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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 500x333, 94D800E4-CCA0-4F9B-8C28-6D2FAE858029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10225581 No.10225581 [Reply] [Original]

On a restaurant or at a dinner with friends doesnt matter. These i have no problem with putting aside on the plate and leaving uneaten for everyone to see. They are disgusting and should not count as edible food.

>> No.10225584

Just order dino nuggets and mac and cheese next time, you fucking child.

>> No.10225590

wow, picture yourself being this much of a pleb.

How does it feel to have a literal shit palate and taste? You should embarrased.

>> No.10225595

autistic picky eaters make me really angry desu

so many times we can't go to an interesting restaurant because one person wants to eat a fucking plain cheeseburger or a hot dog

>> No.10225596

Then say you don't want them, idiot.

>> No.10225602

Jesus christ go do a rage check you autists.

>> No.10225605

you are the autist

>> No.10225607

One time I got so pissed off at Chicken Express I spit out all my corn on the cob in a pile on the table and spit my chicken everywhere. Give those lazy fast food workers something to do besides burn the chicken.

>> No.10225627

>outing yourself as a manchild
>being proud of it

>> No.10225646

Why'd you get mad

>> No.10225652

Your life is disgusting and should not count as a sustainable existence. Also, fuck your bait. Saged.

>> No.10225808


>> No.10225813

If I met you in real life I would urinate directly in your eyeballs while telling you what a bad person you are.

>> No.10225817

>being such a soyboy you cant handle the texture of a mushroom
there are people starving in this world, why are you such a picky faggot?

>> No.10225832

I'm with you anon. I'll pick celery out of any food I find it in. Fuck the haters, if I don't like it, I'm not eating it.

>> No.10225866
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>> No.10225877


>> No.10225892

r8 8/8 m8

>> No.10226775

I love mushrooms but I suck at cooking them

They soak up all the fat/oil and then stick to the pan

>> No.10226790


Why are europoors the worst picky eaters?

>> No.10226803

Are you putting them in first?

>> No.10226988

I hated these when I was a kid, now I couldn't be more neutral about them
He's not a pleb because he doesn't want to eat bland, soft fungus just because a certain segment of self-righteous morons such as yourself say so, you are. Youre the type that with a couple smug New Yorker articles and a couple cohorts your secretly jealous of saying so, you'd be munching on on cow shit browbeating everyone else just the same as here

>> No.10226993

Your opinion is shit and I would be embarrassed to be seen at a restaurant with you.

>> No.10227488

>haha I troled u I'm an epic trol

>> No.10227493

They are right. You are wrong.

>> No.10227516

You morons know mushrooms are fungus, right? Do you know what a fungus is? It's a disease that grows from filth, stinks, festers, and if you ever become fungal you try to get rid of it

You may as well be eating somebodies smegma, or tongue scrapings

>> No.10227523

I could say the same thing about you.

>> No.10227640

dry saute first then add oil

>> No.10227669

ITT people who will eat literally anything vs people who actually have a discerning palate

>> No.10227676

Keep telling yourself that while eating your tendies.

>> No.10227682

but they're delicious

>> No.10227691
File: 642 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180213-165734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks being unwilling to eat certain foods makes him better than other people

>> No.10227697


>thinks being willing to eat any flavour and texture combination that plops into his mouth gives him discerning superior taste

>> No.10227777

Cooked carrots, beets (raw or cooked) and sweet potatoes I don't enjoy, but willingly will consume. Cilantro, fresh I find overwhelming, but in moderate usage, it's fine. Brown rice blows. I do not enjoy pickled ginger or sweet pickles. I'm pretty amicable towards basically everything else.

>> No.10227824

>You morons know water is a solvent, right? Do you know what a solvent is? It's acids and shit like that that melt your flesh or strip paint.

>> No.10228066

>you should eat things you dont like because it shows others you know about food

>> No.10228119

But fungi are delicious, it seems to me your palate is fucked.

