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10221080 No.10221080 [Reply] [Original]

Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry?
Which is the superior choice?

>> No.10221084


>> No.10221085

Always strawberry, sometimes banana is also based too

>> No.10221098

I like pineapple

>> No.10221103

There is no such thing as a pined apple shake

>> No.10221104

malted? vanilla
unmalted? strawberry.

>> No.10221113

Define malted

>> No.10221118

vanilla > chocolate > strawberry

>> No.10221128

>Malted milk is a powdered gruel made from a mixture of malted barley, wheat flour, and evaporated whole milk.
add a spoon full to a regular milkshake and it changes the flavor profile and texture
ovaltine is a malted drink for example

>> No.10221390

Uhh there is. I like it a lot. Its sweet and sour and has some chewey bits too.
Much much better than when a friend put coconut into the blender but that's another thing entirely.

>> No.10221413

Banana is the true patricians choice

>> No.10221418

add peanut butter and chocolate and now we're talking

>> No.10221433

Strawberry or banana

Vanilla is acceptable

Chocolate is not

>> No.10221447

Normally strawberry, but a chocolate shake is awesome when paired with something like a nice burger and some hot fries.

>> No.10221451 [DELETED] 

preteen me said:
>chocolate > strawberry >vanilla
teenage me said:
vanilla > chocolate > strawberry
adult me says:

it's true.

>> No.10221458

preteen me said:
>chocolate > strawberry >vanilla
teenage me said:
>vanilla > chocolate > strawberry
adult me says:

it's true.

>> No.10221466

Clearly vanilla is wrong, but between chocolate and strawberry it comes down to individual taste

>> No.10221481
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>> No.10221485

cherry is the goat flavour

>> No.10221518
File: 2.00 MB, 360x307, brainfreeze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is it a beverege or is it a dessert?

As a beverege it's not fluid enough to rehydrate or even wash down food.
As a dessert, well there are simply a lot of better options.
I mean I can understand the fascination for kids who just want to eat anything sweet but I do'nt seen the appeal for adults. I'd rather have an ice cream or frozen yoghurt if I'm going to force myself to suffer through the pain of brain freeze.

Not to be a downer or anything, but just sayin'.

>> No.10221550

>suffer through the pain of brain freeze.
You know if you jam your tongue against the roof of your mouth that disappear, right?

>> No.10221558

Yeah, I know that. But it still hurts for a few seconds. Way more than doing algebra too.

>> No.10222440

I live in a city with alot of artisan ice cream parlors that make their own stuff on site. Some of them make some really intense vanilla icecream which sounds like an oxymoron. So if it's really high quality icecream i'd say vanilla.

>> No.10222447

Vanilla. Strawberry is good too. Chocolate ice cream is disgusting.

>> No.10222485


Banana if the workers are competent, usually I test the waters with vanilla.

>> No.10222540

banana is acceptable
chocolate and vanilla are good
strawberry is a flavor made for milkshakes

>> No.10222590

>Always strawberry, sometimes banana is also based too

We have the same taste, anon

>> No.10222760


>> No.10223449

Vanilla and banana.

>> No.10223529

Chocolate shake
Vanilla malt
strawberry ice cream

>> No.10223614

Anybody else really like Neapolitan? The three flavors combined is such a nostalgic taste for me.

>> No.10224358
File: 67 KB, 258x195, sans-titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not ordering the pink drink at every chance you get

What are you gay?

>> No.10224398



>> No.10224402


>> No.10224877

Banana > Vanilla > Chocolate > Strawberry

>> No.10224917


>> No.10225283

Strawberry comes a close second.
Don't really care for chocolate in my milkshakes.

And a big, giant middle finger to whoever thought inventing the shamrock shake was a good idea.

>> No.10225394

Strawberry, or sometimes lime when in the mood for a cheeky little twist on the milkshake.

>> No.10225426

chocolate for me, it's the easiest to not fuck up. good vanilla tastes amazing but easy to make bad vanilla. strawberry can also be pretty good but a lot just tastes like medicine

>> No.10225432
File: 21 KB, 516x388, 1505619945721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banana and chocolate.

Fuck i want one right now

>> No.10226141

In private/personal time: Chocolate
Business: Vanilla
Trash: Strawberry
Eh, muh opinions.

>> No.10226213


>> No.10227253

My nigga

>> No.10228721
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>> No.10228748

If at all possible, chocolate and vanilla twist. Otherwise, either's good. I don't do strawberries because I'm allergic.

>> No.10228767

Out of those three? Strawberry or a Neapolitan mix of all 3 together
Best milkshakes in general are Banana, Peanut Butter or Oreo though

>> No.10228782

Salted caramel

>> No.10228989


>> No.10229153

My go-to is combining the vanilla and chocolate flavors