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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10219218 No.10219218 [Reply] [Original]

I have quite a few of my own, and before you ask, no I haven’t been diagnosed autistic
>Taking apart pizza and eating methodically, ie sausage,cheese, crust
>Taking the breading off my chicken nuggets
>Sucking out the filling of literally any food with a soft center, like hot pockets and eclairs
>Sometimes when I eat certain soups, I’ll get a big spoonful and then suck up the broth with a straw and eat the solids
>Biting off half of a grape and then digging out the soft parts with my tongue
>Eating the “nut” from sunflower seeds and then sucking the salt off the shells

>> No.10219239

i used to eat very methodically, separating everything, eating one ingredient at a time .. but now, i don't do that anymore because it looks ocd as hell.

>> No.10219260

>Eating the “nut” from sunflower seeds and then sucking the salt off the shells
But that's how you're supposed to do it?

the rest are just goofy my guy

>> No.10219308

also not autistic here but everyone thinks this is fucked
>bag of frozen pizza rolls
>take out exactly 14 of them
>arrange 13 on the plate vertically and the 14th removed from the bag is placed horizontally
>the 14th pizza roll is doused or sprinkled with water (usually just put under dripping tap)
>microwaved for 2 minutes and 14 seconds, taking them out right at 1 second before the time goes off to cook for 2 minutes and 13 seconds
>put in for another 31 seconds and remove at 1 second
i always do the 1 second thing with microwaves because OCD but i have no idea why i ever did the other shit

>> No.10219386


>Sucking out the filling of literally any food with a soft center, like hot pockets and eclairs

Faggot detected. Wanna try sucking rhe juice out of my cock?

>> No.10219421

I would, but I can’t seem to find it

>> No.10219425

>haven’t been diagnosed

>> No.10219427

Shit, I do the 1 second thing all the time because I can’t stand the beeps.

>> No.10219433

that’s the joke dipshit

>> No.10219964

Two of those are just backwards L's not J's

>> No.10220055

I'll save my favorite things for last
like when i'm eating skittles ill eat the greens and the oranges first then the purples then the reds then the yellows
if I'm eating rice cracker mix ill eat all the ones I dont like much first like the dried peas

another thing I do which is pretty childish is take all 4 flavors of starbursts, unwrap them and smoosh them all together until I get one solid color (which is a light orangish pink) and then eat that bite by bite

also when i'm eating peanut m&ms ill suck on them until the chocolate is gone then crunch down on the nut

if i'm feeling lazy ill just pop a pistachio in my mouth shell and all then break it open with my teeth and eat the nut, then spit the shell out. kind of like sunflower seeds

theres a lot of other stuff that I can't remember specifically but I only do these kinds of things when i'm alone

>> No.10220102

Yea. I wish microwaves had more pleasant beeps. I wish it did a little blurble or something when it was done. Something cute instead of BEEEEP BEEEEP BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP.

>> No.10220112

Try looking up your mother's ass. That's where it usually is.

>> No.10220115

Man I loved how clay like starburst were when I was a kid. I liked to take star burst and change their shape to cubes and build a little castle out of them like bricks. Then I'd eat the castle.

>> No.10220123

I want a hentai moan when mine goes off

>> No.10220140

it sounds like you just have an oral fixation

not autistic, just gay af

>> No.10220327

>change their shape to cubes

Motherfucker, they are cubes.

>> No.10220359

>Length, width and height not equal
get out

>> No.10220365
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my friends make fun of me for shit like this all the time
>eat around the edges of my sandwich to get all the crust off before eating the rest
>when eating a bowl of potato chips, eating broken ones first and then eating the whole ones
>letting fun size Nestle Crunch bars melt in my mouth and then eating all rice krispies at once
>eat the top of twix bars and then eat all the rest of the chocolate off before eating the plain cookie
>eating candies like M&Ms by color/size
>eating candies like Skittles by flavor, worst to best
>eating all food in front of me from worst to best tasting, really
>never mix foods once they are on my plate (ie no mixing corn in mashed taters, etc)

>> No.10220371

holy shit I do literally all these things
and whats wrong with eating the crust first? better than cutting that shit off. It tastes like garbage compared to the bread but still why waste it

>> No.10220375

>why waste it
>it tastes like garbage compared to the bread

You do not have to eat food you don't like. Shit, you don't even have to eat food you do like if you are full.