>> No.10228149
File: 4 KB, 160x160, phsoldtimey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a man child. Do you get mad when the different foods touch as well, OP?

>> No.10228155

No way
Mushrooms are about 98% water. If you salt them, all the water will be drawn out and they'll simmer in their own juices. It's great to take them past that stage, get them really small, brown, and meaty.

>> No.10228193

Not enjoying grilled portabello with blue cheese simply because of the fungus is stupid as fuck.

>> No.10228289

mushrooms are a sponge for toxic heavy metals, and unless cooked for a reaaaaalllyy long time are probably cancer causing as we dont have the enzymes to break them down (opposed to plant and other delicous normal foods) and cause hydrazine gas to form in your intestines which is big time cancerous.

>> No.10228303

And yet you get blackout drunk regularly

>> No.10228314

Love mushrooms.

Won't eat:
>bell peppers

>> No.10228412

They burned his chicken, anon.

>> No.10228585

>bell peppers
Why not?

>> No.10228712

Literal child

>> No.10228725

well that's just retarded, literally hundreds of salads out there and not one you would like?

>> No.10228736

I never liked them growing up until I realized all I had been subjected to was canned button mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms are good, but they are not a huge part of my diet.

>> No.10230339

Op here, you guys stay mad. Im 100 percent serious

>> No.10230343

I hope it's bait

>> No.10230364

I see a surprising amount of people single them out when listing something they don't like

>> No.10230369


>> No.10230370

Raw tomatoes

>> No.10230377

Do you not know what bland means or have you just never eaten a mushroom before?

>> No.10230380

Are you serious?

>> No.10230385

Is it taste, texture, combo of the two?

>> No.10230387
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Honestly, cooked mushrooms are some of my favorite food.
Steak with shrooms, stuffed mushrooms, mushroom soup, etc are all top tier in my opinion.
That said, when raw mushrooms pop up in a salad or something, I think that's a bit gross. Not quite enough to not eat it, but I'd certainly prefer they weren't there.
Jesus Christ, people in this thread can't handle differing tastes. I'm sure every one of you has at least something that you dislike but most people seem to love. For me it's clams, oysters, etc. I think it's the only common food that no matter how well it's prepared, I won't eat it. Yes, I've attempted it multiple ways and at various stages of my life, and it used to confuse me that people like them. But different strokes, eh, and this isn't for me.

>> No.10230570

Well you're 200% retarded.

>> No.10230707

I live in Oregon and I noticed that every restaurant here puts coleslaw on the side of the main dish. It doesn't even matter the nationality; Irish, American, Japanese, Mexican. They all do it. This state must be obsessed with coleslaw. I hate coleslaw. I like salad, but coleslaw is a little bigger than a garnish but smaller than a side vegetable and it just gets in the way. A lot of times the food comes with coleslaw without it even saying so on the menu. So I leave it on the plate. This state is crazy for coleslaw.

>> No.10230746

I don't know how any sane person would eat oysters or any related non animal

>> No.10230893

>I unironically order tendies no matter where I go, even at the bank when I cash my neetbux check.

>> No.10230906

>y-y-you're a dumb poopyhead!
I am totally, profoundly affected and hurt by your witty retort. How will I ever recover?

>> No.10230932

Little of both, I like them cooked almost any way. Just not raw

>> No.10230933


If you want some nice colour and flavour development, then it's high heat, oil and nothing else in the pan. The rest you can add later. You can even leave them in.

Mushrooms have somewhat unique cell walls that increasingly resist moisture loss the longer you cook them. After a small rise they hardly change texture, unlike vegetables which turn to snot with enough (persistent) heat. Barring extreme cases, mushrooms can be cooked tirelessly without diminishing in quality of texture.
You can add them first or halfway, but for real quality you add them first (or cook them in a separate skillet.

>> No.10230934

raw mushrooms are fine and delicious, its the cooked ones that taste weird.

>> No.10230936


> brown rice blows

I feel you anon, I can eat it, but I don't like it.

