep them out on the counter to soak overnight?

Second, I read that for every pound of beans, you should use ten cups of water. The pot wasn't big enough to hold so much water. I'd say there's about three pounds of beans and about fifteen cups of water. How will this affect the soaking?

>> No.10244144

>Fuck off with your purist bullshit
I don't even understand this "purist" mindset. Did original chili not include beans or something? How did this anti-bean chili mindset arise to begin with?

>> No.10244145

No. I'm gonna tell you that you are a foggot

>> No.10244158


It's like one tiny corner of Texas that has nothing else going for them other than autistically insisting that beans don't go in chili, despite 98% of the country eating chili with beans.

>> No.10244183

I’m not op, but you can have your ground meat and tomatoes. I will enjoy my chili with beans, peppers, onions, chilis, chunks of chicken, beef, and bacon.

>> No.10244279

>chunks of chicken
wtf, now this does not belong in chili. ground beef or ground turkey is a must, bacon is optional

>> No.10244310

I like my chili with onion, paprika, sambal badjak, minced beef and mais

>> No.10244333

>>>10244117 (OP)
>Why are there no peppers and onions in your chili? Meat and beans is lame.
Why would you assume that? Maybe this fine sir had enough chili common sense to blend the onion and peppers together in a blender for a superior chili consistency.

>> No.10244345

>sambal badjak
Uh, hey nerd, we're talking about chili here, not star wars

>> No.10244382

t. never made real chili

>> No.10244392

Room temperature is fine.

The beans will soak of the water quickly. You could check back in a few hours and add more water, or use 2 or 3 pots with ample amounts of water.

>> No.10244402

I’m not op, but you can have your ground meat and tomatoes. I will enjoy my chili with potatoes, carrots, onions, clams, and cream.

>> No.10244404

True "cowboy" chili included everything they could carry, afford, and find along the trail. So dead cattle cut into pieces often the size of your pinky nail or even smaller, dried provisions, thickened french-style with a roux-like concoction made of fat and flour, peppers, jesuit's tea to mask rotten meat, any game meat they could shoot (rabbits, birds, snakes, deer, armadillo).

Texans are just pretending they're tough frontiersmen and not modern day park sallys with no link to their heritage.

>> No.10244411

Oh no, I have never had ground beef and tomato paste. How will I ever go on...

>> No.10244460

My question is, are their any good recipes for chili with beans.... where the beans are maybe ground up or cooked so long they are mush?

I fucking hate everything about beans, but when I make chili I do get complaints that there are no beans in it. I don't care about purism or anything like that, I, personally, just hate beans so fucking much. How can I include beans in chili but still enjoy it without autistically picking out every bean in the bowl?

>> No.10244465

whats a good low-carb chili recipe with steak rather than ground?

>> No.10244486

Here's my go to chili recipe, I make it every other month or so, rate hate appreciate

>4 strips bacon, chop up and fry in pot on medium heat
>2 pound ground beef, drop in when bacon is done
>whole red onion, 2 green bell peppers, a fresh jalepeno and half a cuke, chop this up and add it in
>28 oz can of diced tomatoes
>6 oz can tomato paste
>2 cans black beans, drained
>1 can yellow corn, drained
>1 taco seasoning packet
>1 tablespoon chili powder, cayenne, paprika
>1 teaspoon cumin, black pepper
>stir up
>turn heat down to simmer and let sit for 2+ hours
>-30 from liftoff drop in another diced jalepeno and the other half of the diced cuke
>serve and enjoy, should be just <4000 kcals
>if you wanna be real fancy, add diced avocados, cheese, sour cream, cilantro and crushed corn chips

>> No.10244494

>2 tablespoons hot sauce

>> No.10244514

why would your chili be carb heavy? chili's just beans, onions, ground beef, and tomato paste.

>> No.10244520

>where the beans are maybe ground up or cooked so long they are mush?

In a lot of bean stews, you usually put a third of the bean and vegetable mixtures into a blender and use that blend mush as part of the broth element.

if you cook beans long enough, they should pop and turn into mush. If you want them to be mushier, put like half of them in a blender and blend them, then add them back into the pot.

>> No.10244524
File: 395 KB, 1608x951, texas chili con carne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the Food Labs cookbook. What do you think of it /ck/?

>> No.10244540

Cut two or three onions fine dice and add to the pot with either 5-7 assorted minced peppers of choice, or rehydrate peppers and mince them as best you can (include the water). Simmer with enough water to cover everything, it's okay to add more to account for evaporation, for around six hours. Then you can chuck in some oregano, it makes a good substitute for the trail herb they used to use but crush it a little more if you're using dried. After about thirty minutes, dried herbs need time, take it off the heat and throw in some very finely sliced beef and allow the residual heat to cook it leaving you with tender slivers.

This should result in an extremely thick onion and pepper soup with tender beef portions.

>> No.10244552

Looks gross, isn't real chili, probably tastes amazing

>> No.10244673

real talk time:

Potatoes in chili? Or does that just make it a stew?

>> No.10244682

>found a amazing caned chlli
>2000 sodium

>> No.10244689

I don't think I ever had that before, but I probably wouldn't mind it too much.

>> No.10244708
File: 43 KB, 358x550, hominy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just add a can of hominy if you want something starchy and similar to a potato's texture. I've done it before and it was good. Technically, beans no longer make it chili anyways.

>> No.10244762
File: 173 KB, 700x553, chili paste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, this is the main ingredient can't believe I forgot to attach it. It is absolutely necessary in the first steps.

>> No.10244775

how do i make chili?