I'm fine with crust, but my days off eating food because it exists are over.

>> No.10220378
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agreed, anon. it just makes sense to eat the things you don't like first and save the best parts for last. we are the enlightened ones.

>> No.10220391

unfortunately i cannot abide by these rules because i grew up hella poor and my mom was an old fashioned gal. it physically bothers me to see people not eat what's in front of them.

>> No.10220394

I think that could lead to mixed messages psychologically speaking. Three months later and you're getting a boner thinking about a cup of noodles.

>> No.10220398
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>> No.10220419
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>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.10220424

>I'm fine with crust, but my days off eating food because it exists are over.

>> No.10220429

After 20 years of being overweight, I'm not going back. I'll save leftovers to eat later, but "if nobody eats this it will be thrown away" no longer compels me. I'm done with that.

>> No.10220588

>when i eat pizza i tear off the crust and eat it first to get it out of the way
>when i eat fried or bbq chicken i like to take all the meat off the bone before feasting on it
>if im not eating in a restaurant i prefer to cut up all my food so i can just eat with a fork
>when i eat indian food i like to put some curries and rice on my plate and then mix it all together
>always gotta cut home made sandwiches into quarters

>> No.10220600
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I always cut hamburgers in half.

But I have tiny hands, so it's more for ease of use.

>> No.10220604


>exactly three of each letter
>no ampersand

I call fake news.

>> No.10220610


Everybody does that, though.

>> No.10220627

Every time I burn my mouth on something I grab my willy and go "Ow ow ow that was hot hee hee hee" then prance around like a little girl, flailing my hands. "Owie owie owie, its burn!"

I do this in public as well.

>> No.10220629


>> No.10220635
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>cutting your burgers in half

>> No.10220720

my brother does that to my 8 y/o nephews burger. this is the only time i see this. how old are you two?

>> No.10220736



>> No.10220774

I eat lasange 1 layer at a time, starting with the top.

>> No.10220792
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I don't have autism but I'm medicated for OCD

>I countdown every time I cook, no matter what it is for no reason other than a compulsion to do so.
>When I wash dishes I wash each dish for a few minutes, checking for any specs of grime that I can find.
>I refuse to drink out of a cup made of plastic.

Also, not really a habit, but I vomit constantly if I get even slightly hungry.

>> No.10220818

OP isn't the autist, you are.

>> No.10220844

32. I wasn't bullshiting about my tiny hands. They're absurd. Sandwiches are almost always served in halves or quarters, but burgers often aren't. So I use a knife to fix it.

Other than the burger thing, I kinda like my small hands. Japanese women think they're pretty!

>> No.10220893

>not autistic here

>> No.10220905

None of that is OCD. Especially number 2.

>i wash dishes until they are clean
>mommy give me my meds

Definitely autism.

>> No.10220913

Only americans do that

>> No.10220941

>microwaving pizza rolls
you are stupid and have probably never used an oven in your life.

>> No.10220958

Excuse me but "microwave" is short for "microwave OVEN" so clearly you are wrong.

>> No.10221016

don’t try to justify your shit taste you philistine

>> No.10221860
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>burgers often aren't

Yeah, but almost everywhere gives you a steak knife when you order a burger because most people cut them in half.

>> No.10221956

Use two hands and pick up your burger like a functioning adult.

>> No.10222080

how do you guys gravy?

>> No.10222126

>I wasn't bullshiting about my tiny hands. They're absurd
i-is it really you, Donald?