>> No.10230965


>> No.10230966

By eating vast sums of save a lot brand canned mushroom stems and bits

>> No.10231028

People who don't like mushrooms are disgusting little children. Mushroons are one of the best foods you can eat. So tasty and so good for you.

>> No.10231070


>You morons know food has airborne bacteria on it, right? Do you know what a bacteria is? It gives rise to disease and grows filth, stinks, festers, and if you ever become infected you try to get rid of it.

>You may as well be eating somebodies smegma, or tongue scrapings.

Just because you think mushrooms are grody, doesn't mean they're actually unhealthy. A fungal infection has as much relation to eating a mushroom as becoming infected with streptococcus has to eating the streptococcus strain in yoghurt.

>> No.10231076

Tomatoes. I just cant eat them. Every time I go to my brothers house I have to try his home grown tomatoes. Dont get me wrong, I'm not afraid of gross foods but I need to try his tomatoes outside since I usually vomit after taking a bite of a tomatoes...and I've eaten some pretty weird stuff...

>> No.10231084

Regardless of the health benefits some people just simply don't like things, can't blame people for having different taste buds. Well you can blame people just makes you seem like an ass

>> No.10231085
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>> No.10231103

Complaining about foods you don't like make you seem like a picky little child.

>> No.10231107

Wrong. you can 100% blame people for having shit taste and being fucking children about their shit taste.

>> No.10231609

Any kind of green garnish

>> No.10231754

Carbohydrate side dishes.

>> No.10232373

Ive heard that before and i dont get it

>> No.10232443

other people starving has absolutely nothing to do with what you eat. i despise that idiotic excuse people use to force someone to eat/finish something they dont want to. but yeah that anons a fag for not eating mushrooms

>> No.10232763

the only things i will leave aside are curly parsley and undercooked onions
everything else i will shovel into my gullet

>> No.10232823
File: 495 KB, 2000x1335, steak burgundy mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the palate of a child. Mushrooms are good on their own, raw in a salad, with a nice meaty, earthy flavor, and a different texture than the other vegetables. Then you pop them in a sauce or gravy, and they're little flavor-sponges. Steak with a burgundy-mushroom sauce? Fuck yes.

>> No.10234439

Oh man, nobody tell this guy how cheese, bread, and yogurt are made.

>> No.10234491


>> No.10235285

>undercooked onions
Oh god, these have been my nightmare in the kitchen lately. I can't seem to fully and evenly caramelize onions correctly unless I mince them really small. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.10235298

Maybe is just the picture but that steak looks drier than a desert made of cats assholes.

>> No.10236132

maybe its your eyes that are dry. it looks fine to me

>> No.10236185
File: 127 KB, 590x590, e816d45d-fdbf-47f4-8e57-249ed6507a2c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a third of this plate will be eaten with the main course. which do you think it is?

>> No.10236362

Use medium heat, and a little bit of water

>> No.10236380

the rice
the salad looks sad and someone took a greasy mexican poop on the plate

>> No.10237239

then order it without mushrooms or not at all.

>Things you leave on the plate
the only true answer here is fries. nobody can make fries that taste good once cold, and restaurants have a knack of giving you way too much. they're the only thing to waste. I only ever order as much of what I like that I can actually eat, and what I can't eat I take home.

>> No.10237287

I like all foods but I'm not a big fan of anchovies.

>> No.10237300

Mushrooms are kinda shit by themselves, it's the oils and spices that make them good but man when a mushroom is good it's fucking delicious.

>> No.10237348

>Like everything but mushrooms

>> No.10237753

Shut up and eat your tendies, Timmy.

>> No.10238441

You have to be 18 years or older to post here

>> No.10239299

Chuck them in the oven

>> No.10239352

I don't mind the taste per se, but mushrooms actually make me sick. What I can't stand the smell or taste of are olives of any kind.

>> No.10239422

If someone doesn't like mushrooms, you can be DAMNED SURE they don't like a whole fuckload more of good foods.

>> No.10239429

Olives of any kind, huh? Have you tried all kinds of olives to be able to claim that? No, you haven't. You are annoyingly dramatic.