>> No.10244790

2 pounds of beans* + a shit ton of tomato paste + chicken stock + ground beef + seasonings + whatever vegetables go in chili + slow cook for hours and hours and hours until everything has basically become one thing

>> No.10244847

are you aware of the existences of stock images and google image search my friend they will serve you well

>> No.10244851

park sally, what a fucking slam

>> No.10244932

I've made this exact recipe and can confirm it tastes great. The chili paste is a combo of dried chilis rehydrated and then blended smooth. The dish is rather expensive per serving compared to a chili with beans so I'd save it for guests or a special occasion. I served mine with cast iron skillet cornbread (no sugar in cornbread) and some crema with cilantro and lime juice.

>> No.10245046

I’m aware, but I wouldn’t use a stock image of something I don’t think looks appealing, so I’m assuming this is the style of chili op would like. Most people would assume this, but you’re probably a fat autistic faggot who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else because he goes on reddit and picked a superior anime waifu.

>> No.10245711

>a fresh jalapeno
>a jalapeno

Jesus, I use 5 or 6 in my recipe, and I feel like that ain't near enough.

>> No.10245746

Rate my Chilli
>saute 2 diced onions in large stock pot
>throw in 3-4 cloves minced 'lic once the onions start to sweat
>brown 1.5 lb stew beef, 3lb ground beef, and 2.5 lb chicken thigh in pan.
>add ground beef, stir into onions
>cut stew beef into 1/2 inch bites
>shred half the chicken and cut the other half into similar bite size chunks
>put the rest of meat in stock pot along with juices
> add cumin, cayenne, oregano, chilli powder, freshly toasted and ground chilis, garlic powder if necessary, paprika, salt, and pepper.
>let fry, deglaze with beer or red wine
>add diced tomatoes and tomato paste
>add diced jalapeno, hatch chilis, habenero
>let stew for an hour or so
>add chilli beans and kidney beans.
Too thick? Add some stock
Too thin? Add some nesa flour
Finish it off by adding a pinch of good coffee ground and let everything heat through for about 30-90 min
Ive also fried up some bacon bits in the bottom of the pot before all of this and have had good resultsm

>> No.10245762

Cuke eh? What flavors does that add?

>> No.10245773

Make chili con carne
Make cumin flavored beans
Combine for plebs

>> No.10246202

any highly recommended slow cooker chili recipes? I just got one and heard they're good for chili

>> No.10246206

>Admits he's never made real chili
>Still insists that beans make it better
It's not about being a purist, it's just that beans don't go with the dish. It'd be like putting corn in bolognese sauce.

>> No.10246208


*good for nothing

Hopefully it was a gift.

>> No.10246216


>it's just that beans don't go with the dish

Except that they do. That's how the vast majority of people eat chili. You're the one trying to be some kind of bitter hipster purist who's out of touch.

>he probably doesn't even eat his chili over rice

>> No.10246235

Post things that trigger you about (other's) chilli

I want to make the ultimate chilli that will trigger all of /ck/
Besides beans obviously, does corn trigger anyone? What if I found some cheap hot sauce or something
What about celery?

>> No.10246253


Chili is literally just a ground beef and bean stew. Other than having at least some jalapenos or chili powder, you can add whatever the fuck you want. Corn is pretty common; some autists even serve it with cornbread, which is honestly pretty disgusting.

>> No.10246255

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.10246261

t. doesn't know how to cook

>> No.10246270


t. so triggered he's literally spamming the post reply button, waiting for the cool down to end

>> No.10246272

Sodium isn't bad for you booger blaster. Just eat it.

>> No.10246287

aw cmon, they're useful. I dont have a ton of time to cook

>> No.10246290

You only have to hit the button once and it'll post after the cool downs over. Kill yourself, you tasteless faggot

>> No.10246340
File: 1.13 MB, 232x181, Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strike a nerve much?

Dressing effeminately and taking it with the lights off doesn't make you straight.

>> No.10246373

Not sure I care for the corn or the cuke and it seems like you're using too much green pepper but otherwise seems like a solid recipe.

>> No.10246451

Here's what my chili consists of:

>black beans
>pinto beans
>bell pepper
>chili powder
>crushed chili flakes
>bay leaves

served over rice

come at me, faggots

>> No.10246470

why do people put cheese on it? Arent americans fat enough as it is already?

>> No.10246476


>> No.10246592

>White people

>> No.10246648

What do beans contain anon?

>> No.10246654


>> No.10246720

>implying adding beans improves anything
You don't need to be a purist to know that beans are garbage-tier foodstuff that should only be added if you're trying to fill more stomachs on a budget. Beans detract from the flavor of chili and give it an off-putting texture.

>> No.10246731

I'd guess the flavor of a cucumber, do you chain smoke or something?

>> No.10246735

why would you serve chili over rice? do you need a carb with everything? how fat are you?

>> No.10246750

Carmelize onions, y/n?

>> No.10246753


Chili is almost always eaten with some kind of carb, dumb europoor. Some people have it with cornbread, flyovers have it with fucking pasta, hicks throw on some fritos, and traditionalists with patrician taste eat it with rice. A plain bowl of chili is fine too, but the rice turns it into a meal.

>> No.10246755

>carbs make you fat

>> No.10246774

Because it's delicious

>> No.10246780
File: 107 KB, 750x750, D1587A46-54DD-4A1B-8D4D-35A1B82C4DDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10246787

They do though? They are empty calories, unless they are whole grain/contain some kind of fibre.

Not European. Eating chili with some kind of bread is fairly normal, like garlic toast or something, but rice is fucking weird and I've never seen or heard of anyone doing that.

>> No.10246791


Dumb 'strayan.

>> No.10247098
File: 175 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20180302-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chili, though I've never cooked it. Any good recipes and tips for a brainlet?