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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10217833 No.10217833 [Reply] [Original]

So, I don’t want to be perceived as weak. Am I not allowed to use soy sauce now?

>> No.10217881

Fermented soy is a double negative so it actually boosts test.

>> No.10217894

Fermented soy decreases testosterone more than unfermented.
Why do you think japs are such manlets?
If you're male and don't want to end up as a navy boy you should avoid all soy but especially fermented soy.

>> No.10217898

Soy's estrogenizing effects are negated by fermentation, so it's harmless.

Did you even read the studies?

>> No.10217910

>t. Soy Industry of America
Take your (((lies))) elsewhere, FDA shill

>> No.10217928

You can always try liquid aminos if you're REALLY this worried about a 4chan meme.

>> No.10217934

You guys are gay and this thread is double gay.

>> No.10217947

If you aren't eating large amounts of it regularly then it wont effect you.

>> No.10217963

that fact that you let internet memes dictate your life choices already proves your weakness. at this point you should just embrace it.

>> No.10217971

The effects are cumulative.

>> No.10217972

/pol/tards crusade on soy is hilarious. Wait till they learn that beer has the same effect, even stronger.

>> No.10218159

>ctrl - f "already"
it took 8 posts until someone got it right

>> No.10218169
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the whole "soy makes you a girly boy!"
is just insecurities manifesting themselves in a desire to blame external sources for the posters own subconscious feelings of inadequacy

just eat what you wanna eat OP

>> No.10218198

>japs are such manlets
>samurai literally the toughest, fiercest warriors in history
>a tiny country conquered Asia and resisted the concerted efforts of Great Britain, Australia and the US and were only defeated by nuclear weapons
You wish you were that much of a manlet, tranny fapper.

>> No.10219201

yeah no they were shitty gangsters

>> No.10219223

They literally were not.

>> No.10219232

>doesn’t want to seem weak
>asks for permision from anonymous autists before eating

holy shit

>> No.10219234

>Image turning yourself into a girl on purpose
When will soylets ever learn.

>> No.10219299

Grow up you fucking retards

>> No.10219313

It's fine as long as you avoid tofu. That's the real menace.

A single meal of tofu contains more soy than all the soy sauce you'd eat in a lifetime.

>> No.10219342

Idk how you guys come up with this shit lmao

>> No.10219437

You have no right to be paranoid about soy if you consume any dairy products.

>> No.10219444

and nuts have more phytoestrogens than all soy products

If you dumb pol motherfuckers really don't want to be soyboys then you'd be avoiding peanut butter like the plague

>> No.10219453
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Plz consume more soy, you'll turn into a beautiful trap senpai.

>> No.10219472

Never consult the people on this site about being weak.

They represent human weakness in the extreme. If you want to talk to human pussies, you've found their lair.

>> No.10219508
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just use braggs

>> No.10219528

>serving health worldwide
What did they mean by this

>> No.10219535
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>> No.10219542

t. butthurt tourist

>> No.10219547

that pic looks eerily similar to real life

>> No.10219554


You know the worthless people that live here. This place is a nightmare.

>> No.10219567

Just remember, you're here forever.

>> No.10219575

wtf are you doing here then? If you don't like it, you are free to leave at any time redditboy.

>> No.10219598


Stop being a fucking kid. You either play the big boy game, or act like a child.

>> No.10219611
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>Being this weeb

>> No.10220353

Just get coconut aminos it tastes like soy sauce yet has no soy in it

>> No.10220369
File: 300 KB, 1584x864, tsoyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