>> No.10239433

I'm ok with eating raw mushrooms but they taste like shit when they're cooked.

>> No.10239453

This is gonna sound like a gay joke but I start gagging often when I try to eat a sausage. I don't know why and I wish I didn't because they taste nice.

>> No.10239467
File: 87 KB, 800x533, thyme-garlic-mushrooms-topn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mushrooms. Here are a few of the things I have with them...

Mushrooms with Garlic & Thyme

1 Tbsp Coconut Oil or Olive Oil
300 - 350g Button Mushrooms
zest of ½ Lemon
1 tsp Butter or Ghee
5 sprigs Fresh Thyme
2 cloves Garlic, peeled and sliced
½ tsp Sea Salt
Black Pepper, to taste
1 - 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice

In a large skillet or a frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat.

Add the mushrooms and cook for 3-4 minutes until they have browned off nicely on one side. They will also start to shrink slightly and release some liquid. Flip them over and cook for 2 more minutes on the other side. At this stage, we don't want to stir them too much as we want to get a nice, golden brown color.

Once the mushrooms have browned off, add the lemon zest, butter, thyme, garlic, salt and pepper.

Cook together for a minute or two, stirring a couple of times. Finally, drizzle with lemon juice and toss through one more time.

>> No.10239475
File: 59 KB, 540x401, fe4c23a01702b7e5fd5f69607abed1479a420f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minnesota Wild Rice & Mushroom Soup

1 cup Wild Rice
1 Yellow Onion, large, diced
4 Celery Stalks, diced
1lb Mushrooms, diced
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1 tsp Fresh Oregano
3 Tbsp All-Purpose Flour
1 cup White Wine
1 Bay Leaf
4 cups Vegetable or Chicken Stock
2 tsp Fresh Rosemary, minced
1 cup Whole Milk or Heavy Cream
1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar
2 tsp Sea Salt, divided

Bring a pot of water to a boil. Add the wild rice and one teaspoon of salt, and reduce to a simmer. Cook for 40 to 50 minutes, until the rice has burst open and tastes tender. Drain, reserving the cooking liquid to use as stock, if desired.

While the rice cooks, prepare the rest of the soup. Warm a teaspoon of oil in a Dutch oven or stock pot over medium-high heat. Add the onions and celery with a half teaspoon of salt, and cook until the onions have softened and turned translucent, 3 to 5 minutes. Turn the heat down to medium and stir in the mushrooms and another half teaspoon of salt. Cook until the mushrooms have released all their liquid and turned dark golden-brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Don't skimp on this step! This is where the soup gets its deep, rich flavor.

Add the garlic and oregano, and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Sprinkle the flour over the veggies and stir until the vegetables become sticky and there is no more visibly dry flour. Increase the heat again to medium-high and pour in the wine. Stir and scrape the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Continue simmering until the wine has reduced by about half and the liquid has thickened a bit.

Add the bay leaf and stock. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 20 minutes to meld the flavors. Add the rosemary, milk, and cooked wild rice. Simmer for another 10 to 15 minutes, until the soup has thickened to your liking. Stir in the cider vinegar. Taste and add more salt or vinegar to taste.

Leftovers will keep refrigerated for up to a week.

>> No.10239545


>> No.10239557

Fuck off Moshe Shekkelberg
pol was right about you

>> No.10239580

Get your reading glasses you geriatric douchebag.

>> No.10239606

You win this time

>> No.10239626

are you from mn?

>> No.10239947
File: 96 KB, 600x398, huitlacoche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to try some huitlacoche but have never seen it fresh in the US.

>> No.10240094

Blue cheese has mold in it

>> No.10240188

Saved. Thanks anon.

>> No.10240591

Op here. Thank you all for taking the bait, its been fun

>> No.10240685

Literally looks like ticks on corn. Probably tastes like ticks too, but I wouldn't know because I don't eat shit tier "food".

>> No.10240751

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Every fucking time